Mokushiroku Alice

Chapter 3 - Super Hero

Chapter 3 - Super Hero

0:30 AM

It has been 3 hours since the onset of the disease happened in Gunjou.

I am in the hotel that I"m putting up at, alone, tinkering with and adjusting my 《Headphone Fuzz》.

It is a German 《Headphone Fuzz》 called 《Willer Corp. Manufactured Prototype 42》. Due to the fact that it places an overly large burden on the body and mind, it never entered production, but I went on to ask Liezel to further customize this device to a dangerous level that would immediately destroy the brain if it was not adjusted precisely.

I fiddle with it. Adjust it.

The news stream from the TV in the room, but it never touches on the disease onset that happened earlier in Kichijouji.

The information is being restricted.

Of course.

Since the onset of the labyrinth disease happened in a place that it should not, and at a time that it should not happen.

I finish adjusting my 《Headphone Fuzz》.

No one has contacted me yet.

But, so what if someone did? The labyrinth manifested by Gunjou is probably a hopeless one.

In the first place, in the event that a labyrinth is manifested by someone who is capable of using magic, then that labyrinth will be at an abnormally high level.

And Gunjou is a world-cla.s.s famous magician. In that case, the labyrinth will probably be at a rank that can"t be cleared.

By the way, if it"s a rank 12 labyrinth, with sufficient preparation, a magician unit will be able to clear it without incurring any casualty but.

In the case of Asahi Momoka --- based on my experience, she"s around rank 20. At such a tough level. People die relentlessly. As for the few of us who cleared that, we might even have become famous around the world.

The team which managed to clear a rank 20 labyrinth without sufficient investigation and within the limited amount of time.

Might even have been called the 『Hero Team』, I suppose.


However, in the past, I cleared a labyrinth of up to rank 40.

It was when I was fifteen.

It"s a story in an unlawful, irregular, dark world.

A story of an organization managed by a military regime that thought nothing of human lives.

The name of that labyrinth was 《Holy Sword 40》 ---

It was the labyrinth from which I brought back the magic that formed the basis of 《Holy Sword switch》.

However, we are talking about an eternal labyrinth that had no time limit after all.

After a thorough investigation on the structure of the interior of the labyrinth, a team of 100 magicians was formed after meticulous levels of preparation, sent in, and the whole raid took a total of 1 month and 2 days, and to top it off, the only one who survived till the very end was me.


At that moment, my cellphone finally rang.

It"s my homeroom teacher Honjou Tsukasa.

She"s alive huh.

"...... h.e.l.lo."

"Ah, you picked up. So you"re alive. Then, come to school now."

"...... because Gunjou turned into a labyrinth?"

"Oh, you already caught wind of it despite skipping the raid? Who did you hear it from? Your cla.s.smates?"

I don"t have the contacts of my cla.s.smates. In the first place,

"I heard that Gunjou"s disease broke out while she was on the returning chopper. In other words, the whole cla.s.s 5"s wiped out?"

Meaning that Shiro, Himi, Yousuke, as well as Kiri, have all been swallowed by the labyrinth.

"Oh, you already knew that much. But fortunately, our cla.s.s 5 which has all the capable students are fine. And you skipped the raid as well."

"My, how did they survive?"

"At that time, Gunjou was riding the chopper which the relief squad was riding. That"s why, together with that chopper, both cla.s.s 1 and cla.s.s 2 didn"t make it. Ah, that whom you tussle with during your interview got caught in it as well, you know?"

"Hmph. None of my business."

"Ah-haha, that goes the same for me. He"s useless anyway. At any rate, come to school. Once the results of the investigation from Taikou Pharmaceuticals are out, we"ll begin cla.s.s right away."

But I smile at that.

"In the first place, is the school still there? The skies above Kichouji have been transformed into the labyrinth right?"

Honjou Tsukasa replies.

"That too is a lucky thing. Gunjou"s labyrinth is a vertically tall labyrinth and the surrounding area that was enveloped wasn"t that wide."

"It"s a tower right?"

