Married To The Mermen King

Chapter 21 Danjinos"s proposal of Marriage

Chapter 21 Danjinos"s proposal of Marriage

In a shopping arcade that is ablaze with lights.

Lu Mengmeng was attentively looking at the restaurant in the shopping arcade. Danjinos, with his hands in his pockets, stood beside her. His eyes glanced lightly over her face, and there was a little joy under his calm, red eyes.

With the menu in her hand, Lu Mengmeng ordered dishes in a wild way without any hesitation.

After all, it was Danjinos’ treat. It was no big deal to take advantage of him.

Delicious and attractive meals soon appeared on the table one by one. Lu Mengmeng immediately looked at the food with her eyes shining, and threw herself into the great mission of eating food without hesitation. Danjinos looked at her as she was gorging, and he deliberately showed her an expression of disgust.

“Are you really a girl? These are all yours. Take it easy!”

Lu Mengmeng was busy filling her mouth with food and had no time to talk back to him. She had to roll her eyes at him silently, as if to say, “I’d like to”.

Danjinos saw her happy face, and he could not help picking up his chopsticks.

“Wait a minute—these are all mine. If you want to eat, you’d better order your own dishes.” She opened her arms to protect her food. She was afraid that if she was remiss at being distracted, all the food would fall into Danjinos’ mouth.

“It is my treat today!” Danjinos pouted discontentedly. Darn it. In the eyes of this silly girl, was all this food more attractive than such a handsome merman as he?

What a joke!

Lu Mengmeng also felt that she was a little excessive. She quietly licked the soup at the corner of her mouth and pushed the dish farthest away from her toward Danjinos. “This . . . This vegetable salad is for you to eat. . .”

. . . This dish was free from the restaurant. . .

Three black lines appeared on Danjinos’ face in an instant. “Waiter! Please take this order for me!” Danjinos held the menu in his hand and opened it fiercely.

Lu Mengmeng quickly ate the food in front of her in about one minute. Then she eagerly gazed at the steak on Danjinos’ plate.

“Do you want to eat it?” Danjinos glanced at her and spoke in a lazy tone.

“Um!” Lu Mengmeng licked her lips and fixedly stared at the big fillet of steak.

Danjinos helplessly touched his forehead, then he silently cut the steak and put it in front of her. “Do you think I am kind to you?” Looking at the smile on her face, he put his elbow on the table and rested his chin in his hands. He looked at Mengmeng with curiosity.

Lu Mengmeng, who was concentrating on eating the steak, could not reply with her mouth, so she had to respond with her eyes as she nodded rapidly.

“Since I’m so kind to you, when is the right time for us to get married?”

Danjinos said it slowly, but Lu Mengmeng was shocked. Before she could chew slowly, she swallowed the steak in one gulp. The crude fiber of the beef made the bite stick in her throat, so that she had to swallow hard two or three times before it went down.

“What . . . What are you talking about?” Mengmeng looked at Danjinos with a frightened face, and it seemed that there were countless thoughts making little explosions in her mind. Get married? Did she hear the wrong?

“You are my fiancée. Isn"t it natural to discuss the time of marriage?” Danjinos casually shrugged his shoulders.

On the contrary, Lu Mengmeng coughed wildly. G.o.d! She was only seventeen! She was still under the state legal age for marriage! “I think . . .  Well, I think we need time to think about it seriously, don’t we? We haven’t known each other for a long time, and we don’t know much about each other. . .” Lu Mengmeng said it tensely. She reached for the cup on the table and drank, trying to calm herself down.

“We have exchanged blood with each other at the first kiss, and we have signed a marriage contract. As for knowing each other . . . I think married life after getting married is more beneficial to—”

Puff. . .

Before Danjinos had finished his words, the frightened girl had spluttered water on his face.

“Sorry. . .” Mengmeng got up in a hurry.

Danjinos, with a dark expression on his face, refused the girl’s kindness to help him wipe away the water. He took the napkin silently and wiped the liquid from his face.

“I know you have done a lot for me. . . In fact, I can give you a chance, but the premise is that you have to give up eating humans.” Lu Mengmeng calmed down and thought about it. Although she had a fiancé for no reason, she must admit that he was really kind to her. What was more, when she was so sad, he had quietly accompanied her.

From their acquaintance to the present, he really gave her the companionship that her parents had never given her, and he also gave her unexpected warmth.

So, it was not a bad thing to try to fall in love with Danjinos, if possible.

“Give up eating humans? Why?!” Sitting across the table, he began to complain grumpily. How could he give up eating humans as a man-eating merman? Would not he be laughed at if it was spread out and known by other mermen?

“Humans are sour and smelly, and they are not delicious. Give it up.” Lu Mengmeng was kind enough to comfort him, but what she actually thought was that, was she not as important as eating humans?

