Zhang Jun said: "The master who taught me qigong at that time also several magical abilities. But he told me that these abilities must not be used frequently, otherwise the cultivator might lose them forever. "

Zhang Jun looked serious, saying: "The master who taught me qigong at that time also demonstrated several magical abilities. But he told me that these abilities must not be used frequently, otherwise the cultivator might lose them forever. "

"Lose them?" Lin Xian was stunned.

Zhang Jun nodded: "Although I can use qigong to detect jade, I can"t use it often, otherwise I will lose this ability."

Lin Xian ’s surprise gradually turned to curiosity. She couldn’t help asking: “Who is the stranger? Could he detect jade like you ?”

Zhang Jun said: "The master is much better than me, of course he could detect jade. Moreover, he is a master of martial arts and possesses all kinds of incredible magical abilities. But I don’t where he came from, and now I can only contact him by phone.

He made up such a story not because he wanted to deceive Lin Xian, but because he needed an excuse in case this was no longer a secret, so he could declare that he had lost his ability. He also fabricated a powerful master to deter people who might harm him in the future.

Lin Xian couldn"t believe what Zhang Jun just said. Everything sounded like fiction. She stared at Zhang Jun and asked, "If you are telling the truth, why tell me?"

Zhang Jun said calmly: "Because I trust you."

Lin Xian"s rubbed her temples gently with her delicate hands and said, "I hope I"m not dreaming."

Zhang Jun smiled: "Of course it’s not a dream. In this world, there are many amazing things, but most people weren’t able to see them." He stood up, "Senior Lin, let’s go to the warehouse."

On the way to the warehouse, Lin Xian asked him about Qigong. Zhang Jun"s answers were vague, and he did not elaborate on everything. In the end, Lin Xian only understood one thing: Zhang Jun was serious about cooperating with her.

The warehouse was fully functional and came with cutting machines. However, Lin Xian did not tell anybody so she could work with Zhang Jun and keep the secret.

As soon as they arrived, they went straight to the stone-cutting workshop and closed the door.

All the rocks they bought today were stored here. Zhang Jun had Lin Xian choose ten pieces randomly, which he will open shortly to prove that he could indeed ”detect jade”.

Lin Xian glanced over the stones, and selected ten stones of different sizes.

Zhang Jun installed a sanding wheel on the machine, smiled at Lin Xian, and started to sand the first stone. Sparks splattered, and harsh noises echoed throughout the workshop, abusing their ears.

Lin Xian stood still and stared at the rough, waiting for the results.

Shortly Zhang Jun shut down the machine, showed Lin Xian the sanded stone, and laughed: "Sunny Green Ice-jade, not bad."

Lin Xian got closer and took out a flashlight. After a glance she said, "It"s an ice-jade!"

Zhang Jun smiled, put this sanded stone aside, and picked up a second one.

Thus, he opened all ten jade roughs. Without exception, these rough stones had increased their values which soared by dozens or even hundreds of times!

At this moment, Lin Xian no longer doubted Zhang Jun"s words. She stared at the ten stones on the ground, shaken. Even a modest estimate of these ten jade stones on the ground will be more than 20 million!

Zhang Jun brushed the grains off and laughed, "Senior Lin, would you like me to continue?"

Lin Xian came back to herself, waved her hand and said, "No, I totally believe in you. Go wash your face. I have something to tell you."

Zhang Jun nodded, and hurried to the bathroom. Lin Xian was in deep thought, her thoughts whirled, and she had make a quick decision.

"It"s true! The world is so big and amazing. If I work with Zhang Jun, we will be able to dominate the jade industry and further our career." Lin Xian thought to herself.

She thought about the situation of the Lin family again, "Although father is currently the head of Lin family, he can"t control everything. The majority of the family"s wealth is controlled by my second uncle. He is ambitious and is already threatening father"s status. In the future, our cooperation must avoid the Lin family and be jointly operated by me and Zhang Jun. "

In a short time, Lin Xian went through a lot. When Zhang Jun returned, she had made up her mind, and said, "Zhang Jun, let’s work together!"

Zhang Jun smiled: "Okay, let"s make an initial plan now."

Lin Xian said: "This is no place to talk. Let"s go to the hotel."

When they returned to the hotel, it was already lunch time, and both of them were hungry. They ate a bit and then went back to the room to discuss their plans to open a shop. When the two talked, even Li Hu kept away and stayed outside the door like an iron statue.

This in-depth discussion lasted for more than three hours. In the meantime, they have determined their partnership goals and models.

They would invest 100 million yuan on launch and establish "Tianxing Jewelry Co., Ltd.", each owning 50% of the shares. In terms of responsibility, Zhang Jun will be responsible for the supply side, while Lin Xian will be responsible for sales channels.

Zhang Jun didn"t have 100 million, so he would open up part of the jade rough he bought earlier and sell it to the Lin family for equivalent shares in value.

This partnership was strictly between Lin Xian and Zhang Jun, and had nothing to do with the Lin family"s a.s.sets. Of course, Lin Xian will use existing channels of the Lin family to help develop this newly established jewelry company.

It got late when they were discussing details. Lin Xian"s cell phone rang. The caller was Xu Bo, who invited Lin Xian to a banquet tonight.

The banquet was sponsored by the organizers of the Stone Gambling Festival, and the partic.i.p.ants were well-known figures in the jewelry industry. Lin Xian agreed to go after receiving the call.

Putting down the phone, she smiled at Zhang Jun: "Zhang Jun, come with me. I will introduce you to some big names in the jewelry industry."

Zhang Jun thought for a while and said, "Forget it, Xu Bo and I don’t get along. I’ll stay."

Lin Xian nodded: "Okay. Have a good rest, let"s talk tomorrow."

Lin Xian changed into an evening gown and went to the banquet with Li Hu. Zhang Jun, all by himself, was bored, so he left the hotel alone, ready to eat outside.

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