Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 78

Chapter 78
Just a little painful.

Apparently this chapter was revised at some point.

“Ok. A tiger showed up where Gus went.”(s.h.i.+n)

[Ooh. Why is that I am the only one ever to run into tigers…](August)

After the first day of the demon territory recapture strategy, there was a group meeting before heading to bed.

It seems that Gus had a run in with a tiger.

“However, the number of tigers Gus hunted down by now is quite something. Isn’t the [Tiger Hunting Prince] the most fitting t.i.tle for him?”(s.h.i.+n)

[Guh! So you told him after all…](August)

[But nevermind that, he received a more interesting t.i.tle too.](Julius)

“Interesting t.i.tle?”(s.h.i.+n)

[Hey, Julius! Wait!](August)

[He was t.i.tled the [Thunder G.o.d] by the soldiers because of his magic.](Thor)

[Thor!? You too!?] (August)

Do all the betrayed react the same?

Gus is uncharacteristically distraught upon hearing his t.i.tle mentioned.

In any case, it seems Gus got a t.i.tle too.


“Isn’t… [Thunder G.o.d] quite cool?”(s.h.i.+n)

[Mh. I thought you’d make fun of me…](August)

I think it’s better than Magic King.

“I think so too, I’d rather they call me [Wind G.o.ddess] or something like that”(Maria)

It seems Maria is also envious of Gus’ nickname.

“[Valkyrie]… How much longer will I be a maiden…”(Maria) (TN: So I might’ve f.u.c.ked up here. It was either Valkyrie or Battle/Warrior Maiden when she got it. Obviously I chose Valkyrie because Battle/Warrior Maiden sounds lame but now we have this : / . I think I’ll keep Valkyrie though.)

There there.

Perhaps… It’s not that bad. I don’t think [Valkyrie] has that meaning attached to it…

[We didn’t get to see a disaster grade.](Alice)

“Oh, is that so? Alice.”(s.h.i.+n)

[Yup. There was just a lot of devils. Because a disaster cla.s.s didn’t show up we thought we wouldn’t get a turn, so we volunteered to fight.](Alice)

“Whoa whoa. Every country needs to suppress their own demons. You haven’t completely annihilated them have you?”(s.h.i.+n)

These maneuvers are planned specifically so that every country in the world contributes and Earlshyde doesn’t get all the credits.

The role of national forces in that plan is to suppress the demons.

The threat to the people of the world aren’t just demons.

The devils reportedly created by Stromm are also a major danger.

The true mission of all the national armies is to thin out this threat.

If Alice eliminates the demons, the purpose of all national armies will be lost.

I have to warn her here.

[It’s Okay! Because I only killed half of them!](Alice)

“You still hunted half.”(s.h.i.+n)

[So the Swedes commander t.i.tled her the [Magical Girl of Annihilation].](Yuri)

[Oh! Yuri! You didn’t have to tell them that!](Alice)

“Magical Girl of Annihilation… Again…”(s.h.i.+n)

It’s a pitiful t.i.tle…

[Yuri is cheap! To think the [Guru’s Successor] has room to say something like that.](Alice)

[Uhuhu… [Guru’s Successor] Huhuhu.](Rin)

It seems like Yuri’s getting unusually excited.

My magic tool is completely original, so I can’t really be called grandma’s successor.

…She’d always get angry and scold me…

“So? How was your place Tony?”

[…Well, our place was…](Tony)

When inquiring about the state of the coalition forces Tony was a.s.signed to, he spoke ambiguously.

[What’s wrong? Did something happen?](August)

Gus asked what I was wondering.

[Oh, no, there are no casualties in particular.](Tony)

“Then, why don’t you want to say your report?”(s.h.i.+n)

[Oh… We got hit by a disaster grade as well.](Tony)

“It appeared there as well. The demon territory really is a monster nest.”(s.h.i.+n)


[What? So what’s the matter then?](August)

Tony’s articulation is bad. That means something is wrong after all?

[What appeared to us was… A demon deer.](Tony)

“Ha? A deer?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Something like that always shows up. What about it?”(Maria)

Like Maria said, we constantly fought demonized deer.

Why is Tony being so awkward about this?

[Certainly, medium sized deers are common but…](Tony)

[What? Was is upsized?](August)

When an animal is demonized, it’ll become larger as time goes by. This is called upsizing.

It would seem demon deers occasionally grow large.

I’ve never seen one myself.

Were they puzzled because a large demon deer showed up?

[That deer… It was about as strong as a disaster cla.s.s.](Tony)

“Wh a disaster cla.s.s deer!?”(Maria)

[It was as big as the school.](Tony)

[I saw it too, there’s no doubt.](Mark)

Mark and Olivia back him up.

But isn’t it rare to see a disaster cla.s.s get that big?

“Have there been deer disaster”(s.h.i.+n)

[No.. At least I’ve never heard of any. Even a big upsized deer is quite unusual. Much less a disaster cla.s.s…](August)

“First I heard of… Something like that.”

“But we encountered a disaster cla.s.s wolf right? Like s.h.i.+n said, it’s unusual but it doesn’t seem to be a big deal…”

A demonized wolf is also medium sized at the start.

