My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 10

Zhao Jin Yu very naturally said, “I’m called Zhang Hong…” Speakingup to here it was like a cat bit her tongue and she abruptly stopped, someunease flashed pa.s.s her face.

“Zhang Hong? Why does it sound like a man’s name?” Theemperor was very certain this girl in front of him was not guarding againsthim, but this name however said did not sound like a girl’s name.

Zhao Jin Yu turned around with her back to the stone, pullingthe quilt over her head, her voice came out vaguely from the bedding, “I’mgoing to sleep, little thing, give me a break.”

The emperor only saw the back of Zhao Jin Yu’s head, immediatelyan anger rose in his chest, chidingly saying, “Impudent, we are asking you aquestion!”

Zhao Jin Yu seemed to be able to feel the stone’s furiousshaking, sighing, like amusing a child, she turned her head using her cheek torub against the stone, tenderly saying, “Little thing, you’re temper is reallybad, that Hong is the Hong in Amaranthus.” There was a kind of indescribablereminiscence rippling in her tone, this mood was faint, hardly detectable.

Her soft skin close to his, smooth, warm, the emperor hadwanted to scold her for not having a sense of honour, but thinking there werestill things he needed answers to, he could only endure it, his voicenevertheless very unconsciously lowered, asking, “Why did your parents give yousuch a name?”

“Because I was born by Amaranthus…” Zhao Jin Yu did notthink in a moment she would carelessly inform him of her modern name, as aresult she spoke more and more, if she really made people think she was a timetraveller that would not be good, of course it wasn’t that she didn’t think thestone spirit wouldn’t understand, after all its existence was exactly indefiance of the natural order, she simply was very instinctively protective ofherself aware of problems, she hurriedly stopped, tapping the stone, saying,“Why do you have so many questions?”

She thought maybe she was slow to recover from her previoussleeping state, and it could be because tomorrow she needed to visit heradoptive father Zhao Chang Chun, she was feeling somewhat gloomy, anyhow shecouldn’t carry on talking about it, reaching out she took the stone into herbosom, placing it at her chest, just like holding it “Shush, close your eyesand rest.” Zhao Jin Yu dreaded she had been by herself for too long, a littlestone against her chest, a bit of warmth would surprisingly rush through herheart, as if embracing this stone spirit, she would not appear alone.

Unimaginably soft plumpness surrounded him, unconsciouslyher body fragrance a.s.sailed his nose, sweet, through her clothes he could feela bosom very beautiful like a peach, type…, in this lifetime the emperor hadnever experienced such a thing, suddenly he couldn’t help it, “You woman, doyou actually have a sense of honour?” He couldn’t help explode shouting, he hadsaid these words many times today, he also was annoyed saying it, but he reallycouldn’t find a more suitable phrase, “We have told you before, we are a man!”

Zhao Jin Yu seemed to think the emperor’s fl.u.s.tered andexasperated expression was very amusing, she couldn’t help tease, “A man, thenchange into one for me to see?” Zhao Jin Yu was very certain this stonebelonged to a very low level stone spirit, because it didn’t have any magicalpowers, what more it could only come alive at night when Yang was low,naturally the most significant thing was, if this stone really had profoundmagical powers, on the basis of his temper, certainly it would not allow her tohave an easy time, but currently, apart from moving its lips to get angry hedid nothing else.

The emperor frowned, the fact is he could not say anything…,should he directly tell her, he wasn’t a stone spirit?

Zhao Jin Yu used her finger to stroke the stone, saying,“Little thing, you really are very disagreeable, don’t bring trouble onyourself, I don’t mind allowing you to eat tofu,behave, sleep early.”

The emperor took several deep breaths, deciding to ignoreand drop this question, asking, “Then nevertheless tell us, where is yourhome?”


The emperor scowled angrily.

Zhao Jin Yu smiled, once again carefully covering the stonewith the quilt, closing her eyes she said, 

“Sleep.” Afterwards no matter hownoisy the emperor was she only pretended not to hear, the 

emperor was so angryhis nose wrinkled unable to smooth out, although Zhao Jin Yu did not guess theemperor’s ident.i.ty correctly, she however was right in some things, that is theapart from being able to the talk, the emperor really had no power to threatenher.

Monodramas were very boring, in the end the emperor himselfalso felt exhausted, maybe it’s because Zhao Jin Yu’s flesh was too soft, andmaybe it’s that indistinct fragrance was too soothing, of course the emperorhimself thought, the quilt was so warm, he was also full, if he didn’t sleepwas he to go outside in the cold wind? Sleep…

Very soon the emperor also fell asleep.

In this snowy night, the girl and stone very closelytogether entered into sweet dreams.


Early next morning, Su Qing Chen and Qin Hong who hadaccepted an order from the imperial palace came out looking grave, yesterday itsnowed the entire night, it just stopped in the morning, bone chilling wind,breathes carried a white mist, Su Qing Chen wearing chinchilla fur was warm, to 

Qin Hong he said, “Even though I don’t dare to guess the emperor’s thoughts,but I think…” Su Qing Chen said up to here then broke off, succeeding ingetting Qin Hong’s attention.

