"Thanks buddy. Let"s drink sometime, my treat." Zhu Li Qiang tapped Chen Linyun"s back then went towards the direction of Teng Man Rui.

He sauntered to the direction where Teng Man Rui was located. She was standing by the refreshments alone, a wallflower.

Before he approached her, he took several deep breaths to calm his nerves. He stood beside her, and proceeded with small talk.

"You look like someone I know." Zhu Li Qiang said while giving her a side glance. He took a sip from of his champaigne. Saying that he was nervous was quite an understatement.

"It"s because it"s really me. Teng Man Rui." She admitted, then extended her hand. "You"re the traveler, aren"t you? Let"s introduce ourselves properly."

"Zhu Li Qiang of Zhu s.h.i.+pping Lines." He took her hand and held it tenderly. He would love to give her a hug instead of a handshake, but it was inappropriate. He restrained himself. ""You look the same, only prettier, with better, brighter designer clothes on you."

"You look the same too. Neater." Teng Man Rui returned the praise. "I"m sorry I had mistaken you for my bodyguard. It"s just that you appeared at the right moment, just before I got beaten up by thugs."

"It"s nothing." He shrugged and smiled. It was good-nature and comfortable talk.

"Oh, by the way, I"ve heard that you"ve mistaken me too. For a deity." She laughed a little. It was music to his ears. He was enthralled again. "I"m not a tennyo."

"You"re not? Well, you certainly can pa.s.s as one." He was certainly surprised as h.e.l.l, but more of entranced. And as mesmerized as he was, he added. "Certainly doesn"t have to be a tennyo to get deeply enthralled by you."

Teng Man Rui"s smile faded slowly. "Zhu Li Qiang." She warned.

"Only our ident.i.ties were mistaken, which has been rectified already. All the rest still holds true. I"m taken, and now I"m out from hiding because my boyfriend found me already. We"ve talked about this before. I"d like to remind you again, in case you forget."

"Sorry." He said, a painful expression evident on his face. "That"s the very reason why I left. Did you get my letter?

"I did." Teng Man Rui retorted softly. She bowed her head and lowered her gaze on the floor.

"You and Xue Jinxu are best friends?" Zhu Li Qiand inquired, trying to keep their conversation going.

"Yes, we grew up together."

"I see."

"Why"s your boyfriend not here with you? Busy?" He pressed.

"None of your business." Teng Man Rui hated people who were trying to pry their noses to scoop up information or gossip.

"Why did you call him a devil? Were you two fighting?" He probed deeper.

"We"re not. In fact, I love him so regardless of who he is. It"s just a term of endearment." Teng Man Rui said without batting an eyelid. She"s getting irritated.

"She"s at it again. Pus.h.i.+ng me and my advances away through professing her love to her devil."

"But what has changed is that we"re of equal status now. It changes the whole scenario. And she"s not married yet."

"May I know who your boyfriend is?" Zhu Li Qiang asked curiously. He"s dying to know who his rival is.

"No, you may not." Teng Man Rui"s brows were knitted together. "Listen, this conversation is not going anywhere. I know we spent some time in the province during my seclusion, and I appreciate that you accompanied me and kept me safe during that time, albeit under mistaken ident.i.ties. But it"s in the past, and this is the present already. You and I are both not in the same situation as before. And we"re not even that close yet to share personal information. I better take my leave."

Zhu Li Qiang grabbed her wrist. "Are you trying to hide your boyfriend? Or maybe there"s no boyfriend at all." Zhu Li Qiang tried his last resort. He tried to lower his head close to the lady"s and gazed at her mesmerizing eyes.

Teng Man Rui pushed him away. "Mr. Zhu, would you please mind your manners? I"ll take my leave then." She sauntered away.

He sighed. "She"s ignoring me. She"s still pus.h.i.+ng me away. There are more chances in the future. So glad I saw her today."

With eagerness on his face, he decided there on, "No, Got to go after her."

He saw her bid her farewell to her bestfriend, Xue Jinxu, and her husband Chen Linyun. She was on her way out.

He walked brisquely and soon enough he caught up with her. While walking he asked her, "Do you have faith in me?"

Teng Man Rui stopped at her tracks, confused. "What?" She faced him.

