My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 18

While fast asleep Zhao Jin Yu felt a scorching stare, like aspearhead at her back, she instinctively opened her eyes, immediately seeingthe stone standing right in front of her face, with an arrogance she was usedto as it looked at her, the stone did not have eyes, and did not have legs, butwhy did she feel the stone was watching her…, in truth it was only a kind offeeling, the stone’s surface gave off a glossy l.u.s.tre, extremely spiritual,clearly it was already awake, and directly facing her like this, the same wayit used to watch her.

“Little thing, you’re awake.” A pleasant surprise flashedthrough Zhao Jin Yu’s eyes, she couldn’t help grab it and place it against herlips kissing it quite a few times, “I finally found you.”

Her unimaginably soft lips touched his skin, bringing aboutan indescribably familiar fragrance, a feeling light as a feather as if someonewas lying on a cloud, the emperor’s originally prepared malicious words stuckin his throat unable to speak no matter what.

“Let us go!”

Zhao Jin Yu thought according to the stone’s temper it wouldcertainly berate her for a time, who would have guessed it only said the wordslet go, she was somewhat unprepared, her face however carried a smile, placingthe stone against her chest holding it tighter, shamelessly saying, “No, youare mine.”

The emperor could feel through Zhao Jin Yu’s thin innerclothes the elasticity of her cleavage, surrounded by her fragrance, a littledizzy, and hearing Zhao Jin Yu’s declare such ambiguous words…, what you aremine, he only felt an indescribable heat rush to his cheeks, he couldn’t helpangrily rebuke, “Woman who doesn’t have a sense of honour! We have told youmany times before, we are a man!”

Zhao Jin Yu hearing the stone’s familiar fierce voice,actually felt an unspeakable relieve, she lowered her head to look at the stonewho was half visible in her cleavage, she couldn’t help hehe laugh, saying,“Oh, I actually didn’t know our most revered Majesty is in fact a man, whydon’t you change appearance for me to see?” Zhao Jin Yu actually only embracedit, but the stone was simply too small, it was wedged between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bychance.

The emperor was so angry his chest rose and fell, pushingdown resentment in his chest, he decided not to discuss the topic of chast.i.tywith this shameless woman, he changed the subject and asked, “We still haven’tgotten even with you, why don’t you tell us, why a few days ago, when we openedour eyes we were in a dried up well.” Soon after he looked at Zhao Jin Yu witha sinister gaze, the atmosphere actually became somewhat stifling, causingpeople’s hearts to shiver, the emperor’s body emitted a viciousness unable toignore.

Zhao Jin Yu lowered her eyes in guilt, using her fingertipsto stroke the stone, quietly saying, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to, who told you tolie to me first.”

“We lied to you?” The emperor sense his heart thud, veryquickly he had an ominous feeling, sure enough he heard Zhao Jin Yu continuesaying, “You say you are a mysterious stone lost by the emperor, so long as Ioffer you up not only would I receive a reward, but those innocent women wouldalso be released earlier, but did you know…” Zhao Jin Yu profoundly looked atthe stone, an injured look floating in her eyes, “you are a stone I’ve had by myside since I was a child, that’s why you simply cannot be a stone the emperorlost.”

The emperor naturally knew this was a possibility, but atthat moment he had thought someone spurred on by greed would overlook thisdetail, so much so that they would believe it in order for an award, besides atthat time Zhao Jin Yu wanted to help those people urgently…, although herthoughts of helping people made him think she was simply completely foolish, humanswere evil by nature, even if she went to help them regardless of the perils,how many of those people would be grateful to her? Who would extend a hand inher time of need?

The emperor wasn’t frantic at all, very calmly he said, “Weonly ask you, where did you put us at that time? And could always keep an eyeon it?”

Zhao Jin Yu was immediately struck dumb, all of a sudden shefelt the stone made some sense, that 

stone had always been kept in herjewellery box, she almost forgot, if it wasn’t for that night when the stone’sorigin came up, how would she have suddenly remembered…, that’s why it couldactually not be the original stone, rather the emperor lost…, but if theemperor lost it how did it end up in her house? The more Zhao Jin Yu thoughtabout it the more confused she was, only feeling this entire situation was apuzzle, unable to figure out the facts and fictions.

“Then why were you in my house? Where is my original stone?”Because it was a long time ago, Zhao Jin Yu did not remember what her originalstone looked like, anyway the two stones were very similar.

The emperor was a confident and profound person, seeing ZhaoJin Yu’s bewildered expression he knew she was swaying, thinking to himself,truly an idiot! With just a few words she was perplexed, it seems that in thefuture coaxing as he wished she would be a good puppet for him to order about,he said, “Our memory from before is also a bit fuzzy, I can clearly recall,that day when you had the audacity to throw us out into the courtyard, so howcould I be in your house, we’re not sure either.” In other words what he meantwas, I don’t know how I ended up in your jewellery box before, simply I do notremember! The explanation was very ample, a direct manner without mistake, witha bit of gloominess towards the end.

Zhao Jin Yu’s body trembled, she was dizzy and light-headedby the stone’s words as well as an indescribable guilt, in every case her heartfelt something was not right, but she could not come up with a retort, how didshe know…, the irritable emperor, looking at the world in disdain, even lookingat her in distain beneath contempt had already moved along, now he properlyunderstood his situation, moreover the emperor had already set into motion histwo-faced plan.

