"I would like to propose solutions." Guangxi said. "First, I"d like to use our other fleets, the pa.s.senger and the cruise s.h.i.+ps to raise the funds that we require. After all, this area is directly connected to the consumers."

"We can generate promos and packages that would be attractive to the market, which will entice them to buy tickets now. We can pre-sell tickets now at a discounted price for pa.s.senger trips. We can set a deadline in which the consumers could be allowed to buy those discounted tickets, and also dictate the validity of the trip per se. For example, they can buy a trip to the West Coast until midnight tomorrow for a 50% discounted price, for a trip that can be taken in the next quarter until the first half of next year."

"As for the cruise s.h.i.+p, we can do the same. On top of that, we can also take advantage of the annual week-long holiday in Country V. As far as I know, we have cruise s.h.i.+ps with route going to Country V."

"Moreover," he continued, "we can further create a non-existent "holiday" or an event to make people get engaged into taking cruise s.h.i.+ps. It"s in people"s psychology to want to spend more for special occasions."

"The capital for those suggestions is quite small too. Considering that it"s the age of social media, we could simply create our own creative web posters and ads and make better use of the technology. We may ask our own employees to take part in these promos and packages, with a more enticing perks for them. They can share it to their friends and loved ones. These things travel by word of mouth fast. People also believe and trust our employees more because they are "insiders". "He finished and tried to catch his breath. He was eloquent in his suggestions. While he was presenting his recommendations, he could see some of the executives nodding their heads. It made him relax a bit.

Xue Jinxu was impressed. Guangxi had enumerated almost all the possible solutions that Marketing is concerned of. Although, she was impressed, she did not accept her brother"s recommendations readily. Instead, she addressed the majority.

"Sirs and Madames, we heard our new Marketing Director"s suggestions. I would like to hear your comments first before we come up with a decision."

"I agree with Second Young Master"s recommendations. They were sound and logical, and indeed the fastest way."

"I concur too."

"Me too."

The executives were unanimous in agreeing to Guangxi"s suggestions. With that, the COO"s final word was to proceed with it.

Guangxi heaved a sigh of relief. His tensed shoulders started to ease up.

Despite the severity of the issue, Xue Jinxu was pleased with Guangxi"s outcome. It was clear that he was able to come up with the solutions, convince and influence the executive team, all on his own, without her meddling. She was getting a.s.sured that somehow his brother would do well on his own in the future.

In Chinese saying, a crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind. This instance, it was totally true. Guangxi was able to turn the tides to their favor. This will also be an opportunity for them to increase their market share in the pa.s.sengers and cruise s.h.i.+ps category.


In the succeeding days, the whole company was busy working together in the execution of their market strategy. Who would have thought that the main objective is to raise funds? This move will quite stir the market and their compet.i.tors. Before this there was only status quo.

Things seemed to be going great.

The employees were more than willing to partic.i.p.ate in the company-wide events for the cruise s.h.i.+ps. The company had given each employee access to certain number of discounted cruise s.h.i.+ps tickets for their loved ones. Their friends and acquaintances, upon hearing the news, had also approached them to inquire. Several people got interested and hooked with the promos.

"Wow, I"ve always dreamt of going on a cruise!"

"I thought cruise s.h.i.+ps are for rich people only! Who would have thought it could be this affordable!" "Good job Xue s.h.i.+pping!"

The netizens share their comments in the internet, most of them contain appreciation to Xue s.h.i.+pping.

"That"s what you call a marketing strategy which really cares about their customers! Unlike other companies who only want profit!"

Xue s.h.i.+pping was getting great feedback.

However, one day, the Safety team had notified everyone of another devastating news.

There was an announcement in the whole of company through the paging system. The Safety team also sent out advisory through the company email and website.

"Dear all, there is a super typhoon that is expected to enter the nation"s area of responsibility tonight by the Southeast region going westward and northward. It has a projected speed of 250 kilometer per hour, and is considered quite lethal. Recommending to stay inside your homes early tonight until tomorrow."

They had also notified all their customers who bought tickets for cruise that was scheduled for that night.

"We value the safety of our pa.s.sengers first. We regret to inform that your cruise scheduled tonight will be canceled due to bad weather. Please keep your tickets with you. An authorized personnel from Xue s.h.i.+pping will notify every one of the new schedule, and will give affected pa.s.sengers complimentary a.s.sistance." That was the official statement released by the PR Head, Director Xiao Ye.

The weather was still fine in Beijing. It was still not raining but the winds were getting stronger. The sun was even s.h.i.+ning brightly and it was humid.

However, in the ocean in the East and Southeast Coast, the tempest was already going berserk. The waves were huge and tall and powerful. The rains were not yet heavy, but the wind"s wrath could already be felt.

At that moment, most s.h.i.+ps were still sailing at their usual routes. The tempest was about to enter the nation"s boundaries. The waters were turbulent. It was completely unsafe.

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