Mokushiroku Alice

Chapter 2 - The Spire that Pierces the Sky

Chapter 2 - The Spire that Pierces the Sky


In the middle of lessons.

Sixth hour period ---

Before the blackboard, a white-haired teacher is conducting a cla.s.s on 『Moral』 education.

Outside of the time spent in killing girls, the students in the 《Labyrinth Diseased Girl Killing Curriculum》 also attend normal lessons to a certain degree.

While I"m deeply interested as to what kind of morals and ethics do they plan on teaching students who kill young girls to save the world, since what I learn here won"t help me in raiding labyrinths, I look out the window, not paying any attention.

Today is the 2nd of December.

It"s winter.

It is snowing lightly. In the past, you would hardly see any snow in Tokyo in the month of December, but since the young girls of the world started contracting the 《Labyrinth Disease》, developing countries and several developed countries were wiped out and thereafter, snowfall became abundant.

Maybe that was because the reduction in population halted global warming, or maybe it was because of some other reason, I do not know.

"Hey Shinnosuke-kun."

A voice calls out to me from beside me.

It"s Kiryuu Kiri.

With long madder red hair, and a well-arranged face. A slender body with large bulging b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

She was in a different cla.s.s until October, but taking advantage of the fact that half the students in our school year had either died or withdrawn from the school following the Asahi Momoka incident, she transferred to our cla.s.s, to a seat beside me.

And she calls out to me in an annoying voice.

"Hey hey."


"Hey hey hey."


I did not answer.

"Shinnosuke-kun, there"s something I want to ask you."

Be it Shiro or Kiri, why is this cla.s.s made up of annoying people?

"Erm...... on the 24th you know...... 24th of December, Shinnosuke-kun, will you be free?"

She"s probably talking about Christmas. I look in the direction of Kiri with a exasperated face, and say.

"...... isn"t it a little too early to talk about Christmas? We only just entered December."

Kiri then becomes a little shy,

"Christmas, is great isn"t it? When December comes, you can just feel that universal Christmas mood in the streets...... I, really love that atmosphere."

"I hate it. It"s dumb."

"So, will you be free?"

"No, I won"t."

"Eh, eh, is that because, you"ll be spending it with, erm...... a lover?"

"Yeah. That"s right. Unlike you who has no partner for Christmas, I"m amazingly popular, and totally not free. All right. That"s the end to our meaningless talk. See you."

As I turn back to the window, Kiri says.

"Does that mean you"ll be free on Christmas?"

As I turn back to the window, Kiri says. "Does that mean you"ll be free on Christmas?"

"Didn"t I tell you that I have a lover?"

"Lies. Shinnosuke-kun, you look like a really unpleasant guy, so you aren"t the type who would have a lover."

"What the h.e.l.l are you up to?"

"Eh, what"re you talking about?"

Without listening to the 『Moral』 education cla.s.s, I look in the direction of the sleeping Shiro, and Yousuke and Himi around him, who, as expected, are not listening to cla.s.s as well and are busying themselves with adjusting their 《Headphone Fuzz》s.

They too said a similar thing earlier. Something like since I have no friends due to my horrible personality, they will become my friends.

Of course, I won"t deny the part where I have no friends, but I never said I wanted any friends, so please stay away from me.

But yet, Kiri smiles happily.

"So, about Christmas......"

"Not interested."

"Well, erm, there"s a place I want to go......"

"Then just go by yourself."

"Since you can"t get a girlfriend and will be free for sure, I was wondering, maybe we should go together.

"I"ll kick your a.s.s."

"Ah-haha ~"

She smiles happily.

I look at that smiling face of hers. Her face has well-arranged features. She has to be popular. She"s also good at winning over people. I really don"t see how she would be troubled at not getting a partner for Christmas.

There are still 22 days to Christmas. Provided we don"t die of course.

This is that kind of school.

A school where you may just die.

Once again, I look out the window. Snow is starting to pile up.

"Hey don"t ignore me ~"

Said Kiri, to which I ignore. I manipulate my 《Headphone Fuzz》 and start playing its song. Accustoming myself to the curse till it is overflowing in my brain. Since if I don"t slowly get used to the curse, it will wreck my brain right away.

And while listening to the curse, I ponder a bit.

Kiri is probably here because of some circ.u.mstances.

With capabilities like Kiri"s, she can acquire money and power even if she didn"t come to such a dangerous place. But yet, she"s here. She"s in such a dangerous place. Why?


She"s strong.

And smart.

Including myself, it is rare for magicians with capabilities like those of Kiri, Shiro, and Gunjou to be gathered in the same place. Since various organizations will be scrambling to pay high prices for magicians of our level. At the very least, Gunjou has 20 corporate sponsors backing her up.

Taikou Pharmaceuticals wants me --- according to Yayoi provided it"s true.

Strong magicians, have a military-level worth. With a magician of that level, a corporation can have him or her raid an eternal labyrinth, and bring out a powerful magic technology that might have the possibility of changing the surface of the entire world.

However, four such magicians are a.s.sembled at this school right now, and instead of being labeled as those who are in for the money or authority, they are being labeled with a ridiculous name, Hero Team, who is fighting to save the world.

What kind of situation is this?

Is there a reason for this to be happening?

Or could it be just a coincidence?

As I"m watching the snow pile up in the schoolyard, I continue pondering about Gunjou, Kiri, and Shiro. But, in the midst of that, I realize that it"s a meaningless thing to do. It"s meaningless to think about someone else. I might just die the next moment, or get betrayed the next day, and in the first place, it has nothing to do with saving my little sister Saki.

The bell rings. The sixth hour period has ended. Today"s school has ended. I stand up.

Kiri then says.

"Hey Shinnosuke-kun, were you listening to me?"

Of course, I wasn"t. I look down at Kiri, shrug, then, with my bag in hand, I start walking out the cla.s.sroom.

Kiri says.

"Ah, ah, let"s go back together."

"Don"t want to."


As we are having that conversation, Gunjou, who is sitting at the front of the cla.s.sroom, sends a glance toward me. For some reason, she"s glowering at me. I return her look with a foolish grin and avert my face. She"s the only one who"s not being pushy in bending her good will towards me.