“Sorry.” Zhao Jin Yu always saw the stone as a cute littlething, that’s why when she spoke it always held a gentleness as if amusing achild, she acted light-heartedly said, “I absolutely will not in the future.”She still remembered that heart-wrenching and lung-tearing pain that suddenly came that day when she was having a meal,it was an unknown connection between her and the stone, making her feel theywere very close.

The emperor obviously would not accept Zhao Jin Yu’sapology, but he also knew he couldn’t stubbornly fight her, he haughtilyhmphed, saying, “Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared, you can bringus back.”

Zhao Jin Yu squeezed her fingers with unease, saying,“Didn’t you say you didn’t want to return? Saying the palace is boring…, haihai, actually I don’t want to send you back right now.”

The emperor raised his eyebrow looking at her, “Why?”

Zhao Jin Yu heart was still uneasy, she could still feel anevilness coming from the stone, for the reason of safety she decided to firstcomplete the task set by her father before thinking again, he summoned hercourage saying, “I’m not in the capital city right now, I don’t have a way ofreturning.” Then in order to coax the stone, she was prepared to bring gourmetfood to entice it, saying, “The tavern’s meat wedged in steam bun is so goodyou’ll bite your tongue, do you want to try it.”

The emperor felt he ought to seriously discuss with Zhao JinYu the problem of where he should be, this girl’s brain was very pure, to speakfrankly she was an idiot, without much effort he could make her listen to him,but hearing the words meat wedged in steamed bun, he could feel his stomachbegin to rumble with hunger, he couldn’t help swallow saliva, he recalled howhe hadn’t thought of water or food for the last few days, very rationally hedecided to first eat his fill then talk about it!

Zhao Jin Yu went downstairs to call for the shopkeeper togive her a plate of meat wedged in steamed buns, frequently customers did notlodge there in order to hasten on with their journey, having come here in themiddle of the night, after getting a room they must eat their fill, that’s whythe tavern’s kitchen was managed the whole day, so the meat wedged in steamedbuns that Zhao Jin Yu wanted were very quickly delivered up.

A plate had four meat wedged in steamed buns in total, whitebun with red meat, ample amount of juice, taking a bite it was truly verydelicious as Zhao Jin Yu described, the emperor ate three one after the afterbefore he then stopped, it wasn’t because he couldn’t eat the fourth one, ratherthe fourth one had been eaten by Zhao Jin Yu, =.=, this gluttonous girl, isn’tshe afraid of eating too much and becoming too well-rounded, unable to marry?Thinking of the two words well-rounded, the ridges and peaks of Zhao Jin Yu’schest moving up and down floated into his mind involuntarily, an indescribablystrangeness in his heart, resolutely he cursed, this is an unsettling girl!

Having eating his fill, the emperor obediently allowed ZhaoJin Yu to wait upon him and bathe him before he laid on the bed, the tavern hadlit braziers, even though it wasn’t cosy like underground heating, it was stillvery warm, Zhao Jin Yu as usual placed the emperor by her pillow, saying,“Tomorrow we’ll catch a boat, thinking about this it will be first time on a ship.”In her previous life Zhao Jin Yu had of course sat on a boat, but since comingto the past this was her first time, she was somewhat looking forward to it.

The emperor comfortably stretched himself, sleepily fightingagainst his eyelids, asking, “Such a peasant, you haven’t been on a shipbefore? What is there to look forward to”

Zhao Jin Yu hear roared, could she choke this thing todeath? How did she think it was cute before? = . =

The emperor seemed to detect Zhao Jin Yu’s anger, he raisedhis eyelids, seeing Zhao Jin Yu panting with rage under the candle light withpuffed out cheeks, like an angry frog, unexpectedly he somewhat thought it wascute, he flung his head back, with an even more vile manner he said, “If youcan’t stand it then hurry up and send us back.” The two people had argued forquite a while as they ate the meat wedged in steamed buns, the matter ofwhether or not to send the emperor back to the capital city, however obviouslyZhao Jin Yu persisted abnormally, making the emperor feel, she was a stubbornox, a feeling that when it acted dumb not even ten oxen could drag it back.

Anyway what made him feel odd was, normally he woulddefinitely think of a way to trick her to return, but this time he didn’tactually have an intense longing, because he knew this was a foolish girl, verystupid, she simply would not harm him, it didn’t even have to be said, since hechanged into a stone, food was so delicious like this, making people…,reluctant to part with.

The last few days had been like h.e.l.l, and when he comparedit, to being with this foolish girl, he unexpectedly felt an inexpressiblecomfort.

The next day, the emperor knew what feeling this was.

Before the sky brightened Zhao Jin Yu and Chen Rong hadboarded the ship, the room they booked was on the furthest left, their roomdoors faced each other, if there was a problem calling out it would be heard, ZhaoJin Yu placed the things she carried with her neatly into the cabinet,spreading out her bedding, it was still dawn then, the exquisite and tall shipwith several decks had stopped at the dock, the distant first rays of themorning sun was like a warm cover, enveloping everything inside, the dark greenvast body of lake water, the beautiful snow covered scenery far away, as far asthe eye can see it was like a snow ocean, the boatman yelled, the sound ofpeddlers and carriers selling breakfast, the emperor quietly laid in the crookof Zhao Jin Yu’s arm, somewhat unwilling to close his eyes, because once heclosed his eyes he would return to the palace, seeing the scene outside thewindow, all of a sudden he felt…, turning into a stone, and exploring placeswith this stupid girl, it wasn’t the most troublesome thing.

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