Married To The Mermen King

Chapter 20 How can you stop crying?

Chapter 20 How can you stop crying?

Lu Mengmeng walked down the street without purpose, and felt she was empty.

It seemed that the noise of the people around her were as far away as a distant universe. She couldn’t feel the slightest resonance from the joy and happiness of those people. She just wanted to find a place to cry uncontrollably now.

She wanted cry for her broken maiden heart, she wanted cry for her first love, which had ended before it started, and she wanted cry for the heart she had wrongly lost.

On the way, people around her occasionally looked doubtful at her, and then they carefully averted their gazes. Everyone was a tiny dust on this huge planet, so all the worry could only be kept to themselves, and there was no extra care for strangers on the road.

Lu Mengmeng didn"t know where she wanted to go. She didn"t want to go home, but she had no place to go.

"Hey, why do you walk so fast?"

A light voice sounded in her ears.

Was it Lin Ruize?! Lu Mengmeng looked up excitedly and saw Danjinos, who was standing right at her side with a frivolous smile on his mouth.

The last hope in the girl"s heart disappeared at this moment.

As soon as she saw this fellow, she was angry. Lu Mengmeng quickened her pace angrily, trying to leave him behind. But this fellow was very close to her, and he didn"t have any sense of distance.

"This guy named Lin had a bad way of looking at people. He couldn’t tell the difference between men and women. He even mistook me as a woman—to confess! I don’t know why you are so sad about such a blind man." Danjinos shrugged. When he said that, he seemed to think of something funny and his tone began to rise. "You don"t know that, when he realized I was a male, he was frozen in shock on the spot! He was stunned. Hha! He even cried! He was probably crying over his blindness at such a young age. . ."

Danjinos laughed excessively. But when he spoke, he watched Mengmeng all the while, trying to see even a trace of a better mood in her sad face.

He didn"t know how to say pleasant words, so he had to comfort his fiancée in this clumsy way.

However, his words directly trigger the girl"s anger.

"So you are proud now, aren’t you?" Mengmeng raised her head, gritted her teeth and said the words slowly.

"What?" Danjinos looked at her quizzically.

"Just because we are not as beautiful as you, all of us are teased by your attractiveness. You think all of us are ridiculous, so you"re very proud of that, aren"t you?" Mengmeng looked at him coldly, and her eyes were meant to chill to the bone.

But what she got was a very straightforward reply from Danjinos. "No, if the boy named Lin was also a merman, he would be seen as an aggravation to me and killed, for he treated me as a female and confessed to me today."

His tone was so sincere that he succeeded in making Lu Mengmeng speechless.

There was no way to communicate between different species at all!

When she got home, Mengmeng shut herself in her room and cried without trying to hide it.

All the grievances and misery of these days had erupted today.

Why did she fall into the tropical river when she happily went to Amazon to see her parents?

Why did she inexplicably enter into a marriage contract with this cannibal merman?

Why did this fellow travel thousands of miles to come here to be together with me morning and night?

Why did the person she liked confess to this guy?!

The more she thought about it, the more she grieved, and the more she thought about it longer, the sadder she felt. Mengmeng ’s tears were like turning a tap on, and the valve couldn"t be closed at all.

Danjinos knocked on her door for a long time, but the response he received was the girl’s unrelenting crying. He had no choice but to use violent means—to take down the door.

The emotionally fragile girl was huddled in her quilt on the bed and lay curled up in a position like a baby in the mother"s womb. Looking at her face, Danjinos did not know what to do. So he squatted in front of her bed and watched her cry for half of the day.

"Mengmeng, Lin Ruize is a blind person. Is it worth crying for a blind person?" Danjinos sighed.

"Who . . . " she sobbed. "Who I cry . . .  Who I cry for, is . . . is none of . . . is none of your business." Although her tone was super fierce, there was a lovely feeling, too, because she took a long time to finish the sentence.

"Think about it; the people you like likes me. What does this mean? This means that I"m better than the people you like! In this case, why don’t you like me, too? Is that all right?" Danjinos had thought about it for a moment and gave this suggestion, which he thought was very pertinent.

This time, the girl did not speak, but a pillow flew out of the bed and hit him directly on his head.

"Lu Mengmeng, I thought there was just something wrong with Lin Ruize’s eyes; but as for you, you had a bad judgment in choosing boyfriend! In fact, you can learn from him in this aspect. Really, I think I"m your perfect choice. Actually, you don"t have to be inferior. I know that human beings are weak, but I will not dislike you for this. I promise!"

This time, it was Lu Mengmeng"s slippers that were thrown at Danjinos.

"I don’t really understand human beings. What are you crying for exactly?" Danjinos sniffled his nose and looked helpless as the girl cried louder and louder.

With no way out, Danjinos sighed, and he touched his cell phone and went out.

