The first thing Danjinos did when he returned home was to knock on Lu Mengmeng’s door. After knocking twice, he found that the door was just closed and unlocked.

He thought it was a sign that she was not defensive against him. The fact was that if she had locked the door, he would break it down violently. She just thought that it would be too much trouble to install it again.

“Mengmeng, why did you suddenly leave just now? Are you too tired on the way?” Danjinos sat casually in the chair, and watched Lu Mengmeng packing up busily. “What are you doing?” he asked doubtfully. But he only got the same answer as the last question, which was a long silence.

Er, was she angry?

He touched the back of his head quizzically. Did he say anything to offend her? But how could he not remember? “Mengmeng, are you preparing for the opening of school tomorrow? Shall we go to school together tomorrow morning?” he asked with great excitement. This time, he made progress compared with the previous twice.

She spoke to him!

“Excuse me, can you move aside? My geography book is under your b.u.t.tocks.”

Um. He stood up silently and handed the geography book to her. To his surprise, she politely said, “Thank you”.

No, his intuition was telling him that something was wrong.

Danjinos immediately went to Zhao Bu for help. He described Lu Mengmeng’s concrete expression to Zhao Bu.

Zhao Bu squinted his eyes. After he thought carefully for a while, he slowly opened his mouth to speak. “The more polite a girl is to you, the more estranged she is from you. Think about it carefully; did you do anything to offend her?”

Danjinos looked innocent. “No! Back on the plane, she also promised me to go out with me in the future. Why did she suddenly turn hostile as soon as she came back?”

Sighing, Zhao Bu took him to the window and pointed to the blue sky outside. “See that? Do you know what that is out there?”

Danjinos thought for a while. “Cloud? Air? Atmospheric layer?”

Zhao Bu said, “A woman’s heart is a deep ocean of secrets. There is a proverb in our hometown, that is to say that "A woman’s face is the same as that of June, and their moods changed very quickly."”

Danjinos nodded, but he seemed to have only a hazy notion. Then he looked at Zhao Bu with a doubtful face. “But it’s October now!”

The next day, Danjinos stayed at the door early in the morning, hoping to wait for Lu Mengmeng to go to school together. However, it was almost six-thirty, and she had not come out of the room yet.

Could she still be in bed?

He went to his fiancée’s door, and before he reached out, a gust of wind blew the door open.

The room was empty, the quilts were neatly folded, and the schoolbag that was usually on the table was not there now.

Had this girl left early without waiting for him?

He rushed to the school at once, and succeeded in getting there just in time for the bell and rushed into the cla.s.sroom.

After the bell rang, the cla.s.s teacher came in with a big smile.

“Boys and girls, tell you some good news. Now we have another new student in our cla.s.s. I hope you can carry forward the spirit of unity and friendship and take good care of your new cla.s.smate.”

Somehow, Lu Mengmeng looked at the cla.s.s teacher who was shining with happiness, and she felt that she had seen this smile before.

Did she laugh the same way when Danjinos transferred to her cla.s.s?

And this time?

Before she could think any more, there were shocked shouts in the cla.s.sroom.

She raised her head. Sure enough, the girl standing on the platform was Ludia.

She was wearing a light blue dress, which matched her blue curly hair very well. Her white skin was more dazzling now. Without introducing herself, she had gotten a lot of fans.

“Wow! This girl is so beautiful! She won’t s.n.a.t.c.h Danjinos from me, will she?” The representatives from the music course looked at the girl on the stage. She was not only envious, but also alert.

“How beautiful she is! That’s terrible. She and Danjinos . . . which one should I date?” The representative from the sports course silently lifted his chin and looked sad.

Looking at her cla.s.smates so distressed, Lu Mengmeng could not help thinking in her heart secretly, Wake up, kids! She wanted to be the fiancée of Danjinos all the time. So neither of them can be gotten by you! Inadvertently, her glance swept over Danjinos’ face.

He was looking down at the textbook, with a gaze completely unaffected by anything going on outside.

She was silently moved, and suddenly she felt that something was wrong.

Why does he look at the book differently than I do? Why are there so many words? Where are the drawings and problem sets that should be in the textbooks? So she involuntarily approached him and glanced at him quietly. With one glance, she felt that her worldview had been greatly impacted.

This guy was looking at the unexpurgated edition of a love story?!

She could no longer calm down at that moment, and her whole person tended to be on the edge of a rampage. Finally, she took her water bottle and filled it with fresh water. Only then did she gradually calm down.

Whatever Merman he was, and whether he was dignified or not, everything else were just words.

Before she could recover, a loud voice came from above her head.

“Hey, I’m going to sit here. Please change your seat.”

Lu Mengmeng raised her head. Ludia was looking down at her, glancing over her with slight disdain. However, when she looked at Danjinos, her face was delighted.

Well, this mermaid’s level of facial change was quite high, she silently complained in her heart.

“Hey, I’m talking to you. Didn’t you hear me?” Looking at her sitting still, Ludia frowned discontentedly, and the expression on her face began to grow impatient.

“There are so many seats in the cla.s.s. Why do you want to take my seat here?” Lu Mengmeng asked reluctantly.

“I want to sit at the same table with Danjinos!” Ludia’s answer was very straightforward. As soon as she opened her mouth, it caused a lot of disturbance in the cla.s.sroom.

Did the beauty who had just come in already know Danjinos? It seemed that beautiful people were connected with each other.

“Sorry, I don’t want to sit at the same table with you.” After reading the last word of the chapter at hand, Danjinos put the book away without haste and looked at Ludia with an indifferent face.

“Why?” Ludia was very dissatisfied.

“Because you are so ugly.” Danjinos’ words were like dropping an atomic bomb in this small cla.s.sroom.

While they were shocked by Danjinos’ evil tongue, the students began to discuss who looked better, Danjinos or Ludia. Some said that Ludia was the rich beauty at first sight. Compared with Danjinos, she could also be roughly the same. But others said that Ludia and Danjinos did look kind of good together. Every time they saw each other, they quarreled. This was a typical love story. Enemies and lovers were destined to meet.

. . . Why don’t we create a fan group of D&L?

Sitting in her seat, Lu Mengmeng listened to her cla.s.smates chattering around, and she was so angry that her heart was full of vulgar words.

“Poor young people, you are so ridiculous! You don’t even know their genders, so don’t come out and try to catch stars without reason.”

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