"I"m asking you if you trust me. In the past months that we spent together in the province, have I not proven myself trustworthy?"

"You have. Mr Zhu, where is this conversation leading to?"

"If you want to keep it a secret, I can keep it a secret. So, who"s your devil of a boyfriend?" He pressed.

Teng Man Rui rolled her eyes then continued walking out. They were already along the streets, under a lamppost. She fetched her phone and sent a message to her driver.

"If you"re not going to tell me a name, I will a.s.sume that your boyfriend is non-existent. That means, I"m free to pursue you." Zhu Li Qiang smiled at her mockingly.

"If I tell it to you will you stop your advances altogether?" Teng Man Rui was reconsidering telling him.

"Of course. But we can still be friends, can we? Give me at least that." He bargained.

"Fair enough. I consider you as a friend." She smiled genuinely. Zhu Li Qiang"s world went on slow motion as the wind flew against her face, blowing her hair majestically. He was quite speechless for a few seconds. He blinked many times. "d.a.m.n."

"It"s s.h.i.+ Fan Hai." She said.

He had not recovered yet from his stupor when she blurted out a name.


"It"s s.h.i.+ Fan Hai. My boyfriend." She repeated.

His eyes widened and his mouth gaped. He whispered, lowered his head onto her head"s level, and pointed inconspicuously to the direction of the venue where they came from. "You mean, the ex-fiancé of your bestfriend? That"s a piece of worthy gossip."

"Hey! Fulfill your end of the deal. Keep it a secret. Keep it with you to your grave. Seal that mouth of yours."

"Can you seal it with a kiss?" He jokingly said.

She scoffed and walked away, regretting her decision to disclose the information.

"I"m just joking. Of course, I"ll keep it to myself. Where"s your car?" He added, while also walking side-by-side with her.

"I didn"t bring one. My driver"s on the way, just stuck in traffic. He went home upon sending me here earlier."

"Can I offer you a ride home? As friends." Zhu Li Qiang was shooting for the stars and was quite ambitious. It doesn"t hurt to ask.

"My driver"s on his way." Teng Man Rui declined implicitly.

"Well, the street is almost deserted. I can"t possibly allow you to wait here alone."

"I can go inside the venue again."

"Will you really do that?"

"Uhm, no." She laughed a little.

"Come on, I know you"re getting impatient. It won"t mean anything, just a ride home. As friends. You trust me, don"t you?"

"Alright, alright. You win. I"m giving in. You"re one such persistent man."

Zhu Li Qiang was ecstatic. He went to get the car from the parking, then fetched her where she stood under the lamppost.

In the car, he continued asking questions. "If you don"t have a boyfriend do I have a chance?"

"Zhu Li Qiang." She shot him a look.

"I"m asking out of curiosity. As friends. I"m also doing some research. You can call it feedback. I had been turned down consecutively, you know."

"Yeah, you said it on your letter. I"m sorry about that." She looked at him. "But, I"m still not going to answer your question."


"Zhu Li Qiang, may I ask, what made you like me? I don"t think I"ve given you enough motivation, though. I"m also asking as friends. Out of curiosity."

"You mesmerize me. You captivate my heart." Zhu Li Qiang scratched the top of his nose.

"Okay." The lady raised her brows. "But what specifically? Don"t tell me it"s my looks. If you say so, then you"re shallow."

"Can"t it be the whole you? It"s a package deal. All of you. Everything about you. The way you talk, the way you carry yourself. The decibels of your voice which is music to my ears. The simple life you chose despite your status. I don"t think you simply did that because you"re hiding. You preferred that, didn"t you? That simple life."

"And you"re modest, too." He pursed his lips while driving, trying not to laugh.

The lady was already blus.h.i.+ng when he answered her question seriously, and blushed even more after hearing his side comment. He was reacting on her statement about her looks.

"It came out wrong!" She was fl.u.s.tered, and explained herself. "Most of the guys who liked me before only liked me for my looks. It also made me a target for some embarra.s.sment. It was degrading. I guess, extremes no matter at which end – even if it"s at the better end – would still attract attention and shaming."

"I"ve found another reason to like you though. You"re also deep. And it seems that you"ve experienced some hards.h.i.+ps too." His heart ached at the realization.

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