"Furthermore, thanks to the fact that it largely expanded in the opposite direction of the school, it didn"t reach the school. If I"m not wrong, it"s about 8km in radius."

That"s a very wide area. An incredible number of people were annihilated.

"If the school had been destroyed, then it might be necessary to call in the labyrinth raid team from Kansai region. Rather, I heard that the students in the Kansai region are actually starting cla.s.s at the same time. But, don"t let them b.u.t.t in. I don"t care how good those Kansai brats are, but the ones who will clear the labyrinth is us."

I ask.

"What"s the raid level?"

"...... rank 15. We might have a few people dying on us but ~, if it"s you, Shinnosuke-kun --- 【Devil-Sword Devil】, the famous magician in the underworld, it"d be fine right?"

My eyes narrow. Hearing my old lame and meaningless nickname ---

"In the end, you checked on me, didn"t you?"

"That"s what I heard from the higher ups just now. And we still don"t know anything about you save the nickname. Who on earth are you?"

"Just a timid high school student."

"Haha, whatever. But, you"re probably the only one who can clear this labyrinth. So please do your best."

That"s easy for her to say. I stroke my 《Headphone Fuzz》 in which my demon sword is stored with my finger and attach it to my ear. I have finished adjusting it. I can employ it right away if I were to enter a labyrinth right now.


"If you want me to do it, then please don"t lie."

I say reproachingly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"With someone as powerful as Gunjou, it won"t be just a rank 15 labyrinth right?"

Honjou Tsukasa then laughs.

"Ah-hahahahahahahahahaha...... I"m hanging up."

"Don"t screw with me. Answer me. What"s her rank?"

On hearing that, Honjou Tsukasa replies readily.


As I thought, it"s hopeless.

A time-limited labyrinth with hardly any time for preparation at a rank of 42.

Just the task of infiltration is impossible.

It"s the end for Mizuiro Gunjou.

And if we leave her as she is, she"ll turn into an eternal labyrinth and her difficulty level will jump up by ten times.

She"ll turn into an abnormally difficult labyrinth where entering or touching, let alone saving her, will be impossible.

The same fate as Saki.

No, it was already over for her when the disease manifested in her. Because a diseased girl does not have any options, except to either become an eternal labyrinth or get killed before she turns into one.

"Hey Sensei."

"What is it?"

"You don"t really feel like raiding the labyrinth right?"

"But if we don"t do it then tens of thousands of people will die."

"I can"t really see you as such a person who"s concerned about others though."

"Ah-haha, there are quite a number of important people living in that area, and I"d feel really good if we could take care of this --- there"s a really big reward for it after all."

An acknowledgeable explanation.

Betting on not her own life but the lives of others, if she succeeds, her fame will rise --- in that case, why not give it a shot?

"I thought that our team might just be able to accomplish it. But, if it"s impossible, it"s fine to Escape right away. You guys are important p.a.w.ns for me so I don"t really want to lose you. Your value will go up just by entering such a difficult labyrinth."


"Well, that"s how it is, so come over to school. And then, let"s quickly kill the girl and save the......."

I cut her off and say coldly.

"Why don"t you just tell me to kill Gunjou?"

On hearing that, Honjou Tsukasa laughs. With the sound of mocking laughter.


"I"ll tell that to you as many times as you want if that"d make you do the work. Quickly kill Mizuiro Gunjou, and make me rich. Mr. Goody Hypocrite."


"Well then, see you at school ~"

She hangs up. I toss my cellphone onto my bed and lie down.

And look up at the ceiling.


The disease manifested in Gunjou.

Rank 42.

She probably can"t be saved anymore. Those who got swallowed by the labyrinth as well.

I shouldn"t bother going at all. Up till now, I have never heard of anyone raiding a time-limited rank 42 labyrinth. If anyone did that, it would be suicide. He would be a fool. He would have come down with the "super-hero" syndrome. That is not the place to play hypocrisy.

"...... I definitely won"t go. Saving the world my a.s.s."

I said disgustedly.

"I"m not a fool. I"m not a fool."

I said the same thing twice.

