My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 30

When Zhao Jin Yu arrived in Hangzhou it was already night,Chen Rong rushed to get to a tavern to stay at.

The two people at in the room, Zhao Jin Yu intentionallyordered Xihuvinegar fish, her heart was both excited and nervous, excited that they had atlast reached their destination, she was able to deliver adoptive father’sletter, nervous…, where was she going to go after delivering the letter? Itreally was a kind of worldly question of where is my home, but once the disheswere carried in she very quickly forgot this, eating was more important!

“Auntie Chen, eat.” Zhao Jin Yu pointed to the fish saying,“This is my first time in Hangzhou, I heard the Xihu vinegar fish is verywell-known, that’s why I ordered it.”

Chen Rong also had a feeling of responsibility to her job,this journey was indeed somewhat not peaceful, she took a bite of fish saying,“Talking about it Louwai restaurant is more authentic.”

“Is it? I really want to go and see.”

Chen Rong smiled, “How is that difficult? I can take youthere tomorrow…” She only spoke half way through the sentence before shestopped, the two people will part ways tomorrow.

Zhao Jin Yu clearly also remembered, however very quicklyshe cheered up again, “Auntie Chen, I still haven’t thanked you, why don’t wedrink a little today?”

Chen Rong was also a straightforward person, seeing Zhao JinYu acting naturally and unrestrained like this, she said, “Good, let us havesome sweet osmanthus wine, it’s tasty, and won’t get people drunk.”

The two people ordered wine, a cup for you, a cup for me,they drank like this, Chen Rong appeared to be very content, she becametalkative, saying, “Do you know when was the last time I came to Hangzhou?”

“When?” Zhao Jin Yu two cheeks were a brilliant red fromdrinking, setting her off like a peach, filled with the radiance of spring, provokingthe emperor around Zhao Jin Yu’s neck to look at her quite a few times.

“You know of Hangzhou’s primary influential family the Zhaofamily right?”

“Is it that Zhao family that once produced the divinecalligrapher?” Zhao Jin Yu had heard of the divine pair, one was Zhao De Lingwho circulated the world as a famous calligrapher, another was 

Xu Ceng whocirculated the world as a famous poet.

“Right, that’s the family.” Chen Rong drank the cup of sweetosmanthus wine in one go, thinking about it she had even drank the most intensechilli, this weak and supple sweet osmanthus wine was simply not wine,primarily she had considered the fact Zhao Jin Yu was a young lady who had beenkept at home, since she happily wanted to drink and chat merrily, she couldn’tbear to dampen her spirit, but she really couldn’t drink, therefore the sweetosmanthus wine was the most fitting.

“I’ve heard everyone in the family can write, even thewomen, have learnt from childhood.” Zhao Jin Yu had once seen older brothercopy Zhao De Ling’s copybook, those words were extremely beautiful, gracefuland unconstrained with an elegance, soft yet refined, it really imprints intoone’s memory.

“It really is true, with strict family traditions, and ahundred years old influential family, all the ladies are gentle and virtuous, manypeople hold marrying their daughters an honour.” Chen Rong squeezed a peanut,gaze becoming somewhat profound, “Once we took a job as an armed escort toaccompany a chest, it was actually extremely dangerous for the whole journey,in the end, we didn’t even dare to sleep at night, afraid someone would mount asneak attack.”

Zhao Jin Yu was enchanted hearing this, and to curry favourshe picked up a piece of stir-fried pork giving it to her, saying, “And then?”

“On the final night, I was on night duty…, I had thoughtnothing would happen, who would have imagined in the very early hours of zishi,all of a sudden dressed in black came rushing from the water,those people’s skills were out of the ordinary, even though I admit my martialart is not inferior, but one person against a number of people, momentarily Iwas unable to pull myself away, giving them an opportunity.” Chen Rong’sexpression became vaguely obscure.

“Then did they succeed? What about the other armed escorts?”

“The senior armed escorts were at the hold of the ship, theycouldn’t rush over for a while, amongst one of those people they stabbed thechest.” Chen Rong paused, “Even now I can’t forget that scene, blood flowed outfrom that chest.”

Zhao Jin Yu, “…”

“A young lady was contained inside, I did not allow thatperson to stab it twice, but that young lady became handicapped.” Chen Rongblamed herself quite a bit, “After that I remained at home training my skillsnot doing a.s.signments.”

Hearing that no one died Zhao Jin Yu was relieved, only shewas somewhat confused, saying, “Since it was escorting a person, why wasn’t itclearly said at the start? At that time Auntie Chen must have thought the chestought to be able to survive a sword…, that’s why you overlooked it right?”

Chen Rong smiled, saying, “You really are a considerateyoung lady, at that time I truly was relying on luck slightly, that chest wasmade from eaglewood, ordinary people cannot cut it open, that person had strucka small crack…, at that time I really didn’t think there was a young ladyinside it.”

“That young lady is from the Zhao family?”