However, for some reason there are reports of wolfs reaching disaster cla.s.s in the past.

Is it because it’s a predator?

Or is it because it’s just a smart animal to begin with?

[What!? s.h.i.+n fought a disaster cla.s.s wolf!?](Alice)

“Oh, I was about to report it now… What about it?”(s.h.i.+n)

[What about it… When a demon wolf reaches disaster cla.s.s, it’s said his cunning puts him beyond tigers and lions. Is everything all right?](August)

“s.h.i.+n killed it in the blink of an eye, as usual.”(Maria)

[I-Is that so… Were there any problems in particular?](August)

Gus is unusually worried about me.

It’s a rare sight.

“It was all good. Rather, it was weaker than some of the demon wolves I’ve beaten before. Kinda anticlimactic.”(s.h.i.+n)

[…Really. Everything was all right…](August)

“What is it? Why are you so anxious?”(s.h.i.+n)

[No, I wasn’t worried about you… In any case, a disaster cla.s.s wolf and a disaster cla.s.s deer, the latter of which was previously unheard of, appeared…](August)

“Gus’ heartless reply aside, there’s clearly something worrying you.”(s.h.i.+n)

[The subjugations themselves are going well. We might be walking into a trap…](August)

“Oh, I also thought that for a second after I killed the demon wolf. By any chance…”(s.h.i.+n)

[Is this… Stromm’s doing?]

“I wonder about that. Maybe because the demon territory is overflowing with demons it might make it easier to turn into one…”(s.h.i.+n)

A demon outbreak the likes of this never happened before. We have no idea what kind of irregularities it might cause.

However, Stromm has a record of artificially turning people into devils, so it makes sense he could do it to animals too.

We shouldn’t dismiss the possibility that he did something.

But if that’s the case…

“What about Earlshyde? Both the Magic Division and the Knight Order are there, but if Stromm tries to do something to them, wouldn’t they be in trouble?”(s.h.i.+n)

There are no Ultimate Magicians a.s.signed to Earlshyde in this operation.

The reason for that was given Earlshyde’s size and position, they could easily mobilize an army several times the size of other countries.

The Magic division got quite skilled by practicing with Grandpa’s method.

The Knight Order also integrated Jet Boots as soon as possible, meaning Earlshyde’s military power is growing rapidly compared to other countries.

The role of the [Army] is demon suppression.

Even if it’s a disaster cla.s.s it was judged they could deal with them due to their new equipment and magic power, so they refrained from asking for help for that reason.

Even if it’s a disaster cla.s.s it was judged they could deal with them due to their new equipment and magic power, so they refrained from asking for help for that reason.

As for a.s.suming they wouldn’t have to fight a devil, it’s because several months have pa.s.sed since the last raid… It’s expected they would lie in wait in the imperial capital, because it would make no sense for them to be rampaging across the demon territory.

And above all, it was a declaration that we don’t belong privately to Earlshyde.

However, I can’t help but feel anxious as soon as he suggested Stromm might’ve made a move.

[Still, the soldiers setting the communication line haven’t come back yet. This is the devil territory and the communication crew is trailing behind the main force.](August)

“Worrisome… Hmm.”(s.h.i.+n)

[It’s certainly worrisome, but they probably don’t need out help. Our involvement is only to help out our a.s.signed countries.](August)

Originally, the Earlshyde army should be able to deal with this problem by themselves.

Involving neighbouring countries was done to prevent Earlshyde hogging all the glory and upsetting the balance of power.

Another reason we were a.s.signed to the neighbouring countries was to prevent as much damage to them as possible.

“If Earlshyde isn’t having any problems, then this strategy is going well.”(s.h.i.+n)

[…Should we wait for a report?](August)

If I knew it would’ve turned out like this, I would’ve given the wireless communication device to the Earlshyde army.

But there aren’t enough channels and it might be seen as special treatment…

While we were waiting for the report from Earlshyde, some demons unexpectedly attacked the camps we were dispatched to but were quickly dealt with..

After that, a soldier who received the regular report of the allied forces from the communication device returned, however his report bathed us in cold sweat.

“D-demonized rhinoceros!?”(Maria)

“W-What!? What happened!?”(Sicily)

Maria sounded unusually desperate.

The Earlshyde army we’re not with encountered a demonized animal that was previously thought to be unable to demonize thus automatically becoming disaster cla.s.s.

Thanks to the conversation with Gus earlier, I became concerned about the Earlshyde army.

“It would appear the Magic Division stopped it in its tracks and the Knight Order finished it. The killing blow was dealt by a Knights Academy student of all people.”(Soldier)

Really… A disaster cla.s.s demon seen for the first time but they handled it.

They became really strong with their new equipment and training method. Earlshyde Army.

“What was the name of the student!? Do you know the name!?”(Maria)

“Er, Uuh… Oh, Miranda. It seems to be a girl student called Miranda Wallace.”(Soldier)


Isn’t Miranda that freshman from the Knight’s academy?

“Is Miranda safe?”(Maria)

“Yeah, after defeating the disaster cla.s.s she seemed to have been so exhausted she collapsed but other than that, she’s fine. In addition, her strategy was so effective, they were told to practice it immediately.”(Soldier)

“I-Is that so…”(Maria)

Maria weakly sat down after she heard that.

