Grampa Xue studied him closely.

"Very well, Chen Linyun." He looked quite pleased with the willingness and conviction that his grandson-in-law was showing. Surely, he has his own form of strength. However, for now, it"s all talk. "Prove it. Once you"ve done it, you"ll have my blessings. I will accept you to the family unconditionally if and when you are able to stabilize the current situation with Guangxi in and out of the company how a head would do it. We can generate fair metrics to base the decision later on. Generally, the company should not fall, rather it should even grow more percentages in the market share, the internal strife will be resolved, and Guangxi"s attack on his credibility will cease, rather, people will know well not to mess up with this family."

"Three things, Chen Linyun. If you"re able to address it, I"d gladly welcome you to the family."

Once Grampa Xue said it, he stood up. "Take it or leave it. But if you choose to leave it, be prepared to leave my granddaughter too, and for eternity. There are far more suited bachelors out there. You"ve spited this family by taking her hand without our knowledge, our approval. I let it slide for her. This time, the stake is too big. I cannot allow my world, the company that our ancestors built, and this family I worked hard on to protect, to crumble to dust just because of incompetent next-generation leader. You decide, Mister Chen Linyun."

The couple exchanged intense gazes. Xue Jinxu"s heart was drumming so hard as if it"s going to leap out of her chest.

Chen Linyun was trying to be calm, but he was also getting fidgety, yet he put his best effort to appear reserved and determined.

Grampa Xue turned his back from the crowd that was still seated in the dining hall. Without waiting for Chen Linyun"s answer, he walked away.

Chen Linyun abruptly stood up and exclaimed, "Sir, I will make sure I meet all three! I will prove to you that I"m the best-suited for my wife! I cannot bear to be separated from her. I"ll prove it to you, Sir!" He said all of it hurriedly while stamping it with a bow.

"Very well, just do it." Grampa retorted then continued walking away. His back was turned towards them, but it seemed that there was some sort of a hint of approbation in his lips. "Good luck, then, Mister Chen Linyun." He said barely audibly when he was not too far away, without even turning back to as much as look at them.

Father and Mother Xue, and the Chen couple all heaved a sigh of relief. At least Grampa Xue was being reasonable this time. And to note, he"s giving out hope of accepting Chen Linyun. It"s a hope that"s realistic and attainable and not just any false hope. Sure, it will require tedious work and planning and a lot of striving, but as long as there"s hope, it"s enough motivation for Chen Linyun.

It"s actually his only choice, otherwise, he will lose the wife again. Not again. Never again.

The family convened further for tea after dinner. They started planning ahead as to how they will start achieving the three pre-set goals of Grampa Xue. Xue Mingli and Zhao Feiyan were gladly lending a hand.

"It"s getting late. Let"s postpone all the planning and preparations for tomorrow. Why don"t you stay here tonight? Xu"er"s room is still intact. We haven"t touched anything in it just yet."

"Uhm, Father, we can go home, it"s not really that late yet." Xue Jinxu softly replied. She seemed to be blus.h.i.+ng. For once after such a long time, she looked fittingly like a princess who needs protecting.

Father Xue wrapped her shoulders with one of his strong arms. "Oh, you really don"t want to stay here, do you, princess? It"s still your room. Come on, princess, give in to your father"s whims once in a while. You"re barely home. Your old man misses you so badly." He squeezed her arm, trying to convince her.

She glanced at Chen Linyun who"s also coaxing her on the sides. Xue Jinxu let out a little amused laugh. "Alright, father. As you wish." She gave him a soft peck on his left cheek. "We"ll be staying here for the night."

What she couldn"t say, and what made her blush coyly, she let out in her mind, "It"s just that, Chen Linyun will be sleeping in my room where I spent my childhood growing up." She was being bashful, and with the thought, her cheeks turned lovely pink again.

Catching the change, Chen Linyun whispered in her ear with a smirk, almost playfully, "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing!" She whispered back while wrapping her arms around his waist tightly. "Nothing." She repeated. She looked at him, her cheeks kept on blus.h.i.+ng a lovely tint of pink.

She smiled at him while grabbing his hand. Then, they went towards Xue Jinxu"s bedroom to rest for the night. The maids provided newly acquired set of clothes for Chen Linyun. It still has tags on them.

"So this is your room." Chen Linyun muttered while inspecting every nook and cranny. He was deeply immersed at the moment. He saw a painting at one corner of the room. The room was rather s.p.a.cious.

"You painted it?" He asked.

"Yes. Some years ago when I was still in high school." She said shyly. Her bedroom was the most secluded most intimate place for Xue Jinxu, and here they were now, together with her husband.

"You"re really talented, Misis Chen." He complimented while grabbing her waist, however with apparent sadness in his visage.

"What"s wrong?"

"You weren"t able to pursue your pa.s.sion because of your obligations." His hold tightened. "This time, you have me. Rely on me."

"I"m worried for you. You have not managed a corporation before. I"m worried about your safety, too. Above all, I don"t want to lose you." She buried her face on his chest.

"You won"t lose me, I swear." He kissed her forehead soothingly while stroking her head as if she"s a child.

"In turn, move in with me. Stay with me, beside me…" Chen Linyun loosened his hold around her waist with his right hand, and with his left hand, he guided her chin up to look at him. "Let"s do it properly, as wedded husband and wife, facing everything together, beside each other. Mhmm?"

The lady smiled amidst teary eyes. "En. I think it"s the right thing to do too. I want to watch over you 24/7. You"ll be needing me, and I"m so worried sick about you that I don"t want to lose sight of you just for a minute. It"s difficult times but we have each other. I"ll rely on you but rely on me too, mhmm? I"ll help you with Guangxi, with the company, with your bet with Grampa. You won"t lose the bet, I swear. You have me."

"That"s good then. There"s nothing I cannot do for you. Let"s make it a sure win."

Xue Jinxu let out a laugh. "Yes, indeed. Let"s claim it. It"s a win."

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