“Come, we’ll sleep after one cup.” Chen Rong felt she hadsaid too much today, mainly because these two experiences were too similar, shewas escorting a young lady, the journey had also been very adventurous, howeverfortunately, in contrast she had safely escorted Zhao Jin Yu, and it could beconsidered to have dissolved a worry in her mind.

Zhao Jin Yu knew Chen Rong wasn’t willing to talk about it,and did not question it. The two people drank another cup then each partedways, before she left Chen Rong patted Zhao Jin Yu on the shoulder saying, “Jingirl, if you run into difficulties in the future, you can go to the Xingtianbodyguards establishment to find me.” This was the first time Chen Rong calledZhao Jin Yu this, and to a certain degree acknowledged their relationship.

“Yes, many thanks Auntie Chen.” Zhao Jin Yu cheerfullyreplied.

Waiting until Chen Rong left, Zhao Jin Yu closed the door,taking the stone out, she asked, “Are you hungry?”

After the emperor woke up he had been well-behaved stayinghidden around Zhao Jin Yu’s neck, now it was finally only the two of them, hefrowned saying, “Why did you drink alcohol?”

Zhao Jin Yu laughed happily blowing out a breath at thestone, fragrant sweet osmanthus flower with the scent of wine surrounded theemperor, the emperor immediately felt a little light-headed.

“That’s right, I drank, what, you even have to controlthis?”

The emperor only felt his body shake a little, he thought tohimself he couldn’t be drunk just from that right? Just like it was in reply tohis question…, he saw the world rock and sway.

“Little thing, why aren’t you talking?” Zhao Jin Yu thoughtshe had been too mischievous, with a somewhat guilty heart she cautiously andsolemnly said, “I left a lot of dishes for you, there’s Xihu vinegar fish, friedstuff bean curd, stir-fried pork, beef broth…” For the purpose of leavingdishes for the emperor, she had even intentionally told Chen Rong, she wasterribly afraid of being hungry at night, so ordered a bit more.

“We want to eat.” The emperor settled his dizzy head withgreat effort, thinking if he quickly filled out his stomach, perhaps thealcohol will dissipate.

After eating, having been washed, the stone laid on Zhao JinYu’s chest, he only felt similar to lying on an as light as a feather cloud,surrounded by a familiar fragrance, if he lowered his head he could bite thepeak of the bosom…, he recalled the concubine sent to him during the day thathe had extremely disappointed even before anything started, but he felt acertain blaze in his heart again ignited steamily.

West Lake

11pm – 1am.

When Zhao Jin Yu arrived in Hangzhou it was already night,Chen Rong rushed to get to a tavern to stay at.

The two people at in the room, Zhao Jin Yu intentionallyordered Xihuvinegar fish, her heart was both excited and nervous, excited that they had atlast reached their destination, she was able to deliver adoptive father’sletter, nervous…, where was she going to go after delivering the letter? Itreally was a kind of worldly question of where is my home, but once the disheswere carried in she very quickly forgot this, eating was more important!

“Auntie Chen, eat.” Zhao Jin Yu pointed to the fish saying,“This is my first time in Hangzhou, I heard the Xihu vinegar fish is verywell-known, that’s why I ordered it.”

Chen Rong also had a feeling of responsibility to her job,this journey was indeed somewhat not peaceful, she took a bite of fish saying,“Talking about it Louwai restaurant is more authentic.”

“Is it? I really want to go and see.”

Chen Rong smiled, “How is that difficult? I can take youthere tomorrow…” She only spoke half way through the sentence before shestopped, the two people will part ways tomorrow.

Zhao Jin Yu clearly also remembered, however very quicklyshe cheered up again, “Auntie Chen, I still haven’t thanked you, why don’t wedrink a little today?”

Chen Rong was also a straightforward person, seeing Zhao JinYu acting naturally and unrestrained like this, she said, “Good, let us havesome sweet osmanthus wine, it’s tasty, and won’t get people drunk.”

The two people ordered wine, a cup for you, a cup for me,they drank like this, Chen Rong appeared to be very content, she becametalkative, saying, “Do you know when was the last time I came to Hangzhou?”

“When?” Zhao Jin Yu two cheeks were a brilliant red fromdrinking, setting her off like a peach, filled with the radiance of spring, provokingthe emperor around Zhao Jin Yu’s neck to look at her quite a few times.

“You know of Hangzhou’s primary influential family the Zhaofamily right?”

“Is it that Zhao family that once produced the divinecalligrapher?” Zhao Jin Yu had heard of the divine pair, one was Zhao De Lingwho circulated the world as a famous calligrapher, another was Xu Ceng whocirculated the world as a famous poet.

“Right, that’s the family.” Chen Rong drank the cup of sweetosmanthus wine in one go, thinking about it she had even drank the most intensechilli, this weak and supple sweet osmanthus wine was simply not wine,primarily she had considered the fact Zhao Jin Yu was a young lady who had beenkept at home, since she happily wanted to drink and chat merrily, she couldn’tbear to dampen her spirit, but she really couldn’t drink, therefore the sweetosmanthus wine was the most fitting.

