
Chapter 212

Publishedat 24th of September 2019 05:07:23 PMChapter 212

Chapter 212 - Let"s Call Him Husband

◎ Great Dragon Palace, G.o.d Dragon Emperor"s Throne Room

「It"s like I can see their vexed expressions . 」

Kazane was making a hateful smile in the G.o.d Dragon Emperor"s throne room the day after the devil attack .

Speaking frankly, that smiling face was like Great Sensei A instead of Great Sensei F . It was a fufufu smile .

Ao and Naga were also there and had like smiles like Kazane .

「Well, I"m glad we applied that final insurance . Truly . 」

For some reason, the West Dragon Village"s Ao was there and spoke . It seemed being Humanized was his default state, and he was sitting beside Kazane and laughing .

『It was several levels higher than the seal I was planning to apply . Well, it can"t be seen without looking very closely . 』

Naga said . The rainbow Dragon Spirit he was emitting was much thinner than before . His chest contained the Power Orb (small) that was previously in Kazane"s Hippomaru-kun .

Kazane had remembered Master saying the Power Orb (small) was like a deep layer cla.s.s Childstone . With Kazane"s swift action after that, it was successfully transplanted as Naga"s Core, and he narrowly escaped death .

Though since the output was low, he had simply survived and couldn"t use his previous strength, but there was no mistaking that just surviving was an unexpected miracle for Naga .

Then Kazane took the Infinite Key out of her Item Box . That was the key to victory .

「Well, since I used this . The Lock function of the『Infinite Key』Artifact . 」

The Artifact『Infinite Key』had the power to unlock anything conceptually related to unlocking and was a rare item that could only be used by players on subsequent playthroughs, but that wasn"t the only ability of the item . It was a key . Therefore, it could close as well as open . Though in the game its only purpose was to lock important items so they wouldn"t be used accidentally . That nuance didn"t change in this world, but that was a tremendous effect despite being simple .

「Its Lock function is powerful . Those guys won"t be able to unlock it . 」

In Kazane"s opinion, Artifacts were in the same category as the Window and Dungeons . The techniques that reproduced the game"s systems were a black box, a mystery that even Ao couldn"t unravel despite living for 800 years .

Kuhihihihi . . . . . . Kazane laughed . Those devils must be seething . It was a terrifyingly delighted face . She was laughing while imagining them saying things like「Ah, we can"t use itー」「Why?ー」「Kazane-sama, forgive meー」with crying figures . It was a situation that required an immediate return to reality .

Though Naga couldn"t honestly laugh .

『But isn"t that dangerous for Kazane?』

Ao answered Naga"s anxiety .

「In that regard, I"ll spread information that I have a secret sealing technique . The general rule for Artifacts is one per person, and those guys should have seen the Crimson Saint Coffin that"s usually hanging from Kazane-san"s waist . So please don"t talk about this anywhere else, Nagsama . This fact is only known by me, Kazane-san, Minshiana"s Queen Yuuko, and Nagsama . 」
Yuuko-nee knew about the Infinite Key, so she proposed the insurance of using its Lock function on Hagasu"s Heart when Kazane received it . Artifacts, like the Window, were existences beyond human knowledge . It should be the strongest sealing technique .

「Well, really, please don"t leak this . As might be expected, protecting myself will be impossible if it"s spread . 」

Kazane was throwing in the towel . She was furious with that group, but challenging a foe of that scale was impossible with just one party .

『Then the enemy will turn to Ao . 』

Ao made a brutal smile after Naga spoke .

「I"m looking forward to it . 」

So saying, Ao"s chilling bloodl.u.s.t dominated that place .

The dead Northern Black Season Gen was Ao"s child born through the Reincarnation Dragon ritual . The other guardians Byaku, Suza, and Sei were also given birth to by Ao with the Reincarnation Dragon ritual . He hadn"t only focused on the West Dragon Village"s revival, but the East Dragon Village"s as well . Therefore, the negative emotions he was harboring were quite deep right now . Naga understood, but there was something more important, so he chided him .

『Ao-dono . Don"t harbor such ill feelings in this place . You might frighten my child . 』

Ao made a taken aback expression after Naga spoke . Then he apologized with「I"m sorry . 」Kazane beside him was saying「Everything"s ok」as she hugged and caressed the egg . Kazane grinned when it was clear that the child was moving inside .

「Kufufu, hey, husband . 」


「I just wanted to say it . 」


Naga and Kazane laughed . Looking at the situation, Ao muttered「Ah, they"re close . 」

The current three person discussion was taking place at noon on the day after the devil attack .

Naturally, it wasn"t like things had settled down immediately after last night"s battle ended . Rather, they had been busy dealing with the aftermath since then .

The first thing Kazane had dealt with was Naga"s heart transplant surgery . It was a major operation in which the damaged Rainbow Heart was removed from the almost dead Naga and the Power Orb (small) was installed .

At first, all members of the『Four Guardian Sword Dragons』except the dead Northern Black Season Gen implanted the Power Orb (small) and tried to synchronize it with Naga"s magical power, but handling the rainbow Dragon Spirit was difficult, and in the end Kazane had to adjust it using the Window . She promptly completed it, and Byaku, Suza, and Sei were astonished .   Kazane had keenly felt that the Window was outside the standard .

And regarding the battle, it was confirmed that the aforementioned member of the『Four Guardian Sword Dragons』Northern Black Season Gen was dead . 54 other dragons died as well . 18 dragons were bitten by black devils, which made them turn black and join the enemy side, and they had vanished along with the other enemies . The Dragonoids also had a not insignificant number of casualties .

