Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 52.2

Chapter 52.2

Part 2

Honestly, I can’t bare to save mankind who complains but, if such possibility exists, it can’t be ignored.

「Well, I’ll be including that in the negotiations with Els and Ys. It’s not going to be that difficult.」

We arrived at Dam Kingdom as Gus said so.

「Welcome to Dam Kingdom, can you please show your citizen proof?」
「Let see……!?」
「Are you done? If possible, we’d like to go after this.」
「Wai, wait for a moment please!」

Seeing the citizen proof of Gus, the soldier in charge of entering the kingdom, went to the back and brought back a boss-like person.

Citizen proof of Royalty… Well, the citizen proof itself, the general term for it would be an ID card.

「I welcome you to come. This way please.」

Saying so, he pa.s.sed through the back including us.

「Again, I welcome you. Your Highness Augusto.」
「Yeah, sorry for the trouble.」
「No, if the ident.i.ty of Your Highness Augus...o...b..ows out at that place, it will become troublesome.」

A person who is very thoughtful.

We’ve been travelling incognito, things would become a pain in the a.s.s if his revealed as the Crown Prince of Earlshyde.

「Then, I’ll send a messenger to the royal castle. Is everyone also coming?」
「No, it will only be me this time. Just in case, I’ll bring this two escort with me.」

While saying so pointed to Thor and Julius.

The both of them seem to have expected that, and just nodded in silence.

Honestly, the combat power Gus now exceeds these two people.

When it comes to hurting Gus, who knows how much level of skills it would take even.

However, different from this, if a country’s Crown Prince did not bring an escort as is, there’s a possibility of it being despised.

It seems bringing an escort is for that.

…… This three people’s power is enough to bring the castle down though.

While waiting at the royal capital’s security gate, the messenger soldier came back with a pick up carriage.

「Then we will go. From which place we will met?」
「There’s nothing decided. You’ll know our position by Magic Exploration right?」
「There’s that. Later then.」
「Yeah, we’ll book an inn.」
「I leave it to you.」

Said Gus and lead Thor and Julius into the carriage.

「Now then, let’s decide an inn before Gus comes back, and take a stroll on town?」
「Yes(desu)! By the way, what kind of country is Dam Kingdom?」
「Who knows?」
「s.h.i.+n, you’re really ignorant of the world…」
「Hau… I’m sorry…」(Mei)
「Eh? Ah! No! It can’t be help if it’s Princess Mei! You’re still small, and it’s a foreign country after all.」
「Is it like that?」
「It is so. It’s because elementary school have yet to discuss in detail of foreign countries. It is taught during middle school.」
「… I, neither have gone to primary school and middle school…」(s.h.i.+n)
「Ah… sorry…」
「Nah, it’s fine. So? What kind of country is the Dam Kingdom?」(s.h.i.+n)

Something about my past feels desolate, so let’s advance the talk. Yup.

「The Dam Kingdom is small but historically it is considerably old and a major country. Anyhow, it was the head temple of Creation G.o.d Religion before Ys Sacred country.」
「Hee, is that so?」
「But because Ys Sacred Country was made and came to rule the country the head temple of Creation G.o.d Religion was moved to that. The cathedral of that time remain even now and became a tourist spot.」
「Hee, is that so!」(Mei-chan)
「Yes, and also, the Martyr Ys is also from this co

untry, so the birthplace was known to the public.」
「I want to go there!」(Mei-chan)
「Then, shall we go around the birthplace of Ys or the church after choosing an inn?」

For now, the action plan for Dam has been decided.

Dam’s Cathedral…

Let’s stop! Any further and it’ll feel dangerous!

Let’s search for an inn first.

Since it might be a little expensive we looked for an inn for top safety priority, and took a place near the center of the capital.

Two large room for eight people. Cla.s.sified by gender.

After that, we who have no luggage because there’s a dimensional storage without delay dispatched to the town of Dam.

As expected of the former head temple of Creation G.o.d Religion, there are churches everywhere in the city, there are a lot impression of people and the city is filled with ambience.

「Even so, it’s the former head temple you know? How can you not know it?」
「Because I heard no stories about religion at home.」
「Eh? Is that the case?」
「Yeah, because grandma is a realist, I am somehow made to manage myself instead of relying on G.o.d, and grandpa is……」
「Merlin-sama is?」
「From grandma, in the olden days grandpa was shouting『G.o.d bring it on!』 so I heard.」
「…… That, you better not say that in this country.」
「Well, let’s stop at this.」

Because of such reason, I also heard for the first time that Ys Sacred Country also has lessons at Magic Academy.