But, if there were someone who could save Gunjou, it would be none other than me. If she becomes rank 420, no one will be able to save her anymore. There"s nothing that can be done if we don"t take care of it at rank 42.


On top of that, I have the Holy Sword in my hands.

I have the Holy Sword wielded by the hypocrite, which just might be able to sever the labyrinth disease from a diseased girl.

I snap my fingers. A cursed song flows from the 《Headphone Fuzz》.

The song of the Holy Sword.

The holy cursed song.


The news program on TV ends and a variety show starts. Artistes whom I have never seen before are chattering merrily.

A peaceful world. A tranquil world. A safe world. But a world that would have already disappeared if Gunjou hadn"t been working hard. A world that would have already disappeared if no one had sacrificed herself.

But no one is thankful. That"s because, no matter what kind of danger appears, or what kind of abnormal circ.u.mstances there are, a super-heroine like the amazing, foolish and frantic Gunjou would appear and risk her life to do something about it.


But that"s not me. It should not be me. Because I have to save my little sister. Because I have to save my little sister. If that"s the case, I shouldn"t be using this Holy Sword, which may or may not be completed yet. I shouldn"t show this to anyone. And I can"t afford to die in the labyrinth as well.

I never can become a super hero.

Thus, I say.

"...... I shall abandon Gunjou."

Up till now, I have been doing that.

Up till now, I have been doing that.

Up till now, I have managed to survived this far from doing that.

Sounds of laughter ring out from the TV. Sounds of fun laughter ring out. I don"t know what"s so funny about that. Someone made fun of another and they seem to be enjoying themselves tremendously from that. I kick that box that has been projecting a crowd of smiling faces.

I pull its plug and the projection disappears.

The room returns to silence.

Only the sound of the clock can be heard.

The sound of Gunjou"s remaining time, ticking away one second at a time.

"...... d.a.m.n."

I stand up, for a reason that even I do not know.


1:00 AM

《Kichijouji High School》

A dark, dark schoolyard.

A dark school premise.

The only places with their lights switched on are the staff room and the cla.s.sroom of Cla.s.s 5.

As I enter the cla.s.sroom,


Kiryuu Kiri stands up.

I look inside the cla.s.sroom.

Normally filled with twenty people, the cla.s.sroom of Cla.s.s 5 has only nine people in it.

Including me, it"ll be ten.

Furthermore, putting aside Shiro, Yousuke, Himi and Kiri, I have never seen the other five students. Meaning they aren"t students from cla.s.s 5.

Kiri draws close to me immediately.

"Shinnosuke-kun, did you hear? Gunjou......"

"I already know."

"Ah, ah...... I see. Did you hear it from Sensei?"

I nod. More importantly, how did Kiri and the rest get wind of this?

It was said that Gunjou was in a different chopper from cla.s.s 5 when her disease manifested. In that case, Kiri and the rest of the students should not have seen her during the onset of the disease. Those who saw would all have already been swallowed by the labyrinth.

And the news about Gunjou having the disease would have been concealed for a while even from the other surviving students.

A labyrinth becomes a highly difficult one when its diseased girl can employ magic. To top it off, Gunjou is the top of our grade. No fool would enter such a labyrinth. If they want to raid the labyrinth --- at the very least, a.s.semble students for the purpose of attending the cla.s.s, then they should have kept the new under cover.

But, Kiri knows.

From the looks of this turnout, the rest of the students probably know as well.

That"s why we have such a small turnout.

Among all the, probably only the ten people here will be entering the labyrinth. For cla.s.s 5, aside from the Hero team, Shiro, Himi, Yousuke, and Kiri, the rest have been "wiped out". Meaning that they have Escaped before even entering the labyrinth.

I ask.

"Hey Kiri."


"How did you know about Gunjou coming down with the disease? Did you hear it from Honjou Tsukasa?"

But, she shakes her head.

"On the way from the labyrinth in Saitama...... I heard it over the radio message from the rescue chopper."


"They contacted the chopper of cla.s.s 5 and said that Gunjou looked strange."


"Then, the people around suddenly started yelling, "it"s the labyrinth disease!" --- and an evacuation order was then given to all the choppers."

