Meanwhile, in the middle of the chatter, another girl was trying her luck to get into the venue where Xue Jinxu"s group was located. Since the girl was persistent, Miss Yan had been informed by the security team of the country club about her presence. Since they knew that this events place was visited frequently by the daughters and wives of high-ranking officials and business tyc.o.o.ns, they could not just send away the persistent girl at the entrance, especially since they could not identify the girl. If, in any sense, she turned out to be of a prominent background, then at the very least, they could lose their jobs. What else could they and their family experience? No one could tell. Better not to offend anyone above them.
Miss Yan checked the situation and whispered something onto Xue Jinxu"s ear. Her face blanched upon hearing a name.
"What is she doing here?" Xue Jinxu asked in a low voice, almost a whisper.
"She said she wanted to talk to you. She said Miss Kang Sola invited her here." Miss Yan glanced at Kang Sola hesitatingly.
The girl heard it and in her defense, explained, "Xu-Jie, you said I can invite my friends. I invited one, but you might get mad, sorry! I didn"t ask for permission first. I brought Su Jingjing. I think she badly needs to talk to you."
"How did you know her? Are you friends?" Xu-Jie grew skeptical and cautious all of a sudden.
"No, I met her not too long ago." Kang Sola waved her arms in front of her in negation. "I met her through Guangxi."
"Through Guangxi, huh? That brat has been seeing her, still? I can"t believe it." She squinted her eyes and left the room noiselessly so as not to disturb the other ladies.
As the sun had set in the west, Xue Jinxu and Teng Man Rui had been working with all their skills and efforts and whatever they were equipped in their respective situations to be on top of it. Both needed to calm their nerves down as their social gathering had not ended yet. However, deep deep down, both were seething with unparalleled fervent, intense emotions.
At the end of the day, one by one, the ladies went home from the resort and country club. Most of them were at a much better, relaxed state of mind and body from when they first came, except for two: Teng Man Rui and Xue Jinxu.
In the end, Teng Man Rui nudged her close friends to go barhopping with her. "I thought I need something quiet and relaxing and tamed, but today has been too lame. Why don"t we go dancing and drinking all night long? Come on! Let"s stay up all night, ladies!"
Xue Jinxu had just ended up her short conversation with Su Jingjing, and the latter also went home.
Hearing her friend"s suggestion, Xue Jinxu couldn"t be more astounded. "Man Rui? What has gotten into you?"
"I am sensing some negative vibes from her. Maybe she got p.i.s.sed by something earlier. Maybe it"s because those ladies got her fiancé wrong." Hw.a.n.g Meiling blurted out her observations while seemingly thinking out loud. "They didn"t mention Zhu Li Qiang as her fiancé. Rather, they mentioned a man named something like… Si? Xi? Ahh was that s.h.i.+ Funai? Did I get it right?"

"Man Rui??!!" Xue Jinxu turned her full body towards her best friend and landed her hands gently on her shoulders. She didn"t say any more words, though, as Teng Man Rui was already frowning since earlier. She"s p.i.s.sed off, which rarely happened.
"I don"t know, Jinxu! Argh!!! I have to talk to my parents first!" She sighed in utter vexation as she pulled her hair and ma.s.saged her temple. Getting back to her proposed agenda, she probed, "So, who"s joining me? Let"s party! Come on! I think we just need loud music. Let"s shake the negativity away!!! Kang Sola may not join us."
"No, please Jie-Jie, take me with you! I will behave, promise! I"ll take good care of all of you if you"ll all get drunk. Pretty please!" She begged as she clasped her two hands together on her chest.
Man Rui hooked her arm around Kang Sola and smiled genuinely. "Okay, let"s go! Jinxu! Meilin!"
Kang Sola and Hw.a.n.g Meilin got dragged by Man Rui at each side of her towards a black sedan which was supposed to pick them up while Xue Jinxu stood still in confusion. "Is that you, Man Rui?"
As she followed them towards their car, she received a call from Secretary Yan. "Madame, I have taken care of the special a.s.signment you"ve given me for today. I have submitted the personal brush with the lady"s hair strands, properly sealed and contained, to the laboratory as instructed."
"Well done, Miss Yan. Let me know soonest once the results are out. Goodnight."
The group of four ladies arrived at a bar called Zenith-O. The signage in front of the building was in cursive neon pink and was quite punky. Inside, the crowd started to build upon the dance floor. Xue Jinxu and Kang Sola stayed at the less occupied, and more s.p.a.cious lounge area where the booths were located for VIP"s at the second floor while Teng Man Rui dragged Hw.a.n.g Meilin excitedly on the dance floor. They did not waste any moment and started dancing and bobbing up and down with the music"s rhythm.
Xue Jinxu sighed at the second floor while watching her friends closely as they danced at their hearts" content. She couldn"t afford to lose sight of them even for a moment. She acted more like a guardian, a mother hen that"s been watching her chicks, than a girl-friend who parties with them. After all, she"s married already, and they"re currently trying for a child. She actively avoided extra strenuous activities, and any alcohol intake, or getting surrounded by smoke.
"Why don"t you dance with them, Sola? I"m such a bore here." She mildly nudged the girl seated quietly beside her. Although Kang Sola fell silent, she was far from bored, contrary to what Xue Jinxu was initially thinking; rather, she was fired up as the loud music seeped into her system and as her eyes roamed the entirety of the place.
"I"ll just accompany you here, Xu-Jie. I"m satisfied just by watching."
Xue Jinxu smiled. "Suit yourself, dear. And…" She locked her eyes with the girl and immediately the girl tensed up, "if you want to drink, I"ll allow you to maybe one to two servings. It"s a little secret between us." She winked indulgently.
The girl chuckled lightly at the temptation. "Hehehe, well maybe I can try a drink or two. It"s a secret, alright, Jie-Jie?"
Xue Jinxu made an okay sign with her hand.
When the waiter asked for their orders, Kang Sola ordered for a mojito while Xue Jinxu only requested for a red iced tea.
The two chatted once in a while about school, and mostly about Xue Guangxi. The booth on the second floor was a semi-sound-proof room with clear gla.s.s walls and a sort-of balcony which permitted the guests on top to have a good view of the dance floor and the program below. Hence, while the music was beating boisterously all around them, the two at the VIP booth could still manage to hear each other out during their conversations.
"I"m sorry I brought Su Jingjing today, Xu-Jie. I crossed my boundaries…" Kang Sola fidgeted in her seat. She was aware that she"s at fault.
Xue Jinxu waved one hand. "It"s nothing. Don"t worry about it. Your intentions are good." She glanced at the girl for a moment and then resumed "birdwatching".
Kang Sola heaved a sigh of relief.
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About five minutes had pa.s.sed, their refreshments came. Shortly after taking some sips, both Kand Sola and Xue Jinxu received a WeChat message from Hw.a.n.g Meilin which read, "I need some reinforcements with Xiao Rui. She"s a bit tipsy already and is currently behaving oddly. Specifically, she"s become dangerously flirtatious!!!!"
Hw.a.n.g Meilin sent another message. "SOS ASAP!! We might get into trouble!!"
Xue Jinxu and Kang Sola looked at each other in astonishment as they frantically sprung up from their seats. "You go down first." The older lady commanded the girl as the former seemed busy composing another message, which she consequently sent to her husband, "Pick us up at Zenith-O. I"m with the girls. Bring Zhu Li Qiang. Be here ASAP."

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