Jeez, the frequent preaching about comrades and friends here is really making me vexed.

What"s the point of building a pointless friendship when you might just die tomorrow? At any rate, we"ll just end up betraying and hurting one another, so, what on earth do these guys want?

Yousuke says.

"Hey Shinnosuke, let"s drop by at a nice grill house on the way back, shall we?"

Himi says.

"Recently, we found a really good eatery. Shall we go together?"

Remaining seated, Shiro looks up at me.

"Let"s go, Shinnosuke."

Behind me, Kiri raises her hand.

"Ah, I want to go!"

Once again, Gunjou takes a few fleeting glimpses in my direction, then makes a determined-looking face, and stands up.

"Y-You guys sure look like, you"re getting along well, but if you think you can raid a labyrinth with that kind of pacifist att.i.t......"

But, I say to that,

"Just shut up."

Ignoring them, I exit the cla.s.sroom.

"Ah, Shinnosuke-kun!"

Kiri calls out to me, but I close the door to the cla.s.sroom. Walking along the corridor, I got away from the cla.s.sroom.

I can see a woman standing at the other end of the corridor.

Navy blue suit. High heels. On her left ear, a 《Headphone Fuzz》 which looks like an earring.

It"s our homeroom teacher, Honjou Tsukasa.

Honjou Tsukasa says.

"Ah, are you going back? Shinnosuke-kun."


"Remember to keep your cellphone on standby. We"ll call you once a diseased girl appears."

I c.o.c.k my head to the side and say.

"But, diseased girls should normally get their disease onset before 2pm, I thought."

That"s right.

For some reason, this disease only activates between 8am to 2pm.

The onset never happens in the late night, early morning, evening nor at the night.

Since the disease onset only happens in the hours between morning and afternoon, humanity is able to react to it, and the students from the 《Girl Killing Curriculum》 can go home in peace --- that should have been the case but.

Honjou Tsukasa says.

"That should have been the case but...... recently, there was a kid in Kansai who got an onset in the evening".

I look at my homeroom teacher. That should have been a big incident. Since a calamity that had never happened before has happened. A great calamity that might wipe out the entire world.

"I didn"t see any news on it."

"It"s still under wraps."

"And you"re telling me?"

Honjou Tsukasa looks hard at me and says.

"Well, you"re our important raider. I trust my own students."

"You"ll get betrayed you know?"

Honjou Tsukasa smiles.

"Maybe. But even the j.a.panese government trusts you guys. You all did a distinguished service in saving the 3 million people in Kanagawa."

Hearing those words, I consider the possibility of Honjou Tsukasa and Metropolitan Kichijouji High not knowing about what Taikou Pharmaceuticals did.

That Asahi Momoka incident was artificially caused by Taikou Pharmaceuticals but ---

Do the personnel of Kichijouji High know of this?

Or, Honjou Tsukasa doesn"t know of this?

Or, she actually knows but is pretending not to know?

Whichever it is, it doesn"t matter to me. There are many instances whereby countries or military-affiliated corporations got blinded by the profits that could be gained from labyrinths and went crazy because of that.

And I have no time to play with them. As long as I could save my little sister Saki, nothing else matters.

I say.

"The one who did that was Gunjou, you know?"

"Even so, it wouldn"t have been possible without your support. So feel free to let me know what you want. I"ll prepare it for you."

"Did you get a budget increase from the country?"

Such things do happen too.

By getting Taikou Pharmaceuticals to create the incident, they could elevate the name of Kichijouji High if they could suppress the incident. And in the end, the government will increase their budget --- there"s a possibility that this was what they had aimed for.

Is the mastermind Taikou Pharmaceuticals?

Or Metropolitan Kichijouji High?

Or the j.a.panese government?

Like I thought, I shouldn"t bother myself about it. I shouldn"t get myself involved in it. I don"t give a s.h.i.t about the world.

Upon hearing my question, Honjou Tsukasa smiled happily.

"Even my salary was increased with the budget from the country ~ ♪. Thanks to you guys. Feels good. So you guys can just feel free to let me know what you need."

"Ha, like installing a sauna in the shower room, or something to that effect?"

But Honjou Tsukasa simply nods.

"If that"s what you really want, we"ll do it, Arisu Shinnosuke-kun."

Seems like they got a really large-scale budget increase. To the point where we can just splurge on meaningless things.

"And also, you didn"t register a bank account with the school, did you? We"re going to deposit money into it so please register one. And, please grow much stronger. Use your money to get much stronger. Ah, and also, it"s fine even if it"s a foreign unlawful account. We have plenty of such guys in this school and so are lax about it."

As she said that, Honjou Tsukasa started walking.

Pa.s.sing me by.


And I ponder about what Honjou Tsukasa just said.

What did she mean by that?

--- We have plenty of such guys in this school and so are lax about it.

That meant that they are already used to getting betrayed.

Strong fellows will turn against you quickly. They either get poached by spies from other corporations or countries, or they are spies right from the beginning.

This is true for any country. That"s why I don"t trust anyone. I don"t believe in the word "comrade". Friends? Hah. What the h.e.l.l"s that?


But, right now, Honjou Tsukasa is displaying an att.i.tude that says that she is unconcerned about getting betrayed. It means that the school is already prepared to take in students who will betray them.

It means that they have a policy of accepting anyone as long as one is able to kill labyrinth diseased girls.

And they don"t even bother to investigate those who enroll. I too, got into this school without any kind of investigation done on me.


"Won"t there be any trouble with that kind of self-a.s.sured att.i.tude?"

On hearing me say that, Honjou Tsukasa answers right away.

"None. We know the motives of those who come to this school anyway. There are only four kinds of people here ~"

I narrow my eyes.

Four kinds of people.

I know instantly what kind they are.

1. Those who have no power nor money and came here despite not wanting to come.

2. Those who want to make a name for themselves here.

3. Those who really want to save the world.

However, those who are truly powerful, probably aren"t here because of those three reasons.

If it"s for money, they can make it anywhere.

If it"s for power, they can get it in other organizations.