"...... that"s enough. I got it."

It means that Gunjou"s disease onset wasn"t hidden from the other students.

Most of the students probably already bailed. Escaping before even entering the labyrinth.

And that"s so right that it"s almost too right. Rather, I"m surprised to find even ten people here. I should be going back too.


I look at the five people I don"t know.

Three males.

Two females.

They are probably from cla.s.s 3 and cla.s.s 4. Cla.s.s 1 and cla.s.s 2 were probably swallowed up by the labyrinth.

Among them, a tall, well-featured young man speaks.

"...... oh, you must be the famous Arisu Shinnosuke-kun from the Hero Team! I"m happy to meet you. Let me introduce myself. I"m Santou Taisuke. I transferred here last month, and right now, I"m the top of cla.s.s 3."

I look at him with half-opened eyes.

The guy called Santou approaches me and says.

"Even though the cowards ran off, the fate of the world rest on us. Let"s save the world together!"

He extends his hand to me.

I look down at it in boredom,


Ignoring it, I return to my seat.

Santou smiles.

"What a shy guy. But anyway, let"s give it our all together."

Is this guy saying that for real? Or did he catch the weird superhero syndrome in his head?

Another person, this time a girl, stands up.

"Erhm, everyone, please hear me. I, have a boyfriend who"s in cla.s.s 2......"

I no longer need to hear any further. Since I already know her motive for coming here.

"Erhm, my ability ranks around middle of cla.s.s 4 so...... even though I might be a burden to the cla.s.s 5 that"s filled with capable people...... I"m willing to do anything! I"m willing do anything I can for this labyrinth raid so please! Save Hiroki!"

Who the h.e.l.l"s Hiroki?

Santou strokes her back trying to calm her down. She is trembling.

The other students look on as well. Well, each and every one of them probably has his or her own reason for raiding this absurd labyrinth I suppose.

Ignoring them, I return to my seat.

I look around the cla.s.sroom again. As usual, both Himi and Yousuke are sticking close to Shiro like goldfish droppings.

Slumped on his desk, Shiro is sleeping. That"s the right move. Right now, it"s 1 am, deep into the night. By the time we are done with our lesson and infiltrate the labyrinth within the next 6 hours, it"d already be morning. We"ll be in no shape to raid the labyrinth if we are sleep-deprived.

However, if Shiro"s taking a nap now, then, it means that he"s serious in entering Gunjou"s labyrinth.

Kiri takes the seat beside me, and peers into my face.

"...... what?"

She then says.

"Nothing, I just didn"t expect you to come."


She merely smiles sadly, and says nothing.

But, from the look of her face, she understands.

That this labyrinth can"t be raided.

Gunjou can"t be killed.

But I ask,

"In that case, why"re you here?"

Kiri appears to ponder a little, and replies.

"...... to save the world, I suppose?"

"I won"t ask you anymore."


She smiles sadly again.

While I don"t know the meaning behind that, she probably has her own reason as well. A reason whereby she has to enter the labyrinth. Which reminds me, during the Asahi Momoka incident, she never Escaped as well until the very end. Despite having been abandoned by her cla.s.smates.

I look at her.

Receiving my gaze with her large eyes,

"I"ll feel embarra.s.sed if you stare at me like that ~"

She says and smiles again.

Unlike Gunjou, she"s mentally strong. Really strong. Thus, she probably won"t tell me whatever I ask. Not that I have any intention of asking though.

I turn my gaze in the direction of the window.

It"s snowing again. I hate snow. As it chills my mood.

"Hey Shinnosuke-kun."

Says Kiri.

I did not answer. I just continue to stare into the night outside the window.

"Why did you come?"


"This raid is a foolhardy one, don"t you think?"


"I think it"s better to give up on it...... and also, I"ve always thought you would be the rational kind in something as precarious as this......"


"Or, could it be that you are in love with Gunjou-san?"

At that moment, I turn towards Kiri and say.

"Shut up. Then, let"s go with that. It"s because I love Gunjou so much that I can"t help it. I really want to kill her. That"s a hobby of mine. A hobby in killing girls. That"s the reason why I came to this school. I mean, it"s legal to kill girls right?"