“Why does Maria care so much about Miranda?”(s.h.i.+n)

“We’re friends.”(Maria)

“Oh? Really?”(s.h.i.+n)

That’s unexpected. When did that happen?

“After the joint training, we strangely got along. After Sicily started living with s.h.i.+n we had a lot more time to hang out.”(Maria)

“I-Is that so?”(s.h.i.+n)

“When did that happen…”(Sicily)

Sicily has a complicated face. Her closest friend from the time she was born was making other friends while she didn’t know.

But because she stayed at my house she couldn’t say anything. I don’t feel that great about it either.

“The Saint’s family is also safe.”(But I don’t know of a single reporter)

“I see… Thank you.”(Sicily)

Sicily’s sisters are also a part of this strategy because they belong to the Magic Division.

The soldier said that with some caution, but why? While I feel relieved, I don’t feel pleased in particular.

“Well, there seems to have been some damage because their opponent was a disaster cla.s.s… As expected of the Earlshyde army. To end up with only minor damages.”(Soldier)

Damage… That word shocked me.

That’s… There were victims…

“Is… that so. Thank you for your report. Is the strategy progressing smoothly?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yes! Thanks to the Ultimate Magicians things are going swimmingly. Earlshyde troops don’t have any outside a.s.sistance but they seem to have no problems.”(Soldier)

“I see. Thank you. Well, that would be all.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yes. Thank you for your hard work.”(Soldier)

We part with the soldier and return to the tent.

While returning to the tent, Sicily quietly folded her arms while having a grim expression.

“…s.h.i.+n, I feel painful…”(Sicily)

“…Is that so.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yeah… Is it normal to feel pain for the victims?”(Sicily)

“Yeah… Is it normal to feel pain for the victims?”(Sicily)

Come now…

“Even if one of us was there with the Earlshyde army there would still be victims…”(s.h.i.+n)

“But, this is what his Highness, his Majesty and the General decided… Since the Earlshyde army is much more capable than other countries, we should a.s.sist other countries.”(Sicily)

“I know… But still…”(s.h.i.+n)

“Besides, my older sister said it herself.”(Sicily)

“Sylvia did?”(s.h.i.+n)

“They went home before going off to join the operation… Because it may be the last time…”(Sicily)


That is… They went to say their goodbyes?

“My older sisters were prepared. They may lose their life while partic.i.p.ating in this strategy, but they will die protecting their country. That’s what they said.”(Sicily)

“…I see …Is that so?”(s.h.i.+n)

The truth is, if we had the time we could solve this problem ourselves.

Whether it was due to it being a necessity to resolve the needs of the nation’s people or if it was due to the fact that they would run away if we surrounded them without attacking, or if it was due to not knowing what would happen to the power balance and getting everyone involved… what we were doing was still just selfish

On the other hand, all the soldiers that are partic.i.p.ating are risking their lives.

We… Made everyone risk their lives.

“We… Are we cruel for letting everyone do this?”(s.h.i.+n)

“My older sister also said something about that.”(Sicily)

When I thought of how everyone is staking their lives on this, Sicily spoke.

“Originally, she thought adults should solve their own problems and felt sorry she had to count on us, thinking they were being cowardly. If they can do it themselves, why make us do it?”(Sicily)


“Therefore, s.h.i.+n doesn’t need to feel guilty. Because everyone wants to overcome this crisis with their own power.”(Sicily)

…Before I noticed I had become arrogant.

Without us, the disaster cla.s.s demons or devils couldn’t be subjugated.

Everyone wants to protect the peace themselves… I wasn’t thinking about that.

“I have… Before I knew it i started thinking… That only we can end this crisis.”(s.h.i.+n)

While I was sneering at myself for being selfish, Sicily released my arm and hugged me from the front.

“That doesn’t change the fact that s.h.i.+n is this world’s hope. Only s.h.i.+n can confront Stromm. So… Please don’t put yourself down like that.”(Sicily)


“Everyone wants to save the world. So far as to sacrifice themselves… Everybody is  prepared for it… So please don’t blame yourself so much.”(Sicily)

Sicily’s body was trembling a little when she hugged me.

Even if they’ve prepared themselves, you’re still afraid of losing your loved ones.

Still, they’re all fighting with their fears and their families have prepared themselves as well…

“Sorry… Thank you… I don’t know what to say… I feel so ashamed…”(s.h.i.+n)

“That’s not true. s.h.i.+n’s family is… You haven’t had similar experiences because of your grandmother and grandfather? But the families that have members on active military duty are always ready for the worst. However, that’s the only difference.”(Sicily)

Really. Sicily has sisters serving in the military branch that is the Magic division.

Her quiet appearance was her being prepared.

“I’m the same s.h.i.+n. Because none of my family members serve in the military… I was upset when I thought something happened to Miranda.”(Maria)

Maria read the air and didn’t enter the conversation until now.

Really, Maria.

“Sicily, you’re amazing. I didn’t know you’re already prepared for something like this.”(Maria)

“…Although it’s easy to say you’re prepared, I’m still afraid of the worst.”(Sicily)

Sicily is still hugging while she’s having a conversation with Maria.

