At Tiankong Investments.

Chen Linyun was present at work, as usual, doing his responsibilities as the Director for Investments. It was the typical day with his daily routine.

In the morning he convened his team to discuss the status of their accounts, to review the effectiveness of their existing investment programs, and to brainstorm on possible new ideas. His team tried to identify key accounts that had highest potential for growth, and the delinquent accounts both for private and corporation category. They also reviewed the current trends and seasonality of different industries – manufacturing, energy, agriculture, real estate and trading.

His façade was no different than usual. However, only he knew of the turmoil that was happening inside him. He was torn.

Deep down inside him, there had been an internal debate that had been going on for quite a while. He was trying to find balance between his work, and his work ethics, versus moving on his own and trying to pursue what blackbelliness he had in mind. His fingers were itching too much to go behind the scenes and do something with the movement of stocks. It was conflicting because of his work.

He was too bothered by one particular company. Needless to say, the company was Xue s.h.i.+pping. However, Xue s.h.i.+pping was their client, and only one of the several, several treasured clients that they had. It was against ethics to influence – whether good or bad – one particular company, especially without consent of the client.

Outside of the office, or Tiankong Investments, he could be free to do whatever he wanted. He could hack his way through the backdoor of trading and do his stuff. It was how he used to do it amateurly back in his university days. It was also how he had managed to capture the interests of several multinational and excellent companies who tried to offer him extremely attractive job opportunity packages.

He wanted to go back to that stage, to grasp that power again.

"But that means, I have to leave Tiankong Investments." He was staring at the stack of doc.u.ments on his table, needing his review and signature. His long morning meeting had ended. His right hand holding his pen was hanging in the air. He was supposed to affix his signature but was drowned in his own thoughts instead.

"What to do, what to do?" He sighed. Externally, there was nothing extraordinary with him. It was his usual business behavior, nothing out of place.

He did not like the feeling of being restrained by established rules such as what the company had.

He felt that his wings were clipped, unable to soar to higher height, unable to be flexible with the wind. He felt suffocated.

However, leaving the company meant losing his regular influx of monetary support and other benefits – including the lodging. Tiankong investments had provided him the apartment where he and Mo Wenbin were staying since they were hired in Country D. They were treated as expatriates.

"I will also lose my access to her in the process. It"s tricky." He paced back and forth inside his office.

"What to do, what to do." The biggest reason for him acting this way was the recent attack to Xue s.h.i.+pping. No, rather, the main reason, was the way Xue Jinxu acted that night when he checked on her. He was bothered by not being able to help in any way. His woman was attacked, was suffering from the aftermath of it, yet here he was, still enjoying his usual cup of delicious tea that life had been serving him. He was still living a comfortable life, which, if he would simply allow it, would be as peaceful as the blue sky above.

He had always been a risktaker. How else was he able to achieve his goal of finding his woman after five long years? All the steps he took led him to where he was today. "Should I stop now?" He thought. The answer was obvious. He should not. Not now, that his woman was within his reach. Not now, that she needed him, although if any one would put it, she did not really need the help, or rather she did not think she need his help.

"Whatever. You only live once." Putting that way, he had decided. He"s going to take the risk again, and was dead set on emerging victorious. "I"ll put everything I have at stake. For her."

He finished the stack of doc.u.ments on his table. By lunch time, his table was cleared. He ate a fast lunch, then in the afternoon he took care of everything that was needed to be arranged for work system-wise.

In the afternoon, he did several phone calls. "h.e.l.lo, Yazu, it"s me Chen Linyun…." He discussed something. "Are you in?" He asked.

He made another phone call. The content and objective was the same. "h.e.l.lo, Zhou Xin. How have you been, Bro? It"s me, Chen Linyun…." He discussed his plan again. "Are you in? I"ll send you the other details. I believe this will work." He relayed his confidence.

In the evening, in their apartment, he cooked a lavish meal for Mo Wenbin.

"Come home early tonight. I"m going to cook all your favorites." He had sent a message in the afternoon. Of course, Mo Wenbin indeed went home early! He was like a dog sniffing the savory air the moment he entered the apartment.

He ate heartily. It was a feast – he could not waste any of it. To his surprise, there were only the two of them in the apartment to share all the food.

"Hey Chen Linyun, you"re making me nervous. Let me guess, you need something!" Mo Wenbin had hit the bullseye.

"ahh, y-yeah. Hehehe." He let out a nervous laugh. He scratched his head awkwardly. "The thing is…" He explained his thoughts, and his plan. He needed Mo Wenbin with him to execute his plans.

"Si Yazu and Zhou Xin will be joining me as well. Are you in?" He asked nervously.

"Of course, Master. Wherever you are, I"ll follow. But I"ll stay at Tiankong Investments." Mo Wenbin confirmed his allegiance while taking two spoonfuls of his favorites.

Chen Linyun"s eyes blazed with pa.s.sion. "Yes, this will definitely work." He declared confidently.

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