He sullenly raised his eyebrows. “Although humans are not my main source of food, eating or not eating is my choice. Now that you forbid a man-eating merman to eat humans, it is just as if you are depriving me of my choice. That is a case concerning dignity.”

She could not help frowning. If he didn’t give up eating humans, it would mean that her safety was not guaranteed. What should she do if he was unhappy and swallowed her up?

“In fact, it is not absolutely impossible not to eat humans," Danjinos admitted as he rubbed his eyebrows.

“Really?” Hearing this, she suddenly became happy.

“But you need to promise me a request first.” He deliberately kept her guessing.

“Tell me what it is!” She looked expectantly at his red eyes.

“One year later, you must marry me.”

Danjinos reached out his hands, and then the cold touch came to Lu Mengmeng’s lips. She was losing her mind. The hands were quickly withdrawn, and he still appeared relaxed.

This . . .

Lu Mengmeng began to hesitate. After a fierce mental struggle, she looked up at Danjinos. “Okay, but you must promise me that you will not eat humans in the future.”

“Okay.” Danjinos nodded casually, but his heart was overwhelmed with joy.

When they left the restaurant, they found out that it had begun to rain outside. Danjinos, being a merman, had a natural love of water. But in order to take care of Mengmeng, he still gently held an umbrella for the girl.


Lu Mengmeng’s mobile phone suddenly sounded. She clicked on it. It turned out that Lin Ruize had updated his microblog. Sure, she had not removed Lin Ruize from her “special focus”.

Seeing Lin Ruize’s update, Lu Mengmeng, who had just gotten into a better mood, fell down again.

What the heck! It was not easy for her to hide her sorrow, and this guy reminded her again in this way how ridiculous she really was.

Looking at the girl’s sagging eyebrows, Danjinos was puzzled. He grabbed the mobile phone from her. Surprisingly, he was not blocked this time.

“Everything was a dream.”

On the mobile phone, this update from Lin Ruize was particularly prominent. Obviously, the girl was sad because of this sentence.

“Do you want to . . . have some more food?” He put down her mobile phone and looked at the girl carefully.

“I’d like to, but I can not . . . er . . . can not eat any more.” She touched her round belly and belched.

Danjinos sighed, reached out and held her in his arms.

The embrace of the man was firm and warm.

“Ah?” Lu Mengmeng seemed a little surprised and also a little happy. A warm feeling slowly rose from the bottom of her heart.

And the next second, the man kissed her.

“Well, there are people here. . .” the girl protested a little reluctantly, but Danjinos remained unmoved. As he continued to kiss, he warded off all the people’s eyes with the umbrella like a shield.

On the street where people were coming and going, two people stood under the umbrella, feeling that the time belonged only to them.

The man’s flexible tongue roamed through the girl’s mouth and sucked the sweet fluid there. And Lu Mengmeng, who had always been reserved, really started to enjoy the very intimate kiss between them at this moment.

She could feel that the man was seizing her mouth, and he was like a naughty child who was tirelessly demanding. As for her, she responded to the kiss and enjoyed it. It was just like a naive girl walking in a misty forest who finally pushed the castle door open.

After a long time, the two pairs of tightly interdependent lips slowly separated.

“You must not think about other people in the future. Although we belong to different species, I will be your most loyal lover in the world. From now on, until the moment my life turns into nothingness, my body and my heart will only love you. I will always be with you. I will not make you sad, let alone walk out on you. I am your family, and I want to be with you all my life.”

The clear voice from Danjinos came into the girl’s eardrum. She looked at the man in front of her with slight surprise. Was he . . . showing true love to her?

“Did you hear me clearly? You are mine, and I am yours, and we will stay together until the end of life.”

The words of Danjinos made Lu Mengmeng’s eyes grow moist.

She sniffed to push back the sour feelings she had, and then a beautiful smile appeared on her face.


Just when she was so emotionally touched, a pair of powerful hands suddenly gave her a hard shove to the side.

She staggered back half a step and almost slipped.

When she calmed down, she followed the voice and looked over to see who it was. She saw Danjinos being held tightly by a girl.

The girl buried herself tightly against the chest of Danjinos. With long blue hair, she was beautiful and charming. Furthermore, she did not seem to be an ordinary species.

“Danjinos! Do you know how long I have been looking for you?!” The woman hugged Danjinos and constantly sobbed.

Lu Mengmeng was shocked by the change in front of her. What happened?

She looked at the girl and Danjinos again. Obviously, the shock on his face was no less than her surprise.

“This young lady—” Lu Mengmeng began as she kindly came forward. She was interrupted by the girl.

“Get out of here!" the girl shouted. "Why are you such a bad girl, standing so close to my Danjinos? I am his fiancée!”

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