Qin Hong wearing very bright white fox fur for warmth, thehem of his robes also had extremely showy light yellow ta.s.sels, matching withhis originally too beautiful and refined appearance, a kind of elegance thatpeople cannot move their gaze from.

“What?” Qin Hong languidly asked, when it comes to what SuQing Chen couldn’t stand the most…, that was Qin Hong’s lavish shortcoming, allhis food and clothing were exquisite and beautiful, but if it wasn’t the besthe won’t have it, if it wasn’t the most beautiful he also didn’t want it, evenmore not to mention every year the most popular fashion and designs in thecapital were all lead by him, a eunuch…, zeze, every time he thought up to herehe would feel sick like he had swallowed a housefly.

“Even if we know the person’s name, but we Hanzhen havelived in peace and worked happily since the founding of the dynasty, honestyprevails throughout society, so the population of this capital exceedsmillions, just starting by looking through the census register without morethan ten days we won’t find it, even after we find it, that person couldactually run off before.” Although Su Qing Chen did not want to handle thismatter with Qin Hong, but after the two of them had been hit five times by theemperor…, they weren’t given the full twenty hits because he was afraid the twoof them would not be able to walk at all, falling ill on bed without strengthto do their jobs, however the punishment was recorded on an account, sayingeach day they didn’t find anything would be recorded, day by day, even if itonly drags on for ten days, that would also be two hundred hits, wouldn’t thosetwo people be hit to death?

With such a thought, the best way was for the two people todiscard their former hatred and join forces.

Evidently Qin Hong knew about this, that’s why he did notconceal things as before, muttering to himself irresolutely, saying, “HisMajesty is wise, bestowing me a commoner the ability to live in peace and workhappily, this really is my country’s fortune.” Qin Hong finished and earnestlybowed towards the palace where the emperor lived.

Su Qing Chen seeing Qin Hong’s placid actions, cursed him asa boot-licker in his mind, however he still could only bow with him.

Qin Hong watched Su Qing Chen inwardly hold back, butnevertheless followed his actions, happiness couldn’t help bloom in his heart,eventually they reached the main issue saying, “Lord Su feels the emperor oughtto recognise that girl called Zhang Hong right?”


“You also want to ask, why not draw a portrait?”

Su Qing Chen actually already had an answer in his mind, butthat answer made him feel it was 

somewhat inconceivable, if it was before hewould have naturally he would get someone to make discreet inquiries, but atthis moment since Qin Hong and he had to work together, moreover Qin Hong wasfrom the imperial palace, before he commanded the Embroidered Uniform Guards heserved the emperor, he was the hardest to understand, naturally he tried toworm facts out of him first, hearing Qin Hong’s words, he cupped his hands,modestly saying, “Please may the Lord show the right path.”

If it was before Qin Hong with such an opportunity wouldcertainly ridicule Su Qing Chen, however this was not the time to wrangle, withclear eyes he looked at Qin Hong, saying, “Lord Qin does know the whole story, butactually feel it’s somewhat hard to believe.”

“Can it be true?”

Qin Hong nodded, looking towards the distant palace coveredand hidden in snow, saying, “Exactly that.”

It was extremely quiet all around, the two people did notspeak for quite a while, only when Su Qing Chen’s subordinates came to acceptan order did the two people once again started talking, Qin Hong muttered,“It’s just like what I and Lord Su agreed on before, our men will split, LordSu go to the Ministry of Revenues to check the list of names, I’ll put a nightcurfew into effect, search from house to house.” In fact a few days ago the twoof them had thought of searching from house to house, only just searching basedon the appearance of the stone was no doubt finding a needle in a haystack,therefore they had dropped it, now in any case they knew the taboo name, alwaysa lot better than before.

Regardless of the fact Qin Hong and Su Qing Chen weresplitting up to handle this matter, inside the palace it was neverthelessextremely quiet in the Wuling palace hall, without a trace of noise, Rui Fu’s expressionlesslystood guarding the door, even if his fingers were frozen rigid he would notmove at bit.

Inside the study came the sound of the emperor kneadingpaper into a ball, it happened again after a while…, repeatedly.

It gradually darkened outside, Rui Fu somewhat anxiously andfrightened the emperor had already been worn down for an afternoon, afterhaving his afternoon meal he had not come out. He ought to almost be doneright? He thought…, only he honestly did not have the courage to go in andlook.

As expected a short time pa.s.sed, the emperor came out fromthe room, bright yellow luxurious dragon robe glistened and dazzled under theafterglow of the setting sun, making his handsomeness and n.o.bility stand outeven more, eminent and unapproachable, but the emperor’s face was extremelygloomy, rigidly scaring people that they shudder.

“Your Majesty, Ningguo princess seeks an audience”

A trace of violence flashed through the emperor’s eyes,asking, “What?”

With a glance Rui Fu knew Ningguo princess was out of luck,but it didn’t show at all on his face, saying, “Still because of that serioushigh officials corruption case.”

“Humph.” The emperor sneered, gaze increasingly gloomy andcold.

Ningguo princess is the emperor’s younger sister born of thesame parents, appearance very similar to the previous emperor, slender eyes,slightly thin oval face, the most favoured princess when the previous emperorwas alive, even incomparable to the then crown prince.

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