My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 19

The sky gradually brightened, the clouds stained red by themorning sun slowly dispersed, very soon it became a cloudless clear sky forthousands of miles, vast clearness, boundless water, clearing people’s mindswide open, Zhao Jin Yu took a deep breath, it was cold, but the air shebreathed into her chest was fresh and crisp, washing clean all the turbulence,carefree and relaxed she thought this was a new start right?

“Stone, why are you still not asleep?” Zhao Jin Yu knew thestone couldn’t appear in its body during the day, now it still stubbornly struggledto remain awake, very worried about his body, gently stroking its badly damagedcorner, feeling slightly guilty she said, “Relax, from now on I’ll always carryyou on me, look at this bag, I will put you inside, then tied to my body.” ZhaoJin Yu took a small red silk bag pointing it for the stone.

The emperor saw the silk bag was a somewhat old pale yellow,involuntarily recalling the undergarments she wore a few days ago, it was likethis piece of cloth, he immediately narrowed his eyes, chidingly saying,“Outrageous, you actually used the cloth from your undergarment to make a bag?”

Zhao Jin Yu had always treated the emperor as a child stonespirit, like a young infant crying piteously for food, would you be angry witha young infant? Of course not, she laughed hehe saying, “Aiya, is our littlething embarra.s.sed? Didn’t you sleep on my chest a few days ago? Now you lookdown on my undergarment?”

“You don’t have a sense of honour!” The emperor screwed uphis nose in anger, his ident.i.ty inevitably allowed him to only come acrossdignified and graceful women, even if they were extremely scheming, at mostthey only concentrated on their clothes and manner, never before has he metsuch a bold and unconstrained woman like Zhao Jin Yu who he saw as simply awanton woman! 

Of course Zhao Jin Yu did not know about his main body. = . =

Hearing the emperor’s words a sudden mischief rushed intoZhao Jin Yu’s mind, holding the stone she rubbed it against her cleavage,inciting the emperor’s anger that he wailed loudly, Zhao Jin Yu hearing thestone’s soft and sticky cute voice, her laughter was melodious, eyes shining,like a blossoming sunflower, attracting sidelong glances, she half-jokinglysaid, “Little thing, you eat mine, use mine, now you even touched me, you needto take responsibility for me, but let’s wait until you can transform, I reckonyou can take your sweet time?” Zhao Jin Yu knew spirits cannot transform theirappearance every thousands of years, on the basis of the stone’s words, heought to have just become a spirit.

“You who is below the level of ordinary people? Suitable forme? You’re not even fit to carry my shoes!” The emperor arrogantly said.

Zhao Jin Yu was now slightly unhappy, the sound creakingfrom her teeth gritting together, she said, “Little thing, I just don’tunderstand, how can your mouth be so malicious? Could it be you don’t know howto treat someone with due respect?”

“You don’t have such a status.” The emperor saidunhesitatingly, with an aloof and remote superiority.

Zhao Jin Yu, “…”

“Oh, stop!”

“I’ll put you away, I don’t want to see you right now!” ZhaoJin Yu placed the stone in the bag, shaking it, hearing it cry out, she was ratherdistressed, but still feigning nonchalant she said, “If you don’t listen to mein the future I will punish you like this, yi, why won’t you speak?”

The stone suddenly stopped struggling, like it had no soul,Zhao Jin Yu very naturally thought of its wound, urgently opening up the bag,as a result…, the stone shot out like a rocket, hitting Zhao Jin Yu’s hand.

“So, you want to act up!” Zhao Jin Yu stooped to pick up thestone from the floor.

The emperor shot at glance at Zhao Jin Yu showing off hisstrength, bouncing off, this wasn’t the snow covered ground, his movementsweren’t restricted, he made his way into a narrow s.p.a.ce, Zhao Jin Yu panickilychased after it, without paying attention to the table and stools, she hit herhead several times, angrily she puffed out her cheeks and pouted like an alwayssulky little rabbit, at the beginning the emperor had only thought of teachingher a lesson…, now, his face gradually relaxed.

The room gradually filled with Zhao Jin Yu’s melodiouslaughter, and thumping sound, and it was while the two of them were chasingafter the other a knocking sound came from outside the door, “Miss, yourbreakfast.” The bottom deck of the ship was the kitchen, several female cooksworked below, guests could order their own meal, and can bring their own food.

Zhao Jin Yu glared at the stone, the meaning was, you needto behave for me, after straightening up her clothes she went to open the door,a little girl of seven or eight years old stood outside the door, suntanned butwith a nimble appearance, st.u.r.dy posture, two hands steadily holding a redlacquered tray with a Chinese flowering crab-apple drawing, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with foodon top, “Miss, my name is Juan Er, I will be cleaning here, delivering food isalso my job, you only have to tell me.” Juan Er finished speaking and facedZhao Jin Yu with a sweet, sweet smile, dark large eyes gleamed, giving Zhao JinYu a rather good impression, she again said, “I will carry this food in foryou.”

“No need, I can do it myself.” Zhao Jin Yu was afraid thestone would cause trouble inside the room causing suspicion in the young girl,she took the initiative to take the tray.

Juan Er also didn’t persist, many guests did not likestrangers entering their rooms, she smiled handing the tray over to Zhao JinYu, saying, “Miss, it’s a bit heavy, hold it properly, don’t drop it”

“That red pot is hot, that blue and white porcelain bowl isrice, this is…” Juan Er finished carefully speaking, “When you’re done justplace it outside, I will come and take the bowls and chopsticks later.”

“Thank you.” Zhao Jin Yu naturally expressed grat.i.tude.

