Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 77


Yes, I"m quitting. I kept getting slower and slower and I hated it more and more with every chapter. Not so much the novel itself but the translating.

I wish I had more to say except: It"s been a long time coming.

Now, especially with the anime announced, I don"t want to just toss the project to the popularity hungry wolves of s.h.i.+tty translation, I"m pa.s.sing the project over to Xion and will continue to host it on this site as well as running the discord and occasionally skulking around in the community(maybe).

While I had a weird way of showing it, I did appreciate the support I got over the almost two years I"ve been doing this.

Xion: “h.e.l.lo and nice to meet you, all of you. Has you have read Kaelpie is currently retiring from his post has translator after almost 2 years, his work has been commendable, and greatly welcomed. But worry not since the project will not be left alone or be pa.s.s to another group to die in an obscure corner of the internet, since starting from this point on I shall be taking said job, I might still be a newbie in regards to translations be sure I"ll do my best to deliver quality and flair to the series, keeping up with what we"ve seen so far. Now without further ado see you in the next chapter.”

And the music recommendation I"ll leave you with is my all time favourite alb.u.m I really though I recommended earlier but it"s fine because it makes for a perfect one to leave on.
Children of Bodom – Follow the Reaper

and enjoy

-Kaelpie for the last time. Adios f.u.c.kos.


In the middle of the night, before dawn and the beginning of the strategy.

At that time I was woken by people shouting that the demons started to move.

"What is going on!? Until just awhile ago they didn"t show any signs of taking any action at all!"(August)

Gus sprang out of his tent and approached a soldier stationed outside.

"I-I don"t know! An explosion happened and the sounds of fighting could be heard from the city… After that it seems the devils began to gather at one place in the city!"(Murdoc)

"Sounds of battle!? Impossible! Did someone jump the shark?"(August)

"I-I don"t know!"(2D)

Hearing the soldier talking to August sent s.h.i.+vers down my spine.

Which reminds me, there was a certain someone that wanted the achievement of subjugating a devil.

"The Dahm commander!? Where is Ralph!?"(s.h.i.+n)

"Dahm Commander?"(Ace)

"Oh, according to the Dahm soldiers, Ralph, the commander, wanted the achievement of subjugating a devil. I didn"t believe them…"(August)

"s.h.i.+t! He actually went and attacked! Hey!"(s.h.i.+n) (Kaelpie: RIP Ralph. Never got to fulfill his potential and establish a harem.)


"Go to Dahm"s tent! We"re attacking the town earlier than planned!"(August)

"Roger that!"(Russel)

As the soldier ran off we started preparing for battle.

"Time is precious. s.h.i.+n! Use floating magic so we can fly to the city!"(August)

"Got it!"(s.h.i.+n)

I casted floating magic and when every member was floating, we invoked wind magic and flew off at high speed to the city.

This is the worst possible scenario…

Flying through the sky all the while hoping the demons still haven"t left the city.


The soldier that was ordered by August to search Dahm commander"s tent, instead went straight to the Ys commander.

Even if you"re ordered to search the tent, your accused party is still a country"s commander

That task was too heavy for a mere soldier.

So he figured it would be better if the tent was investigated by commander of a country that is closely related to Dahm.

"What did you say!? Dahm"s commander Ralph did what!?"(Ys commander)

"His highness Augusto seemed convinced…"(Genex Neutron)

"I understand. If it"s prince Augusto there must be some grounds to it. Hey! I"m going to Dahm"s tent!"(Ys commander)

Ys commander took several men with him to the tent of Dahm"s commander.

When they arrived at the tent, it was closed perfectly while the entire camp around them was making a fuss.

Dahm soldiers seemed confused as to why their commander isn"t coming out as well.

"Hey! What happened to Ralph!?"(Ys commander)

"T-That… He didn"t come out of his tent even during this commotion…"(Genex Spare)

"What did you say!?"(Ys commander)

Ys commander was convinced Augusts concern was proven right.

"Hey! Commander Ralph! Are you in there!?"(Ys commander)

He shouted but there was no answer.

"I"m coming in!"(Ys commander)

With those few words, Ys commander stepped into the tent.

"Cheh!"(Ys commander)

"W-what is this!?"(Genex Recycled)

The first thing they sensed when they entered the tent was a suffocating smell of blood.

And looking over the tent to find it"s source, there were the corpses of several murdered soldiers left to rot.

Amongst the corpses there was no figure that matches Ralph"s.

