My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 11

Ningguo princess stepped forward to greet the emperor, eventhough it was very hard to hide the nervousness in her heart, her manner wasstill somewhat intimate, saying, “Emperor older brother, I have waited forages.” Then she got up and stepped forward tugging at the emperor’s arm, smilingsplendidly, pouting playfully, “I’m frozen rigid, I haven’t tasted fotiaoqiangmade by the imperial kitchen in ages, emperor older brother bestow it toyour younger sister to eat to my heart’s content.”

The emperor’s face was cold and detached, but did not put astop on princess Nangguo’s nagging, saying, “Fotiaoqiang?”

Ningguo princess saw that although the emperor wasindifferent, but still did not reject her intimate touch, her heart slowlybecame smooth and steady, thinking after all she was the emperor’s youngersister born of the same parents, when they were young there were many timesemperor older brother would hold her and dote on her, even if later because ofsome matters they were separated, however she thought the emperor certainlyunderstood the difficulties of the situation back then, thinking up to here shesaid ever more sweetly, “That’s right, older brother knows I like that dish themost.” Then as if she was caught up in her memories, “at that time I was merelysix years old, throwing a tantrum wanting to eat it, older brother took me tothe imperial kitchen to order the chef to make it for younger sister to eat, afavoured chef however said we’ll have to wait a quarter of an hour, olderbrother was so angry you punched him…, causing empress mother to again punisholder brother.”

The emperor unconsciously thought of when the Ningguoprincess was a young child, pale and chubby, two buns coiled on her head,smiling adorably like the first curve of a moon…, it would be good if timecould always stay at that moment, the abyss of his eyes looked at the majesticpalace covered in snow in the distance, red walls and green tiles, brilliantwhite snow cover, this palace was so pleasing to the eye, only no one knew, itactually could engulf someone’s sincerity, changing everyone slowly beyondrecognition.

“Yes, of course we remember.” The emperor swept his gazeacross the Ningguo princess, a faint mockery in his eyes.

Ningguo princess had a burst of nervousness, thinking of theemperor’s cruel and brutal methods, her body unconsciously froze a little, as aresult the emperor nevertheless rather kindly patted the back of her hand,saying, “Let’s go.”

Ningguo princess felt the emperor’s intimacy, she suddenlyfelt relaxed like someone was strangling her but suddenly released her, takingin a firm breath, smiling she said, “Emperor older brother, you really are thebest.”

The emperor took the need by taking a step forward, hearingthese words by Ningguo princess, his steps slowed, profound gaze, eyes so deepit was like an abyss which the bottom cannot be seen, a cruelness and brutallyhidden inside only known by him, saying, “When have we not been good to you?”

Ningguo princess only treated the danger as having pa.s.sed,agreeing with a smile, “That’s right, emperor older brother has always beengood to younger sister.”

Waiting until the two people had reached the side palacehall for meals, less than a quarter of an hour the dishes were presented,Ningguo princess knew the ingredients for fotiaoqiangwas precious, many and complicated steps, the time for it to cook alsowasn’t short, in winter, the imperial kitchen continuously prepared fotiaoqiang, afraid that one day theemperor may want to eat it but could not wait patiently, in a moment of angerhe would deal with everyone inside the imperial kitchen, that’s why it wasdelivered so quickly and she did not think anything of it.

The emperor’s appearance however was concealed, there was akind of unspeakable estrangement, he briskly said, “Good younger sister, thisis a dish bestowed by us, you have to personally open it up”

Ningguo princess thought it was somewhat strange, she liveda life of luxury from childhood, waited on hand and foot, when did she have tohelp herself to food? However the emperor looked as if he was doing as hewished, but it held a somewhat warning expression, awkwardly she smiled,yieldingly, “Emperor older brother’s order, younger sister naturally wouldlisten and obey.” Finished speaking she reached out prepared to lift the lid,but it was somewhat scalding, her mind was more and more uneasy, at the sametime also carrying some annoyance, in any case feeling the emperor was slightlyforcing her to do something, it must be said that when they were children thisolder brother hated to raise his voice to reproach her, turning her head tolook at the emperor, tightly pursing her lips in an aggrieved manner.

The emperor languidly sat on the couch, haughtily saying, “Openit.”

Ningguo princess felt frustration in her heart, neverthelessvery quickly she sorted out her mood, putting on a bold face she took ahandkerchief from the hands of a chamberlain to one side wrapping it around thelid lightly opening it.