I grin foolishly.

But, as if she hasn"t been listening to me, Kiri looks hard at me, pouts with a troubled look, and says.

"...... if you were to die at that kind of place, then you wouldn"t be able to go on that Christmas date with me."

"Did you just hear what I said? ...That I have a hobby in killing girls. On Christmas, I"ll kill you too."

"Ah-haha. All right. Kill me."

"You know......"

But, Kiri says with a serious face.

"Shinnosuke-kun. It"s better to go back. This is really a labyrinth that you shouldn"t be entering......"

But at that moment, the siren rings.

Biih biih biih.

"Paging all students of the Girl Killing Curriculum. Please head to your cla.s.srooms ASAP. In the Musashino area of Tokyo, a labyrinth disease victim has appeared. We"ll being the lesson in killing the girl."

It has been close to four hours since Gunjou"s disease manifested. The labyrinth investigation by the research inst.i.tution has probably ended. And that means we have six hours from now before Gunjou transforms into an eternal labyrinth.

Since it is standard to spend five hours to learn about the labyrinth and the labyrinth diseased girl, and the last hour to deal with it.

Shiro"s eyes open at the sound of the siren. He scratches his head, then looks in my direction.

Seeing me seated at my seat, he looks a little surprised, then smiles.

"Hey Shinnosuke. I knew you"d come."

Completely opposite of Kiri.

I scowl and say.

"Ah? What the h.e.l.l"re you talking about?"

"You"re the type who can"t look away from a suffering cla.s.smate, aren"t you?"

"Don"t joke with me."

"Then why did you come? Escaping should have been the no-brainer choice."

"I could ask the same of you. I thought you were on bad terms with Gunjou, weren"t you?"

But Shiro answers readily.

"I"ve said this before, but once someone becomes my comrade even once, I"ll never abandon him to the best of my ability. That"s my principle."

"I like how you mention that "to the best of your ability" part."

On hearing that, Shiro shrugs his shoulders.

"It"s foolish to throw away my life pointlessly. However, as long as the possibility exists, I won"t abandon anyone."

"So, are you going to kill Gunjou? Did she ask you to kill her if she contracts the labyrinth disease?"

Shiro smiles and looks at me.

"I don"t see the point of this discussion --- I"m here for the same reason as you, Shinnosuke. Gunjou"s the type who would burden herself with everything; she"s definitely the good kid who won"t want to drag others into the labyrinth disease along with her. That"s why I"m going there to kill her. Since she"s a comrade."

A good kid.




Shiro could actually say all those disgusting, creepy-sounding words with a straight face. I wonder what kind of environment he was brought up in. When I get involved with him --- no, when I get involved with these people, I can"t be myself.

"I"m different from you. I"m here for a different reason."

That"s right.

I have a reason.

I"m here to test my newly obtained 《Holy Sword switch》. It"s not because of a comrade, or friend, or things like friendship. I"m here to perform human experimentation. I"m not naive. Not weak. There"s no way I"m that kind of good guy......

But, Shiro interrupts.

"Ohh I see. But I don"t believe you. You really want to save Gunjou right?"


"Just admit it. You"re......"

"You really p.i.s.s me off. I really am......"

"A nice guy who just won"t admit that."

"We really can"t get along. The first person I"m going to kill after entering the labyrinth is you."


On hearing our conversation, a girl who I don"t know, probably from either cla.s.s 3 or 4, can"t bear it any longer and speaks up.

"Hey! Aren"t you guys the Hero Team!? Why"re you guys fighting in such a situation!?"

Yousuke then smiles and says.

"No no, they"re always like that. But in the end, Shinnosuke went to karaoke with us."

I stand up and kick the desk. The desk flies toward Yousuke who"s rattling away like a know-all.

Yousuke holds out his hand calmly.

His magic has already activated.

"Reverse Force switch ---"

He murmurs. It"s a magic that Yousuke"s good at. And I know that magic.

An invisible abstract s.p.a.ce gets created before Yousuke"s hand, and within that s.p.a.ce, he"s able to freely manipulate the strength and position of gravity to a certain extent.