"This… What the h.e.l.l happened!"(Ys commander)

"I don"t understand… And the fact that commander Ralph is not among them. You should temporarily take command over Dahm forces."(Genex Power Planner)

"That"s right… We"ll find out the truth later. Devil subjugation is top priority and Ys will temporarily take control of Dahm troops. Please tell Dahm that."(Ys commander)

"Yes!"(Genex Searcher)

"Still… Why are there corpses in a place like this…"(Ys commander)

This is Dahm commander"s tent.

Why are there corpses here?

Going back in time a bit…

Ralph and his faction who wanted to kill devils before s.h.i.+n took action gathered little by little inside his tent in order to sneak out around midnight so they won"t be disturbed.

And when everyone got together and tried to move out, one of the soldiers raised his voice.

"Please wait commander Ralph. I"ll say it again, you should stop this plan."(Voice of reason)

"What did you say? You… insult the church of creation… Are you going against G.o.d"s will!?"(Ralph) (Nyx: wow suddenly someone calls themselves G.o.d)

In Ralph"s eyes, all who oppose his actions are heretics for he is carrying out G.o.d"s will.

"I am not! However I don"t believe something like this is G.o.d"s will!"(Voice of reason)

"Wh-What did you say….!?"(Ralph)

Ralph started trembling in rage.

"Sure, I can"t be convinced someone who is not a clergyman could be called Messenger of G.o.d or Saint. However! This is a different matter altogether!"(Voice of reason)


Ralph is so angry he"s speechless.

"I don"t agree with their t.i.tle, but their ability is genuine! You should leave this to them so you don"t provoke the devils for no reason!"(Voice of reason)

"That"s right! Please reconsider! Ralph!"(Survival instinct)

"Ralph!"(Literal call from G.o.d)

Several soldiers raised their voices to stop Ralph in any way they can.

Because they were so desperate in the persuading they failed to notice their surrounding.

"Is that so… I understand"(Ralph)

"R-Ralph!"(Voice of reason)

Ralph received their insistence.

The soldiers who opposed going after the devils collectively breathed a sigh of relief.


"I understand. You are not necessary."(Ralph)

"RRalph?"(Voice of reason)

Immediately after Ralph said that…


"RRalph… Why…"(Voice of reason)

"Didn"t I already say? You"re not needed."(Ralph)

While they were desperately trying to stop Ralph, the other soldiers snuck behind them.

When they heard Ralph"s remark, those soldiers struck the soldiers trying to stop the subjugation from behind.

"Such… Ralph…"(Chances of survival)

A person called Ralph Portman is a fairly promising person within the Dahm kingdom who is fair and impartial to all.

You could not imagine a person like that would commit such an atrocity.

"Going against G.o.d"s will and trying to disturb our actions as G.o.d"s servants. You are heretics."(Ralph) (Kaelpie: Ok, G.o.d-Emperor…)

"T-that"s… we would never… that kind of thing…"(Ralph"s future harem offspring)

"Shut up."(Ralph)

"RRalph… Guah!"(Ralph"s ancestors collectively facepalming)

The soldiers tried to talk but the surrounding soldiers skewered them one after another.

Every soldier that complained about the subjugation was killed, leaving behind an expression of surprise and sorrow.

As a result, there is no one left in the tent who would disagree with Ralph"s actions.

"Tch! To put a damper like that right before our departure… Oh well, let"s go you guys."(Ralph)


With Ralph"s opposition gone, he ordered the remaining members to go slay the devils.

The night watch is arranged in pairs around the parts that connect magic tools together, meaning one person can rest while the other stands guard.

The role of a night watchman was to alert the camp in case of night-time ambush but also to keep the demon detection magic tool running.

It"s in pairs because one person cannot keep the magical tool running all night by themselves.

Besides, it wasn"t even considered that a person would try to leave the camp.

Ralph ordered his team to go to bed ahead of time, the quietly moving team sneaked past right under the noses of the careless guards and out of the camp.

The group of about 50 people pulled away from the camp of humanities forces and towards the devil city.

In the report of the reconnaissance unit there were no guards in the town at all.

When they arrived to the town, they found a hole in the wall, which eight or so devils made when taking over the town and easily entered the town from there. (Kaelpie: What kind of a sorry excuse for a crusader are you? Amen & attack, let"s go b.i.t.c.h!)

Although their mind was clouded by fanaticism, they were still the elites of their countries military. Up to this point it all went according to plan.

The problematic part starts now. How to slay a devil. Because Ralph didn"t trust s.h.i.+n, he thought slaying devils would be easy.

