"Xu-er, it wasn"t official but we all know that your Grampa has lifted your banishment. He has given his blessings to you and Chen Linyun during your wedding. The feud has been settled at that time, honey. I know it"s untimely… But… The family… The business… We need you… Don"t turn your back on us, darling."

 "What you"re doing right now, can it be called living? You"re just staying here inside the house 24/7, moping. What future do you have?"

Xue Jinxu closed her eyes and ma.s.saged that creased portion of her forehead between her brows. "Mother, I might be here all day and all night. But, my future is secured. My husband left me with enough to last me a lifetime, even without going out of the house."

"I can even fulfill my obligations at my husband"s company even if I"m staying here moping like how you have put it."

"Xu-er… The company… We are facing a crisis, Xu-er. We need a merger. With all the rumors, aggravated by the economic instability, it"s not going well in the company. Two other companies are interested: the s.h.i.+ Corporation and the Zhu s.h.i.+pping Lines."

Xue Jinxu brows flinched upon hearing her mother"s message.

"Does Zhu Li Qiang know of this?" She thought grimly. He"s a friend to both her and Chen Linyun although their families were compet.i.tors in the business. He does not strike as someone who would agree to such arrangements, especially when friends.h.i.+ps are involved. He had mentioned about a merger before, though, as Xue Jinxu recalled their first encounter during a flight back to Beijing, and he was convinced of the beauty of a merger back then. But, it was a long, long time ago, when she was still not married to Chen Linyun, and when the Zhu young master had yet been pursuing her. Most probably it was even before he met Teng Man Rui. Myriads of twists of fate had happened from that point on.

And of course, s.h.i.+ Corporation. Xue Jinxu leaned her head back on the couch"s backrest. Those abominable creatures would take advantage of anything just to save their a.s.ses off.

A merger is a more subtle term for defining the intent of aggregating two companies which resulted when a stronger company got interested with a smaller, weaker company whose value and net worth has become so much cheaper than its market price. There"s so much room for improvement and profit if the bigger company "absorbs" the smaller ones at a cheap price.

For family corporations, the only thing that could secure their family"s future and hold of the business in a merger is through an arranged marriage. 

Xue Jinxu exhaled. She could feel a headache brewing. Abruptly, she opened her eyes in annoyance. She was nearing another episode of an outrageous outburst, but she"s controlling hard because she"s in front of her mother. 

Still, she could not be 100% composed.

"Are you telling me that you"re planning to marry me off as collateral to the merger?" She was catching her breath, trying extremely hard to control her emotions.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

"Why don"t you sell Guangxi instead of me? Why does it have to be always me? Even after you disowned me, it"s still me who gets to be married off? I"m already married, Mother! So now that you see me as a widow, you think you can marry me off again?"

"Mother, all of you… You don"t treat me like family at all. What am I to you?"

"Xu-er! Of course, you are my most precious daughter. We love you. But we also have to think about our family"s future. Your brother"s and yours too."

Xue Jinxu retorted and blurted thoughtlessly. "Why don"t you marry off Guangxi instead?" She was simply angry. That was the only reason she suggested it. Otherwise, she would not even recommend marrying off her little brother.

"We already considered the option of arranged marriage for your brother, as well, to tell you honestly. After all, it will be good to mend his image as a womanizer if he can be betrothed to a fine heiress. The marriage doesn"t have to take place now since he"s still of tender age. But Guangxi… He"s been too hard-headed all this while. He doesn"t want to listen or agree to an arranged marriage."

"Neither would I. I wouldn"t agree either, Mother. What made you think I will? I think we don"t need to drag our conversation anymore. You"ve said your piece and I"ve said mine. Please, I want to rest now, Mother. Maybe we can talk some other time. I"m sorry I cannot help."

She was feeling a little light-headed from all the arguing. Perhaps she"s just hungry. She hadn"t been eating normally.

"I am deeply sorry, Xu-er if I have brought up this problem to you. We"re nearing dead-end. It"s for you and your brother"s future, you know. Your father has been juggling all the work that was left hanging, but it has been taking its toll on his body too. As you know, your father and grandfather are more focused on our overseas business. No one"s really looking into the domestic leg of our commerce. Guangxi still cannot relieve the vacated position. We"ve been looking for an external third-party management firm to lend a hand in the meantime, but it costs a fortune. It"s difficult times. With all the rumors about your brothers, no one would want to trust our family and business without dependable heirs."

"I tried my luck with you because you have been a responsible daughter. I guess your priorities have s.h.i.+fted."

"It"s bad timing, that is all."

"Above all else, I worry about your well-being, Xu-er. Don"t worry too much about it. Perhaps there is a workaround somewhere. Your father and I will be looking for other possible collaborations and opportunities we can tap."

"You take care, Xu-er. I"ll get going. Here, I have some home-cooked dishes. You can just let the maids re-heat it whenever you feel like eating. Make sure you eat, honey. Be strong."

"I"m sorry." Zhao Feiyan hugged her daughter tightly before heading towards the door. She was desperate yet her maternal instincts would not want her to push any more pressure towards her children.

"Wait, mother." Xue Jinxu remained seated in the living room couch. She was a lot calmer now. It seemed that the parting words her mother said had brought some sense to her. "Is a merger really necessary?"

"At our current state, yes it is, dear."

"Well, then." Xue Jinxu turned her head and finally looked at her mother. "There"s one more company that you can consider."

"There is?" Zhao Feiyan revealed such a surprised expression.

Xue Jinxu sighed heavily. If she had a choice, she wouldn"t push for it. "Yes. Chen Holdings. My husband"s company." She gritted her teeth in dismay.

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