Teng Man Rui had arranged for some of her things – mostly essentials – to be moved into Xue Jinxu"s luxe apartment. She had made a personal pledge to take care of her bestfriend whom she loved so much, and who was more like a sister to her.

Xue Jinxu was more than grateful for Teng Man Rui"s initiative to stay with her. Honestly she did not know that living alone again - going home in an empty apartment - was too excruciating. It magnified all her losses. With Teng Man Rui"s presence, her luxe apartment had become so much warmer and cozier. Perhaps a touch of another woman who"s still sane and rational did the trick.

Saccharine Decadence was still closed, and perhaps would be closed forever. However, as suggested by Teng Man Rui, there"s a way for Xue Jinxu"s business to thrive again albeit the products will not be edible anymore, while still maintaining the concept of having cute original creative designs.

Teng Man Rui"s background was in pottery and she excelled in it. She had shared with Xue Jinxu a way of achieving her desired outcome using polymer clay, rather than baking ingredients. The procedure was simple – the polymer clay which comes in all colors – rainbow, pastel, dark – like the usual clay that the children play with, could be molded, cut and designed according to one"s liking. And then, the decorated piece of polymer clay would be subjected to baking inside the oven for a good few minutes. And voila, the end-product was there looking almost the same as the delectable colorful sweet deserts that Saccharine Decadence offered.

Xue Jinxu liked the idea. Indeed, her designs could still come to fruition. She wasted no time to renovate her business place. She took down the signage for Saccharine Decadence, and hanged another name "Kodomo-toki" in the context of childhood. Adding to the original business idea that she had, she also added a small play area where children could partic.i.p.ate and customize their own polymer clay. Once they had finished molding it, it would be subjected to the baking.

Teng Man Rui was hesitant with this additional concept. "Jinxu, are you sure you want children to constantly visit your shop? Will you be okay with that? You don"t need to subject yourself into unnecessary suffering."

Xue Jinxu simply laughed at her friend"s worry and shrugged it off.

"It"s fine, Man Rui."

"This place will be livelier with the kids around." She smiled at her friend, but the smile never really reaching her almond eyes.

"I"m worried about you, Jinxu. You don"t have to do this. Are you punis.h.i.+ng yourself?" Teng Man Rui asked, brows knitted together.

Xue Jinxu feigned a laugh. "No, silly! Why would I do that?" She subconsciously placed her hand on her abdomen, then withdrew it hurriedly upon realization. Her eyes flickered, being found out by her friend.

"Anyhow, I believe that concept will be taken well by my customers. I"m going to add a playpen at the corner of this establishment with rubber playmats, little b.a.l.l.s, a play house and some inflatables for the kids. At this end there will be small colorful tables where they can do the molding of their clays."

She walked at the other side of her business venue. "This is where our own items will be displayed."

Teng Man Rui sighed. She knew her friend well. It wasn"t the first time that she had witnessed how tenacious she could get. However, this time, if they pushed through with this concept, she"s afraid that the wound Xue Jinxu had incurred would never heal and would constantly be reopened, as was her pain – constantly rekindled. The sight of other people"s children already made Xue Jinxu cry. It already happened. How could she, her best friend, allow her to be constantly surrounded with children?

"It"s the best way to be immune, Man Rui." Xue Jinxu broke her thoughts. Her statement was as if answers to her inhibitions. "Loosen up a little, Man Rui! You"re worrying for nothing! Your friend is strong!" She feigned a laugh again.

Xue Jinxu had always been strong. Even at the face of adversity, she had constantly put up a fierce exterior. "Feign it till you make it." That"s what she believed in.

In truth she was still hurting.

She was secretly monitoring her supposed-pregnancy had it prevailed. She secretly researched at eleven weeks, how the mother would have felt. She would have experienced nausea and morning sickness by now. Her baby would have started to form vital organs and organ systems. The b.u.mp would have started to show, if the pregnancy pushed through. She was supposed to be due in August. Secretly she had been monitoring it alone. She wasn"t sharing it even with Teng Man Rui. She only showed the strong façade that she had been keeping.

"Let"s go to a salon later, and let"s have our nails done." Xue Jinxu suggested with such a perky countenance. "Then later at night, let"s have a movie marathon! Chick flicks! It"s a girl"s night!" She was bright with so much enthusiasm.

"Alright! Sounds fun to me! I"ll get some popcorn from the store for later!" Teng Man Rui replied with equal fervor. However, her eyes flickered ever so slightly. She shrugged off whatever reservations she had.

The day went on as planned. The two bestfriends enjoyed such good times together while receiving the pampering they quite mostly deserved.

In the meantime, Teng Man Rui accompanied Xue Jinxu in all her efforts to divert her attention to something lively, indulged in whatever"s left to get indulged on in this world. "Jinxu will get well in time. It seems I"m more worried than her. She"s trying to be cheerful, at least. I should be, too, especially around her."

The ladies giggled at one another while spending some quality time together. At night the completed movie after movie. They chose only light and fluffy ones, and the feel-good ones. Afterwards they succ.u.mbed to bed, still all smiles from all the feel-good movies that they watched together.

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