The desk gets pulled violently by the strong gravity. And it flies towards the young man called Santou.

"Eh, ah, hey."

Santou dodges the desk. Just in the nick of time. Behind him, the girl who has a boyfriend in cla.s.s 2 is unable to dodge it.


She can"t even scream.


Says Yousuke. The desk stops right in the middle of the air, and then, losing its momentum, it drops down to the floor. After ascertaining that, he says,

"...... ah ~, from their movements just now, they probably won"t be of much use Shiro."

Shiro nods.

"Yeah. If you guys are coming along for this labyrinth raid, then fill up all your slots in your 《Headphone Fuzz》 with support-cla.s.s magic."

On hearing that, Santou says.

"Hey, wait a minute. I"m the top of cla.s.s 3 after all ---"

But, cutting him off, Yousuke says.

"Himi, show him."

Himi looks surprised at suddenly being called, and with a fearful face,

"Eh? Erhm, me?"

"We have to make things clear to our comrades before cla.s.s starts, don"t we?"

"Erhm but......"

"Just do it ~"

Looking fl.u.s.tered, Himi stands up hesitantly. Turning to face Santou. She stands before him.

As Santou is tall, and Himi has a slender body, there is quite a contrast between their builds.

Yousuke says.

"By the way, in our team, Himi"s physical prowess is not high, and offensive magic is not her forte either. But, as she"s good at support magic, she wields only support magic."

Santou looks down at Himi. She still appears to be afraid.

"Haah...... and? Could it be that you"re trying to tell me that I"m weaker than her?"

On hearing Santou"s words, Himi replies.

"Erhm, well, then, I"ll give you a slap, please dodge it."

"That"ll be a breeze......"

"Here I come."

Himi whips up her hand. Santou tries to dodge it, but immediately after that, pahn, the sound of an impact on his cheek resounds.

Santou"s eyes widen.

"Hey, wait a minute, I let my guard down just now."

"Then I"ll do it again. Please dodge it."

Her hand flies up.


Just as Santou gathers his energy, pahn, the sound of impact on his cheek rings out.

Even though Santou has a face showing that he is clueless as to what happened, nothing great really happened. Santou is just weak.

Himi says apologetically.

"...... I"m sorry for hitting you twice."

Yousuke claps his hands twice and says.

"Well, this is it ~ so let"s make things clear. Though I"m stronger than Himi, compared to Shiro, Shinnosuke, and Kiri, my offensive magic is still far below theirs. But I"m good at defensive magic, so I have all my slots filled with defensive magic. I"ll do my utmost to protect my comrades in this cla.s.s, so let"s do our best in our own roles."

Following that, the five new students seem to have decided to follow Shiro, Yousuke, and Himi.

But that"s none of my business. To top that, Yousuke easily sidestepped my fury because of what he did.

Yousuke looks at me, grinning.

Himi smiles apologetically.

Shiro smirks.

I don"t find anything funny.

"...... haah."

I sigh and Kiri says from beside me.

"Shinnosuke-kun, you"re like an open book, really cute."

"Can you keep quiet?"

"But, your kindness will get you killed this time."

As if to stop me from going, she touches my hand. And looks up at me worriedly.

I look down at her with half-opened eyes.

"Why"re you so worried about me?"

She then smiles.

"...... I wonder why. Maybe I fell in love with you when you saved me?"

"How should I know?"

"Or, maybe it"s because I can see your brilliance, Shinnosuke-kun. Even though you live in the same world as me...... and even though you"re so strong...... you still haven"t lost your kindness."

Live in the same world.

That means she"s also living in the same world as Liezel.

A world where the words "morals" and "ethics" don"t exist, where military corporations continuously conduct human experimentation daily.

A world where countries force teenage soldiers to put on 《Headphone Fuzz》s and compel them to enter labyrinths.

Furthermore, no Escape magic is loaded into those 《Headphone Fuzz》s.

If you lose, you die.

If you lose, you die.

If you lose, you die.

Thus, there is no other choice but to win. There is no other choice but to step on your comrades and win.

