The school held a school meeting when started on Monday.

At this meeting, he introduced Danjinos to all students in the school. He said that Danjinos came from foreign minority group, so he was allowed to have a dating relationship with Lu Mengmeng in order to support the continuation of this minority. However, other students were strictly forbidden to do so.

Without doubt, it meant that the school had publicized the relationship between Danjinos and Lu Mengmeng. At this moment, Lu Mengmeng was very embarra.s.sed.

“She is only an ordinary girl in a human world. How dare she fight with me for Danjinos?” Ludia pursed her lips unhappily.   

During this period, the mermaid princess had heard that some human girls wanted to bully Lu Mengmeng, but they were badly beaten by Danjinos. 

Ludia still felt strong pa.s.sion for him after hearing of his rude behavior. Even she firmly believed he was the right person for her.

She thought that Danjinos just temporarily liked Lu Mengmeng. In fact, if he found she was better than Lu Mengmeng someday, he would only love her instead of Lu Mengmeng.

Facing the proud Ludia, Lu Mengmeng didn’t care, and her expression showed this with her “as you like” demeanor.

After the school finished speaking, Danjinos stood up and walked towards the rostrum.

“h.e.l.lo, everybody, I want to say something,” Danjinos said, holding the microphone. It sounded very unfriendly

The schoolgirls gazed admiringly at him when they saw him. Ludia also attentively stared at him, with the hands supporting her chin.

“I know many people like me. You have even built fans club for me. Many of you don’t want to be my fans any longer after hearing the news about engagement between Lu Mengmeng and I. However, in fact, I don’t care about that at all. I only care of the safety of my fiancée! If someone wants to hurt her in the future, I warn you that you’d better think it over.”

After he aggressively said that, he put down the microphone. Then, he directly walked to a willow beside the rostrum.

It was said that this tree had been there since the school was constructed. It had a history of hundreds of years. The thick and strong trunk was wide enough to accommodate three or four men locking hands around it. However, Danjinos grabbed it only with one hand and easily pulled it out of the ground.

Grabbing the thick and strong tree trunk, he quickly swept the others. All the students were so stunned that their mouths dropped open in astonishment. When Lu Mengmeng saw it, she silently looked down and said inwardly, He is mad. I don’t know him. . .

Ludia couldn’t help screaming excitedly. The voice of the mermaid was so special in the human world. “Oh, my G.o.d! How powerful his fighting strength is! Oh, my G.o.d!”

Danjinos was very proud when he saw that others were astonished by him. Then, he slowly inserted the willow back into the ground.

After clapping his hands, he took the microphone and said, “All of you seen this, so, if someone dares to bully Lu Mengmeng, I will treat him or her as I did this tree!”

Looking at the aggressive Danjinos standing on the rostrum, all the students went crazy and stood up to applaud deafeningly.

At the same time, it could not be avoided that all schoolgirls were jealous of Lu Mengmeng.

Ludia even stamped her feet very angrily.   

Without doubt, some people would quit his fan clubs because of his behavior, but more fans still insisted on supporting him.  

After school, Lu Mengmeng and Danjinos had just put their school bags down, when Zhao Bu and Ma Liuyun came from the opposite room.

“Danjinos, we have learned about what you did at today’s school meeting, so Biosphere Union headquarters ordered us to talk with you.” Zhao Bu rubbed his hands, smiling reluctantly. 

Half an hour ago, he and Ma Liuyun were notified to attend the video conference for the headquarters. During the video conference, their leader harshly criticized them because of Danjinos’ recent behavior. Furthermore, the leader warned them that they would be dismissed if the same thing happened again.

They had no choice but to “ideologically educate” Danjinos.  

Lu Mengmeng looked at them sympathetically. It was really ostentatious that Danjinos pulled out the big tree only with one hand. It was unreasonable for a normal person. . .

However, Danjinos was very proud. He lifted his chin and said, "What about? Don’t you think I am very cool?”

Looking at Danjinos, who was waiting to be praised, Ma Liuyun and Zhao Bu looked at each other. They pretended to cough, and then answered, “Yes, yes, you are very cool. . . ”

At this moment, Lu Mengmeng interrupted them. She said, “Please don’t flatter him any more. . .”

“Okay, okay, Mengmeng is right. In fact, we really have something very important to talk with you about,” Zhao Bu said.

Danjinos looked at him questioningly.

“According to the directions from headquarters, you are a merman, after all, and not a human being. You are greatly different from human beings in energy and strength, so you’d better not do that again in the future. . .” Zhao Bu smiled halfhearted, carefully watching his facial expression.


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