Mount Rainier

Chapter 31

=Stenanthium occidentale= Gray.

Goat Mountains, Allen, 233. Also collected on Mount Rainier by Rev. E.

C. Smith, in 1890.

=Xerophyllum tenax= (Pursh) Nuttall.

The so-called pine-lily or bear-gra.s.s is not rare in gravelly soil in rather open woods. Straggling specimens are found up to 5,500 feet alt.i.tude.

=JUNCACEAE.= (Rush Family.)

=Juncoides glabratum= (Hooker) Sheldon.

Dry, slopes at 5,000 feet.

=Juncoides majus= (Hooker) Piper.

(_Luzula arcuata major_ Hooker.) (_Juncoides piperi_ Coville.)

The plants referred here occur at 7,000 feet alt.i.tude, in springy places. Allen, No. 44, and Piper, 2172, are identical with Tolmie"s Mount Rainier specimens.

=Juncoides parviflorum= (Ehrhart) Coville.

Common on dry slopes up to 5,000 feet elevation.

=Juncoides spicata= (Linnaeus) Kuntze.

Rather rare in damp places in the pumice fields, at 8,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Juncus subtriflorus= (E. Meyer) Coville.

Common at 5,000 to 6,000 feet elevation.

=Juncus parryi= Engelmann.

Much like the preceding, and growing along with it.

=Juncus mertensia.n.u.s= Bongard.

Frequent along rills even up to 8,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=CYPERACEAE.= (Sedge Family.)

=Eriophorum polystachion= Linnaeus.

This "cotton-gra.s.s" occurs in the low ground around the lakes near the base of Pinnacle Peak.

=Carex paddoensis= Suksdorf.

Springy places at 8,000 feet alt.i.tude; Allen, 172; Piper, 2541.

=Carex pyrenaica= Wahlenberg.

With the preceding; Allen, 171; Piper, 2540.

=Carex phaeocephala= Piper.

Dryish places at 7,500 feet elevation; Piper, 2535.

=Carex preslii= Bailey.

Common at 5,000 feet, along streams.

=Carex pachystachya= Chamisso.

This species occurs along rills in Paradise Park.

=Carex nigricans= Meyer.

Common at 4,000 to 6,000 feet elevation.

=Carex rossii= Boott.

On the ridge above Sluiskin Falls.

=Carex geyeri= Boott.

Goat Mountains, Allen, 169.

=Carex mertensii= Prescott.

Rare along stream banks at about 4,000 feet alt.i.tude. Some of our specimens came from near the foot of Cowlitz Glacier.

=Carex spectabilis= Dewey.

(_C. invisa_ Bailey.)

In wet meadows at 4,000 feet elevation.

=Carex scopulorum= Holm.

With the preceding.

=Carex ablata= Bailey.

Frequent in the meadows of Paradise Park.

=Carex accedens= Holm.

Paradise Park; Piper, 2550.

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