Midnight Cinderella

Chapter 24

Jiang Ran was now absolutely furious. This quilt was brand new, one she had just bought last month.

She s.n.a.t.c.hed the quilt from the dog"s mouth and glared at it angrily. "Dog, I see you"re trying to get beat up!"

Feng Jing: "......."

Jiang Ran grabbed her quilt back and aimed a smack at her dog"s b.u.t.t. "Learn your lesson!"

"Woof woof woof woof woof woof!"

Jiang Ran: "........"

Ugh, forget it. Punishing the dog at night would affect her neighbor"s sleep. "I"ll settle things with you tomorrow morning!" Jiang Ran picked up the quilt and threw it into the big basket next to the washing machine.

When she came back, she found her dog with Scotch tape in its mouth, helping her pack boxes.

It bit off the transparent tape with its teeth and patted the box with its paws so that the tape stuck.

Jiang Ran: "......."

Had her family"s Er Huang ever been that refined?

Jiang Ran"s heart was now very confused, feeling like she and Er Huang must have some sort of problem. Meanwhile, Feng Jing finished up the box and found the transparent tape glued to his paws. He held down the tape with his other paw and ripped the sticky paw off. Now the other paw stuck to the tape.

"Woof woof!" he glowered at his right paw and shook it hard, trying to get the tape off.

Jiang Ran: "........"

She went over to save Er Huang"s paws, ripped the tape off, then picked him up and put him firmly outside, closing and locking the door.

Feng Jing: "......"

Jiang Ran had only a few packages left. If there had been no dogs messing around, she"d have been done by now. After packing all the parcels, she opened the door to find Er Huang still crouching outside the door waiting for her.

Seeing her come out, he wagged his tail at her.

Jiang Ran"s heart suddenly softened. She rather thought that this must be the dog"s strategy to avoid a beating tomorrow. "Er Huang, go to bed." Jiang Ran closed the door, turned off the lights of the cargo room and headed for her bedroom. Feng Jing followed behind her, and with familiarity jumped onto the comfortable windowsill.

Jiang Ran finally turned off the lights and went to sleep. Meanwhile, Feng Jing mused to himself that this dog body was still far too difficult to use. Tomorrow he would use his human ident.i.ty  to tell her about the harmful effects of sleeping late.

The next morning, after breakfast, he sent a message to Jiang Ran"s account: "Excuse me, was Miss Jiang there?"

Great Ke Ke Imports: [cute] I"m in!

Feng: I"d like to ask if you"re free in the morning. I"ll drop by your place to get the multivitamins [cute]

Great Ke Ke Imports: Sounds good, come get them anytime. I"m in 703.

Feng: OK!

Feng Jing neatened up his hair and clothes, only to put a mask and hat on over them before going out the door. Standing in front of door 703, he straightened his hair again before ringing the doorbell.

"Woof woof!" A burst of barking came from behind the door, and then it opened. Jiang Ran was wearing navy collared pajamas, and on her feet were a familiar pair of bow slippers. "Ah, Mr. Feng! Wait a moment, I"ll go get you your vitamins."

She took two steps into the house and then turned back and said, "Why don"t you come in and wait?"

"Sounds good." Feng Jing"s eyes curved in pleasure.

Because her home usually at most saw the delivery man there to pick up goods, Jiang Ran had not prepared extra indoor slippers and had use a pair of plastic bags as shoes. "Sorry, I"ll just be a bit."

"It"s fine." To be able to step into this door in the light of day, Feng Jing didn"t care about this little detail at all.

He tied the plastic bags onto his feet and went in. Er Huang twined around his legs excitedly, thumping its tail.

Feng Jing bent down and rubbed its head.

Jiang Ran glanced over. Why do Mr. Feng and Er Huang get along so well? Even if Mr. Feng was friendly, Er Huang was definitely not.

"Mr. Feng, are you the sort of person dogs like?" she finally couldn"t help but ask. Feng Jing was slightly stunned, but replied, "I don"t think so, but your dog and I seem to have clicked at first sight."

"Woof!" As if responding to him, Er Huang let out a howl. Jiang Ran smiled and didn"t think too much of it. Since Er Huang liked him, it suggested that he was at least not a bad guy. "Make yourself comfortable on the couch."

"Sounds good." Feng Jing was already very familiar with the living room, but looking at it from a human point of view for the first time was still quite novel.

Jiang Ran"s home decoration style was the recently popular Nordic one. Her sofa was decorated in white and gray, simple and artistic. There were a few fresh pomegranates on the coffee table in front of the sofa, one of which had just been broken in half.

"Do you like eating pomegranates?" Feng Jing asked.

Jiang Ran nodded. "This pomegranate was from a push cart owned by an old grandfather. His pomegranates are exceptionally sweet. I just bought them yesterday."

Looking at the crystal clear pomegranate seeds on the table, he nodded in agreement, "It does look good."

"It"s just that peeling"s so much trouble." Jiang Ran went to the cargo room to grab six bags of multivitamins, which she handed to Feng Jing. "Inside each bag are 30 packets. Eat a packet every day, and they will last you half a year."

