In the succeeding days, the Chen couple continued with their lifestyle as if nothing has changed.  They had kept from the world the fact that Chen Linyun had already woken up.

Of course, the doctor knew, but they had asked him to keep it as well.  Bound by the confidentiality of his vocation, the doctor obliged.

The lady was relieved with her husband"s presence, but then her worry for his health had not fully withdrawn from her system.

It was not unfounded, though, because, at times, Chen Linyun would wake up in the middle of his sleep perspiring profusely with cold beads of sweat on his forehead and back, and he seemed agitated.    At times, when he was awake, he would just stare into s.p.a.ce and then end up frowning.

Chen Linyun had not recovered fully, and the trauma of all his sufferings still manifested through little windows or gaps.  It wasn"t glaring, but it"s still there.

Moreover, being bed-ridden for so long had its toll on Chen Linyun"s body.  He couldn"t lift his legs at first.  The missus had been fully attentive to his needs as she constantly applied ma.s.sages on his calves and thighs.  Her knowledge of foot spa had been very handy.  At the back of her mind, she was tremendously thankful that the idea of learning ma.s.sages before had landed onto her mind almost providentially. 

Yet, the two worked as a team.  Xue Jinxu led at the frontlines while Chen Linyun secured their overall strategy. 

Chen Linyun instructed Xue Jinxu to preside whatever meeting she would be having in his hospital room, whether it"s through Videocon or personal.  If it"s personal, it would only be between the missus and some trusted friends and colleagues like Mo Wenbin or Jin Yuan.  He was only on the background lying in perfect stillness, but being so, he was able to partic.i.p.ate in the meeting through mere observation and hearing.  When n.o.body"s around, he would help his wife review the doc.u.ments for all the subsidiaries, and come up with the best and most suitable decision for each unique situation.

Likewise, when somebody"s visiting, Chen Linyun kept under the blankets, under the pretense of still being caught in slumber.  Even when Mother Chen visited, he lied still.

Xue Jinxu had been extremely happy that her husband had finally gained consciousness, but she felt uneasy because somehow something has changed in her husband.  For one, his choice of maintaining the act of unconsciousness when he wasn"t under it anymore. 

Chen Linyun was Chen Linyun but he wasn"t the same as when he had left her for the trip.  It was understandably so, but there was something off with him.

As she studied him during the first days of his recovery, she had identified what has changed.

Chen Linyun was furious.  He wouldn"t say it out loud, being the meek person that he was, but there was an inexplicable fury brooding inside him.

The lady wished for him to open up to her even for a bit.  He wouldn"t want her to lift a finger against anyone that harmed them, but G.o.d knows what Chen Linyun was thinking.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

What do they say about kind people getting angry?

Those who were normally kind could potentially be most dangerous when they met rage.

And yes, even the most tolerant Chen Linyun had found anger within him, eating him up in his silence.

At least he wasn"t letting out the negativity towards his wife.  The sad part was, he had no outlet, so all this time he was simply bottling it in.  He was frustrated, and his countenance had been so dark as if a cloud had been persistently hovering on it.

In spite of this, business-wise, their empire found balance yet again because the Chen couple had been working industriously to steer it to stability.  If it ain"t cheesy, it could be considered their labor of love.

One day, Xue Jinxu had just finished giving Chen Linyun a ma.s.sage.  The husband had been sitting upright on his hospital bed at that time.  Xue Jinxu seated herself beside him and gave him a soothing back hug.  Her hands explored the vastness of his chest as she continually and sensually rubbed her palms onto it.  "Honey, I have an idea.  What would you say if we take a vacation?  Just the two of us.  Mhmmm?  Let"s stay overseas for a while.  How about that?"

"Mhmm…" Chen Linyun folded the newspaper that he was reading.  Although technology had been everywhere, the guy could not exchange the experience of reading the latest business news and trend from a broadsheet newspaper.  "I don"t know, Jinxu… I can"t even walk properly yet."

"Who says we"re going to need to walk and tire ourselves out?  That"s why it"s called a vacation!  We don"t have to do anything!  Let"s have a break from everything, honey."

She closed her nose towards the skin of his neck and gave it a sniff as she closed her eyes.

"Hey, Jinxu, what are you doing?"

"Convincing you?"

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and sniffed again, her nose brus.h.i.+ng slightly just below the husband"s jawline.


For an instant, Chen Linyun"s dark, ominous visage cleared and even hinted of mirth.  His eyes sparkled with delight and antic.i.p.ation and equal playfulness.

"Nothing.  Just making this moment last a bit longer in my memory.  Trying to imprint it.  G.o.d!  I miss you!  *sniff* *sniff*"

Finally, Chen Linyun"s lips parted into a warm smile.  "You"re like a dog.  Hahaha."

With his left hand, he stopped the movement of the missus" face and held it in place.  Then he took a sip from her supple, teasing lips.

No matter how much of a replica Xue Jinxu in his dreams was, it could never compare to the original.  There"s only one original – the sweet, candid, feisty, blunt, strong and courageous woman that he has as a wife.

When they parted after their long, slow exchange of affection, they immersed themselves into the abyss of each other"s gazes, as if they were communicating their longing for each other through their stares.  Their hearts almost exploded with all the tenderness that the other reserves only for the spouse.

Although Xue Jinxu had been crying consistently when Chen Linyun had gone amiss and during the time of his unconscious feat, when he finally woke up, not once did she shed a tear in front of her husband.  No matter how much her heart swells for him, she did not resort to crying.  Instead, she poured all her heart"s yearning through taking care of him and through physical touch.

After staring at each other for a good few minutes, they smiled at each other contentedly, understandingly of each other.

"Let"s have a vacation." Chen Linyun finally relented.  "Your choice.  But let"s keep a low profile."

"Really?" Xue Jinxu almost jumped from the bed in glee.  She wrapped her arms around him again while showering him with kisses on his cheeks, on top of his nose, and his neck.  "Mhmm... I love you… *kiss* I love you…" *kiss* *kiss*  "You"re the best."

Now, grinning contentedly, Chen Linyun laughed heartily as he caught the wife by her waist who was now kneeling and kissing him all over and balanced them both on the hospital bed.

"Only time will allow you to open up to me.  I"ll wait." Behind the kisses, it was what the missus bore in her mind.

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