In the first place, it"s possible to make a name for oneself even without coming here.

In that case, the rest would belong to the fourth type of people.

What is this group actually seeking?


Honjou Tsukasa halts.

She gives a tap to the wall along the corridor. I look at it. On the other side of the wall --- the land on the other side adjacent to this school is occupied by a certain labyrinth since ten years ago.

The world"s most difficult eternal labyrinth which those a.s.sociated with the military dream of raiding and bringing back technology from it.

The name of that labyrinth is ---

"《Apocalypse 666》. As the name of the diseased girl was Arisu, it"s called by its more popular name, 《Apocalypse Alice》. The world"s most difficult labyrinth. Anyway, you too came here aiming for that, didn"t you? Arisu Shinnosuke-kun."

My homeroom teacher turned around.

Looking and smiling at me.

I didn"t smile.

Suddenly, she makes a face as if she had only just realized it,

"Oh my, coincidentally, your name is also Arisu isn"t it? Are you a relative or something?"


"Did you come here to save her or something?"

"Certainly not."

Honjou Tsukasa smiles on hearing that.

"Well, even you won"t go that far, as one would expect ~ After all, there isn"t any idiot who would go that far to save a girl who has turned into an eternal labyrinth. Since you can"t make any money for saving her."


"Not to mention that it"s said to be impossible."


"Then, who are you? But I"m not interested at all. Whether you are from a military organization from somewhere, or James Bond from England, feel free to investigate 《Apocalypse Alice》 as much as you like. Since at any rate, you won"t be able to raid it. You"ll only realize that it"s a h.e.l.l inside, a place where you cannot obtain a single thing."


"And, while you"re realizing that...... or getting killed in the labyrinth...... students with real power who are driven by greed will for some reason gather in my cla.s.s to save j.a.pan. In the meantime, my bank account will also get saved. Aah, what great kids.

Now! Shinnosuke-kun.

Let"s kill the girls and save the world together!"

Pahn, Honjou Tsukasa claps her hands together.

She grins again.

In spite of that, I couldn"t smile. Since she said that she didn"t need to know my true ident.i.ty, there"s no need for me to act like a good kid as well. Well, setting aside the fact on whether or not I have been acting like a good kid till now.

Honjou Tsukasa looks hard at me, smiles and says.

"Don"t glare at me. Since I"ll give you money. Also, please don"t forget to register your bank account number. The j.a.panese government is expecting great things from you."

She turns her back to me.

And proceeds to the cla.s.sroom.

I look intently at her departing back,

"...... ha, glare? My eyes have always been that way."

And smile.


Maybe my eyes look awful when I grin, but right now I"m actually feeling delighted.

The reason is because this place is a familiar world which I once again reacquaint myself with.

Humans are ugly. They can only think of themselves.

Obviously, they won"t be thinking about saving others.

The moment one gets pointlessly attached by the words "friend" or "comrade", one dies. I"ve seen that many, many, many times.


On the other side of the corridor, Gunjou walks out of the cla.s.sroom.

Honjou Tsukasa looks intently at Gunjou,

"Hi Gunjou! You were great today as well. It"s all because of your existence that the world could be saved!"

Go to h.e.l.l, I thought.

The pet.i.te Gunjou looks up at our homeroom teacher. Her face shines with br.i.m.m.i.n.g confidence.

"Of course! Who do you think I am! I am none other than Mizuiro Gunjou!"

The usual Gunjou.

And, she has already proven that she is the only one who infiltrates labyrinths not just for purely selfish motives.

Since, in that Asahi Momoka incident, she remained until the end. Drenched in blood as she risked her life, to protect her cla.s.smates and to try to save the world, and she had also worried herself sick about my injury.

If there"s an unsightly reason as to why she has to be in this school no matter what ---

Then she probably belongs to the,

"...... third kind of people."

I mutter.

3. A fool who truly wants to save the world.

And, I hate those kind of people the most.

Those who belong to the third group are the ones who die most easily, the ones who get used by others most easily, and on top of that, even after they die, they leave a wound in the hearts of those who survive.

I probably would waver if Gunjou were to die, after seeing that weak side of hers. I won"t be able to help but feel my heartstrings tugged. No, maybe, I would also waver if Shiro, Himi, Yousuke, or Kiri were to die.

But what use will that kind of feeling have?

This is that kind of place. A place where all might lose their lives tomorrow. If so, then why do people engage in such meaningless stuff?

Like I thought, I shouldn"t go to karaoke with them. I shouldn"t get close to any of them.

Gunjou is approaching me.

I pretend not to notice and turn my back towards her. I pa.s.s through the corridor, and descend the stairs. Our cla.s.s is on the third floor; I descend all the way to the ground floor, and exit into the schoolyard.

Immediately upon doing that, Gunjou appears alongside me, on my right. Even though she has caught up to me, she is not pa.s.sing me.

"...... I don"t plan to go home with you, you know?"

On hearing that, without looking at me, Gunjou says.

"I"m not planning to go home with you either."

"Huuh? Then, why aren"t you pa.s.sing me?"

"I"ve been walking at this speed right from the beginning. I should be the one telling you not to walk alongside me."

While saying that, she continues walking at my pace. Does she have something she wants to tell me? Really depressing.

At that moment, a group of students around us look at us.

"Oh, it"s Mizuiro Gunjou-san."

"The one beside her, is Arisu Shinnosuke-kun right?"

"You"re kidding me, two members of the hero team that saved Kanagawa?"

"Are they going out?"

I turn my eyes in the direction of those gossiping girls and say with half-opened eyes.

"Yes. You got that right. We"re actually on our way to a love hotel."

"What!? Hey!?"

Gunjou looks up at me with an adorably blushing face. And grabs my arm firmly. Looks like she"s angry.

But the girls just go wild with cries of "Kyaa" at that

Gunjou says frantically,

"T-That"s, not."

Cutting her off, I say.

"Then stop fawning over me, it"s depressing. You will be seen as an easy woman, you know."

"Don"t mess with me!"

Gunjou moves her right hand. It"s a chop. I try to grab that arm of hers, but the path of her hand changes. I take a step backward. Matching me, Gunjou takes a step forward.