…It’s a strange sight.

“Mhm… I knew everyone was ready. But I’ll still do my best to have as few casualties as possible.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yeah. Let’s do our best.”(Sicily)

Sicily said that with a smile.

“…Sicily saved me again.”(s.h.i.+n)

“I saved you? It’s my responsibility to take care of s.h.i.+n’s heart.”(Sicily)

“Mhm… Thank you…”(s.h.i.+n)


Her words were so touching, I couldn’t help but hug her tightly.



“You guys… Don’t carelessly drift off into your own world…!”(Maria)


Maria was super pouty.

Maria was super pouty.

August received the same report from Earlshyde at about the same time s.h.i.+n did.

“Really… They defeated a disaster cla.s.s with so few casualties…”(August)

“Yes. If it was any other army they would’ve taken heavy casualties.”(Kurt soldier)

While the kurt soldier was speaking August’s expression remained grim.

“Understood. Thank you for the report.”(August)

“Yes! Then I’ll excuse myself.”(Kurt soldier)

That said, the kurt soldier walked away.

When the soldier left, August mumbled to himself.

“There were victims…”(August)

“…Are you alright? Your highness.”(Thor)

“Oh. I’m fine.”(August)

August looked pained for a moment, but he quickly composed himself.

“They… I sent those soldiers to the battlefield against a disaster cla.s.s. Neither me nor my soldiers were ready for it.”(August)

His order… It’s not exactly something Augusto ordered himself, but as royalty he believed that doesn’t excuse him from taking responsibility..

However, it’s also true that while he may think he’s ready, at sixteen years old he’s likely to get crushed under the weight of responsibility.

Seeing August like that, Thor anxiously tried to change the subject.

“By the way your highness. Didn’t you want to tell s.h.i.+n something earlier? You also wanted to say in the Dahm Cathedral the other day.”(Thor)

“Oh… No, Because the strategy is going smoothly I don’t need to say anything in particular. That’s why I didn’t say anything earlier.”(August)

Earlier, August spoke as if he was worried for s.h.i.+n.

As someone who is always outside the norm, there’s no anxiety when it comes to subjugating demons.

But August was still worried about s.h.i.+n.

Will something change?

“Well, at the diplomat meeting, there was a guy that refused to let s.h.i.+n partic.i.p.ate.”(August)

“Oh. Was it the representative of Dahm? The records of proceeding have been released to the public. What about him?”(Julius)

“No… Perhaps I thought he would try to sabotage the strategy. Apparently my fears were unfounded.”(August)

“Sabotage the strategy? But, no matter how you look at it he couldn’t be able to do it?”(Thor)

“You don’t understand. Dahm’s history closely linked to religion. The representative was probably also a devout follower.”(August)

“Why would you think he would sabotage because of that?”(Julius)

Julius believed a pious believer of the church wouldn’t try to mess with someone who was approved by the pope.

“Because he’s a devout follower. Because he resisted s.h.i.+n’s partic.i.p.ation in the strategy he must not harbour good feelings towards s.h.i.+n. As a pious follower he probably believes s.h.i.+n being called the Messenger of G.o.d is blasphemy.”(August)

“That… During a world crisis?”(Julius)

“I guess it doesn’t matter to him. His faith is too deeply rooted… Words are powerful, so it wouldn’t be out of the question he infects others with his fanaticism.”(August)

August’s speculation is likely to be true, so Thor and Julius look at each other.

“On the other hand, the emergence of monsters has been unusual…”(August)

“Then, why did you a.s.sign s.h.i.+n to Dahm’s army?”(Julius)

If there’s a possibility he would try to mess with s.h.i.+n, wouldn’t it be better to send him to some other army? Julius wondered.

“Because it’s s.h.i.+n. He probably wouldn’t even notice a little obstruction. On the contrary, I was uneasy about him dealing with an unexpected situation.”(August)

“Simply because you trust s.h.i.+n… you did.”(Thor)

“Careless personality aside, his ability is unmatched.”(August)

August keeps talking, ignoring Thor’s warm gaze.

“However the strategy is going well and there doesn’t seem to be any particular problems even after s.h.i.+n took care of the disaster cla.s.s. That’s why I said my fears were unfounded.”(August)

“So you did.”(Thor)

“Oh, I’d like for the strategy to advance without incident like this.”(August)

It’s unknown whether it was because of August’s wish but the subsequent days of the strategy went by smoothly.

The special disaster like the ones that appeared on the first day were nowhere to be found and the soldiers were able to cope with the rest.

Although disaster scarcely showed up afterwards, the allied forces managed to deal with them. The Earlshyde forces also adopted the jump stab, so they were able to subjugate the disaster without walking away traumatized.

The great march of demon subjugation.

Although the number of demons in the demon territory was truly extraordinary, and there were those who lost their lives, the original purpose of this strategy was to have s.h.i.+n face the devils.

With the allied forces subjugating demons, the demon territory recapture strategy progressed smoothly.

Meanwhile, a shocking report was brought to the allied forces of Kurt.

It said they discovered the devils were holed up in a town halfway away from the former imperial capital.

