"Mister Chen Lin Yun." The man nodded while walking towards the man seated at the bar"s counter, already drinking some alcohol, most probably whiskey.

"Mister Zhu Li Qiang." Chen Linyun acknowledged his greeting in turn. He raised his gla.s.s as part of his greeting.

"I was surprised when you contacted me." Zhu Li Qiang expressed his candid reaction to Chen Linyun"s invitation tonight.

"I always claim promises of treats whether it a meal or drinks." Chen Linyun retorted. "That"s how I pursued my wife." He added in his thoughts, his eyes flickered with the sorrow that memory bestowed upon him.

"That"s great! Let"s drink our hearts out tonight!" Zhu Li Qiang suggested. "Though, you started early. Have you drank a lot already?"

"I"m just starting. Just two gla.s.ses. Get your own and join me." Chen Linyun replied. "I invited you here tonight to talk business. But it can wait later. Let"s enjoy our drinks first."

"Alright." Zhu Li Qiang waved at the bartender and ordered his own gla.s.s of whiskey. "Are you okay?"

Honestly speaking he was quite befuddled at the sight of Chen Linyun. He had seen the guy only twice before and both times he was neat and shrewd. Tonight, he was quite unkempt. Stubble started growing on his chin, and his whole aura was gloomy. Anyone within a certain radius would have felt the ominous aura he"s exuding.

Chen Linyun only sighed. "I just lost my family. Couldn"t be any happier." He said sarcastically, darkly. Then he shot a sharp look at Zhu Li Qiang. "I"m warning you, stay away from my wife. She"s not for anybody"s taking whatever"s the situation."

"Woah, woah. Wait, what"s that animosity I"m sensing. I thought we"re here to drink as friends! I already told you. It"s Man Rui that I like. I"m over Xue Jinxu a long time ago." He hurriedly explained before this nearly insane man could ever attack him.

"Wait, what? Did you quarrel? Is that why you"re drinking tonight? I"m flattered that you called me out."

"I"m just making sure that you wouldn"t be by her side. You wouldn"t be if you"re with me. Makes sense?" Chen Linyun retorted.

"Hey, that"s twice in a row already. What"s this hostility over me?" Zhu Li Qiang was flabbergasted.

"Sorry." Chen Linyun was quick to apologize. "I"m not here to pick a fight. I"m here to discuss a proposal with you."

He dug into his bag and fetched a floder. He placed it on the bar"s counter top. "Review it and tell me if you"re interested."

Zhu Li Qiang placed his gla.s.s safely on the table, then read the content of the folder. He was dumbfounded. He re-read the contents several times.

"What"s this? You want to collaborate with me? Why not consider your wife"s s.h.i.+pping company?"

"There are reasons."

"I"m not calculative and I"m usually not governed by suspicion, however your proposal, in every sense, is quite suspicious and fishy." Zhu Li Qiang arched his brows.

"What do you really want to achieve with this?" He pressed.

"I recently built a trading house for oil. And now I"m in need of an oil tanker to distribute and transport it. I"m having talks with several oil companies. I can consolidate all their requirements. Can you offer me one of your big oil tankers? I"m planning on optimizing the deliveries and the turn around of your vessel. I believe you get my point. We will both reap the benefits of this arrangement."

"I didn"t know you are into the petroleum business." Zhu Li Qiang stared at him, trying to figure out his gameplay.

"Just recently. I have my reasons."

"Tell me. I need you to be honest with me." Zhu Li Qiang pressed further.

"Is this how you do business? You drill up to the personal level?" Chen Linyun refused to give in.

"So will you not help me?" Chen Linyun asked, preparing to be rejected. He extended his hand, ready to retrieve the folder.

"I didn"t say that it"s on a personal level. But you said so yourself. You"re simply suspicious, that"s all. I don"t do shady transactions. It"s against my principles." Zhu Li Qiand explained. "I"m open to helping you, but make me understand the situation first."

"Alright. I"m after the s.h.i.+ Corporation. You can call it revenge. Does that explanation satisfy you?" Chen Linyun finally gave in just to push the negotiation forward. He a.s.sessed Zhu Li Qiang"s personality as someone trustworthy. That"s the very reason he reached to him in the first place. Putting the truth out on the table might simply help him win this case.

"Oh, so you"re saying you"re going to serve the other oil companies" requirements EXCEPT the s.h.i.+ Corporation"s? What did they do to have you resent them? He"s the ex- fiancé but you already married Xue Jinxu."

Chen Linyun gulped more alcohol. Then he twirled his almost empty gla.s.s.

"I was left with no family because of him. He took away my wife and child from me." Chen Linyun was becoming uncharacteristically talkative. Perhaps it was the effect of the whiskey, or most probably so, all this while he simply wanted to let it out once and for all. He gripped his gla.s.s of whiskey ever so tighter.

Zhu Li Qiang was rendered speechless. At first his mind was blank, not quickly processing what he heard.

"Wife and child." He said when he had recovered. "Could it be…"

"My wife had a miscarriage, and now sse wanted s.p.a.ce, away from me." Chen Linyun answered all his queries in one go.

"I understand you now. However I don"t have enough grudge towards s.h.i.+ Fan Hai to lend a hand in your revenge. Aside from… being his rival." Zhu Li Qiang squinted his eyes.

"On your part, it"s only business. But… How are you rivals?" Chen Linyun asked, one brow raised. "Are you perchance talking about Xue Jinxu again? I"m going to kill you if you are."

"No! That"s third already tonight! If this is a baseball game you"ve striked out already! It"s Teng Man Rui, of course! Your head is so full of your wife!"

"Wait, what?! What are you implying? Teng Man Rui is s.h.i.+ Fan Hai"s woman?" Chen Linyun"s senses were alerted. He sat up straight, his eyes opened wide.

"Oh, s.h.i.+t." Zhu Li Qiang blurted under his breath. He bowed his head realizing what he made wrong. He promised his angel that he will never tell anyone about her relations.h.i.+p with s.h.i.+ Fan Hai. He"s doomed if she found out.

"I"ll leave this with you. Think it through and let me know your decision. The return of investment is positive." He gestured towards the folder. "If what you"re saying is true – you and that s.h.i.+ younr master are rivals, then we should team up. The enemy of your enemy is a friend." He stared at him trying to convince him.

"I"ll get going first. Something came up." He stood up, left a bill onto the table for his whiskey, then left.

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