As expected of the top of the school year.

Her movements are nimble, but --- our hands clash several times, and finally, I grab Gunjou"s arm. In the end, I"m the faster one.

Behind me,

"Wow, amazing, what"s that? I couldn"t see a thing. Are they human?"

Said a guy, and following that,

"A lover"s quarrel, a lover"s quarrel......"

A girl said something that"s off the mark but I don"t really care.

From below me, Gunjou glares at me with upturned eyes.

"Let me go. Or I"ll kill you."

"Maybe I should just bring you to the hotel I"m putting up at."


She snaps her fingers. Her 《Headphone Fuzz》 starts playing. As she prepares to use her magic.

I let go of her arm and take a step backward,

"Just kidding. If the top of the grade Lady Gunjou sets her eyes on me, I"ll get killed ~"

With her face red, she continues to glare at me,

"...... why......"

Glowering at me in chagrin, she says.

"...... why do you keep saying things to push me away......"

I smirk at that and reply.

"Obviously it"s because I hate you."


"And you hate me too right?"

"I, I hate you."

"Then we"re on the same page right? So stop getting close to me."

"I"m not getting close to you!"

"That so? That"s great then. Well, goodbye and farewell."

I wave to Gunjou and turn my back towards her. Once again, I start walking towards the hotel I"m putting up at.

But, there and then,


Once again, Gunjou is walking along my side.

With a fed-up face, I look down at the pet.i.te Gunjou, and say.

"Look, can you stop following me?"

However, she seems to be bent on ignoring my words.

"T-There"s just one thing, I want to ask you."

"I have none."

"...... I, have been wondering about...... how"s your injury......"

By injury, she"s referring to the injury I got from saving her during that Asahi Momoka incident. There was a period when we thought that my right leg would be limp forever, but that was not Gunjou"s fault, but a result of my cousin Yayoi fiddling with it.

That"s why she doesn"t need to worry about it, and if she"s really concerned, I did tell her to give me some money though.

Appearing concerned, she takes a few glances at me and says.

"...... today...... during the maneuvers...... you, don"t seem too well so...... I thought maybe it"s because of your injury......"

"It"s none of your business right?"

"But that injury is because of me......"

"Then why don"t we go ascertain it at the hotel? I mean, it"d be clear once I take off my clothes right?"

On hearing that, Gunjou"s face turns bright red again, then flashes into a visage of anger, and she raises her fist. And hits me on the shoulder.

"...... and here, I was being worried!"

She said.

I look down at her,


It"s really exasperating.

Even though she always has a high and mighty att.i.tude, she really has a good personality. And it"s because that somehow the thought of really not wanting her to die that I have is what exasperates me.

Despite the fact that people die here.

Despite the fact that they can die easily.

It"s dangerous to have emotions for another. It"s pointless. Inefficient. But, no matter how much displeasure I expressed, for some reason, she doesn"t stay away from me. That goes the same for Shiro, Kiri, Yousuke, and Himi.

It"d be understandable if they had shown they had ulterior motives or something to gain from me but ---

"Hey Gunjou. I also have something to talk to you about."

I said as I took Gunjou"s hand that had been used to hit me.

She then looks up at me with a worried face.

"Ah, ah, your injury really hurts right?"

But I shake my head and reply. Looking intently into her almond-shaped, yet large eyes,

"I don"t hate you."


Surprised, her eyes became even larger.

But unconcerned, I continue.

"It"s because you are cute."

"Eh!? Er-Erm......"

"Because your brain matter is so adorable that I wonder whether you"re actually an idiot."


"Because you are a good girl with a beautiful heart."

"...... uhn? Ah, erhm ~"

Not knowing whether I was speaking ill of her or praising her, her face appeared confused,

"So what"re you trying to tell me!?"

She got angry.

I looked down at that foolish-looking, lovely Gunjou and say.

"In the past, all the girls I love died. My friends died too. They either died in the labyrinth, or got caught and died by the hands of those who sought to use my power, or died from the attacks of opposing organizations. No matter what, they just died died died, easily."


Gunjou looks intently at me.

I continue.

"And, you might just die tomorrow. I might just die today. So, is there even any meaning to our conversation......? Is your injury ok? Haha, what the h.e.l.l"s that?"

That"s a question which Gunjou should be asking herself on a daily basis. Even if that"s not the case, because she had lost a number of her cla.s.smate comrades during the Asahi Momoka incident; because she has such a strong sense of responsibility that she secretly vomited in the toilet from the anxiety that had stemmed from her desire of wanting to protect everyone and clear the labyrinth without getting anyone killed; and thus,

"What are the feelings you have towards me? Don"t tell me it"s love?"


"Probably not. You are just a little tired. You are just tired of seeing too many of your cla.s.smates die. That"s why you just want a comrade who"s a little stronger and who won"t die so easily. Isn"t that right?"


Gunjou glared at me without saying anything.

Because I was right. Since she too has vaguely realized the meaningless softness in her heart.

Basically, establishing cozy relationships with labyrinth raiders is meaningless. If one gets distracted by emotions, one will be unable to make swift judgments and that will only increase the danger. When it"s time to abandon someone, it"s necessary to abandon even one"s lover.

She knows that too. Otherwise, she wouldn"t have gotten this strong. She too is a resident of this dark world.

I nod.

"See, everything"s cleared up now. I have a goal that I want to achieve. You too have a reason for being here right? Be it romance, love, friendship, all of them are hindrances. So, stop spewing pointless things and stay away from me. If you need a guy look for Shiro."

Gunjou continues to glare at me, still not saying anything.

But our conversation has ended.

I turn my back to her and once again start walking.

From behind me, she says.

"Th-Then...... then why did you save me?"


"There wasn"t, any need to save me back there. You should have escaped. But yet, you......"

I reply right away.

"I regretted that. Because of you, I got an idiotic injury."

"Eh, ah...... sorry......"

I exit the school gates. Gunjou"s voice fades from my hearing. But there"s no need to listen. Since she has nothing, neither friends, nor lovers.

