In the dim of a luxurious Master bedroom, man, and woman is really engrossed in the middle of doing that kind of thing on top the wide European-style bed. sometimes the man let out of low roar, as well as the woman also let out some ear-piercing moan, making Tang Xin Luo feeling nauseous.

She Knows if Lu Qing Hao will be back to A city today, So she deliberately dress up from Lu house and then drive to their brand new house.

she did not expect after entering the house, she witnessed such a scene.

Her Husband is married to her just six months ago, and the other woman is having s.e.x on top of their bed where they have not had time to even use it and sleep together.

Lu Qing Hao, How could he be so disgusting….

Although in the heart she cursed the man, Tang Xin Luo did not directly rushed in and caught in the act of him doing adultery.

She still felt guilty for the other party, Although her feelings for him were not very pure at first, there is no denying that, Before they get married, in that period of time they really get along well with each other and she has a good impression of Lu Qing Hao.

Her father died early, Her mother also died not a long time ago, She thought that the man inside the room was the one who could make her entrust her entire life. she really didn’t think……
she cannot control the flow of her tears, her hand is also slightly trembling.


Her fingers are accidentally met the metal door handle, issuing a very small “click” sound, the sound is very light, however, it still alerts Lu Qing Hao.

Do not know what kind of psychological thing she feels, Obviously, she should be confident to go in and caught her husband in the act of adultery, But at this time, she instinctively ran outside of the apartment.

Heard the footsteps coming from outside the door, Lu Qing Hao immediately got alarmed.

“Qing Hao, outside will not be … …”

Because that kind of thing got interrupted, The woman on the bed is full of grievances, she then climbs to Lu Qing Hao Wide shoulders, rubbing his arm with the softness of her chest.“So timid, It’s probably just her.” his tone is full of disdain, indicating that he feels disgusted with the woman. Lu Qing Hao’s facial features are handsome and sharp, when he laughs, he can make people feel obsessed with them, but when he gets angry, his cold eyes able to make people retreat.

The woman who climbs on him was deeply attracted to such a man. Such a Perfect man, Why it should go to that cheap Tang Xin Luo. She is better than That Stupid Tang Xin Luo, Even for Qing Hao, She had to Grab him from the hands of Tang Xin Luo.

“Then what? She just saw the two of us together … If she threatens you with this, What about your …?”

“This is just right, This time I come back originally want to find an excuse to dump her, forget about her…….. Let’s Continue”
Just now, one of arms under the pressure of her chest, it successfully provoked his l.u.s.t again, he traced the curve of her body, then once again he pushed her below him.

While the whereabout of his original wife, Tang Xin Luo, He didn’t even put it on his mind.

Tang Xin Luo got fl.u.s.tered, she came out from the elevator of the apartment, Hurriedly run into the stairs, she dares not take the elevator, She still hasn’t sort of her mind yet, Lu Qing Hao Affair, She didn’t know how to face it.

There’s still A few floors downstairs, seemed that no more movement can be heard, she slowly wiped away her tears and came out of the stairwell.

Here, she doesn’t know which floor is it, but no matter which floor, she has to go down going to the elevator.

There is no more flow of her tears, But her sight got more blurred, this discovery makes Tang Xin Luo, remember of her contact lenses, she seemed to cry out in panic.

She used to wear Black-Rimmed, and in order to make Lu Qing Hao praised her Today, she Especially put on contact lenses, Who would have thought she had an unexpected tragedy.

Where is the elevator?

When the Contact Lenses Just Fell Off, Her eyesight will weaken more than when she’s not wearing The original Clear world is blurred in front of tang Xin Luo eyes.

On the day of the wedding night, Lu Qing Hao left her to go abroad because of an urgent business. And Tang Xin Luo is staying at Lu House Mansion to serve her parents-in-law since she married him, the Hotel style apartment is the new home for the two of them, in addition to her wedding day, this is the second time she’s coming here.

she could only look for the elevator door following her vague memory and by general impressions.

Not far away from there, there seemed to be something that looks like a square-shaped door frame, it looks like the golden elevator door frame from this apartment.

Tang Xin Luo Speed up her pace, Touch the elevator door and began to look around the frame, searching for the elevator b.u.t.ton.She Groped for a while, found something with the shape similar to an elevator b.u.t.ton, she Lightly pressed the b.u.t.ton, sure enough after she presses the b.u.t.ton, the elevator start to lit up.But after a moment, it suddenly dark down. She pressed twice in hurry, the door of the elevator in front of her, finally opened.

Tang Xin Luo is really glad, but she did not expect to see, that there’s a man in front of her almost naked, but what she saw was a blurred naked body.

“You’re late”The man finished his sentence, he grabbed her wrist and pull her in inside the room.

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