
Chapter 211

Publishedat 22nd of September 2019 10:09:05 AMChapter 211

Chapter 211 - Let"s Carry That Ball

Great Dragon Palace, G.o.d Dragon Emperor"s throne room . It was now ruined, a mere shadow of its former grand appearance . The dragons Sei and Suza had collapsed against the left and right walls and were barely breathing . They were quietly sobbing at their lord"s unavoidable death and their own unsightliness for being unable to prevent it .

『Kazane . . . sorry for being a disappointing husband . 』

Naga in the center was already using the last of his power to address Kazane, who shook her head with a sad smile .   Even though he was injured to that extent and had collapsed, the egg in his left hand wasn"t harmed at all . Naga protected their child to the end . Kazane couldn"t think there was anything disappointing about such a partner .

「Though you were only my husband for half a day . 」

Kazane said with a bitter smile, and Naga also had a slightly amused smile .

He had regrets . But there was time to entrust at the end . That alone was enough for Naga .

『Can I entrust this child to you?』

So saying, Naga presented the egg in his left hand .

「Yeah . That child . . . is mine as well . 」

『Yes . Our child . I want them to be strong . 』

That was Naga’s dream . An earnest desire for his own true companion . Witnessing that future himself was impossible, but he believed that the girl in front of him would surely make it come true .

「The name . . . is it decided?」

『No, I didn"t think that far . 』

With that said to him, Naga groaned .

『Do you have one?』

It was a slightly pathetic voice . Kazane smiled at that, then answered .

「Yeah, then Tatsuo . 」

It was an immediate reply . Kazane could name things quickly . Setting aside her sense .

『Hm, Tatsuo? I don"t know if it"s a good name or not, but if you gave it then it"s surely a good name . 』

By the way, it would be written Dragon Male in kanji . What was she planning to do if it was a girl?
「But is it really already hopeless?」

Kazane asked sorrowfully . He could still speak . She was wondering if it was too early to give up . Less than half a day had pa.s.sed since they had met, but there was no doubt that the dragon in front of her was a special existence to Kazane .

『Yes . I am a Crystal Dragon . No other Dragon Heart can subst.i.tute, just like the Reincarnation Dragon ritual . 』

Naga"s Heart was also called a Rainbow Heart . It had already broken . It was broken by the black troops" battering ram . It was completely shattered .

『Without a Heart Orb that has high affinity to every living thing, or at worst a deep-layer cla.s.s Childstone, I won"t be able to maintain myself . But we don"t have such a convenient thing, so . . . well, it can"t be helped . 』

If only they could be used, there were Dragon Hearts in the palace . They were Dragon Hearts from what were considered harmful dragon . They were in storage because it was unknown whether they were suitable to be used for a Reincarnation Dragon . But they didn"t have any Heart Orbs or deep-layer cla.s.s (floor 80-100) Childstones . Hyvern"s treasury should have some, but Naga"s life would come to an end before they could bring one to him .

Then Kazane raised her voice in shock .

「Ah . . . . aaah, aaaaaah……」

『Are you that sad for me? I married a truly good woman . 』

「I have one!!」


Naga was stunned by Kazane"s words .

◎ East Dragon Village Zegan, Dragonewt City

「Fuu, is it over?」

Yumika said while catching her breath . She was in front of the Great Dragon Palace"s southern side gate that led to Dragonewt City .

While Kazane and the others were fighting at the Great Dragon Palace, the battle began in the city of Dragonoids, Dragonewt City . Since the village"s dragons responded to the forces coming from the north, they didn"t reach the city, but the advance of the monsters from the Great Dragon Palace hadn"t stopped .

The Dragonoids who lived in the village had dragon blood, so as expected, they were relatively strong, but they had been losing ground with the black monsters as their opponents . The black monsters had specs much higher than the original monsters and were a tougher enemy than they had expected .

Lyle, Emily, Tiara, and Louise also partic.i.p.ated in the battle along with Yumika, but as a frontliner, Lyle had an especially hard time . He felt like the only reason he had barely survived was because he had used Tatsuyoshi-kun Normal as a shield .

Louise had also been acting strange, and that had become stronger after she saw a light emitted in the north . It seemed she was currently carrying out an investigation of the defeated monsters .

(Louise-san said that they might possibly be devils, but . . . )

Yumika didn"t know what that meant . But she had watched a Dragonoid be injected with something after it was bitten by a monster"s white mask, and that Dragonoid had turned black and started attacking them . He was called a Zombie Soldier by the people surrounding her, but Louise told them it was probably caused by a Devil Seed .

Nonetheless, the battle was now over . That was because the group of monsters suddenly disappeared . According to Louise, this was probably also the devil technique Transfer .

(Well, Kazane and master haven"t come back, so since it has calmed down here should I go to the Great Dragon Palace?)