At that moment, Pihh Pihh Pihh, the siren sounded.

It was the signal for the appearance of a diseased girl.

"Attention to all students of Girl Killing Curriculum. Please return to your cla.s.sroom ASAP. A labyrinth disease victim has appeared in Toda city of Saitama Prefecture. We"ll be starting the lesson for the purpose of killing the girl."

I turn around to face the school.

The students of the normal curriculum are hurrying out of the school, but the place that the diseased girl has appeared is not here in Tokyo.

It"s Saitama.

Cla.s.s will be starting again.

The lesson in killing the girl.

Just as I"m about to head back to school, I notice that the cellphone in my pocket is vibrating. Maybe it"s our homeroom teacher Honjou Tsukasa, I thought, but the one who"s calling is somebody else.

I pick up the call.


A slightly high-pitched voice of a man. And strangely accented, bad j.a.panese.

His name is Liezel Baimeister.

A German.

16 years old.

The engineer who custom-boosted my 《Headphone Fuzz》 to illegal levels that would harm the human body.

"...... won"t you get eavesdropped?"

"Who do you think I am?"

"A freak scientist."

"Are you praising me?"

"Well, yeah. But my cellphone may be tapped by the j.a.panese government or Taikou Pharmaceuticals."

"Not may be. It"s being tapped. Currently, 3 corporations and a government is tapping your cellphone."

"Oh, who"re they?"

"「Taikou Pharmaceuticals」, 「Phillip」, 「Kiryuuki Group」. China."

"Hmm, how about j.a.pan?"

"They"re not bothering with you, I suppose."

"Haha, that"ll be good if it"s true. So, what"s up?"

"It"s been a while and I want to meet you."

"Germany is too far."

"I"m in j.a.pan now."

"Ah? Why?"

But, at that moment, Liezel"s words stop.

"Hn...... wait a minute. I"m being hacked. The fella"s kind of good."

"Shall I call you back?"

"No, I can handle it...... hn? What"s this, I got a message. I"ll kill whoever touches my Onii-sama......? What the h.e.l.l, it"s creepy."

It"s Yayoi.

Sanae Yayoi.

My cousin who has been made in charge of a Taikou Pharmaceuticals research lab at the age of just fifteen.

She"s the only person who would call me "Onii-sama". My real little sister Saki called me "Onii-chan" but for some reason, my cousin calls me "Onii-sama". I don"t get the meaning of this at all.

I say.

"That would be from 『Taikou Pharmaceuticals』."

"She"s pretty good. Can I hang up for a sec? I"m going to send her a virus to kill her."

"By the way, she"s probably my cousin."

"I see. So what? She"s not taking orders from you."

That"s the kind of guy Liezel is. We are just connected by money and from having an aligned interest.

And that interest is that, both Liezel and I have no interest in the world"s governments, corporations, nor people, and are just seeking technology that can"t be turned into profits.

I say.

"I can hang up, but tell me. Why did you call me? Are you short on development funds again?"

Liezel then says.

"No, that"s not it. I"ve completed the Holy Sword switch."

For an instant, my breathing must have stopped. Following that, I make a small, dumb-sounding, surprised utterance,


Holy Sword switch --- that"s the name of the magic that was being developed for the purpose of saving labyrinth diseased girls.

A magic for the purpose of severing the labyrinth away from the diseased girl.

If that has been completed, then even saving girls who have turned into eternal labyrinths, which was previously thought to be impossible, could be done.

In other words, I"ve just gotten to first base to saving Saki. It"s no longer a dream. My words are no longer the ramblings of a fool.

Just as I"m about to say something further to Liezel, he says,

"I"m hanging up. I"m going to kill your little sister."

The call ended.


I look intently at my cellphone with half-opened eyes, then start manipulating it. Searching the Internet, I found the general contact number of Taikou Pharmaceuticals and dial it.

The number connects immediately.

But it doesn"t connect to the general reception. The redirect tone sounds, and it immediately connects to my cousin, Sanae Yayoi.

"O-Onii-sama! You"ve finally decided to come to our side......"

I cut her off and say.

"It"s really creepy so stop eavesdropping on me."

"I"m not doing that now! Someone"s trying to harm you and interfering with the tap! But I"ll get rid of the hindrance immediately......"

"Stop that right now. Otherwise you"ll be killed."

But for some reason, Yayoi says happily,

"Ah! Ah! Are you worried about me!? Like I thought, Onii-sama, you"re really kind......"

"Shut up. Just stop."

"I"ll be fine! While you weren"t around all this while, as a researcher."

"I"m telling you to stop. If you stop, I"ll join your organization."

Instantly, it"s easy to tell Yayoi"s voice jump.

"I-Is that true!? I"ll stop right away! I"ll stop now!"

It"s a lie of course.

I"ll never become the comrade of the people who force the onset of the disease in a girl through human experimentation. However, there"s no need to tell her that.

"O-O-Onii-sama! Eh-hehe...... we"ll be together from now on......"

I ignore her and cut the line.

Upon doing that, a voice sounds behind me.

"H-Hey Shinnosuke! What"re you doing! A diseased girl has appeared! Aren"t you going back? The lesson is starting!"

It"s the voice of Gunjou.

I turn around. And look at her with half-opened eyes.

With a angry-looking, yet somewhat troubled-looking face, she looks hard at me.

My cellphone rings again. I pick up the call.

"...... the hacking suddenly stopped with your call to Taikou Pharmaceuticals. Did you ask them to stop?"

It"s Liezel. Sounding a little annoyed.


"If you interfere with me having fun, I"ll kill even you."

"Ha, try it."

"Aah, I shall do that."

He said. Snap snap snap, I snap my fingers. Setting my 《Headphone Fuzz》 in motion. In order to deal with anything that might happen ---

At that moment, from the street behind me, I can hear the screeching sound of tires. The grind of an engine. The sound of an automobile closing in one me.

But, I did not turn around. I merely fill my brain with the cursed song overflowing from my 《Headphone Fuzz》.

【In an instant ♪   In a flash ♪   In the time of a flash ♪

The flash of time, the flash of an instant ♪   In an instant ♪   In a flash ———】

I murmur.