Just a little painful.


Apparently this chapter was revised at some point..


“Ok. A tiger showed up where Gus went.”(s.h.i.+n).

[Ooh. Why is that I am the only one ever to run into tigers…](August).

After the first day of the demon territory recapture strategy, there was a group meeting before heading to bed..

It seems that Gus had a run in with a tiger..

“However, the number of tigers Gus hunted down by now is quite something. Isn’t the [Tiger Hunting Prince] the most fitting t.i.tle for him?”(s.h.i.+n).

[Guh! So you told him after all…](August).

[But nevermind that, he received a more interesting t.i.tle too.](Julius).

“Interesting t.i.tle?”(s.h.i.+n).

[Hey, Julius! Wait!](August).

[He was t.i.tled the [Thunder G.o.d] by the soldiers because of his magic.](Thor).

[Thor!? You too!?] (August).

Do all the betrayed react the same?.

Gus is uncharacteristically distraught upon hearing his t.i.tle mentioned..

In any case, it seems Gus got a t.i.tle too..


“Isn’t… [Thunder G.o.d] quite cool?”(s.h.i.+n).

[Mh. I thought you’d make fun of me…](August).

I think it’s better than Magic King..

“I think so too, I’d rather they call me [Wind G.o.ddess] or something like that”(Maria).

It seems Maria is also envious of Gus’ nickname..

“[Valkyrie]… How much longer will I be a maiden…”(Maria) (TN: So I might’ve f.u.c.ked up here. It was either Valkyrie or Battle/Warrior Maiden when she got it. Obviously I chose Valkyrie because Battle/Warrior Maiden sounds lame but now we have this : / . I think I’ll keep Valkyrie though.).

There there..

Perhaps… It’s not that bad. I don’t think [Valkyrie] has that meaning attached to it….

[We didn’t get to see a disaster grade.](Alice).

“Oh, is that so? Alice.”(s.h.i.+n).

[Yup. There was just a lot of devils. Because a disaster cla.s.s didn’t show up we thought we wouldn’t get a turn, so we volunteered to fight.](Alice).

“Whoa whoa. Every country needs to suppress their own demons. You haven’t completely annihilated them have you?”(s.h.i.+n).

These maneuvers are planned specifically so that every country in the world contributes and Earlshyde doesn’t get all the credits..

The role of national forces in that plan is to suppress the demons..

The threat to the people of the world aren’t just demons..

The devils reportedly created by Stromm are also a major danger..

The true mission of all the national armies is to thin out this threat..

If Alice eliminates the demons, the purpose of all national armies will be lost..

I have to warn her here..

[It’s Okay! Because I only killed half of them!](Alice).

“You still hunted half.”(s.h.i.+n).

[So the Swedes commander t.i.tled her the [Magical Girl of Annihilation].](Yuri).

[Oh! Yuri! You didn’t have to tell them that!](Alice).

“Magical Girl of Annihilation… Again…”(s.h.i.+n).

It’s a pitiful t.i.tle….

[Yuri is cheap! To think the [Guru’s Successor] has room to say something like that.](Alice).

[Uhuhu… [Guru’s Successor] Huhuhu.](Rin).

It seems like Yuri’s getting unusually excited..

My magic tool is completely original, so I can’t really be called grandma’s successor..

…She’d always get angry and scold me….

“So? How was your place Tony?”.

[…Well, our place was…](Tony).

When inquiring about the state of the coalition forces Tony was a.s.signed to, he spoke ambiguously..

[What’s wrong? Did something happen?](August).

Gus asked what I was wondering..

[Oh, no, there are no casualties in particular.](Tony).

“Then, why don’t you want to say your report?”(s.h.i.+n).

[Oh… We got hit by a disaster grade as well.](Tony).

“It appeared there as well. The demon territory really is a monster nest.”(s.h.i.+n).


[What? So what’s the matter then?](August).

Tony’s articulation is bad. That means something is wrong after all?.

[What appeared to us was… A demon deer.](Tony).

“Ha? A deer?”(s.h.i.+n).

“Something like that always shows up. What about it?”(Maria).

Like Maria said, we constantly fought demonized deer..

Why is Tony being so awkward about this?.

[Certainly, medium sized deers are common but…](Tony).

[What? Was is upsized?](August).

When an animal is demonized, it’ll become larger as time goes by. This is called upsizing..

It would seem demon deers occasionally grow large..

I’ve never seen one myself..

Were they puzzled because a large demon deer showed up?.

[That deer… It was about as strong as a disaster cla.s.s.](Tony).

“Wh a disaster cla.s.s deer!?”(Maria).

[It was as big as the school.](Tony).

[I saw it too, there’s no doubt.](Mark).

Mark and Olivia back him up..

But isn’t it rare to see a disaster cla.s.s get that big?.

“Have there been deer disaster”(s.h.i.+n).

[No.. At least I’ve never heard of any. Even a big upsized deer is quite unusual. Much less a disaster cla.s.s…](August).

“First I heard of… Something like that.”.

“But we encountered a disaster cla.s.s wolf right? Like s.h.i.+n said, it’s unusual but it doesn’t seem to be a big deal…”.