Ralph who invaded the city, grasped the position of demons by their magic power and moved towards that place.

This had many buildings collapsed by the devils so it was quite convenient to hide in.

Ralph believed this was also G.o.d"s will at work and thus he became even more convinced this devil subjugation will succeed so he finally decided to start the attack.

When observing the situation from the collapsed building, he saw devils talking.

Not only Ralph who couldn"t use magic, but also mages couldn"t feel the overwhelming magical power described in Merlin"s story from those devils.

Again, Ralph decided that a devil isn"t really strong, but it"s power was just exaggerated so you would think it was a powerful enemy to have the feat stand out..

By this point, the phrase "Cancelling the attack" completely disappeared from Ralph"s mind.

At last, Ralph aimed for the timing of the attack.

Devils who were targeted showed no signs of being aware of the impending attack.

Ralph was already fully convinced of his victory.

He decided the timing of the attack and signaled.



Ralph ordered the beginning of the raid with a hand signal.

Because the surprise attack begins with a magic barrage the soldiers started shuffling around in the shade of the collapsed buildings

The soldiers jumped out and swung their swords at the devils without any hesitation.

However, just when it seemed the soldier"s sword would reach the devil, the devil turned around and caught the sword with his bare hand.

"What!? What is this!?"(Immediately regretting this decision)

The soldier raised an astonished voice.

A twisted smile appeared on the devil that caught the sword barehanded.

"Kukuku, Did you think we wouldn"t notice if you came into town in such great numbers?"(Baphomet)

"Blame your magical power. Do you really think you can beat us?"(AzaTHOT)

They thought the devils didn"t notice them at all but they knew from the moment Ralph and his crew entered the town.

In other words…

"R-Ralph! Around us… The devils surrounded us!"(Maximum regret)

"Wh-What did you say…?"(Ralph)

"You guys hiding there, we know everything!"(Beelzebub)

They were completely surrounded in the collapsed building and it was Ralph who didn"t notice anything.

Ralph had forgotten. They were originally humans who could control magic power.

And that they have a will and can control magic power.

That"s why he made the wrong a.s.sumption that the devils were weak.

"Huhu, it was easy to spot these humans because they were scared and slow."(Sorath)

"Why"s that a.s.shole acting like our leader?"(Azazel. Not the Tekken one)

"It"s like that isn"t it? Wasn"t it just because he was the first one to rebel against Stromm?"(Cthulhu)

"It his fault that the humans found us here "cause he"s being slow. Let"s strip him from being the leader."(Cthulungs)(Kaelpie: Gonna rip out his lungs while he"s at it.)

"That"s right. Let"s try and conquer the world again." (Gorath)

"Heh, but before that…"(Marduk. Again, not the Tekken one)

The devils gazes which were frustrated for some reason, turned to Ralph

"Hii…"(120% regret)

"First of all… Let"s take care of these guys." (Ramrod)

Ralph was surrounded by a group of devils. (Kaelpie: I"ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going)

If one is surrounded they despair.

Those who surround are overjoyed.

Every one of them was grinning.


The battle between devils and soldiers… Instead it was a one sided slaughter of men at the hands of devils.

"What are we going to do now?"(Baphomet)

Devils that slaughtered Ralphs men started discussing future plans.

"Bring me the guy who"s acting as the leader. If we show him this situation, we can ask him to take responsibility since it his fault we got discovered."(Satyr)

"You"re right about that. Give me a second."(Diablo)

"Actually, he"s coming over right now… Pretending to be our superior, I bet he must think that problematic thing was grunt work."(Gorgoroth)

Devils have been cooped up here for quite a while and had a lot of pent up aggression. Things finally began to change but they couldn"t think of a plan.

If humans are here, that means the human forces are approaching the vicinity.

And that means s.h.i.+n must be here too.

They were cooped up here because their raids were stopped twice by the group of humans known as Ultimate Magicians, and on top of that the second time was an ambush so they were hesitant to attack again.

The ambush was entirely a coincidence but the devils still saw s.h.i.+n as a considerable threat.

The devils were people who didn"t receive an education so they couldn"t even imagine that s.h.i.+n might be close.

The devil leader finally came after a while, and looked over to the corpses of Ralph and his men.

"Wh! A human soldier!?"(Pazuzu)

The devil leader received a huge shock when he examined the slaughtered humans in this place.

"That"s right. Because you"re just idling around, the humans found out about this place."(Abraxas)

"What are you talking about!? Do you understand what this situation means!?"(Samael)

The devil leader raised his voice against those calm remarks which were spoken in a way unbefitting of the gravity of the situation.