「It’s the house after all. I didn’t even know there’s a religion.」
「Eh, then…… What will you do with the wedding ceremony?」

So, asked Sicily anxiously.

「Is it not done in the church?」
「Tha, that’s right! We’ll do it in the church!」
「Is it not done at other places? I heard that the shrine maiden Miko-san of Creation G.o.d Religion do the ceremonial occasion alone.」
「No! Let’s do it on a church! There’s no problem!」
「Tha, that so?」

Incidentally in Creation G.o.d Religion, the clergy is generally called shrine maiden Miko. This is to make Creator G.o.d the Father, or a Mother, and a.s.sume that’s the child. [1]

Well, within Creation G.o.d Religion there’s also job t.i.tle such as bishop, and cardinal however.

Like this, we arrived at birthplace of Ys.

「This here…… Is the birthplace of the Martyr Ys……」

Everyone who is a Creation G.o.d believer looks at the house with a deep emotion on their face.

「It’s surprisingly shabby!」
「Hey! Mei-chan, don’t say such things even if you think it is.」
「Waa! I’m sorry…」
「Hey…… Can you stop pouring water when I’m thrilled with emotion?」(Elly?)
「That’s right, it destroys the mood.」
「My bad.」

But, it really is shabby. Well but there really is such birthplace like this. In my previous life I saw from TV the birthplace of a famous person, but it was pretty shabby.

The birthplace of Martyr Ys became a museum, and Ys’s edge items or something was put.

Well, it’s merely some household goods or something though. The birthplace.

Because it’s not that big we immediately made a round, it was decided to visit the church next.

There seems to be several famous churches, but if we were to go sightseeing, we decided to go the old head temple of Dam Cathedral.

As we went closer to the Cathedral, people increased steadily.

As expected of tourist spots there are amazing lot of people.

「It is strange. When I came here before there are not a lot of people like this.」
「Hee, is that so? Then, why is it so crowded?」
「Don’t ask me.」
「Ah, I see it.」

A big cathedral can be seen at the direction Olivia pointed. The vicinity is crowded with even more people.

「Wow! It’s really amazing!」
「Hey, there’s just too much people. What’s with all this?」

At the time when Maria complained so…

goon…… goon…… goon.

The cathedral’s bell reverberated. And then, as the cathedral’s entrance opened, the bride and groom who held a wedding ceremony a while ago came out.

「Waa! So it’s this! The cause of congestion!」
「A wedding at the cathedral… It’s an aristocrat. Something like this is not rare.」
「It coincidentally happened the very same day in our visit.」
「Wonderful… I also want a ceremony like this.」
「Mark, go for it.」
「Don’t say absurd things Rin-san! Financially and also in standing it’s impossible!」

Enraptured group of ladies, holding such ceremony Mark hastily called out to Olivia.

「While saying so, where does Elly and Gus hold the ceremony?」
「That is, it’s obviously will be at Earshlyde’s Cathedral.」

This way the wedding ceremony is decided to be at Earlshyde’s Cathedral it seems.

「The royalty traditionally hold the ceremony there. And it’s an adequate and wonderful church.」
「The cathedral in the royal capital is also amazing. Though I haven’t been there.」
「It’s wonderful you know? It’s not far behind when compared to this Dam Cathedral. However, it’s not a tourist attraction because of the historical background difference.」

Should we go when we return to the kingdom?

Looking at Sicily, holding my arm she’s absentmindedly looking at the ceremony.

After all, are you not longing for a grand ceremony such as this?

「Sicily do you also want a wedding like this?」
「Eh? No, that is…… I yearn for it after all or perhaps…… should I say it’s enviable……」
「Fuun…… I see. Then, let’s do our best saving the world and held a ceremony like this?」

Ops, it’s effect seems instantaneous. I’m deeply move with the tight embrace.

While stroking the head of Sicily gently, I watched the situation of the wedding ceremony, and swore to save the world once more.

「Tsk… Did the riajuu said something?」
「I also want to say something like that!」
「We have to go to what places, and look for a partner.」

A sigh was heard from the single ladies……

It will be alright!

I think……

Chapter 52 (2/2) end.


[1]: 神子(miko) = shrine maiden, みこ(Miko) = shrine maiden

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