"Love… Love…"

Xue Jinxu sat up a bit while gently tapping him on Chen Linyun"s cheeks.  "I"m here… I"m right here… Mhmm?"

She reached for the b.u.t.ton on the wall that would call the doctors.

Chen Linyun grunted in response.  He appeared agitated as he kept on thras.h.i.+ng under his blanket.  There was an evident knot on his forehead.

Xue Jinxu trembled at the sight.  "I don"t want to lose him." She clutched the cloth of her skirt with both fists as she stood aside and made way for the doctors and nurses.

The doctors checked his pulse and vitals.  They lifted his eyelids first before they illuminated and inspected it with his flashlights.

They injected some sort of medicine on his IV and then afterward, Chen Linyun found peace again.

"Madame, his vitals are getting stronger, although, his temperature has risen and he"s currently experiencing fever."

"The patient is stressed out, but it"s a good sign of recovery that at least we are getting feedback from him."

The doctor explained the situation eagerly.  "Regarding the fever, it is not something to get worried about.  It will subside in a day more or less.  We will keep monitoring."

"Will he wake up soon?"

"It"s just a matter of time.  He"ll wake up soon, madame."

"That"s good news, then." Xue Jinxu worked up a smile.  She had not fully recovered yet from the worry.

"What should I do?  Should I leave his side in the meantime so that he could recover fully?  I have been talking to him."

"You may continue talking to him, ma"am.  It helps in his thought processes.  You can also tell him stories or relive memories with him.  Cla.s.sical music would help stimulate the brain, too."

"I understand.  Thank you, doctor."

As soon as the doctors left, Xue Jinxu took her husband"s cellphone and played a piece of cla.s.sical music.  It"s the Toccata in C Major Op. 7.  It was the same piece that Xue Jinxu played with the piano during Aunty"s birthday almost a year ago.  In fact, it was the recording of her performance at the time.

"Honey, listen.  Weren"t you such a stage hubby during Aunty"s birthday?  Hahahahaha!!!" Xue Jinxu laughed heartily at the memory.  Her hubby was so cute during her mini recital.  She could tell that he was proud of her then, and her heart was filled with pride and love in turn.

"When you wake up, I will play the piano for you.  That"s right, we should probably get a grand piano at our house first.  Alright!  I"m on it, dear!  Just focus on waking up."

"We"re a team, aren"t we?" She smiled sweetly at him.  She even indulged in quite a baby-talk, the way she used to playfully treat him during the early days of their marriage.

"Love you." She giggled at her own sweet talk-baby talk.  She"s been acting so silly just because the doctors said that it"s okay to talk with him and that he"s waking up soon.  It"s enough to put her hopes high up there with the celestial beings.

She extended her index finger and amorously caressed his cheek with it.  Then, she played with his hair for a bit.  The good news had lifted her spirit.  It would be an understatement to say that she"s ecstatic.  She was way beyond it.  She"s even getting wide-eyed with excitement and antic.i.p.ation.

"Hihihihi." She positioned her fist coyly over her mouth as she giggled.  Her cheeks were the lovely shade of pink.

She had ordered someone to buy her tangerines and now she had been munching on it while blabbering sweet stories to her dear hubby.

Her wait wouldn"t be that much longer.

At three in the afternoon, six hours after his fever broke, Xue Jinxu was awakened as she felt someone touched her hair.  She had fallen asleep on the chair beside the hospital bed, her face buried in her crossed arms. 

Someone was repeatedly stroking her hair.

She grunted as she scratched her eyes with the back of her hands to chase the sleepiness away. 

Her pair of almond eyes met another set.

"How have you been, milady?" It was weak and inaudible, but nevertheless, it was the same voice that she had been antic.i.p.ating to hear. 

It was from her husband.

"I"m sorry I have kept you waiting for so long."

"Where are my spectacles?  I want to have a good look at you."

Xue Jinxu went speechless.  She fetched the spectacles where it lied with such wide eyes of surprise.  She wasn"t even smiling.

She blinked several times, and finally, her mouth broke into an ear-to-ear grin.

"You"re awake." She whispered as if this magical moment would cease to happen if she disrupted it with such noise.

Slowly, she approached him and wrapped her arms around him.  At this point, Chen Linyun seated himself on the hospital bed, with pillows supporting him on his back.  He smiled back at the wife apologetically.

"How long have I been asleep?  You must be worried sick."

"I am sorry, wifey."

"I did my best to return to your side.  Here I am now."

Xue Jinxu kissed him on the forehead and then hugged him tightly.  She landed her right palm behind his head, rubbing his hair in the process.  "Shhh.  I see you miss talking that much, huh?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Chen Linyun chuckled lightly as he returned the wifey"s warm embrace.  "I"ll make it up to you.  Sorry." He knocked the back of her head with his knuckle lightly.  "But don"t tell anyone yet that I"ve already gained consciousness."

There was a glint of sharpness in Chen Linyun"s eyes. 

Xue Jinxu tried to pull away to look at him, but the husband did not allow her to escape their warm embrace.

"Whatever you want, dear."

For the remaining of the afternoon until dinner, the husband and wife chatted as they reminisced good old days, and as the wife reported everything that had happened to the husband that had been asleep.

"I"ve been tried to be a good subst.i.tute for you.  But wow, just wow, my respect for you has soared towards the heavens.  You"re too amazing."

Chen Linyun chortled in response.  The wife was too cute.

"Do you want to talk about what happened to you?  I"m all ears, honey."

Chen Linyun squinted his eyes.  "Not yet, Jinxu.  Let"s talk about it later."

"Oh, alright." Reading the situation, she could sense that it wasn"t trifling, to begin with.

"Now that you are awake, I want to avenge you, honey.  Whoever"s responsible for this should pay!" Xue Jinxu trembled slightly with such fury.  She clenched her fists.

Chen Linyun grabbed her wrists, stroked her fists gently until they loosened up, and then planted a kiss on both of her hands.  "Don"t do anything impulsive, dear.  We"ll get back to them a thousand-fold.  There"s more to it than just me.  It"s an intricately entangled fate of the people we know."


"I"ll explain later." The hubby cradled the wife in his arms.  "For now, can we just cuddle like this?" He interlaced a lock of her ebony hair around his fingers.

"Of course." The wife obliged happily.  "Whoever"s responsible for this will pay a thousand-fold." Behind her sweet smile was the promise of retribution.

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