"I"m ready, honey. I can"t wait any longer."
Finally, the wedding which the couple prepared for for over three months had come to an end.
Finally, it was the time of their most awaited wedding night, also commonly and generally known as the honeymoon or for a better term, the sacred consummation – that simple act that would complete their union.
One by one, their guests who came from the different walks of life soon bade goodbye to them. They were a mix of the socialite and elites, and people from the government. Truthfully, their guests were deeply appreciative of getting the invites because it presented such a great opportunity for them to mingle with the other members of the societal sectors. It was such the case with the businessmen who boot-licked right away those who came from the government.
Of course, the government officials only agreed to some small talk, and to such an extent, out of politeness only.
However, the socialites and the elites could not help but notice the absence of one important member of the elite circle and the Xue Family - the Xue Young Master, Xue Minhe.
In every table, and in every small talk, though it was not thoroughly noticeable, a conversation about it arose.
"Have you seen the Xue Young Master yet?"
"How come he"s not here when it"s his twin sister"s wedding?"
"I know right?"
"Maybe they aren"t in good terms?"
"it"s quite weird..."
Even Xue Guangxi was asked about it. The poor boy could only scratch his head while make up an acceptable impromptu excuse.
"He"s currently tied at the moment. He has to make a sacrifice. We"re actually quite saddened that he could not make it today..."
The poor boy fidgeted in his place while explaining. Luckily, no one noticed anything unusual.
Teng Man Rui"s parents also observed the absence of the Xue Young Master. They took it negatively.
"What filial son will miss his twin sister"s wedding for anything?" Father Teng interjected.
"He should have cancelled everything and flew here immediately." Mother Teng retorted mildly, yet in concurrence with the Teng patriarch.
They exchanged knowingly dubious looks of concern. Both of their foreheads furrowed together.
Apparently, it had something to do with the engagement they had been cooking for their only daughter, Teng Man Rui.
At two in the morning, all the guests left the Four Seasons Hotel. Even the family members left them be. They went home and did not linger. Everyone knew what happens next after the wedding.
The topmost suite of the Four Seasons Hotel was intruded by a certain intoxicated couple – newly weds – who barged in drunk. The lady, the bride, was laughing hysterically while being carried with great effort by the husband, in his loving arms. She was such a fluffy bundle of white. Earlier that day, both of them wore a red Chinese wedding terno but during the latter part of the party, they changed into the western fluffy white dress and formal cutting-edge suit.

Xue Jinxu was not wearing high heels. Her shoes that she should have been wearing were dangling from her left hand. Upon reaching their honeymoon suite, she dropped it on to the floor.
"Jinxu, my dear wife, do you know you get a lot heavier when you"re drunk? Can"t believe you got drunk tonight, honey!"
"Hehehe!" I"m not drunk, just a little bit tipsy." She tried to escape from Chen Liyun"s hold but for naught. Chen Linyun secured her in his tight embrace, carrying her princess-style. The doting husband safely laid the tipsy wife on to the bed.
"I don"t think we can proceed with our honeymoon tonight." Chen Linyun shook his head, laughing wryly with such disappointment flas.h.i.+ng on his expectant countenance.
"What?! Why?"
"You"re drunk. That simple."

The bride furrowed her brows and wriggled her legs in a fit. Then without further ado, she grabbed Chen Linyun"s neck tie and pulled him abruptly towards her. The force made Chen Linyun stagger and finally lose balance. He fell head first towards the lady who never loosen her grasp on his tie. She unceremoniously pressed her lips onto his.
She"s starting their little game of intimacy – the dance they were extremely familiar with. The corners of her mouth twitched upward.
Instantly, the suppressed stimulus within Chen Linyun ignited as if a blazing torch as powerful as the sun touched his persona and set himself in the flames of pa.s.sion he was trying to get away from these past grueling months.
Setting all his reservations aside, he fought back with the same intensity as the lady on the bed. He supported his weight with his hand securely placed on the bed, propping and positioning himself above the lady. Both knees knelt for further support.
The beautiful bride"s industrious hands found its way towards Chen Linyun"s chest, busily trying to unb.u.t.ton the vest which came in between his white dress s.h.i.+rt underneath and his tuxedo. Her lips were still being conquered by the groom"s equally seductive yet aggressive pair of thin lips. Her actions were unhurried, finding and releasing one b.u.t.ton at a time.
At the top honeymoon suite where all the bed sheets and curtains were red, and adorned in all the lucky signs for good luck, there was only complete and utter silence. The deafening silence was interrupted every now and then by the smooching sound of two people – a man and a woman – who were too absorbed with themselves. They kissed while staring at the abyss of each other"s stares. With whichever free hand they got, they caressed the other"s cheek, head, and down the body.
Chen Linyun pulled back, ending their smooching. He grinned teasingly. Then, he pulled himself closer and placed his mouth just beside the lady"s ear. "How do you want it done, dear? Any preference?" He kissed her head slowly, dragging it dramatically.
Xue Jinxu"s eyes popped larger as her heart went berserk. She clutched the bed sheets yet she did not respond to the pending question of the husband who was so eager to hear her answer.
Xue Jinxu pulled herself back, towards the direction of the headboard. Initially they were closer to the edge.
She could feel her cheeks burning as if it had been infested by a fever.
"…." She was speechless. She opened her mouth to say something, but no voice came out.
"How about…" Chen Linyun moved farther from the lady without tearing his gaze from hers, towards the edge of their humungous couple"s bed. They were on a staring contest. Even the lady could not tear away her eyes from his intense stare.
Chen Linyun lightly lifted and grabbed one of Xue Jinxu"s ankles, and then pulled her gown upward. He kissed the surface of her foot, on the spot just past the toes. He maintained his intense stare at his wife.
Without intending to stop and maintaining his intense stare at his bride"s extremely blus.h.i.+ng face, Chen Linyun kissed her ankle, then the lower part of her calf ever so slowly, and upward, until his mouth reached the inner side of her thigh. In every step, he pulled up the lady"s white fluffy wedding gown, revealing in the process her jadeite fair legs underneath.
Xue Jinxu clenched her fists tighter. Both of her hands were still clutching the red bedsheets.

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