Two minutes later, Danjinos came in from outside. He lifted the quilt off the girl and picked her up. Then he sat down and had her sit on his knees, and let her bury her head in his chest to down her tears.

The man"s hand gently touched the girl"s soft hair, and he tenderly comforted her. "I know your heart is filled with pain now. If you want to cry, cry out. It"s okay. I’m here. I"ll always be there. I"ll always be with you."

As he spoke, he gently touched the girl"s back to help her breathe. Ten minutes later, his broad palm was on the girl"s head, rubbing her head clockwise.

Gradually, the girl stopped crying and looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

The girl"s clothes were messy, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were half exposed, and her eyes were red and misty. She was both temptation and beautiful, for she was at the junction of girl and women.

Danjinos looked at her and rubbed her head hard. He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

This time, the girl did not show any refusal.

That kiss was very fast, just like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water. It was not like Danjinos" style. Hadn"t he always been like an overbearing CEO who liked to kiss hard?

Lu Mengmeng looked at him strangely, but she found that Danjinos" eyes kept looking behind her.

What was behind her?

She wouldn’t grow a fish tail like him, would she?

Following Danjinos" eyes, Mengmeng turned her head. Then she saw a mobile phone on Danjinos" toe , and the huge human head on the screen of the mobile phone was Zhao Bu!

Lu Mengmeng, who had just stopped crying, did not yet know what had happened. She could not help but look at the screen again, and then she slowly recovered.

It turned out that he had comforted her under Zhao Bu"s guidance. What’s more, Zhao Bu was still teaching Danjinos how to take the opportunity to consolidate his status as her fiancé.

What was all this?!

Lu Mengmeng, who had just gotten emotionally stable, immediately steamed with rage. "Get out of here!"

She jumped off Danjinos and stood barefoot on the floor. Her right finger pointed at the door, and her face was as cold as frost.

"Mengmeng—" Danjinos tried to explain more, but the girl interrupted him.

"I said get out of here!"

Thinking of the breathless look on Lu Mengmeng as she cried before, Danjinos did not want to repeat the same mistake. So he left the room obediently.

As soon as he left the door, Danjinos immediately called Zhao Bu, since the phone had gotten jostled and ended the call.

"How did your directions go wrong? Now she is kicking me out! Didn"t you say that this method is absolutely foolproof? You have to give me an explanation!"

Danjinos shouted angrily at the phone. Zhao Bu carefully took the phone away for fear of shattering his eardrum.

Ma Liuyun, on the other side, couldn"t help laughing, and said into the microphone, "He has been single for thirty-two years. What does this mean? This means that all the methods he gave you were lessons in failure!"

"Go to h.e.l.l." Zhao Bu discontentedly waved his fist at Ma Liuyun, holding the phone away so he could see, and then held the phone closer.

"Is what Ma Liuyun said just now true?" Danjinos tempered his voice. This fellow dared to teach him the theory of failure!

"Don"t listen to his nonsense. All of these are lessons summed up on the basis of practice. What’s more, you had succeeded in stopping Mengmeng’s crying in the way I said before."

Although Zhao Bu had not succeeded in getting rid of his loneliness, he was an absolute master of love theory. It sounded really great. Danjinos thought that it was true, and his anger gradually faded away.

"I don"t care. Now she"s kicking me out. You have to give me a method, otherwise . . . hmm . . . "

Danjinos did not say what would he say, but Zhao Bu was very clear that the biosphere alliance had stipulated that these special species would not be responsible if they "accidentally" ate people.

"You can try to take her to eat. Mengmeng has been crying for so long, she must be hungry. If you can take her to eat something delicious, maybe her mood will be better!"

Two minutes later, Danjinos pushed the door in.

Mengmeng crossed her legs and sat on the bed. Hearing him come in, she didn"t even raise her eyes.

"Let"s go get something to eat!" Danjinos" voice was intense but the response he received was silent. "What do you think we should eat? Hot pot? Sichuan hot pot or Chaoshan beef hot pot? Would you like to eat cake? Chocolate brownie cake or Black Forest Cake? How about Haagen-Dazs ice cream? Would you like Sichuan cuisine or Hunan cuisine, or Beijing Roast Duck? Or do you want sushi and sukiyaki?"

Danjinos read the name of the dish carefully, but Lu Mengmeng remained unmoved.

It seemed that it had not succeeded this time. . .

Danjinos scratched his head. He prepared to go out and called Zhao Bu to come up with a new idea. As he turned to leave, he felt he was blocked by a physical resistance.

He looked down and saw a pair of slender hands clutching tightly at the corner of his clothes.

"Let’s go! I want to eat!"

"What do you want to eat?" Danjinos was stuck for a second. After all, he had just read off a lot of dishes.

"All! All! I want to eat! "

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