"...... Acceleration switch ---"

A switch flips in my body.

Magic spreads throughout my whole body and accelerates my flesh. I can only accelerate for just one second. But, that would be enough.

I kick the ground and jump. A single automobile that"s trying to run me down thrusts into the place where I was originally at.

An Audi SUV.

It drives up onto the pavement, and stops. There is no driver. Neither is there anyone the front pa.s.senger seat. In the rear pa.s.senger seats, a beautiful teenage boy with blond hair is sitting there with a grin on his face.

It"s Liezel Baimeister.

I land on the bonnet of the car. I glare at Liezel through the windshield.

While smiling delightedly, Liezel points to the car and moves his mouth. Even though I can"t hear him, I can tell that he said,

"Hurry up and hop on, trash."

In German.

I get off the bonnet. And open the door to the rear pa.s.senger seats.


Said Gunjou.

I turn around.


"Where"re you going?"

"I have no obligation to tell you, do I?"

"A diseased girl has appeared."



Gunjou glares at me. She then looks hard at the Liezel who"s behind me, inside the car, and says.

"...... I thought you said you have no comrades?"

"This is no comrade."

Liezel then smiles mockingly from inside the car.

"Hahaha, who"s she? Your acquaintance? What is a "comrade"?"

Gunjou scowls.

Ignoring her, I get into the car.

Liezel taps the 《Headphone Fuzz》 attached to his left ear with his finger and then says.

"Hurry up and close the door, Shinnosuke. If you don"t close the door, I can"t enable the car"s auto function. Jeez, what an idiotic safety feature. I"ll reprogram it later."



"I, I"m going back to school!"


"I"ll attend the cla.s.s, and enter the labyrinth. And then save the world. Because if I don"t do it...... if we don"t do it, then, lots of people will get swallowed by the labyrinth and die."

She really is a fool.

"Shinnosuke!" Said Gunjou. I turn around.

A good girl.

I should stay away from her.

"Do as you like."


For some reason, Gunjou looks hard at me with a sad-looking face. Her face looks as if she"s looking at me for help.

At that moment, Liezel looks at Gunjou and says.

"What"s wrong with her? Annoying. Shall I kill her?"

He starts rotating his finger in the air. This kid is strong. Terribly strong. A person who doesn"t live in a world that"s soft, warm, and peaceful, he"s not someone Gunjou might be able to beat. I grab that hand of his.

"Stop, Liezel. She"s my cla.s.smate."


"If you lay a finger on her, I"ll kill you."

Liezel looks at me. Showing a tinge of surprise, his green eyes stare at me with deep interest,

"Uhn? Don"t tell me she"s really your comrade?"

"None of your business."

"Well, whatever. You owe me one. And also, if you do something that displeases me, I"ll immediately take her as a hostage to threaten you."

He"s serious.

I look hard at Liezel, and turn my eyes towards Gunjou with a scowl on my face.

Snow is falling.

Gunjou is still looking intently at me with a sad-looking face.

Why is she making such a face?


Gunjou says again. She goes on to say something more, but I have closed the door and can"t hear her.

Liezel taps his 《Headphone Fuzz》 and says.

"Drive on."

The engine howls. The steering wheel turns by itself. The car collides into the guardrail, turn sharply, then forcibly drives itself back to the road.

My cellphone rings.

It"s my homeroom teacher Honjou Tsukasa.


"What"re you doing Shinnosuke! A diseased girl has appeared. Come back quickly!"

"Sorry. I"m having a stomach-ache."

"...... do you intend to betray our expectations?"

Even though I have no obligation to reply.

"No, besides, I won"t be heading too far out. I should be able to get back in the middle of cla.s.s."

"...... I see. Then, it"s fine. The labyrinth this time has a modest raid difficulty of 0.5, with Gunjou, Shiro, and Kiri, our cla.s.s will take the top spot again anyway."

At present, humanity can clear a rank 12 eternal labyrinth that has no time limit without incurring any casualties.

And, the rank this time is 0.5.

Even though it has a time limit, with those members in our cla.s.s, it should be an easy win.

As long as it doesn"t suddenly turn into an irregular situation like that Asahi Momoka incident.

In other words, the difficulty level this time is low. Which means that it"ll be hard for people to die. Knowing that, I feel a little relieved. Following that, I scowl, not knowing why I"m feeling relieved. Perhaps it"s because Shiro, Yousuke, Himi, Gunjou and Kiri probably won"t die this time.

"But if you don"t make it in time for the raid, you"ll incur a penalty."


What kind of penalty? Like not getting a sauna installed?

"Jeez. Gunjou is also not here, I have to call her next...... wait, ah, she came back. All right! With Gunjou and Shiro it"d be an easy win. All right, let"s all get started. The time limit is six hours! Let"s quickly kill the girl and save the world......"

I hang up.

Liezel, who"s sitting beside me, grins and says to me.

"You sure are popular. I didn"t expect you to be working as an idol in j.a.pan, huh?"

"Unfortunately I"m better at Enka."


"Doesn"t matter. More importantly, let"s get to the main topic."

Liezel then snaps his fingers. A small, translucent dagger-like object appears in his hand.

It"s the holy sword.

It has the same appearance of the dagger conjured when I use the Holy Sword switch. But it"s not the real thing. It"s probably a 3D image of the magic that"s currently being developed.


Liezel nods at my query.


"Looks the same to me."

"If you want its appearance changed, I can change it for you but it"ll take some time."

"No, it"s fine the way it is. So, how completed is it?"

Liezel answers right away.

"In theory, it should be able to completely sever the disease away from the heart of the diseased girl."

It was already able to do that previously. Severing the disease and killing the girl as a result. But it would be meaningless if the girl dies. Even so, I thought maybe I could save Asahi Momoko and ended up using the Holy Sword switch but --- in the end, it"s useless.

Asahi Momoka died.

Holy Sword switch was incomplete.

I ask.

"After severing it, what happens to the girl?"

"Anyone"s guess. In theory, the girl should return to her normal state but --- she might still die. However, whichever the case, you came to this school for the purpose of doing trials right? To this Kichijouji High that kills tons of girls."