Inside the palace hall no braziers were lit, even more theunderground heating was not lit, a penetrating chilliness like a knife sc.r.a.pingon bones, engulfing the body, the emperor however only stared at the Ningguoprincess’s face without a care, eyes twinkling with some kind of blood thirstand excitement…, and Rui Fu standing at the side almost side as he shut hiseyes.

Very quickly, a woman’s terrifying scream was heard from theentire Wuling palace.

Ningguo princess was dizzy, complexion pale as snow, bodytrembling like a sieve, looking like she would faint in a moment, she pointedat the scarlet head inside the pot, almost hysterically yelled, “You killedhim!”

“That son of yours isn’t very old, his heart however is big,in one breath he took the Yan family’s three hundred thousand silvers, sayingit would allow the Yan family to get away with their crimes…, and bribed RuiFu, tell me if he ought to be killed?” The emperor’s voice sounded likepounding on precious stones, refined and sweet-sounding, and an ice-coldisaffection exclusive to precious stones.

Wei Liang was Ninggou princess’s only son, but he wasn’treally Ningguo princess’s own child, Ninggou princess was twenty-four thisyear, and Wei Liang however was already fifteen, eleven years ago Ningguoprincess admired the marquis heir of Wuding, disregarding her methods shemarried him, three years later she discovered she was infertile, Ningguoprincess pledged her life to not consent to a concubine, the marquis heir ofWuding without a choice at once adopted a child from a branch of the family,this later was Wei Liang.

Even though he was an adopted child, but because she wasinfertile, Ningguo princess truly loved this child dearly even more than herown child, but she never thought in the end she would raise this kind ofarrogant and wilful good-for-nothing young man from a wealthy family.

A few days before Wei Liang was taken away by theEmbroidered Uniform Guards from being involved in high official Yan’scorruption case, his return was delayed, Ningguo princess’s heart burnedanxiously, this was also why Ningguo princess who had said at that time shewould never return to the palace come back willingly with her head bowed tofind the emperor.

Ningguo princess looked a little deranged, after all whowould remain calm knowing their own child died so tragically…, she looked atthe emperor with some fear, loudly cursing, “Lu Dai Chuan, what empress mother oncesaid is true, a lowly cruel and blood-thirsty seed is buried in the depth ofyour body, you can’t even compare to a single finger of crown prince olderbrother!” Following which she recklessly ran out holding that skull, crying outbitterly, “Ah Liang…, Ah Liang, how can you die so inhumanely! Wuwuwu.”

The emperor’s appearance was grave and stern, some murderousintent suddenly rose in his eyes, suddenly an eerie chilliness filled the airall around, making the people around feel suffocated and oppressed.

Rui Fu felt Ningguo princess before was regarded as a quiteclever person, how can she be regressing? Wei Liang only turned fifteen thisyear, what great ability could take no such a thing? Can it be the Yan familywho sent the money were idiots, and insisting on putting their hopes on a childwho completely lacked power? Clearly someone had given him this plan…, Ningguoprincess didn’t go and investigate who was behind this, rather came hereshedding crocodile tears chatting about former brother and sister camaraderie,then when Ningguo princess left the palace she cursed the emperor a lot! Hehe,no wonder the emperor would be annoyed directly ordering him to be killed.

Rui Fu thought up to here and looked at the emperor, againseeing a murderous intent rise in the emperor’s eyes, frowning, even thoughNingguo princess ought to be killed, but at this moment…, back bent, he movedcloser to the emperor’s ear saying lowly, “Your Majesty, the spare ribs stewedwith potato you ordered is ready.”

The emperor’s mind suddenly thought of the delicious food heate yesterday, soft potato with traces of sweetness, cooked completely flakyspare ribs, soft and salty in the mouth, even though it was merely a commondish, but it had a kind of enticement people unable to resist.

The emperor all of a sudden was somewhat restless, he didn’twant to admit it, all day long because he didn’t have an appet.i.te he didn’treally dine, now unexpectedly some saliva came out, impatiently waving hishand, saying, “Take her away, don’t let us see her.” Then unable to bear it he said, “Hurry bring out thefood.”


Zhao Jin Yu woke very early, using what Wen Shi had given,but had never eaten cutting the marinated beef into thin slices, generouslysprinkling it into rice then rolling into a fist shape, although this rice ballwas rough, but it was convenient to carry, and easy to eat, even more easier toleave in someone’s care, it was most appropriate to deliver to her adoptivefather Zhao Chang Chun in the prison cells.

