How could Ludia, who was disliked by Danjinos for being ugly, stand it? She immediately pointed to Lu Mengmeng and said, “Of course I’m not uglier than her.”

Lu Mengmeng said silently in her heart, What do you have to do with me when the quarrel is between you two?

Danjinos saw his fiancée slandered by Ludia, and he was right to resist. “In this case, let me ask a cla.s.smate. After all, the have sharp eyes.”

Lu Mengmeng thought it was somewhat incredible. Of course, the had sharp eyes. She was a plain high school student. How could she compete with the mermaid princess? Who would think she was prettier than Ludia unless that someone was blind?

But Danjinos did find a “blind man” that have no eye for beauty.

He grabbed Lin Ruize, who was sitting in front of him, then he pointed to Ludia and Lu Mengmeng, and said with a bright smile, “Who do you think is more beautiful, Ludia or Lu Mengmeng?”

Lin Ruize had just been set up to fall. When he learned that the “G.o.ddess” he fell in love with at first sight was a man, his whole world outlook had collapsed. So, when he saw Ludia, he instinctively doubted her gender.

“Are . . . Are you really a woman?”

Although Lin Ruize’s remark was an inquiry, in Ludia’s view, it was certainly satirizing her appearance. She was very unpleasant.

She stared at Lin Ruize with wide eyes. “Are you blind?”

Lin Ruize stood back and dared not answer.

Lu Mengmeng saw that he carefully identified Ludia’s gender, and she felt very sympathetic. “This poor child, does he have a psychological shadow because of Danjinos?”

But at the same time, she felt very triumphant. After all, Danjinos still supported her.

Ludia stood for a moment in dismay and said to Lin Ruize with a cold face, “I want to sit at the same table with you.”

Lin Ruize looked at her in surprise. “Why?”

“I will sit where I like. I wish you would stop this talking in riddles.” Ludia glanced at him discontentedly, and vented her discontent with Lu Mengmeng on Lin Ruize. She put down her schoolbag angrily, and pouted with an unhappy face.

Seeing Ludia’s angry look, Danjinos playfully looked at Lu Mengmeng, like seeking compensation for his achievements and reward. “What do you think of my performance just now? Do you want to consider praising me?”

As he spoke, he threw a glamorous eye at the girl.

Looking at his proud face, Lu Mengmeng’s serious expression that she had been trying to maintain went out of control at once. She immediately burst into laughter.

Oh, no! She couldn’t really get angry at this guy.

“Ah! You are not angry at last, and you still have a lovely smile.” As Danjinos spoke, he lightly touched her head and looked at her with a doting expression.

Lu Mengmeng pursed her lips, but she could not stop the smile from appearing at the corner of her mouth. She had a light heart, and she almost sang a song to express her excitement.

“The interaction between Danjinos and Mengmeng was strange. How could two girls be like a couple?” The monitor on the other side held his cheek and looked at them thoughtfully.

Ludia, sitting in front of them, immediately looked at Lu Mengmeng with piercing eyes, full of indignation.

“Why can’t we be a couple? I’m a man, okay?" Danjinos had long been strongly dissatisfied with the strange look in everyone’s eyes, so he declared his gender at the right time.

His words immediately caused the boys in the cla.s.s to feel sad and despairing, while the girls’ eyes flashed with a faint green light, just like when wolves walking in the field suddenly saw food.

The monitor didn’t think that his casual words would bring such serious consequences, and immediately got up to keep order in the cla.s.s. “Boys, don’t be sad! Although we lose Danjinos, Ludia is still here.”

The monitor’s words gathered all the boys’ eyes to Ludia.

“Ludia, you are a girl, aren’t you?” Finally, there was a man who had the courage to ask such a question.

After the last time when they mistook Danjinos for a girl, everyone was very cautious this time. All of them held their breath and waited quietly for her answer.

“No more nonsense! Of course I’m a girl!” Ludia spoke with a slight triumph in her stubborn voice. After receiving this positive answer, these gutless boys joined Ludia one after another. “Great! We finally have a G.o.ddess!” The boys were so attracted to Ludia that everybody’s face was filled with excitement, and they almost knelt down to recite pa.s.sages of eloquent poetry to her.

The girls looked askance at these guys with indignation. “These guys changed their team so quickly. If they were born a few years ago, they must be traitors.”

“Wait a minute! There’s one thing we haven’t got clear yet.” The cla.s.s commissary in charge of studies pushed his eyegla.s.s further up on the bridge of the nose and slowly opened his mouth to speak. “Although the cla.s.s is divided into two groups now—boys regard Ludia as their G.o.ddess and girls regard Danjinos as their idol—there is still a very serious matter we haven’t figured out yet.

"And that," he continued, "is the relationship between Danjinos and Lu Mengmeng.”

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