A demonized wolf is also medium sized at the start..

However, for some reason there are reports of wolfs reaching disaster cla.s.s in the past..

Is it because it’s a predator?.

Or is it because it’s just a smart animal to begin with?.

[What!? s.h.i.+n fought a disaster cla.s.s wolf!?](Alice).

“Oh, I was about to report it now… What about it?”(s.h.i.+n).

[What about it… When a demon wolf reaches disaster cla.s.s, it’s said his cunning puts him beyond tigers and lions. Is everything all right?](August).

“s.h.i.+n killed it in the blink of an eye, as usual.”(Maria).

[I-Is that so… Were there any problems in particular?](August).

Gus is unusually worried about me..

It’s a rare sight..

“It was all good. Rather, it was weaker than some of the demon wolves I’ve beaten before. Kinda anticlimactic.”(s.h.i.+n).

[…Really. Everything was all right…](August).

“What is it? Why are you so anxious?”(s.h.i.+n).

[No, I wasn’t worried about you… In any case, a disaster cla.s.s wolf and a disaster cla.s.s deer, the latter of which was previously unheard of, appeared…](August).

“Gus’ heartless reply aside, there’s clearly something worrying you.”(s.h.i.+n).

[The subjugations themselves are going well. We might be walking into a trap…](August).

“Oh, I also thought that for a second after I killed the demon wolf. By any chance…”(s.h.i.+n).

[Is this… Stromm’s doing?].

“I wonder about that. Maybe because the demon territory is overflowing with demons it might make it easier to turn into one…”(s.h.i.+n).

A demon outbreak the likes of this never happened before. We have no idea what kind of irregularities it might cause..

However, Stromm has a record of artificially turning people into devils, so it makes sense he could do it to animals too..

We shouldn’t dismiss the possibility that he did something..

But if that’s the case….

“What about Earlshyde? Both the Magic Division and the Knight Order are there, but if Stromm tries to do something to them, wouldn’t they be in trouble?”(s.h.i.+n).

There are no Ultimate Magicians a.s.signed to Earlshyde in this operation..

The reason for that was given Earlshyde’s size and position, they could easily mobilize an army several times the size of other countries..

The Magic division got quite skilled by practicing with Grandpa’s method..

The Knight Order also integrated Jet Boots as soon as possible, meaning Earlshyde’s military power is growing rapidly compared to other countries..

The role of the [Army] is demon suppression..

Even if it’s a disaster cla.s.s it was judged they could deal with them due to their new equipment and magic power, so they refrained from asking for help for that reason..

As for a.s.suming they wouldn’t have to fight a devil, it’s because several months have pa.s.sed since the last raid… It’s expected they would lie in wait in the imperial capital, because it would make no sense for them to be rampaging across the demon territory..

And above all, it was a declaration that we don’t belong privately to Earlshyde..

However, I can’t help but feel anxious as soon as he suggested Stromm might’ve made a move..

[Still, the soldiers setting the communication line haven’t come back yet. This is the devil territory and the communication crew is trailing behind the main force.](August).

“Worrisome… Hmm.”(s.h.i.+n).

[It’s certainly worrisome, but they probably don’t need out help. Our involvement is only to help out our a.s.signed countries.](August).

Originally, the Earlshyde army should be able to deal with this problem by themselves..

Involving neighbouring countries was done to prevent Earlshyde hogging all the glory and upsetting the balance of power..

Another reason we were a.s.signed to the neighbouring countries was to prevent as much damage to them as possible..

“If Earlshyde isn’t having any problems, then this strategy is going well.”(s.h.i.+n).

[…Should we wait for a report?](August).

If I knew it would’ve turned out like this, I would’ve given the wireless communication device to the Earlshyde army..

But there aren’t enough channels and it might be seen as special treatment….

While we were waiting for the report from Earlshyde, some demons unexpectedly attacked the camps we were dispatched to but were quickly dealt with...

After that, a soldier who received the regular report of the allied forces from the communication device returned, however his report bathed us in cold sweat..

“D-demonized rhinoceros!?”(Maria).

“W-What!? What happened!?”(Sicily).

Maria sounded unusually desperate..

The Earlshyde army we’re not with encountered a demonized animal that was previously thought to be unable to demonize thus automatically becoming disaster cla.s.s..

Thanks to the conversation with Gus earlier, I became concerned about the Earlshyde army..

“It would appear the Magic Division stopped it in its tracks and the Knight Order finished it. The killing blow was dealt by a Knights Academy student of all people.”(Soldier).

Really… A disaster cla.s.s demon seen for the first time but they handled it..

They became really strong with their new equipment and training method. Earlshyde Army..

“What was the name of the student!? Do you know the name!?”(Maria).

“Er, Uuh… Oh, Miranda. It seems to be a girl student called Miranda Wallace.”(Soldier).


Isn’t Miranda that freshman from the Knight’s academy?.

“Is Miranda safe?”(Maria).

“Yeah, after defeating the disaster cla.s.s she seemed to have been so exhausted she collapsed but other than that, she’s fine. In addition, her strategy was so effective, they were told to practice it immediately.”(Soldier).

“I-Is that so…”(Maria).

