Most Wicked Harem Slave Master

Chapter 6 - A Moth

Chapter 6 - A Moth

The Orphninon Earl House.

They are a n.o.ble military family, which was famous for owning a set of magic armor.
Having the daughter from a family like that become my fiance, seems to be solely because of my grandfather’s achievements in the Royal Capital. While having dinner with grandfather, with a reddened face, told us a very long story, but let"s forget about that.

But, I honestly couldn’t care less about his story.

Now then, our current agenda is the moth being drawn to a flame. Miss Charlotta.
I was sitting in my chair, thinking how to prepare her, she came over.
[Daily: He used the word 調理しよう (chourishiyou) which means to cook, so he used it in a way to imply that he was going to eat her up/devour her.]

「Eginhardt-sama. What are you doing?」

「... [Ah] Charlotta-sama. Nah, nothing particular.」

「Fufu. Interesting. Simona-chan too, why do you adore Eginhardt-sama?」

「Because he is the son of a lord. What other reason could there be.」 

「Is that so?」

Simona, now you’ve done it.
That girl... I will punish her later. On the other hand, she(Charlotta) seems to be pleased.
Charlotta sat down in front of me.

「A~ah, I’m tired. It was really boring inside the carriage.」

Charlotta plopped down on the easy chair* and started rocking it with her feet.
[Daily: 安楽椅子 - it’s essentially a rocking chair or a reclining chair.]
She is still 9 years old. For a girl who came from the royal capital, the trip would obviously be pretty uncomfortable.
It must’ve been difficult. Really. Kekeke.
[Turtle: He is too creepy with his ‘kekeke’ =_="]

「I still have not been to the royal capital. Just what kind of place is it?」

「Oh, are you interested? Fufu, well then... what should I talk about...」

「Ah, I"m sorry. I have to prepare something, so please hold on for a moment 」

「Eh? What are you preparing?」

「It’s this― 『Harem slave』」

Slave Editor (Lv2)

Subject: Charlotta Orphninon
Race: Human
Current Status: Skill Selection

Pa.s.sive skills:
 ■Safety Management
  ⇒Forbid hostile actions at the master.
  ⇒Forbid the disclosure of the master"s information.
 ■Disclosure Demand
  ⇒Forbid from concealing information from the master.
 □Full Control

 Active Skills:
 □Thought Stop
 ■Brain Doping
  ⇒Make a specific action result in euphoria.
 □Subst.i.tute Behavior

Close Menu

「Then, let"s hear it. First of all, what do you think of me?」

「...Eh? ... why are you asking me that? Well, I kind of hate being the one chosen!」

I didn"t just hear that out of curiosity.

「Ha!? Why did I say my true feelings!?」

「Then, next question. Why do you hate me?」

「I"m being laughed at because I’m getting engaged to a man like you! Such a selfish decision made before I was born makes me want to vomit! Besides, you have no ambition. Such nerve to have a girl follow you around just to serve you. Everything apart from your face is disgusting!」

It is an unexpected answer. Indeed, to have thought about such a thing.
Or rather, the face is OK, huh.

「Eee!? Why did I answer!? What did I say!?」
「Then, last question. What do you hate the most?」

「It should be obvious! It’s getting married to a man like you!」

「Alright, I understand. Then, let"s do it 『Get married with Eginhardt』」



Poor Charlotta-chan. She screamed and tumbled down the chair.
Twitching, the figure of Charlotta-chan looked just like a squashed bug.
However, her expression was full of happiness.

Ah. You don"t have to dream about it.

Being married to me. Kekeke.

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