Most Wicked Harem Slave Master

Chapter 7 - Harmony Plan

Chapter 7 - Harmony Plan

「Uh huh... It must be the acc.u.mulated fatigue from your long trip. So, you should get some rest for now.」
That evening, Charlotta collapsed due to extreme "fatigue".
「Is that so?.... I hope that Charlotta-sama will be fine soon...」
「Be at ease, Eginhardt. The doctor said that it wasn"t serious, you will get to see her smile again tomorrow.」
I wonder about that.
Then, the next day.
My expectation was betrayed, Charlotta appeared as if nothing happened.
She showed a smile, similar to yesterday, during breakfast, just like her usual self.
What surprised me was that she didn"t make any eye contact with me.
I asked maid-san.
「Hey Martha, how was Charlotta-sama?」
「She was quite calm. However, it was only in front of the servant. After leaving the room, she didn"t show anything at all.」
Hmm. She is doing her best.
Or perhaps, was I too soft?
Active skill――「Brain Doping」
As its name suggested, feelings of euphoria are directly shot into the target, a dangerous skill.
Charlotta collapsed last night because I applied this skill to the act 『Get married to Eginhardt』. Charlotta who with just the thought marrying me, had fainted because of the overwhelming feelings of happiness.
The only drawback is that this skill is too strong. To faint with just a single thought, it would be dangerous to use it carelessly. Since I cannot adjust its strength.
Therefore, at present, I will not use 「Brain Doping」on Charlotta.
If I had left it on, she would’ve been a cripple already. That would be too wasteful, and I don"t like it either.
「What do you intend do next, Master?」
The next move?
「...Well... it"s just a matter of time. I’ll just leave it.」
From my words, Martha tilted her head in puzzlement.
...Yeah. You have already forgotten.
「Simeon-sama!! I want you to hear what happened to me!!」
After breakfast, while Grandfather and Mother raised the topic of the royal capital, Charlotta suddenly shouted.
I was sitting on a sofa at a distance, and with a clap, I closed my book shut.
Has it come? The harmony plan.
Well, I wonder what kind of expression she will show. I’m looking forward to it.
「Oh, Charlotta. What did you call me for?」
「Please listen to me! Yesterday I――!?」
Her indictment is meaningless.
「!? Are you alright? Get a grip!」
「――Goho!... I――gu!!」
――It"s impossible to expose anything.
「Doctor! Leila, go call the doctor, hurry!」
Mother left. In Charlotta"s room, Grandfather was desperately taking care of her, and I was also there.
「Charlotta-sama! Just calm down and breathe! Don"t do anything "unnecessary"!」
That’s right, it was me who gave her that advice. If I’m not careful, she’ll suffocate to death.
Charlotta breathing roughly, stared at me who should have been her savior.
Well, well, well. So stubborn.
Now, do you understand?
You will always be in the palm of my hand.
You don"t have any way to escape. No matter what I intend to do with you, you wouldn"t be able to tell anyone about it.
Pa.s.sive skill――「Confidentiality」
A brainwash cheat, it’s a skill activated by default, which prevents the disclosure of any information regarding the harem slave to a third-party.
Because of this, those who become my target lose any path of retreat, they couldn"t ask for help and were completely isolated.
Then for the finishing touch, I prevented all hostility to me by using 「Safety Management」. Even if they tried to kill me, it would be impossible.
Kekeke. It was too late, Charlotta-chan.
Because... you had already become my toy.
Although she was faintly breathing, Charlotta-chan still looked up at me.
Towards me, who was smirking behind grandfather, the poor lamb muttered.

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