Yumika was thinking so when voices were raised by the Dragonoids .

「A dragon-sama is coming . A dragon-sama I"ve never seen before . 」

「The dragon"s tinged with rainbow Dragon Spirit . Is that perhaps the G.o.d Dragon Empress-sama"s true form?」

「How dazzling . What a beautiful appearance . 」

With several voices saying the same thing, Yumika also looked up at the sky, and the Dragonized Kazane was certainly flying in the sky and descending towards them . The figure of the dragon Kazane flying in the dark night was certainly beautiful .

『Yumikaーーー! Where"s Hippomaru-kunーー!!』

Although when she heard the voice, the solemnity inside Yumika was blown away somewhere . Yumika said「Over thereーー!!」while waving her hand .

Kazane quickly found it and alighted with her wings spread . The surrounding Dragonoids fell to their knees and bowed their heads, and Yumika questioned Kazane .

「Wait, why are you in that form? Master and Naoki aren"t with you?」

Kazane was perplexed for a moment after Yumika spoke, but she shook her head and spread her wings as she grabbed Hippomaru-kun, who had come before her .

『Sorry, I"ll explain later . For now, come to the Great Dragon Palace after things have calmed down! I"ll be waiting!!』

So saying, Kazane immediately flew away toward the Great Dragon Palace .

「Wait, explain a littleーー!」

Yumika"s voice resounded, but Kazane couldn"t wait . She shouted「Be in time!」as she returned to the Great Dragon Palace .

◎ Forest North of the East Dragon Village Zegan

Around the time when Kazane was rushing back to the Great Dragon Palace, there were four people in the forest near Hyvern"s border that was north of the East Dragon Village .

「It seems it was a harder fight than expected . 」

The was said by the aged figure Zeku . He was standing with a one size larger Dragon Heart in his left hand . One taken from an adult dragon that had further grown was called a G.o.d Dragon Heart . Zeku was holding the heart of Northern Black Season Gen, who had been taking his first steps into the domain of a G.o.d Dragon .

「Ahh, I"ve really taken damage . Kazane-chan is as well, but that old man is scary . 」

The appearance of Age facing him was normal, but the waves coming from him were obviously weaker than before the battle .


Zeku"s face showed he found Age’s words unexpected . If Age had a hard fight, he thought it would be against either G.o.d Dragon Emperor Naga or one of the Four Guardian Sword Dragons . In fact, the Northern Black Season Gen Zeku killed was strong . To the point that he was barely able to defeat him using『one』of his Judgement Bolts, which were his trump card .

「Wasn"t Kazane one of the players? Who is the old man?」

Age obediently answered Zeku"s question .

「The old man is called Jinrai . If I remember right, isn"t he the guy that did it with your granddaughter?」

Zeku gave an understanding nod after those words . He felt like his granddaughter"s ability to judge people was as high as expected . Although Zeku was regretting in his heart that he couldn"t reunite with his grandchild, since they withdrew earlier than expected .

(Well, it"s fine . I can harvest at any time . )

There was no rush . He thought it was best to eat them after they grew up . Zeku had as much time as he liked .

「I also failed to bring down my foe . 」

As Zeku was thinking about his grandchild, the black armor behind him seemed to be regretful as it looked south . Apparently there was an enemy it failed to defeat . But the orders of its master were absolute . Zeku had also wanted to watch his devil troops in action for longer, but he had been forcibly transferred to the designated location . Then their master opened his mouth .

「Target object . . . obtained . 」

So saying, Devil King Yukito took out Hagasu"s heart .

「This is that . . . 」

Zeku raised his voice in admiration as he looked at it . It seemed that some kind of seal had been put on it, but it was one size larger than the Dragon Heart in Zeku"s hand, and two times larger than a normal one . It certainly had an appearance befitting a Dragon King .

That was their aim . They had no interest in the likes of a player-led party in the first place . The only reason they didn"t steal it directly from the players was simply because they decided to use the dragon village as a test run for their devil army .

Hagasu"s heart had been stolen . They were now one step closer to their objective . That was what they were thinking . And at that point in time . . .

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

t.i.tle: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Adhesion Sword『Gum』, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Eating Ogre King"s Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Acc.u.mulator, White Magic Acc.u.mulator

Level : 32

Health: 124

Magic Power: 235+420

Strength: 55+20

Agility: 50+14

Endurance: 32

Wisdom : 62

Dexterity : 39

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior"s Memory』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog"s Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『St.u.r.dier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『s.p.a.ce Expansion』『Pseudo-silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』

Yumika:「At that point in time?」

Kazane:「Ahahahaha, stu~pid stu~pid . I hope they"re grateful . There"s no way we would simply hand it over, right? Shtupid!」

Yumika:「Uwa, Kazane has snapped, hasn"t she . Or rather, that black smiling face is scary, so stop already . Also, you"re drooling . 」

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