Chen Linyun lightly lifted and grabbed one of Xue Jinxu"s ankles, and then pulled her gown upward. He kissed the surface of her foot, on the spot just past the toes. He maintained his intense stare at his wife.
Without intending to stop and maintaining his intense gaze at his bride"s extremely blus.h.i.+ng face, Chen Linyun kissed her ankle, then the lower part of her calf ever so slowly, and upward, until his mouth reached the inner side of her thigh. In every step, he pulled up the lady"s white fluffy wedding gown, revealing in the process her jadeite fair legs underneath.
Xue Jinxu clenched her fists tighter. Both of her hands were still clutching the red bedsheets. She"s starting to sweat profusely. Her heart drummed against its walls as if it needed to jump out of her chest.
She"s completely sober now.
Her face was extremely red, not from the alcohol intake she had during the party, but due to the extremity of the husband.
It was the first of its kind.
The lovely bride panicked as Chen Linyun worked his way up. She clenched her already balled up fists ever firmer.
Then suddenly…
She pushed the skirt of her gown down again, covering Chen Linyun and her fair pair of legs. Her tiny hands even pushed Chen Linyun"s head away from her legs. Placing one foot on his shoulder, she gently shunned him away.
"Hey!" Chen Linyun exclaimed, equally surprised and annoyed. He resurfaced and sat upright.
"I… I… uhh…" Xue Jinxu was lost with words. Her cheeks were shouting RED. She couldn"t even look at her husband, her groom. Her brown almond eyes darted at every point on the ground, not really looking.
She got frantic from the love attack.
Xue Jinxu bit her lower lip from embarra.s.sment brought about by folding too easily. She squeaked a little, then tucked herself under the bedsheet and pulled the covers up to above her head.
Chen Linyun leaned on his side, propping an elbow beside the big lump under the covers. He placed one arm tentatively around the waist area of the big bulky lump. "What"s wrong?"
There was a trace of concern in his voice, but deep inside, in his consciousness, he was inwardly chuckling. "She always starts the teasing yet she is also always the first one to give in. Cannot even finish what she started."
"How peculiar." His pupils danced as he immersed himself in his own thought bubble.
He nudged the lump with his arm.
"Speak up, please."
"Getting bashful, are we?"
"What will happen to our much-awaited baby-making session? Should we postpone it?"
He was laughing inside.
The lump moved a little. The lump who was actually the bride uncovered a little portion of her head revealing only a pair of big wide almond eyes and a wrinkled forehead. Two pairs of fingers bordered the edge of the covers.
"It"s too much." The pair of eyes blinked several times. Then the wraps went up again and hid even the tip of the lovely bride"s hair, and her frail fingers.

"Did I overdo it?"
"But… It"s not that much, actually."
"It"s too much!" The lady insisted.
"Alright, if you say so." Chen Linyun was grinning widely. He hugged the bundle of wraps dotingly. "Whatever you say, wife."
"What should we do now?" He kissed the bundle on what he took as her temple. His eyes still reflected mirth and such amus.e.m.e.nt.
"Seems to me that after your accident, you aren"t as experimental as before."
Chen Linyun was provoking her.
The clear, beautiful pair of almond eyes peeped again. The forehead, however, this time, was not wrinkled anymore.
The lady spoke calmly for the first time after her panic attack. "Thanks, my dearest husband, Chen Linyun."
"Thanks for the effort."
"Huh?" Chen Linyun tilted his head slightly. His face was full of question marks.
Xue Jinxu sat up straight and pulled down the blanket. "Thanks for making me feel as if it"s our first time all over again." She inched her head forward closer and closer bit by bit towards the mister"s face.
This time, it was Chen Linyun"s turn to blush.
"You"re still the tomato-face that I know and fell in love with." Xue Jinxu poked his right cheek. Their faces were almost a centimeter apart – that close.
She was kneeling on the bed now. "As for our objective, I… need not… be… reminded… of… it..." She said slowly, dragging every word and phrase for emphasis. Her breathing grew heavy. She ended her seductive speech with such a slow, sensual kiss with him.
"Shall we proceed?" She inquired rather impatiently. There"s this certain spark in her eyes.
"Should we continue from where we left?" Chen Linyun returned the question. Similar to the lady, his cheeks were of the same burning red hue.
"Nah, let"s put it for later, honey. For now… can we… can we…" She was back to being timid. She pulled away and busied herself through tugging some locks of her hair with her hands on one side across her left shoulder. She"s becoming more like the weather. Earlier she was as bashful as a maiden, and the next instance she"s dauntless. Now, she"s getting timid again.
She gave out a nervous laugh. "Can we do it in the usual way? The way we know it."
"I didn"t know you"re a traditionalist."
"Don"t jump into conclusions." She refuted, cheeks still burning red. She still couldn"t lock gazes with her husband.
"Let"s try it next time, but not now."
"En. Okay. Looking forward to it. There are so many things we can still try…"
Xue Jinxu"s façade turned redder, an occurrence she did not know was still possible.
"Hehehe. In the future."
"For now." He said while inched forward.
"Yep, for now…" She repeated, her supple lips now curved into such captivating smile, her tiny dimple showing on her cheek. She, too, inched forward and closed their gap.
Their lips met readily, willingly.
They got to work. Each piece of clothing fell silently on the floor. Only the sound of smooching and the rustling of cloth would once in a while interject the sweet stillness of the honeymoon suite.
The bride and groom knew the drill they were getting themselves into. With such great good hope of what the activity entails, they engaged in the consummation of all their love and pa.s.sion into the complete physical, mental, and spiritual union of their beings.
With such antic.i.p.ation, they focused each breath, thrust, and stroke thinking of such a wonderful future which awaits them.
Both lips curved into such heartwarming smiles, they twisted and turned and their union commenced without a further glitch.
They did the deed once, twice, many times, making amends for the abstinence they both willingly chose to give way for this special night.
Well, as they looked back, it was worth it.

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