Maria weakly sat down after she heard that..

“Why does Maria care so much about Miranda?”(s.h.i.+n).

“We’re friends.”(Maria).

“Oh? Really?”(s.h.i.+n).

That’s unexpected. When did that happen?.

“After the joint training, we strangely got along. After Sicily started living with s.h.i.+n we had a lot more time to hang out.”(Maria).

“I-Is that so?”(s.h.i.+n).

“When did that happen…”(Sicily).

Sicily has a complicated face. Her closest friend from the time she was born was making other friends while she didn’t know..

But because she stayed at my house she couldn’t say anything. I don’t feel that great about it either..

“The Saint’s family is also safe.”(But I don’t know of a single reporter).

“I see… Thank you.”(Sicily).

Sicily’s sisters are also a part of this strategy because they belong to the Magic Division..

The soldier said that with some caution, but why? While I feel relieved, I don’t feel pleased in particular..

“Well, there seems to have been some damage because their opponent was a disaster cla.s.s… As expected of the Earlshyde army. To end up with only minor damages.”(Soldier).

Damage… That word shocked me..

That’s… There were victims….

“Is… that so. Thank you for your report. Is the strategy progressing smoothly?”(s.h.i.+n).

“Yes! Thanks to the Ultimate Magicians things are going swimmingly. Earlshyde troops don’t have any outside a.s.sistance but they seem to have no problems.”(Soldier).

“I see. Thank you. Well, that would be all.”(s.h.i.+n).

“Yes. Thank you for your hard work.”(Soldier).

We part with the soldier and return to the tent..

While returning to the tent, Sicily quietly folded her arms while having a grim expression..

“…s.h.i.+n, I feel painful…”(Sicily).

“…Is that so.”(s.h.i.+n).

“Yeah… Is it normal to feel pain for the victims?”(Sicily).

Come now….

“Even if one of us was there with the Earlshyde army there would still be victims…”(s.h.i.+n).

“But, this is what his Highness, his Majesty and the General decided… Since the Earlshyde army is much more capable than other countries, we should a.s.sist other countries.”(Sicily).

“I know… But still…”(s.h.i.+n).

“Besides, my older sister said it herself.”(Sicily).

“Sylvia did?”(s.h.i.+n).

“They went home before going off to join the operation… Because it may be the last time…”(Sicily).


That is… They went to say their goodbyes?.

“My older sisters were prepared. They may lose their life while partic.i.p.ating in this strategy, but they will die protecting their country. That’s what they said.”(Sicily).

“…I see …Is that so?”(s.h.i.+n).

The truth is, if we had the time we could solve this problem ourselves..

Whether it was due to it being a necessity to resolve the needs of the nation’s people or if it was due to the fact that they would run away if we surrounded them without attacking, or if it was due to not knowing what would happen to the power balance and getting everyone involved… what we were doing was still just selfish.

On the other hand, all the soldiers that are partic.i.p.ating are risking their lives..

We… Made everyone risk their lives..

“We… Are we cruel for letting everyone do this?”(s.h.i.+n).

“My older sister also said something about that.”(Sicily).

When I thought of how everyone is staking their lives on this, Sicily spoke..

“Originally, she thought adults should solve their own problems and felt sorry she had to count on us, thinking they were being cowardly. If they can do it themselves, why make us do it?”(Sicily).


“Therefore, s.h.i.+n doesn’t need to feel guilty. Because everyone wants to overcome this crisis with their own power.”(Sicily).

…Before I noticed I had become arrogant..

Without us, the disaster cla.s.s demons or devils couldn’t be subjugated..

Everyone wants to protect the peace themselves… I wasn’t thinking about that..

“I have… Before I knew it i started thinking… That only we can end this crisis.”(s.h.i.+n).

While I was sneering at myself for being selfish, Sicily released my arm and hugged me from the front..

“That doesn’t change the fact that s.h.i.+n is this world’s hope. Only s.h.i.+n can confront Stromm. So… Please don’t put yourself down like that.”(Sicily).


“Everyone wants to save the world. So far as to sacrifice themselves… Everybody is  prepared for it… So please don’t blame yourself so much.”(Sicily).

Sicily’s body was trembling a little when she hugged me..

Even if they’ve prepared themselves, you’re still afraid of losing your loved ones..

Still, they’re all fighting with their fears and their families have prepared themselves as well….

“Sorry… Thank you… I don’t know what to say… I feel so ashamed…”(s.h.i.+n).

“That’s not true. s.h.i.+n’s family is… You haven’t had similar experiences because of your grandmother and grandfather? But the families that have members on active military duty are always ready for the worst. However, that’s the only difference.”(Sicily).

Really. Sicily has sisters serving in the military branch that is the Magic division..

Her quiet appearance was her being prepared..

“I’m the same s.h.i.+n. Because none of my family members serve in the military… I was upset when I thought something happened to Miranda.”(Maria).

Maria read the air and didn’t enter the conversation until now..

Really, Maria..

“Sicily, you’re amazing. I didn’t know you’re already prepared for something like this.”(Maria).

“…Although it’s easy to say you’re prepared, I’m still afraid of the worst.”(Sicily).

