"Aren"t you feeling cold?" Zhu Li Qiang inquired with interest as he studied the bundle of comforter beside him on the couch.

He was still in Hangzhou and had returned to the humble abode where he had found himself in the morning after unexpectedly spending the night tending to a pseudo-celestial being.

"A bit." The bundled up lady answered as she scooped a spoonful of vanilla ice cream and shoved it in her mouth. It was around seven in the evening. The two were huddled up comfortably on the couch.

"Eating ice cream in autumn, and especially when your body"s still weak isn"t an intelligent idea, Man Rui." The guy protested in the gentlest way possible, without breaking the lady"s heart.

"Shh… The film"s starting!"

Zhu Li Qiang shut his mouth obediently. The film truly was starting. They snuggled close to each other, holding onto their own spoons, once in a while digging into the pint of vanilla ice cream with both pairs of eyes glued intently onto the screen. 

They were watching the cla.s.sic western film "Breakfast at Tiffany"s".

"You know you remind me a lot of the actress, milady." Zhu Li Qiang murmured while rubbing his thumb on the back of Man Rui"s hand which was already intertwined with his. The pint of ice cream would have to settle on the tabletop for now. Slightly, he brushed his thin lips on her knuckles.

"You, flatterer!" The lady responded curtly with a giggle. "No one can compare to her."

"Do you know she"s of royal descent but she chose to pursue her artistic calling, her craft."

Zhu Li Qiang did not put forth a reb.u.t.tal, but instead, grinned widely. "Just like you."

Teng Man Rui felt her heart flutter at his remark and tender gesture and nonetheless pursed her lips as she returned her full attention onto the film.

Zhu Li Qiang continued to grin widely as he felt his heart race. His cheeks grew warm and red as an apparent effect. To counter it, he scooped a big spoonful of ice cream and shoved it into his mouth without delay. Still, even with the numbing effect of the ice cream, he found himself smiling like an idiot. His brain must have frozen already. "Oh, brain freeze, nah!"

They continued watching the film in cozy leisurely silence.

That same morning in Hangzhou, Teng Man Rui underwent full-body general checkup, and throughout the ordeal, she was accompanied by the doting, ever-supportive Zhu Li Qiang. Wherever the lady went, Zhu Li Qiang follows like a loyal dog, and of course, more. With one arm wrapped protectively around the lady, both of them went back and forth in the hallways of the hospitals visiting one laboratory to another. 

Around two in the afternoon, the two lovebirds parted ways, after a hearty lunch. Zhu Li Qiang had to go to a port nearby to meet with his business partners. Although he"s the successor of the business and he called the shots, he couldn"t simply neglect his duties and act whenever he likes it, or else, their whole business will fall, and in the end, he might even lose the business. Worse, though he"s the successor and owner, the corporation"s management might opt to initiate a move to remove him from his position and vote for a stronger stakeholder.

Nothing"s certain in the world of business and trade.

Having lived in that world herself, Teng Man Rui understood Zhu Li Qiang"s predicament. It would take a constant effort to ensure that the ball is rolling, and towards the right direction. Teng Man Rui"s grateful enough that Zhu Li Qiang could even make necessary arrangements to be with her almost whenever.

"Are you fond of jewelry?" Zhu Li Qiang asked out of the blue. Most probably he got the idea from the film. Tiffany & Co. in the film, and was further referred to in the t.i.tle, was in fact, a jewelry store.

"I appreciate the process each stone and every piece had gone through. Every single piece is a work of art, and the output of skillful and artistic minds and hands combined, and after a laborious, tedious process. It was burnt, shaped, pounded several times, again and again."

"Most people only see the sparkly expensive end-product, but very few know about the whole arduous process."

"To answer your question, yes, I like them."

"Every piece has a story of its own to tell the world, made to inspire and lift people"s spirits, and to signify a purpose."

Teng Man Rui was on roll. She blabbered continuously albeit solemnly while still keeping her eyes on the film. She was more on murmuring than categorically talking, brought by ardent admiration and intense emotions.

Zhu Li Qiang"s grin even spread wider. His excitement was building up exponentially.

"You and I… We"re like pieces of jewelry." He finally blurted out with equal solemnity and tranquility. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"The process that we underwent just to reach this point isn"t smooth nor easy. It isn"t on a straight line either. It has been full of uncertainties, and sometimes, the sadness and despair, and lack of hope even outweigh the promise of togetherness."

"But here we are, still holding on…"

Teng Man Rui leaned her head on Zhu Li Qiang"s left shoulder and snuggled closer. The man kissed her knuckles one more time.

"Yeah." She agreed. Indeed, that was the case.

Some more minutes pa.s.sed. They watched in silence as the credits rolled. Teng Man Rui reached for the remote control with the intent to close the television.

"Hold on." Zhu Li Qiang abruptly grasped her outstretched arm. "I think there"s some after-credits scene. Let"s wait for it."

The lady gawked at him. "What is this, a Marvel movie? There"s no after-credits scene." She proceeded with her actions.

Zhu Li Qiang held her back into his warm embrace. "Alrighty! Maybe I just want to cuddle some more. Just a few minutes more. Shall we? Just leave the screen on."

Teng Man Rui could not do anything more but giggle and give in. It"s true that it"s really warm and relaxing to snuggle close together.

The credits eventually reached its end. 

Another musical score played, while some words flashed on the screen.

It said, "Teng Man Rui, can you be my forever?"

Few seconds pa.s.sed, another statement flashed on the screen: "Please grant this mortal the privilege to be with a tennyo like yourself."

And another statement flashed. "Please say yes."

And another. "Marry me, please, my love."

Teng Man Rui"s eyes nearly popped, and her vision blurred, but not so much to the point that she would not be able to read what"s on the screen. Her hands were shaking terribly in front of her. Zhu Li Qiang grabbed it and squeezed it a bit. Then he whispered, "What would be your answer?" 

Saying that he was nervous would be an understatement. He was having gooseb.u.mps, and nearly peed his pants! But he had to hear her answer first. He pulled a box from the inside pocket of his suit and placed it, without letting go of it, on top of the pillow which was on the lady"s lap. He opened it and revealed the content. It was a vintage-styled seven-millimeter round moonstone embedded with tiny diamond on its rim and the rose gold band"s surface [1].

"So?" He a.s.serted.

Teng Man Rui, having been speechless, nodded her head and shortly after, dived and leaned in and kissed her now-fiancé, Zhu Li Qiang pa.s.sionately. Eyes blurred with tears, and hands shaking tremendously, she surged intensely forward and even deepened the kiss as if drinking from it. "I don"t care anymore. This time around I will be selfish. I want to be happy too." She thought.

"Yes. Of course, it"s a yes."

Zhu Li Qiang grabbed the small of her back, one arm already wrapped around her while the other, still holding the box with the ring. He leaned in, too, meeting at par the lady"s string of kisses. For a while, they kissed the night away. The man"s eyes were wet, too, with tears of joy, sadness, past hurt of previous mishaps and other extreme emotions mixed in.

Panting, they withdrew and cried some more, and then they laughed so hard at themselves for being melodramatic. How much of a mess they would have looked at that moment all drenched in their tears, they wondered. 

Zhu Li Qiang gave the lady a few more smooches while engaging into multi-tasking as he tried to pull the ring from the box. When he finished, he fetched the lady"s left hand, rubbed her thumb on it tenderly with so much love, and finally slipped the moonstone ring on her finger.

[1] for visual appreciation: #images-2

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