Feng Jing took the pile of pink bags from her hands and thanked her. The transaction ended here, but Feng Jing couldn"t leave without accomplishing his plan about chatting with her about staying up late. "By the way, I saw on Weibo yesterday that someone stayed up late to work and got a cerebral hemorrhage. You should be careful not to stay up too late."

Jiang Ran was slightly stunned, "Seriously?" Since she hadn"t been checking Weibo for a few days, she seemed to had missed a lot. Feng Jing told her, "Staying up late was probably just a trigger. Exercising"s good too. But I know you go down and walk your dog every day, so that probably counts as exercise."

Jiang Ran was not convinced. "You had no idea how crazy Er Huang can be, that"s sometimes more than just a little exercise."

Feng Jing smiled, "That"s good, then. Even better would be having time to go to the gym. That"s where I"ve been working out."

Jiang Ran blurted out, "No wonder you"re in particularly good shape." Even through the clothes, you can see he was built!

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward at that. Jiang Ran opened her mouth to change the topic, but in her anxiety couldn"t think of any suitable topic.

Fortunately, the sudden ringing of a cell phone saved them. "Excuse me, I"m going to go and answer the phone."


The call was from the cla.s.s monitor of Jiang Ran"s old university. He said that next week they would be holding a cla.s.s reunion, and asked if Jiang Ran wanted to partic.i.p.ate.

Because she had not seen this old cla.s.smate in a long time, the two people chatted quite a bit. When Jiang Ran hung up the phone, she found that they had actually chatted for nearly 20 minutes.

Feeling guilty, Jiang Ran quickly returned to the living room. Feng Jing was already gone, but a bowl of peeled pomegranate seeds sat on the table.

Jiang Ran stood in the same place for a while before walking over and patting Er Huang on the head. "Er Huang, did Mr. Feng peel these pomegranate seeds?"

"Woof!" Er Huang thumped his tail.

"So it was really him." Jiang Ran, patting Er Huang, couldn"t help but laugh.

That night, after swapping in with Er Huang, Feng Jing found that Jiang Ran had rather unexpectedly gone to sleep. It seems that human to human communication worked the best.

The next day Mi Xi Er came to pick him up to go to the gym. He hadn"t been bluffing - he had a private coach who had developed a series of fitness cla.s.ses tailored to him.

Although Feng Jing generally took cla.s.s seriously, the coach felt that somehow he was particularly determined that day.

"Mr. Feng Jing, picked up any new shows recently?" The coach asked, curious. Previously, Feng Jing had undergone a one-month closed martial arts training for "Codename Omega". Today, he behaved much like he was preparing for another film.

"No, I"ve been resting this whole time," Feng Jing replied.

The coach raised his eyebrows, silently conveying his doubts. Feng Jing smiled a little, but did not respond.

He was absolutely not going to tell the coach that this new enthusiasm was because Jiang Ran had praised his figure yesterday.

At the end of cla.s.s, Mi Xi Er drove him back with a hint of hope, asking deliberately: "Feng Jing, were we going back to Huadu?"

Sitting in the back seat, Feng Jing didn"t even lift his eyelids. "Back to the Pillow Water Township."

Mi Xi Er: "............ "

How long was he going to stay there?

He decided to persuade Feng Jing again: "Feng Jing, paper"s always unable to contain fire. If you live there for a long time, Supervisor Qin will certainly find out." Heck, let"s not even talk about Qin Fan, he suspected that even the media would find out eventually.

"We"ll wait till the day that it can no longer be contained."

Mi Xi Er: "..........."

Back in the neighborhood, Feng Jing was lucky enough to meet Jiang Ran again. Today she was not walking downstairs, but carrying a large bag of vegetables. Seeing Feng Jing, Jiang Ran took the initiative to say h.e.l.lo. "Mr. Feng, what a coincidence!"

"I just got back from the gym, did you go to the supermarket to buy food?"

"No," Jiang Ran shook her head with a smile, "these were all planted by me."

Feng Jing looked at her. "You planted them yourself?"

"Mmhmm, I rented a small plot of land at Starlight Manor and planted some vegetables. I take care of it once a week."

Starlight Manor, Feng Jing knew, together with Starlight Park, was this year"s newly planned ecological farm. The land inside could be rented out, and they also provided a variety of fruit and vegetable seeds, for whatever you wanted to plant and grow.

Jiang Ran was already so beautiful, and now in addition he had found an unexpectedly industrious and honorable side to her! His goodwill toward her rose another level. "Do you usually eat the vegetables you planted yourself?"

"Yes, the people on the farm will usually help me out a little. These vegetables are more than enough for myself." Jiang Ran opened the bag in her hands to show Feng Jing her bounty. "This time I"ve received chili, bitter gourd, lotus, and tomatoes."

Feng Jing praised, "They look amazing."

"Haha," Jiang Ran smiled, and took some of the vegetables out for him. "For you, to give you a taste."

He accepted them with joy. "Thank you."

"You"re welcome. Thank you for helping me peel the pomegranate."

Feng Jing paused. To Jiang Ran, he said: "I"ll even peel shrimp and crack crab sh.e.l.ls for you, if you want me to."

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