At Xue s.h.i.+pping.

The executives were gathered in the conference room again.

"Let"s have a quick run through of the events before we can safely go home tonight." Xue Jinxu started the meeting. "Our agenda are as follows: (1) Update on our problem with funds, CFO to report. (2) Update on our promos and packages for the pa.s.senger and cruise s.h.i.+p, Marketing Director to report. (3) Status of the upcoming super typhoon, Safety Head to report. (4) Fleets that will be affected, and the estimated extent of super typhoon effect, Technical Marine Head to report."

They all noted this agenda and the respective department heads reported accordingly. The CFO was the first one to report.

"It was great pleasure to announce that somehow we managed to raise 65% of our total fund allocation requirements from our current efforts. It was thanks to our reliable and competent Marketing team and of course, their head, the Second Young Master."

The CFO did not intend to brownnose. It was out of sheer grat.i.tude and appreciation towards the Second Young Master and his team that he had mentioned it.

"For now, with the funds at hand, we can sustain our operations. We can continue our efforts for the remaining 35% of our requirements. We had also collected payments from our clients. It was a big help too. That"s it for now for Finance."

Guangxi took a deep breath first. He was next to report. "The cruise s.h.i.+p packages were well-received by the market. The netizens who were happy about it also contributed good feedback and free advertising for the event through social media. The promos were a hit too. Altogether, it had a big positive effect on the company"s image. Figures could still be finalized, but according to our survey this move could easily give us additional 7% of the market share. That"s additional 7% lead from our next compet.i.tor. We are currently still number one in the pa.s.senger and cruise s.h.i.+p category."

Everyone applauded with this news.

"However", he added, "We are talking about the ticket sales only. Since most are pre-sold, there were very few instances of the trips itself. The real review of our pa.s.sengers will be reflected after they had boarded and experienced our trips and cruise. It depends on our service."

"That"s noted, Guangxi. Everyone, we heard him. It"s not the end yet. We have to walk the talk, or else our initial efforts will be such a waste." The COO reminded them.

The Safety Head reported next. He reported about the super typhoon, its expected landfall, its route, its intensity and the expected date that it will leave the country.

The most crucial agenda that day was the super typhoon. And the most crucial report will be coming from the Technical Marine Head. They braced themselves.

"My report was dependent on the Safety Head"s report." The Technical Marine Head, Director Yun Lifeng started. "As of this moment, while we are discussing, the ocean near the East and Southeast Coast is already extremely turbulent. Most of the s.h.i.+ps that were in anchorage needed sheltering, and in fact, as we speak now, most were routed towards their temporary shelter. Some of the s.h.i.+ps that were streaming in the middle of the sea were braving the strong waves already and were also rerouted towards their a.s.signed temporary shelters."

"The signal from the s.h.i.+ps was getting weaker by the minute. Let"s just keep our fingers crossed, and let"s all pray that all of our s.h.i.+ps in the middle of the ocean will be able to reach its shelters timely and safely, before the arrival of the super typhoon. We do not want any casualties." He sighed. "My team will be up tonight. We will be monitoring the location and status of all our fleets."

"How many s.h.i.+ps will be affected by this bad weather?"

"We estimate it to be around twenty s.h.i.+ps at least." The Technical Marine Head, Director Yun Lifeng answered.

"Thank you Sir." The COO acknowledged his report. "Please send me an update every hour regardless. If there"s anything important please let me know also as soon as possible. All of us here are behind you and your team."

"Understood, COO. Thank you everyone."

"Meeting adjourned. Please go home early and please be safe everyone." The COO remarked.

The Xue siblings also went home early that night. However, it was going to be a sleepless for some people, including Xue Jinxu. Since the Technical Marine Team will be on vigil tonight to monitor the real-time status of their s.h.i.+ps amidst the storm, she as their leader and COO would do the same.

Xue Guangxi accompanied his sister until late that night. The wind was howling crazy, and the rain was pouring heavily on the roof and windows. The heavens were angry for whatever reasons humans could never comprehend. Imagine that was the case in the mainland, how bad could it be in the seas?

Both siblings were perturbed, watching the news, and the storm outside. They were also waiting for the hourly update of the TM Head.

Xue Jinxu had served herself red wine and was now twirling her wine gla.s.s while standing next to the floor-to-ceiling window. She was gazing at the tempest"s works. Xue Guangxi was intently watching the news update on the television, and even searching developments online. He was trying to access the website for maritime affairs, and the official weather website of the nation. He was on look-out.

Come dawn, Xue Guangxi could not withstand the urge to sleep anymore. He gave up and had succ.u.mbed into slumber on the couch. Xue Jinxu, being more alert and tense as ever, could still continue to fight the sleepiness and drowsiness. Once in a while she received reports from the TM Head which she replied soonest possible, to let the team know that she was there with them, accompanying them, supporting them, and that their efforts were appreciated and acknowledged. She"s the commanding general after all. She would never leave her battalion behind, especially not in the middle of a fight.

By mid-day, the skies cleared, and like a new leaf the surroundings exude a certain degree of freshness all around.

The aftermath of the storm was yet to be quantified.

News came that afternoon. Fortunately enough there were no serious casualties. There were only reports of s.h.i.+ps with broken mast, or ropes cut. No major issues occurred providentially. There was no wreckage because the team had worked together, and had prevented any serious damage. They had acted out prior the surge.

Everyone could finally heave a sigh of relief – everyone including the resilient COO, Xue Jinxu.

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