I have always been in such a place, and I could feel faintly that Kiri is also from that kind of world.

Different from Gunjou.

Different from Shiro.

Right from the beginning, she gave off the same smell of living in a dark, dirty world as me.

Her hand grip strengthens.

I look down at her and ask.

"I don"t know where you got the impression from, but I"m not kind at all."


"Rather than that, what did you mean by the same world? Where on earth did you live?"

Kiri answers.

"...... in a world where I dream about going on a date with a guy I like on Christmas."

In the end, she"s still not being honest about it.

She won"t speak the truth.

She must have undergone some really grievous training.


"I"ve said this just now, but it"s meaningless to talk to you......"

Kiri says sadly.

"Those are my true feelings though."

"I don"t believe you. Neither is there a need to believe you."

"I know...... I know, but well ~"

Her grip on my hand becomes even stronger. With a troubled look, she presses it against her chest. Whether it is an act or not, I do not know. I also do not know why she would do such a thing. Does she want something from me?

Don"t tell me she"s really in love with me?

Kiri pouts her lips and says.

"...... you"re so worried about Gunjou-san, but yet don"t believe a thing I said, it"s really unfair."

What is this woman saying?

"...... I"m...... not as cute as Gunjou-san I guess."

Kiri is cute. At the very least, her looks are way above average, I suppose. She also has a good figure, and large b.r.e.a.s.t.s. If the pet.i.te, flat-chested Gunjou were to hear that, she would explode in fury.

But Kiri will never say all that.

Because she is not adorable.

Because she is too strong. Because she has received the world"s darkness. Because she smiles without saying a single word of truth.

Because she is able to abandon her comrades.

I sit on the chair. With her hand still grabbing mine, I say,

"Can you let go?"

But she looks at me mischievously,

"Don"t wanna."

But, on hearing that, I brush her hand away.

"Oh my ~"

She smiles sadly again. That face of hers is certainly cute. But I don"t get that cuteness of hers. Does she really like me? Or is she forcing a front and manipulating me?

I say.

"As I thought, there"s nothing to talk to you about. I don"t want to be manipulated."

"I"m not manipula......"

But, her words stop. As if she"s troubled, her face contorts for an instant, but she breaks into a smile abruptly, and her lips pout again.

"...... mm ~, no, I mean. Sorry. Maybe, I"m manipulating you...... I have an ulterior motive of making you like me...... aah, what am I saying.... haah....... aaah......"

She sighs to herself and looks up at the ceiling. Drained.

Seems like she has own troubles to deal with, but it"s none of my business.

She isn"t telling me her true intention.

That goes the same for me.

In that case, there"s no need for us to talk.

And at that moment, the door to the cla.s.sroom finally opens.

"All right, I"m late. Let"s begin our cla.s.s ~!"

Our homeroom teacher Honjou Tsukasa walks in.

Carrying a stack of doc.u.ments.

Behind her, there"s another male teacher who"s around thirty, and another female teacher around forty.

They are probably the homeroom teachers for cla.s.s 3 and 4.

The male teacher says.

"All right, this time......"

But Honjou Tsukasa interrupts him.

"Who said you can take over somebody else"s cla.s.s? I"m the one in charge here so keep quiet."

"...... guh."

The male teacher goes silent.

The forty-year old female teacher starts while still remaining outside the cla.s.sroom,

"...... erhm, can I go? Honjou-sensei, you are the one responsible for this cla.s.s right?"

On hearing that, the female student who has a boyfriend in cla.s.s 2 stands up and says.

"Sensei! Please don"t say something irresponsible."

However, the female teacher stares coldly at the girl and says,

"Well, please do your best. Honjou-sensei is a capable teacher, so you should be fine."

And she leaves.


The girl hollers but Honjou Tsukasa seems unbothered. She places the doc.u.ments on her desk and hits the blackboard with a hand.

"Now now, cla.s.s is starting! The time limit is six hours. Let"s quickly kill the girl and save the world!"

And thus, the lesson on the labyrinth......

No, the lesson on Mizuiro Gunjou begins.

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