The schoolgirls all lay on the ground, groaning with pain, with their makeshift weapons in their hands.

Danjinos jumped away flexibly. Then they both stood on the ground steadily.

“You beat them. If someone reports it to the school board, you will be dismissed,” Lu Mengmeng said worriedly, holding one corner of his coat.

“Are you worrying about me?” Danjinos asked. He licked the corner of his mouth, grinning at his fiancée lying in his arms. After hearing that, Lu Mengmeng blushed. She suddenly realized that he embraced her tightly. Then, she hurried to disengage from his arms.

“No! I mean they were hurt badly, so you will be punished if someone reports to the school board.” She was very anxious, but he didn’t seem to be worried about it at all. 

“Don’t worry, Zhao Bu and Ma Liuyun will help me. . .”

After thirty minutes, Zhao Bu and Ma Liuyun quickly came once they got the notice from Danjinos. They “brainwashed” the school girls with their advanced technology. This technology had been approved by headquarters. It was the most advanced technology.

“Remember, you didn’t see Lu Mengmeng and Danjinos here. You were hurt because you accidently fell down. . .”

Zhao Bu and Ma Liuyun held the brainwashing device and whispered to each schoolgirl. After a few seconds, the girls looked puzzled.

When Lu Mengmeng saw it, she was surprised and excited.

“This technology is cool!!”

“Yes, I am going to brainwash you with it,” he said with sly grin on his face.

“What?” Lu Mengmeng slowly turned to look at him.

“Let you love me forever!” Danjinos said, looking into the distance. 

From then on, Lu Mengmeng threw any note into the waste paper basket once she received it.

I will not be tricked anymore, she thought.

When Danjinos saw her behavior, he was very happy. He said, “I am so happy because my fiancée is cleverer than before!”

However, Lu Mengmeng just lightly knocked his head three times.

“What did you say? I have always been smart, right?”

Yes, yes, yes, you are very clever. You were just cheated twice by the same trick. I think it is not easy for you.”He laughed at her. She was so angry that she couldn’t help stamping her feet. 

“Danjinos, the cla.s.s teacher is looking for you.”

At this moment, a schoolboy ran to them. He patted Danjinos’ shoulder.

“The cla.s.s teacher is looking for me? What’s the matter?” Danjinos was surprised.

“I don’t know. It is possibly related to the school anniversary, so maybe you need to stay there very late,” the schoolboy said, glancing at Lu Mengmeng.

“You both go. I will go home alone,” she said politely.

Danjinos was still worried about her, but the schoolboy looked impatient. Then, Danjinos had to leave together with the schoolboy.

After tidying her school bag, Lu Mengmeng wanted to leave directly, but she was stopped by a student on duty.

“Mengmeng, today is my grandfather’s birthday, so I have to go home early for his birthday celebration. Can you help me with it?” the student on duty begged her, holding Lu Mengmeng’s hand. Lu Mengmeng finally nodded after hesitating for a while. 

“Okay, but—"

The student on duty had run away before Lu Mengmeng finished speaking.

“Thank you, Mengmeng!”

Looking at the empty cla.s.sroom, Lu Mengmeng just sighed. Then, she started to mop the floor.

She looked up after mopping for a while. She found some boys were standing at the cla.s.s door.

Lu Mengmeng was instantly scared.

She knew well why they came. They had surely learned the information about the engagement between her and Danjinos.

So, she needed have a good idea to escape. 

She made a fake cough. "The school gate will be closed soon, so please go home quickly,” she said with great care, smiling at them.

After hearing that, the boys laughed loudly.

“Go home? Lu Mengmeng, we are waiting for you. Let’s go home together.”

The boys made eye contact with each other. They went into the cla.s.sroom one by one. Lu Mengmeng held the mop tightly. She was so frightened that she didn’t realize her hand was trembling.

“In fact, we want to know how you became his fiancée. We are very curious about it, so we . . . Ah—!"

When the boy was still speaking, someone forcedly kicked the back of his head. He couldn’t help let out a cry.

Almost at the same time, other boys were also attacked. A red shadow moved back and forth. Within seconds, all the boys lay on the ground, one after another, groaning with pain.

Danjinos looked down at the bad boys.

He said in anger, “How dare you bully my fiancée? I want to kill you!”

When Danjinos was about to kill them, Zhao Bu and Ma Liuyun arrived in a timely manner. 

In the same way, Zhao Bu and Ma Liuyun used the advanced technology to brainwash the bad boys. After being brainwashed, the bad boys thought they had accidentally fallen down the stairs.

Many people were hurt, so there gradually arose a rumor about a ghost in this school.

Everyone was talking about the school ghost. People all thought it was a horrible ghost, since people were hurt badly by it. . .

At home

Lu Mengmeng was sitting on the sofa, with a laptop on her legs. She was checking the school forum. Strange things were happening in School A.

In this forum, some students even thought all the strange things on the campus were attribute to the school ghost. Lu Mengmeng thought it was really ridiculous. She couldn’t help shouting inwardly.

You are really foolish humans, she thought. Do you think that I am willing to be his fiancée? If I didn’t protect you, you all will be killed! Young people today are so naïve!

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