“I’ve heard everyone in the family can write, even thewomen, have learnt from childhood.” Zhao Jin Yu had once seen older brothercopy Zhao De Ling’s copybook, those words were extremely beautiful, gracefuland unconstrained with an elegance, soft yet refined, it really imprints intoone’s memory.

“It really is true, with strict family traditions, and ahundred years old influential family, all the ladies are gentle and virtuous, manypeople hold marrying their daughters an honour.” Chen Rong squeezed a peanut,gaze becoming somewhat profound, “Once we took a job as an armed escort toaccompany a chest, it was actually extremely dangerous for the whole journey,in the end, we didn’t even dare to sleep at night, afraid someone would mount asneak attack.”

Zhao Jin Yu was enchanted hearing this, and to curry favourshe picked up a piece of stir-fried pork giving it to her, saying, “And then?”

“On the final night, I was on night duty…, I had thoughtnothing would happen, who would have imagined in the very early hours of zishi,all of a sudden dressed in black came rushing from the water,those people’s skills were out of the ordinary, even though I admit my martialart is not inferior, but one person against a number of people, momentarily Iwas unable to pull myself away, giving them an opportunity.” Chen Rong’sexpression became vaguely obscure.

“Then did they succeed? What about the other armed escorts?”

“The senior armed escorts were at the hold of the ship, theycouldn’t rush over for a while, amongst one of those people they stabbed thechest.” Chen Rong paused, “Even now I can’t forget that scene, blood flowed outfrom that chest.”

Zhao Jin Yu, “…”

“A young lady was contained inside, I did not allow thatperson to stab it twice, but that young lady became handicapped.” Chen Rongblamed herself quite a bit, “After that I remained at home training my skillsnot doing a.s.signments.”

Hearing that no one died Zhao Jin Yu was relieved, only shewas somewhat confused, saying, “Since it was escorting a person, why wasn’t itclearly said at the start? At that time Auntie Chen must have thought the chestought to be able to survive a sword…, that’s why you overlooked it right?”

Chen Rong smiled, saying, “You really are a considerateyoung lady, at that time I truly was relying on luck slightly, that chest wasmade from eaglewood, ordinary people cannot cut it open, that person had strucka small crack…, at that time I really didn’t think there was a young ladyinside it.”

“That young lady is from the Zhao family?”

“Come, we’ll sleep after one cup.” Chen Rong felt she hadsaid too much today, mainly because these two experiences were too similar, shewas escorting a young lady, the journey had also been very adventurous, howeverfortunately, in contrast she had safely escorted Zhao Jin Yu, and it could beconsidered to have dissolved a worry in her mind.

Zhao Jin Yu knew Chen Rong wasn’t willing to talk about it,and did not question it. The two people drank another cup then each partedways, before she left Chen Rong patted Zhao Jin Yu on the shoulder saying, “Jingirl, if you run into difficulties in the future, you can go to the Xingtianbodyguards establishment to find me.” This was the first time Chen Rong calledZhao Jin Yu this, and to a certain degree acknowledged their relationship.

“Yes, many thanks Auntie Chen.” Zhao Jin Yu cheerfullyreplied.

Waiting until Chen Rong left, Zhao Jin Yu closed the door,taking the stone out, she asked, “Are you hungry?”

After the emperor woke up he had been well-behaved stayinghidden around Zhao Jin Yu’s neck, now it was finally only the two of them, hefrowned saying, “Why did you drink alcohol?”

Zhao Jin Yu laughed happily blowing out a breath at thestone, fragrant sweet osmanthus flower with the scent of wine surrounded theemperor, the emperor immediately felt a little light-headed.

“That’s right, I drank, what, you even have to controlthis?”

The emperor only felt his body shake a little, he thought tohimself he couldn’t be drunk just from that right? Just like it was in reply tohis question…, he saw the world rock and sway.

“Little thing, why aren’t you talking?” Zhao Jin Yu thoughtshe had been too mischievous, with a somewhat guilty heart she cautiously andsolemnly said, “I left a lot of dishes for you, there’s Xihu vinegar fish, friedstuff bean curd, stir-fried pork, beef broth…” For the purpose of leavingdishes for the emperor, she had even intentionally told Chen Rong, she wasterribly afraid of being hungry at night, so ordered a bit more.

“We want to eat.” The emperor settled his dizzy head withgreat effort, thinking if he quickly filled out his stomach, perhaps thealcohol will dissipate.

After eating, having been washed, the stone laid on Zhao JinYu’s chest, he only felt similar to lying on an as light as a feather cloud,surrounded by a familiar fragrance, if he lowered his head he could bite thepeak of the bosom…, he recalled the concubine sent to him during the day thathe had extremely disappointed even before anything started, but he felt acertain blaze in his heart again ignited steamily.

West Lake

11pm – 1am.

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