That"s right.

I came here for the sake of doing that.

Even if I don"t conduct trials on them, those girls will still be killed, so by using them, I"ll perform trials in the hope of saving them. If I can save them with this power, if I can save them ---


But, that"s just an excuse. I too, am performing human experimentation. I have no right to mock Yayoi.

Liezel asks me.

"Have you already tested the Holy Sword switch?"


"How was it?"

Then, I remember Asahi Momoka. I remember the Asahi Momoka who had thanked me for saving her and her family while she was dying.

I say.

"I almost died."

Liezel laughs.

"Ah-haha. The Holy Sword switch still has a short-range. But who cares about that. What happened to the girl?"

Doing my best to prevent a grimace from showing on my face, I say.

"She died."

"But you severed the disease?"


"Then the girl was saved. It seems the girl would have gone to h.e.l.l if she had died, still afflicted with the labyrinth disease."

I have never heard of such a thing.

Go to h.e.l.l?

"What"re you talking about?"

I say, to which Liezel smiles.

"I thought that if I said that, the good kid Shinnosuke will have less guilt."

What an unnecessary s.h.i.tty consideration. To top that off, Liezel is looking at me, seemingly having fun from seeing my reaction.

I reply.

"There is no guilt. Any living being will eventually die."

"If you"re desperate, just experiment on an eternal labyrinth girl somewhere. Don"t choose a girl where you might get killed if you don"t manage to save her......"

"Shut up. It"s none of your business."

"Well, fine."

"Then, hurry up and get on with the explanation. How completed is it?"

Liezel then says.

"Like I said, in theory, it"s completed to the level where you can save them. I"ll install it into your 《Headphone Fuzz》 right away."


"I constructed a research lab. Let"s do it there. Ah, but before that, blindfold your eyes. I won"t tell you where my lab is."

He throws a blindfold-like thing to me. Clearly, he doesn"t trust me. But that"s the correct att.i.tude. Like me, he doesn"t belong to any organization. And that"s the reason behind the immense personal power possessed by people who belong to no organization.

Trusting no one.

Never opening up to anyone.

Comrades? Friends? Lovers? Once such words are uttered, one can"t save anyone.


I put on the blindfold and bury my body into the rear pa.s.senger seat. Once I shut my eyes, I can feel myself suddenly getting sucked to the depths of a darkness.

The blindfold is probably smeared with a sleep-inducing drug.

In any case, I have no choice but to surrender my body here.

I need that Holy Sword switch.

I need the power to save my little sister.


Once again, I saw a nightmare inside the darkness.

A dream in which I couldn"t save my little sister.

Even as I tried desperately to save my little sister, I couldn"t save her ---

I ran inside the darkness.

I ran.

I ran.

I ran to a place where a door stood, from which rays of hope appeared to be seeping through, and I opened that door as if I was antic.i.p.ating salvation.

Upon doing that, for some reason, I found a karaoke box behind that door.

Shiro was there.

Yousuke was there.

Himi was there.

Kiri was there.

Gunjou was there.

This was probably the weakness inside of me.

"This, dream again......"

I groaned......

My eyes open.

I am in park.

Lying on a bench.

It is night.

While I can see the moon, I can"t see any stars. Before I knew it, the snow had stopped, but it"s freezing cold.

"...... guh...... d.a.m.n that Liezel, what if I froze to death."

He probably would just laugh it off.

I grimace as I get up. My body is stiff from the cold. There is a clock and a street lamp beside the public toilet.

The time is 2142.

I look up at that clock.

"...... the labyrinth raid"s already over huh."

Provided that they weren"t wiped out.

After a diseased girl appears, after the investigations, by the time the alarm sounds, there is only six hours left to clear the labyrinth.

The cla.s.s in studying the labyrinth and labyrinth diseased girl takes 5 hours, and the final remaining hour is used for raiding the labyrinth.

When the alarm sounded, it was probably past 1500.

More than 6 hours have already pa.s.sed.

If the raid wasn"t successful, then part of Toda city in Saitama Prefecture would probably have been swallowed by the labyrinth.

I look at my cellphone. I have several missed calls from my homeroom teacher, Honjou Tsukasa.

I return the call. Honjou Tsukasa immediately picks up. Bah-Bah-Bah-Bah-Bah-Bah, I can hear a loud noise. They are probably coming from the propellers of a chopper. They are on the move.

Honjou Tsukasa says.

"You are really late."

"I was shut in the toilet for a long time."

"The labyrinth raid is already over. Gunjou has done plenty of good work again and killed the girl."

Gunjou, was the one who killed the girl, again ---

And the world is saved.

I wonder what kind of face she made when she killed the girl. During both the maneuvers practice and labyrinth raids, whenever Gunjou kills the girl, she"ll always have the face that says that she has to become the savior.

Honjou Tsukasa continues.

"Shiro, Kiri, Yousuke and Himi also did well. Maybe you aren"t really needed for the hero team perhaps?"

"Maybe ~"

"What have you been doing?"

"I dozed off."

"Don"t let this happen again. Otherwise we"ll expel you from school."

"That"ll be problematic so I"ll do my best."

"My, that"s a pretty commendable att.i.tude."

"I"ve been a commendable guy since I was born......"

"Ah yeah yeah, I have no time for that, I"m hanging up. I"m tired as well."

The line got cut. I shrug my shoulders alone. And return the cellphone to my pocket.

I can"t afford to get expelled from school now. Since I need to test the magic I just got hold of to see whether or not I can save the girls.

I can"t afford to test this on my little sister right away.


I snap my fingers. And activate my 《Headphone Fuzz》. On doing that, the cursed song starts flowing from the 《Headphone Fuzz》.

【Deceiving the night ♪

Beguiling the world ♪

The darkness that saves the girl of the endless night ♪】

I pull the trigger that will activate the magic. On doing that, a silver sword appears. Shrouded by light, a shining sword. A sword of hypocrisy that resembles a sword that a hero carries.

However, the part of the blade is fake. This was a joke from Liezel who made the design a mismatch for me.

The actual range is shorter than even a knife.