"AAH? It"s your fault that the humans found this place, is it not? Take responsibility."(Rakshasas)

"This not the time for something like that! If this place was already discovered by the humans, it means that they"re here too, aren"t they?"(Zagan)

"Those guys just attacked us not a while ago, there"s no way they"ll come."(Flaga)

"You still don"t understand what I"m trying to say!? You f.u.c.kin" idiots!"(Berith)

"Oh!? Do you blame us for your failure, b.a.s.t.a.r.d!?"(Astaroth)

"Enough! We"ll escape! You all escape too!"(Mephistophiles)

"Don"t f.u.c.k around! You alone escape if you want to b.a.s.t.a.r.d. We start our world conquest here."(Dagwanoenyent)

"Ugh! To h.e.l.l with you then!"(Moloch)

The devil leader gave up on the stubborn devil and fled with several others.

"What the h.e.l.l… They were scared after all."(Ukobach)

"Oh well, it"s fine isn"t it? Now that he has left. We don"t have to bear his arrogance anymore."(Oriax)

"That"s right. Idiots! Then let"s start our newly founded devil armies world conquest.!"(Jeff)


With this they can dream of world conquest again.

Unlike when Ralph invaded, they were excited about their possible future.

For that reason they neglected to look out for enemy magic.

When they renewed their resolve towards world conquest…

From overheard, a magic power poured down.


As soon as we heard reports of devils being on the move we rushed towards the city and saw a crown of demons shouting a warcry.

"What? What are they doing?"(August)

"I"m certainly interested but we don"t have time to think about that. We attack as is!"(s.h.i.+n)

"I mean…"(Maria)

"A full frontal a.s.sault. Whatever trap they"re setting, we"ll pulverize it!"(s.h.i.+n)

[[Roger!]] (Kaelpie: Onwards to reclaim Jerusalem!)

Devils gathering in one place is actually quite convenient.

I thought we"d have to pincer them in to prevent escaping but this is quite the pleasant surprise!

[Devils are gathering in one place. Do not let a single one escape! Wipe them out completely!](s.h.i.+n)


"I"m cancelling the floating magic! Ready your jet boots!"(s.h.i.+n)


From the open channel of the wireless communication device, Gus gave the command and I cancelled the floating magic.

From here on we move freely across the battlefield with jet boots.

At Gus" command a rain of thunder, flame bullets, ice spears and wind blades were hurled at the devils.

"Haaa! Wh-What!?"(Iblis)

"Aaaiiieeee! It"s them! They"re here!"(Hecate)

"Why are they here!?"(Callicantzaros)

"Shut up! Stop talking and counter attack!" (Cilantro)

Unlike before, the devils couldn"t escape since they were all gathered in one place, so they desperately fought back.

"Yikes! That was dangerous!"(Alice)

Alice blocks the magic aimed at her with defensive magic and a magic tool, then shoots a counter.

Similar scenes are happening in various places so it"s a good thing I gave them accessories with defense enchantments.

The devil"s magic wasn"t able to penetrate our barriers but our magic cut through theirs.

Though it couldn"t cut through completely…

"Watch your back."(Tony)

"Ha!? You…"(Tlaltecuhtli)

Tony slipped behind the devils and their barriers and cut them down with the vibrating sword. (Kaelpie: Nothing personnel kid…)

This time, Julius and Gus are also attacking with swords.

Pinning them down with magic and the finis.h.i.+ng in close quarters with the sword was a tactic that worked in Swedes as well.

What was I doing while everyone was routing the devils?

"Ha! a.s.shole! What do you think you"re doing!"(Vrykolakas)

"Do you think you can escape?"(s.h.i.+n)


I withdrew from the fight and picked off the devils trying to escape.

I planned on gradually narrowing down the encirclement from the outskirts of the town but with the devils already gathered in one place I could just pick them off.

I don"t know why, but I won"t let any devils get away from such a perfect setup.

Everyone understands that and continues shooting magic at full power.

"Gah, s.h.i.+t! What power!" (Astolfo)

"You sure it"s alright to keep looking over there?”(s.h.i.+n)

"Wha– GUHAAA!?"(Lechies)

When the number of devils decreased, I began killing the demons from another angle because of the proximity to the group and the demons that deflected most of the magic thrown so far.

"Hey there!"(Yuri)


Sicily and Yuri aren"t very good at offensive magic but they"ve still brought down a devil.