Sicily is still hugging while she’s having a conversation with Maria..

…It’s a strange sight..

“Mhm… I knew everyone was ready. But I’ll still do my best to have as few casualties as possible.”(s.h.i.+n).

“Yeah. Let’s do our best.”(Sicily).

Sicily said that with a smile..

“…Sicily saved me again.”(s.h.i.+n).

“I saved you? It’s my responsibility to take care of s.h.i.+n’s heart.”(Sicily).

“Mhm… Thank you…”(s.h.i.+n).


Her words were so touching, I couldn’t help but hug her tightly..



“You guys… Don’t carelessly drift off into your own world…!”(Maria).



Maria was super pouty..






August received the same report from Earlshyde at about the same time s.h.i.+n did..

“Really… They defeated a disaster cla.s.s with so few casualties…”(August).

“Yes. If it was any other army they would’ve taken heavy casualties.”(Kurt soldier).

While the kurt soldier was speaking August’s expression remained grim..

“Understood. Thank you for the report.”(August).

“Yes! Then I’ll excuse myself.”(Kurt soldier).

That said, the kurt soldier walked away..

When the soldier left, August mumbled to himself..

“There were victims…”(August).

“…Are you alright? Your highness.”(Thor).

“Oh. I’m fine.”(August).

August looked pained for a moment, but he quickly composed himself..

“They… I sent those soldiers to the battlefield against a disaster cla.s.s. Neither me nor my soldiers were ready for it.”(August).

His order… It’s not exactly something Augusto ordered himself, but as royalty he believed that doesn’t excuse him from taking responsibility...

However, it’s also true that while he may think he’s ready, at sixteen years old he’s likely to get crushed under the weight of responsibility..

Seeing August like that, Thor anxiously tried to change the subject..

“By the way your highness. Didn’t you want to tell s.h.i.+n something earlier? You also wanted to say in the Dahm Cathedral the other day.”(Thor).

“Oh… No, Because the strategy is going smoothly I don’t need to say anything in particular. That’s why I didn’t say anything earlier.”(August).

Earlier, August spoke as if he was worried for s.h.i.+n..

As someone who is always outside the norm, there’s no anxiety when it comes to subjugating demons..

But August was still worried about s.h.i.+n..

Will something change?.

“Well, at the diplomat meeting, there was a guy that refused to let s.h.i.+n partic.i.p.ate.”(August).

“Oh. Was it the representative of Dahm? The records of proceeding have been released to the public. What about him?”(Julius).

“No… Perhaps I thought he would try to sabotage the strategy. Apparently my fears were unfounded.”(August).

“Sabotage the strategy? But, no matter how you look at it he couldn’t be able to do it?”(Thor).

“You don’t understand. Dahm’s history closely linked to religion. The representative was probably also a devout follower.”(August).

“Why would you think he would sabotage because of that?”(Julius).

Julius believed a pious believer of the church wouldn’t try to mess with someone who was approved by the pope..

“Because he’s a devout follower. Because he resisted s.h.i.+n’s partic.i.p.ation in the strategy he must not harbour good feelings towards s.h.i.+n. As a pious follower he probably believes s.h.i.+n being called the Messenger of G.o.d is blasphemy.”(August).

“That… During a world crisis?”(Julius).

“I guess it doesn’t matter to him. His faith is too deeply rooted… Words are powerful, so it wouldn’t be out of the question he infects others with his fanaticism.”(August).

August’s speculation is likely to be true, so Thor and Julius look at each other..

“On the other hand, the emergence of monsters has been unusual…”(August).

“Then, why did you a.s.sign s.h.i.+n to Dahm’s army?”(Julius).

If there’s a possibility he would try to mess with s.h.i.+n, wouldn’t it be better to send him to some other army? Julius wondered..

“Because it’s s.h.i.+n. He probably wouldn’t even notice a little obstruction. On the contrary, I was uneasy about him dealing with an unexpected situation.”(August).

“Simply because you trust s.h.i.+n… you did.”(Thor).

“Careless personality aside, his ability is unmatched.”(August).

August keeps talking, ignoring Thor’s warm gaze..

“However the strategy is going well and there doesn’t seem to be any particular problems even after s.h.i.+n took care of the disaster cla.s.s. That’s why I said my fears were unfounded.”(August).

“So you did.”(Thor).

“Oh, I’d like for the strategy to advance without incident like this.”(August).

It’s unknown whether it was because of August’s wish but the subsequent days of the strategy went by smoothly..

The special disaster like the ones that appeared on the first day were nowhere to be found and the soldiers were able to cope with the rest..

Although disaster scarcely showed up afterwards, the allied forces managed to deal with them. The Earlshyde forces also adopted the jump stab, so they were able to subjugate the disaster without walking away traumatized..

The great march of demon subjugation..

Although the number of demons in the demon territory was truly extraordinary, and there were those who lost their lives, the original purpose of this strategy was to have s.h.i.+n face the devils..

With the allied forces subjugating demons, the demon territory recapture strategy progressed smoothly..

Meanwhile, a shocking report was brought to the allied forces of Kurt..

It said they discovered the devils were holed up in a town halfway away from the former imperial capital..

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