After being rejected by Ye Qian, Zhang Jun started connecting with Liu Ting, a quiet and introvert girl who usually studied alone in his cla.s.s.

It took him half a semester to build a romantic relationship with Liu Ting. At that time, they naively thought that they would be together forever. But prior to their graduation, their relationship was known by Liu Ting’s parents and they strongly rejected it.

Liu Ting’s parents were petty bourgeois living in the lower cla.s.s of Donghai City, regarding their beautiful and elegant daughter as the treasure of their family. So how could they let a poor boy date her? In their eyes, Liu Ting, with such a good background, should get a boyfriend who came from a rich and well-respected family. Obviously, Zhang Jun failed to live up to their standards.

Most women were like a nose of wax, especially Liu Ting. Under the pressure of her parents, she chose to break up with Zhang Jun who then became extremely depressed and didn’t walked out of that shadow until half a year after graduation.

When she invited Zhang Jun to attend the reunion, Ye Qian had told him that Liu Ting would also come. So part of the reason why he wanted to attend the party was to meet Liu Ting again. Although they had broken up, he still couldn’t forget her.

“Alas, first love is indeed unforgettable.” Lin Xian sighed slightly, her memory of youth seemed to have come back.

Zhang Jun smiled: “So will you go with me?”

Lin Xian said: “Yes. I am available the day after tomorrow.”

That day, Zhang Jun followed Lin Xian to the jewelry shops owned by the Lin family. All of these shops were located in the best parts of the city, where rent was extremely expensive. In the Central Street of Donghai lied a jewelry shop occupying over 2000 square meters, which was purchased at a price of 660000 yuan per square meter.

After taking a walk around those shops, Zhang Jun got to know that it was not easy to open a shop in Donghai with such a steep purchase price. It took at least hundreds of millions or even a billion to purchase land here.

Lin Xian did this on purpose to help him learn more, and explain some details to him. After visiting those shops, he had almost calculated the start-up capital for opening a shop.

“Do you have any idea?” Lin Xian asked him as they went into a coffee house after viewing those shops.

She thought that Zhang Jun would feel discouraged. But to her surprise, he was very energetic and his eyes were dazzling.

“After you told me about everything, I have calculated the cost of opening a shop. The yearly rental price will be between 70 million to 110 million if we need to open a shop with 1000 square meters and the daily rental price is 200 to 300 for each square meter. 200 million is enough for decoration, recruitment and training. The cost of stocking jewelries will be between 80 million to 100 million. So 200 million is more than enough for start-up capital.

Lin Xian looked at him like a monster: “200 million is indeed enough. But do you think it is easy to raise such an amount of money?”

Zhang Jun thought about it carefully: “I only have 10 million in cash. That is obviously not enough. Luckily, there is a batch of jade raw stones. We will have enough money after cutting them up.”

Lin Xian was astonished: “Do you think you can get some jade worth of hundreds of millions from just dozens of stones?”           

Zhang Jun felt it was necessary to reveal some information to Lin Xian to boost her confidence. So he thought about it for a moment before speaking in a serious tone: “Do you think it is pure luck for me to get two high-priced jade?”     

Lin Xian was stunned, and staring at Zhang Jun incredulously: “Is it because you have some superpower? Like X-ray vision?”

Zhang Jun was surprised that she guessed it right. But he kept his composure and said flatly: “It’s not X-ray vision. I have practiced Qigong under the guidance of an unusual master since I was a child. I can feel certain substances when I reach high levels of qigong practice. It is not until I met you on the train last time that I discovered my special ability to detect jade. Every time when I am close to a different type of jade, I can sense what they were inside.

Lin Xian was astounded, and her eyes opened wide: “Are you kidding?”

An unusual master? Qigong? All of these unbelievable things had completely changed Lin Xian’s worldview.

Zhang Jun smiled: “If you do not believe it, we can return to the warehouse and cut open all the raw jade.

Lin Xian slowly regained her calmness and stared at Zhang Jun with sparkling eyes: “Are you reading too many fantasy novels?”

Zhang Jun looked more solemn and said: “It is not a joke and I am not a lunatic.” Straightening himself, he continued: “The reason why I tell you the secret is that I trust you and I hope you can keep it to yourself.”

He took a great risk to make up the story. If Lin Xian told the secret to others, he would be thrown into a dangerous situation. If anyone with an dubious motive knew there was such a cash cow in the world, they would do all they could to control him to rake in huge profits with his capability.

After he gained X-ray vision, he set a rule for himself to keep a low profile. What he did just now seemed to be unwise, but it was decided after some careful thinking.

First, deep inside he thought that Lin Xian was a trustworthy person who could keep secret for him. Although it was an ambiguous feeling, he firmly believed in her. This was the main reason why he revealed the secret to her.

Second, they would work together every day if he cooperated with Li Xian, so his secrets would certainly be discovered someday. Even jade experts couldn’t be 100% sure that a stone was pure jade, therefore he couldn’t conceal the secret from her. And if he didn’t tell Lin Xian his advantages in the jade industry, she might not be willing to cooperate with him.

Hearing what he said, Lin Xian was astounded and murmured: “Qigong? How is it possible?” Then she suddenly stood up, whispering to him: “Let’s go to the warehouse.”

She couldn’t wait to verify whether Zhang Jun said was true or not. She knew what it meant if it was true, and her heart started beating fast.

Zhang Jun remained calm and said: “Take it easy. I have something more to tell you.”

Lin Xian took a deep breath and slowly sit down, staring at Zhang Jun: “It is not too late to tell me it’s a joke. Otherwise, I will kick your a.s.s!”

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