These devils really aren"t that big of a deal. I think they might be a ma.s.s produced devil and if it keeps going like this they might get annihilated without a hitch.

After this, we find Stromm and end it once and for all.

"f.u.c.k! s.h.i.+t! Even though I have this power! Because of that b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"(Lix Tetrax)

One of the last remaining devils cried out as his comrades fell around him.

That b.a.s.t.a.r.d? What is he talking about?

While doing so, the devil got hit by magic someone released.

The struck devil tumbled down and continued with his dying breath.

"Urghh… All of this is cause of Stromm"s incompetence…"(Haborym)

"It"s… Stromm"s fault?"(s.h.i.+n)

I rushed to the fallen devil to try and get the truth out of him.

Even though his devil minions were being slaughtered, Stromm didn"t show up at all.

Magic power can get jumbled together, so grasping an enemies position by their magic power is usually impossible, but a violent and disgusting magic power like Stromm"s can"t be mistaken.

And now the last words this devil said: "because of Stromm".

Could it be…

"Hey! Where is Stromm!? Is he not here!?"(s.h.i.+n)

I grabbed the injured devil by the scruff of his neck and asked about Stromm"s whereabouts.

My voice echoed throughout the town, now quiet after all the devils have been slain and the battle stopped.

"Hey, s.h.i.+n. What happened?"(August)

"He said something worrisome. Hey! Is Stromm not here!?"(s.h.i.+n) (Kaelpie: Batman style: WHEREARETHEY!?!?!?!)

The devil that was gasping for air reacted to my words and started talking.

"That sort of… incompetence… in this sort of place… being satisfied… by destroying The Empire… Foolishness…"(Kappa)(Kaelpie: I"ve severely underestimated how many lines the devils have…)

"Satisfied by the destruction of The Empire? Hey! Then why did you attack the surrounding countries!?"(s.h.i.+n)

"For world conquest… We alone have decided… Only us… Even if is… Only us…"(Melchiresa)

As he said that the devil turned his gaze away.

Stromm was satisfied with just destroying the empire. But the devils still attacked the neighbouring countries.

And Stromm isn"t here.

This is probably…

"You… Was there internal strife?"(s.h.i.+n)

The devil reacted to those words.


The devil suddenly began gathering magical power.

He didn"t seem to plan on transforming the gathered magic power into magic.

That means!

"Bad! Put up a magic barrier with your full power! He"s going to make his magic go wild!"(s.h.i.+n)

A suicide bombing! (Kaelpie: Allahu Akbar.)(s.h.i.+mi: To make it equal to all: Jesus christ! O Budha! Spaghetti Flying monster!)

Because his ambitions were ruined he"s trying to take us down with him.

I yell at Gus which noticed it as well to have everyone get away.

However, if he blows up here, the bodies of Ralph and his comrades who were near where the devils gathered will be blown away as well. (Kaelpie: Who gives half a flying f.u.c.k about them?)(Nyx:I know right?)

In order to stop him, I swung the vibrating sword at him to deliver the finis.h.i.+ng blow before he could explode just like against Cart.

"Fool! s.h.i.+n, run away!"(August)


"s.h.i.+n! No!"(Sicily)

I couldn"t make it in time.

The magic power went out of control and swallowed the surroundings in a huge explosion.

Arrrggghhh! d.a.m.n it! I didn"t make it in time!

Thanks to the magic barriers and combat uniforms I was just fine but the bodies of Ralph and his comrades were blown away in the explosion. (Kaelpie: screaming internally.)(Nyx:grabs a handful of popcorn while watching the fireworks)

As the smoke from the explosion cleared, I regretted the failure but given that I couldn"t do anything about it anymore I tried to look for the presence of enemy magic in case some devils survived.

Then, there was a reaction that came straight at me.


It was Sicily. She was all right.

"Are you okay?? Sicily-"(s.h.i.+n)

"Am I okay? Of course I am not! How could you do something so reckless!?"(Sicily)

I caught Sicily that jumped at me, and started angrily yelling at me.

"Why… Because he would blow up everything with his suicide bombing… I thought it would be bad if…"(s.h.i.+n)

"Even so! First of all put your safety first! If something happened to s.h.i.+n, I… I…"(Sicil)

Aah, this is bad! I made Sicily cry! (Kaelpie: Honestly, what doesn"t make her cry?)(Nyx: yandere things)

As I was comforting Sicily that burst into tears, everyone else gathered.