Besides rice b.a.l.l.s, Zhao Jin Yu also placed several winterclothes into her buddle, prison cells were most cold, prepared, just in case,only what she didn’t imagine was, half way there she was surrounded, becausemartial law was imposed on the entire capital city, that road in front wasclosed, she was at a loss, she was forced to enter a roadside teahouse to wait.

Waiting like this she waited until the evening, then werepeople allowed forward, but still had to be interrogated, because she was goingto visit a prisoner so she bought her census register and was not halted, veryquickly she was allowed to go, so Zhao Jin Yu did not dare to delay, carryingher bundle she bowed her head hurrying on, finally before the sunset shehurried to the prison cells at the Ministry of Justice.

That jailer had seen Zhao Jin Yu before, as a token hereceived a few copper coins and two rice b.a.l.l.s, directly taking her in, atfirst he had not noticed those two rice b.a.l.l.s, simply because it was time forevening meal, just then he felt a little hungry unconsciously taking a bite ofthat rice ball, immediately his two eyes shined saying, “Lady Zhao, yourhandiwork truly is amazing, how can it be so tasty? Yi, and there’s marinatedbeef…, oh, so tasty.”

In order to make the rice b.a.l.l.s tasty Zhao Jin Yu spent alot of effort on them, she added sesame oil and a little bit of salt in therice, marinated beef wrapped inside them, the rice outside was spongy andsalty, the taste of the marinated beef inside strong and plump, very tasty,although her heart hurt slightly, but seeing the jailer eat it so well, firmingher heart she again took out two more, saying, 

“It’s only rough craftsmanship,since your Lord likes them this girl is blessed.”

“What rough craftsmanship, if this is considered crude thenwhat can be eaten? Fine, then I’ll accept them.” That jailer then treated ZhaoJin Yu with more enthusiasm, taking her to Zhao Chang Chun’s prison cell doorthen agreed to stay, clearly he was very satisfied with the taste of these riceb.a.l.l.s.

“Zhao Chang Chun, someone is here to see you!”

It had merely been two months, the originally robust ZhaoChang Chun however was skinny from weight loss, deep eye sockets, complexionwax yellow looking like he had an incurable illness. Zhao 

Chang Chun woreshackles around his hands and feet, he walked over with rather unstable steps,seeing who was outside, an unbelievable expression flashed through his eyes,saying, “Jin girl, why did you come?”

“Dad, I bought you some clothes and rice b.a.l.l.s, the riceb.a.l.l.s are a bit cold though.” At the teahouse Zhao Jin Yu had asked the waiterto heat the rice b.a.l.l.s on the kitchen stove counter, but this journey wasn’tbrief, the weather was cold, it was not equal to when it first came out of thepan steaming hot, “try it.”

Zhao Chang Chun actually didn’t look at the food, rather heharshly stared at Zhao Jin Yu, asking, “Jin girl, didn’t I tell your mother,not to come here again?”

Hearing this Zhao Jin Yu bit her lip, lowering her eyelids,the hand holding the rice ball however tightened.

The prison cell was immersed in darkness, meagre light shoneon the side of Zhao Jin Yu’s graceful face, making her skin look even moredark…, Zhao Chang Chun heart ached, he couldn’t help pat his daughter’sshoulder, “Did your mother say something?”

“No!” Zhao Jin Yu hurried to shake her head, but did notdare to look straight at Zhao Chang Chun’s gaze.

Zhao Chang Chun cherished Zhao Jin Yu to the bones,regarding her nature he naturally knew it better than anyone, seeing her likethis, he sternly said, “Jin girl, if you didn’t lie to your father, why don’tyou look at dad right in the eye.” Immediately rather sad he said, “when dad adoptedyou, you already understood things, so you couldn’t let things go, not getclose to me like other children, you knew you’re not really my biologicalchild, this also understandable…”

“But…” Zhao Jin Yu suddenly yelled, in the end she liftedher head seeing Zhao Chang Chun’s eyes filled with adoration, bit by bit thepast rushed into her mind, thinking of those days since he was wronged, herheart hurt bluntly, she couldn’t help cry suddenly, choked with emotion shethrew herself over, saying, “Daddy, I really miss you.”

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