Xue Jinxu was curled lying on the couch in the living room of the Chen couple"s dream house while clutching her husband"s maroon couple s.h.i.+rt which she has given him before. His s.h.i.+rt had a print of "She"s a catch" on it while hers had a print of "He"s a keeper". It was the very first gift she gave him during their vague boyfriend-girlfriend phase. 

While wearing hers, she clutched his s.h.i.+rt tightly in her arms while sniffing it – engulfing herself with his essence – and while rewatching the video of her husband that she captured one morning when they were having breakfast during the early days of their harmonious marriage. 

The video went like…

"Dear, how can I eat it? I don"t want to destroy it. It"s too cute." Chen Linyun had said then the camera zoomed in towards the smiley-looking porridge. She had cooked porridge with two sunny-side-up eyes, bacon as smiling mouth, and mushrooms as brows. 

"I"m going to eat the brows first." Chen Linyun said in the video. Then picked up a piece of mushroom and shoved it to his mouth.

Then he poked the yolk of one of the eggs. "Oh no, his eyes, his eyes! He"s crying yellow tears now!" Chen Linyun was red in the face with embarra.s.sment. He was even subconsciously covering his face with his hand.

The video captured a lady laughing. It was Xue Jinxu. "You are so adorable, hubby!"

The video ended there.

She repeated playing it again. She sighed. How many times had she been playing this video clip over and over again?

Even so, it was her only window of her husband where she could see him moving and alive. She missed him so terribly. 

A few days ago, out of her rage, she had given instructions to Jin Yuan to put on hold all efforts to help the community in Quanzhou Chen Linyun had been fostering in the past year. She"s pretty convinced that those people were responsible for the disappearance of her husband. She would have wanted to destroy that community, but the idea that perhaps, just maybe, they have Chen Linyun with them had provided prudence into her decisions.

Xue Jinxu even wanted to remove all the products from the two online trading platforms "Farm Realm Online" and "Seed Harvest Portal" which originated from that community.

When Mo Wenbin heard of it, he waived the instructions that the Madame Chen imparted to be executed. Being the more rational one, Mo Wenbin explained to Xue Jinxu that there had already been live investments for the products and livelihood in that area, and their investors which are both private citizens and corporations alike would be expecting news and growth from it.

Xue Jinxu relented even with so many inhibitions since getting into a tight situation with Mo Wenbin and all the other stakeholders in her husband"s company did not sound too enticing at all. 

Currently, at the Chen dream house, she heard someone ring the doorbell. 

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Every time the doorbell rang, some part of her still hoped that it would be her husband that"s standing at the other side of the door. 

But every time, just nope. It was not Chen Linyun. Still, there were no signs of Chen Linyun.

This time was no different. 

When she opened the door, Zhao Feiyan, her mother graced her presence. She hugged her daughter upon seeing her.

"Xu-er! You"re too skinny! You"ve lost so much weight!" She inspected her further from head to toe.

"Come back to us, dear. We talked to your Grampa. He agreed to take you in again, now that… now that your husband is not around anymore."

"Our condolences, Xu-er."

Xue Jinxu was irritated. "It"s still not sure. He might not be dead yet. He might still come back."

"Xu-er, when can you let it go?"

"Mother, it has only been a month! Do you want me to just forget and continue living my life as if nothing happened? Do you want to take me in again because you pity me that my husband isn"t here anymore and that my marriage failed? I know! I was left alone!"

"Why is it so easy for you to say that he"s not coming back, and persuade me to let go? You should understand where I"m coming from, Mother. Aren"t you the same with Minhe-ge? It"s been several years already yet you cannot let go of him, still…"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"I completely understand your stance now. I"m in the same situation. So should be more considerate of my sentiments, Mother."

"But then again, Mother, regardless if my husband is here or not, I will not go back to the Xue Family. I am a married woman now… And regardless if he"s here or not, I will remain as Madame Chen, the rightful Misis Chen. I will stay here because this house has been my home and will remain to be so for the coming days and years."

She paused and caught her breath. She had been too worked up and her cheeks were flushed red.

She was triggered. She was angry at no one in particular. It wasn"t her mother"s fault, but somehow she"s taking it onto her poor mother. It was unjust, but unfortunately, she was the person in front of the bereaved. 

Zhao Feiyan contemplated.

"Xu-er, the truth is that the company is not doing so well. We need you." Mother Xue told her the main point of her visit.

"Mother, I"m simply not in the mood to get involved in the business. I"m sorry."

"I simply want to live peacefully alone, Mother."

"Xu-er, it wasn"t official but we all know that your Grampa has lifted your banishment. He has given his blessings to you and Chen Linyun during your wedding. The feud has been settled at that time, honey. I know it"s untimely… But… The family… The business… We need you… Don"t turn your back on us, darling."

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