"Really… It"s certainly unfortunate that we can"t retrieve the corpses but something happening to you is much worse."(August)

"Uuu… Bad…"(Sicily)

"After all, it blew away all of them."(s.h.i.+n)

"Looks like it…"(August)

Although I wasn"t able to confirm it, there was a corpse that looked like commander Ralph out of the ones killed in battle.

I couldn"t recover the corpse and there were no traces of it anywhere.

I ended up worrying Sicily and the others for nothing…(Kaelpie: screaming externally)

"Well, if what that devil said was true, then this isn"t over."(August)

"Stromm wasn"t involved in the attacks on neighbouring countries."(s.h.i.+n

"Oh. Perhaps it was because the empire was his only target. The ones that broke away were probably dissatisfied with that. That would explain this series of bad raids."(August)

"What does that mean?"(s.h.i.+n)

"Wasn"t there a rumour that said the number of devils would suddenly increase each time Stromm attacked a new city?"(August)


"He probably turned commoners into devils. And the commoner devils must"ve been the ones who broke away."(August)

So that"s why.

Empire"s commoners didn"t receive an education like the one in Earlshyde.

Because they couldn"t think strategically, they haphazardly attempted the same raid twice.

Then since they were repelled twice, they didn"t know what to do… He said.

"It"s a believable reason when you think about it…"(s.h.i.+n)

"Still, they might have been able to succeed in their world conquest. But since you were there… That was the only bad luck omen for them and a fortune charm for us."(August)

Gus told me with a straight face while blus.h.i.+ng.(Nyx:Blus.h.i.+ng, seriously? Did this turn into a shojo manga)(Kaelpie: He be blus.h.i.+ng, yes.)

What is it? You"re usually acting all cool and now you have a face like that.

"We"ll handle Stromm later… With the exception of The Empire he doesn"t seem to have interest in anything else, so it might be possible to end this with a treaty."(August)

"Is that all right? He has also done quite a few horrible things in Earlshyde as well hasn"t he?"(s.h.i.+n)

"If he was an ordinary human we would"ve pursued him. The opponent is an intelligent devil. To provoke him recklessly might result in another world crisis."(August)

"…From a trifling matter it turned to something serious…"(s.h.i.+n)

"That"s how it is. Well, let"s go tell everyone we"ve subjugated the devils."(August)

As Gus said that, he started heading out of the city.

I guess it can"t be helped. We are way past the point of talking about individual crimes…

I let go of Sicily when she finally stopped crying and followed Gus.

"This is the end."(s.h.i.+n)

"Yeah. I"m glad it was resolved safely."(August)

Speaking of which, when the crisis is over…

"Now… The wedding."(August)

"Fueh!? Oh, that"s right!(s.h.i.+n)

Elly did say that we"ll hold a wedding ceremony after the crisis is over.

It"s not yet decided what will happen with Stromm, and it will be a ceremony overseen by pope Ekatarina, so it will be a while for all the preparations to finish but as soon as the devil crisis is over, the next major event would be that.

"Wedding… Bride…"(Sicily)

I take Sicily by the hand and lead her out of town because she started daydreaming and tripping.

The allied forces were waiting for us.


When Gus declared that to everyone using voice amplification magic, earthshaking cheers broke out.

[Oliver Stromm, who was thought to be the leader of the devils wasn"t present but we found out why. This is the end of the crisis…](AUGUST)

"hold up"(Vault Boy)

The reconnaissance teams interrupted Gus as he tried to declare the end of the crisis.


Gus" voice remained loud because of the voice amp magic.

"We have a report! A few minutes before his highness attacked the devils, we"ve confirmed several shadows fleeing the town!"(Reccon squad)

Seriously!? There were some that ran away before be arrived!?


"They were too fast to count clearly… It was probably around 3 bodies!"(Recc.o.o.n Squad)


"That way!"(Racc.o.o.n Squad)

The direction the recon unit member pointed at…


The crisis was not over yet. (Kaelpie: Cliffhangers like a f.u.c.king canyon.)

[Next Chapter->

Translator: Kaelpie

TLC: Xion, s.h.i.+mizuA

Editor: Nixie

Proofreader: Powerless

P.S. Notes:

"Blame your magical power. Do you really think you can beat us?"(AzaTHOT) (Kaelpie: I"m gonna pretend this is a chick)

A suicide bombing! (Kaelpie: Allahu Akbar.)(s.h.i.+mi: To make it equal to all: Jesus christ! O Budha! Spaghetti Flying monster!)(Nyx: for the handful of atheists, "nothing happens")(Kaelpie: FOR SCIENCE!) (Nyx: FOR SCIENCE!)

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