It was actually the first time Juan Er had been thanked inthis way, she was stunned for a moment but very quickly recovered herexpression, her gaze became slightly warming, saying, “You’re welcome.”

Zhao Jin Yu smelled the fragrance of the food, saying to thestone, “Come quickly to eat.”

The emperor was already beyond tired, detecting the stonewas gradually losing its spirit, urging him to leave quickly, but Zhao Jin Yuagain carried food over, immediately feeling his stomach rumble with hunger,difficult to ignore the hunger…, however yesterday he had eaten three meatwedged in steamed buns, could a stone’s body also grow?

Zhao Jin Yu gently placed the stone into clear water to washclean, then placed it into the caterpillar fungus spare ribs soup, seeing thesoup bubble with splashes, she couldn’t help say, “Drink slowly, this is tosupplement your body.”

The emperor laid in the warm like spring soup, the smell offood all around seeped into his soul, he unconsciously closed his eyes,releasing a breath, rumbling he again drank a mouthful of soup, warmth spreadthroughout his body, through the milky white soup he looked at the somewhathazy Zhao Jin Yu…, an unknown emotion rippling through his heart, he eventuallybegan to examine a certain problem, is it really a calamity?

Zhao Jin Yu ate half a bowl of rice before seeing the stonewas unmoving in the soup, just now it had been in high spirits giving offbubbles…, after calling out a few times she was then certain it was asleep, smiling,she used chopsticks to pick the stone out, her mind couldn’t help think ofridicules, luckily it had fallen asleep, otherwise every time she used thechopsticks to pick it up, it would not be happy, thinking she was recklesslycareless with it, = . =

“Sleep well.” Zhao Jin Yu wiped the stone clean, gentlyplacing it in the bag, recalling the stone had sustain loss, suffering somepain, separated by the silk she lightly kissed it.

Inside the Hanzhen’s palace, the emperor expressionlesslyallowed the palace maids to dress him, but suddenly he felt that his face was lightlytouched…, stroking lightly like a b.u.t.terfly wing, unimaginably soft, his heartsuddenly lurched.

The emperor looked at the meal table, saying, “Why isn’tthere caterpillar fungus spare ribs soup?” thinking about it he had only atehalf of it, = . =

Rui Fu felt the emperor was getting weirder and weirderrecently, apart from that time he suddenly cried out in the middle of thenight, scaring so many people to run around in circles, in the end when theimperial physician came to feel his pulse, he only said there was nothing wrongwith the emperor, but he would wake up!

Thinking about what he went through that night, Rui Fu wasstill indeterminately frightened, he could recall, the usually steady as MountTai An Wen Yao tightly clenching his fists, sparks emitting from his scarleteyes, looking like if he knew who was the murderer he would make mincemeat ofhim, that sort of violent aura, even looking at him he was felt extremely fearful.

Fortunately at early morning the emperor woke up, or else…,Rui Fu felt An Wen Yao wouldn’t just slaughter the entire imperial physiciansbureau involved but also those who served the emperor personally would not livewell, at that time he was actually somewhat depressed, he was loyal and devotedto the emperor, not only would he his bones and rip out his heart, hewas also not much different from An Wen Yao, in any case the emperor…, An WenYao too, looked down on him?

However Rui Fu’s dejection was temporary, he wasn’tdiscouraged at all, because he believed time would proof everything, theemperor would soon understand his utter devotion and loyalty.

Qin Hong and Su Qing Chen worked non-stop without sleep forseveral days and nights, apart from the Embroidered Uniform Guards, even thetens of thousands of imperial guards were summoned, even if the capital citywas very big, with a large population, they had found all the girls calledZhang Hong in the capital in a short time, their movements unimaginably swift, theirminds were clear, every day they saw the emperor’s cold face, not eatingeither, not seeming to have slept well, in no more than a few days, the gentleand elegant Qin Hong was even more as light as a feather, as if he wouldimmediately become immortal, even Su Qing Chen was too, putting on his clotheshe had noticed there was a two finger s.p.a.ce.

The two people knelt on the ice-cold floor not even daringto use a praying mat, bowing their heads not daring to speak, the veneratedhandsome emperor, aristocratic manner, clothed overall in a golden silk dragonrobe, wearing a penetrating white jade crown, under the soft sunlight it had aneven more indescribable imposing and serene manner, his brows deeply locked, asif he was considering something extremely problematic, but the emperor’sthoughts were actually somewhat far, why is the caterpillar fungus spare ribssoup in the palace not as tasty as before he turned into a stone?

“Your majesty, how should we take care of these people?” QinHong somewhat hesitantly opened his mouth, after speaking he looked over at SuQing Chen, Su Qing Chen also stared back, the two people used their eyes tocommunicate for quite a while, finally it was Qin Hong who admitted defeat, themain problem was the kneeling…, he truly did not have Su Qing Chen’s bodystature, capable of persevering with kneeling for several hours without aproblem.

The emperor’s eyes were profound, like an abyss which bottomcould not be seen, not able to see clearly, using his usually cold and detachedvoice sounding like precious gems clanking together, “First keep them lockedup.”

Qin Hong and Su Qing Chen looked at each other, somewhatpuzzled, a few days before the emperor was still acting extremely urgent…, howcan he suddenly be so calm?

“Your Majesty…” Qin Hong was just about to speak when theemperor shot him a glance, like a cold wind blowing past, his body couldn’thelp but shiver, the emperor lowered his eyelids saying, “You did pretty goodwith this matter, go take your reward”

Qin Hong and Su Qing Chen were pleasantly surprised, butwhen the emperor again spoke coldly, “On your way also receive the beatings youhave acc.u.mulated.”

The two people immediately paled…, the emperor still had acold expression, but the corner of his mouth was slightly lifted.

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