Also, Blue Flame Ao, the a.s.sistant to the head of West Dragon Village Laguna, was there because he received the same email from Yuuko-nee as Kazane"s group .

It seemed Ao felt uneasy about the words Heart and Devil written in the email and went to see Queen Yuuko at Royal Capital Shubain right away . After seeing that Yuuko-nee had lost consciousness due to a Curse, he realized the possibility of someone aiming for Hagasu"s Heart and came here chasing after Kazane and the others .

When Ao arrived early that morning, he bitterly smiled and said「I didn’t make it in time,」but he arrived four days after receiving the email . Considering the distance, he had truly unreasonably forced himself to arrive so fast . He was composed now, but he looked like he was about to collapse from fatigue when he arrived .

「So then, Yuuko-nee"s Curse can be removed with the Infinite Key, right?」

Kazane asked Ao . It seemed Yuuko-nee was currently unconscious because of the Curse, which naturally explained why there was no reply to their emails . And that Curse was so powerful that Ao couldn"t remove it, but Ao had said it was probably possible with Kazane"s Infinite Key .

「Yeah, it should be possible with the same process you used when you removed King Mefirus" Curse . But since your Artifact must not be revealed, I think I should secretly take only you to Minshiana to undo it . Is that fine?」

「Yeah . Of course . 」

If it was about Yuuko-nee there was no need for Ao to ask . Though Kazane continued「But . 」

「After this child is born . 」

「If I"m not mistaken, the ritual was done yesterday, right?」

Ao asked while looking at the egg .

『Indeed . The necessary knowledge and consciousness have been etched in . Well, it will probably still be one or two days until they wake up . But since I"m in this state, my child Tatsuo will have to journey together with you . 』

After Naga"s words, Ao looked at Kazane .


「It"s a good name, isn"t it?」

Kazane was laughing ehehe as she caressed the egg .

(It"s not bad, but . . . is that really . . . no, I guess it"s okay)

Newborn dragons grew by absorbing their parent"s Dragon Spirit . The artificial Dragon Spirit produced by the Power Orb was dangerous for Tatsuo"s growth, so it was decided that Tatsuo would be raised by Kazane .

「Tatsuo, a kiss from mother . 」

Kazane saying that while caressing the egg was completely like a mama . Such an old dragon producing a baby with a young girl and having her raise that child . . .

(It smells of a crime)

Ao murmured in his mind . Baby, young wife, child raising, young mama . . . such words came to mind . Ao was once an erotic gamer . He was a deplorable man with a considerably special preference who had written things like「Baby lolis are justice!」on a certain bulletin board . He was also a shy boy who would nervously look out the window as he wrote such things . From Ao"s subjective time that was already a matter of more than 800 years ago .

◎ East Dragon Village Zegan, Dragonewt City, Central Hospital

When he woke up, he knew he was in a hospital room . He had also stayed at one for one week in Deer South, so he was able to understand that this was also a hospital room .

(If I remember correctly, I was fighting that devil boy, then I briefly talked to Kazane after that)

Jinrai remembered that Kazane was crying at that time . He had no memory after hearing her say「It"s ok」while stroking his head, but he was probably taken to the hospital after that .

And when he looked around, he was startled that a crying Yumika, Tiara, and his grandchildren were there .

「Why are you crying?」

Yumika jumped into Jinrai"s chest without answering that question .

「After all, after all, it"s . Your arm, your arm won"t return . 」

Then Yumika broke down crying . The three people restraining themselves behind her also crumbled and shed tears . They knew about Jinrai"s steady effort to get where he was . They lamented that it was taken away like this .


However, that wasn"t the case for Jinrai . Certainly, his right arm was gone . In this world, there was also regenerative treatment magic, but Jinrai thought that if his arm wouldn"t return, that part of his Astral Body was probably eaten by the devil . But no pessimistic feelings arose .

(That sensation . . . hasn"t disappeared?)

On the contrary, he was feeling surprisingly refreshed right now .

「Kuku, ku, ahahahahaha」

So he laughed . He laughed simply because he was happy from the bottom of his heart . Yumika, Lyle, Emily, and Tiara"s eyes widened in amazement as they watched .

「Should I call the doctor?」

「Ah, his head?」

After the rude exchange between Emily and Lyle, Jinrai replied「I"m not touched in the head」and he stopped laughing, then informed them .

「No, my eyes have been opened to the deepest mysteries . I was finally able to arrive there through the battle with the devil kid . 」

Yumika made a「?」expression . That was the same for both Lyle and Emily . Tiara further tilted her head .

Though Jinrai didn"t think he could make them understand either . However, that was a real feeling to Jinrai .

Thinking that what he had lost was nothing compared to what he had gained, Jinrai"s expression was clear to an unprecedented degree . And when he thought about showing it to his disciple immediately after he left the hospital, he laughed like a mischievous kid .

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

t.i.tle: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Adhesion Sword『Gum』, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Eating Ogre King"s Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Acc.u.mulator, White Magic Acc.u.mulator

Level : 32

Health: 124

Magic Power: 235+420

Strength: 55+20

Agility: 50+14

Endurance: 32

Wisdom : 62

Dexterity : 39

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior"s Memory』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog"s Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『St.u.r.dier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『s.p.a.ce Expansion』『Pseudo-silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』

Kazane:「Umm, have you been crying since yesterday?」

Yumika:「Unlike you, who got to talk to master before he was carried in, the room was no visitors until just before master awoke . For all of us . 」

Kazane:「Don"t glare at me with such resentful eyes . It"s scary . 」

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