And the true form of the magic resides in that short portion. Once it"s stabbed deep into the heart of the girl, it has the power to sever the disease away.

"...... this is the completed product?"

As I murmur, I notice writings inside the 《Headphone Fuzz》.

The message in the writing is as follows.

"While you were sleeping soundly, I have installed the magic. Though I don"t know whether you"ll be able to use it effectively. In the instant you stab the girl, if your capacity isn"t enough, your head will be blown to smithereens.

"Hey hey, don"t joke with me."

"But with this, in theory, you can sever the disease from the girl without killing her. So pay me what you promised me. I"ll carry on with my research. Since, with such a short sword, you probably won"t even be able to touch the eternal labyrinth diseased girl with the highest level of difficulty in the world --- 《Apocalypse Alice》."

Right now, I"ll be killed the instant I step into that labyrinth, not to talk about touching her. Since my little sister Saki is of rank 666.

That"s why I need to become stronger.

I need to become much stronger.

I also need a limitless amount of money.

The money to boost the magic that I have now. The money for raiding eternal labyrinths. And maybe the money to hire mercenary magician troops for the purpose of raiding 《Apocalypse Alice》 as well.

Anyway, I need a lot lot more power and money.

I dispel the 《Holy Sword switch》.

I breathe out a puff of white mist from the cold.

It"s terribly quiet.

Alone in the park, I murmur,

"...... ha, I don"t have time to make any friends."

And stand up ---

At that moment.

My cellphone rings again.

I don"t know who it is.

I pick up the phone.

"Who is it?"

"Onii-sama! Where"re you right now!?"

It"s Yayoi.

I scowl and say.

"I have nothing to say to......"

"Don"t hang up! Please! And, if you"re in the area of Kichijouji, please get away quickly! In the skies above Kichijouji --- inside a chopper returning from Saitama...... the labyrinth disease has broken out in Mizuiro Gunjou!"


My eyes widen involuntarily. For a moment, I can"t comprehend what Yayoi just said.

The labyrinth disease has broken out in Mizuiro Gunjou......

The face of Gunjou that I saw today surfaces in my mind.

Her riled up face.

Her sad face.

Her tearful face.

The face that was seeking help.

And, she should have just saved the world. Killed the girl and saved the world.

But yet, that Gunjou has come down with the labyrinth disease......?

Yayoi says.

"Anyway, just get away from there! Onii............ d.a.m.n, there"s interference...... signal.................."

I have no idea whether Yayoi is telling the truth or lying. If she were lying just to call me to her side, it would be a little too elaborate.

Will there be a need to get away immediately?

In which direction should I run?

I have no idea.

Right now, I don"t even know whether I"m in Kichijouji or not.

I look at my cellphone. It"s clear that there"s no signal. Signal interference. Labyrinths can cut out all kinds of scientific waves and signals.

In other words, I might be in Kichijouji.

"d.a.m.n, c.r.a.p......"

I start running. Out of the park. I try to ascertain the address that is adhered to the telephone pole.

However, there is no need for that.

I can hear a voice coming from behind me.

"What, the h.e.l.l"s that!"

"A tower, a blue tower is swelling up!"

It"s the labyrinth.

It"s a consequence of the labyrinth disease swallowing up the land.

I didn"t turn around. I don"t have time for that. I start running in the opposite direction of that voice. I might not make it. The labyrinth is at least 2 km in radius, and can grow up to a few hundred km in radius. If the labyrinth this time is at few hundred km scale in size, then it"d been meaningless to run in the first place.

"Please, Gunjou......"

I activate my 《Headphone Fuzz》. Dancing my finger in the air, using my magic.

【In an instant ♪   In a flash ♪   In the time of a flash ♪

The flash of time, the flash of an instant ♪   In an instant ♪   In a flash ———】

I murmur.

"Acceleration switch ---"

And accelerate my flesh.

I can accelerate for one second.

But that"s totally not enough. I jump. Over the wall, hopping onto the rooftop of a civilian house. I found the main street. And run towards there, zooming to the road. I catch up to a moving bike and hop onto it.

Then, I dismiss my acceleration magic.


The rider is surprised. The bike almost turns over, but I forcibly push it down from the back.

"If you don"t want to die, step on it."

The biker says from his helmet.

"W-Who, the h.e.l.l are you......"

"The labyrinth disease!"


"This place is going to get swallowed!"

"Eh, what......"

"Step on it!"


The biker switches gear. And the biker accelerates sharply. Luckily, the road is clear.

The light is also green.

Will we able to outrun it?

I turn my head around for the first time.

What stands behind me is indeed a tower.

The tall tower opens up a hole in the night sky, and its stoutness is gradually increasing, swallowing up the streets, the people, and the land.

At a dreadful speed.

At this rate, it"ll catch up with us.

"...... we, might not make it......"

I murmur.

What can"t be done, can"t be done.

I can"t do anything to escape from getting swallowed up by the labyrinth disease.

The bike accelerates.

But the tower is expanding faster than that.

Becoming huge.

With its scale spreading.

And, just as I thought that we are going to get swallowed in another moment ---


The expansion of the labyrinth stops.

What is the scale of that labyrinth? What is its rank? Those are things that I still don"t know.

The bike advances.

The tower is gradually getting further.

I face the front and tell the biker.

"Hey, stop. We"ve outrun it."

"Pew, pew, pew."

The biker"s breathing is ragged. I won"t want to die from a traffic accident. I tap his shoulder again. And speak into his ear.

"We"ve outrun it! Relax!"


"Really. So stop. Calm down."

With that, the biker applies the brakes. The speed slowly decreases, and before long, it stops.

I get down from the bike. And turn around again.

The town is in a terrible shape.

Blazing flames that have arisen from car accidents light up the tower in red.

However, even as it is lit in red, that tower is of a fading blue in color.

Blue, azure, ultramarine.

A tower that fits Gunjou"s name.

Yayoi probably wasn"t lying. That"s probably a labyrinth made by Gunjou.

She really came down with the disease.

I look up at that soaring spire that"s piercing the sky......

"...... jeez, this is exasperating."

I murmur softly.

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