My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 31

The emperor felt the Zhao Jin Yu in front of him was similarto the first time he had spare ribs stewed with potato, delicious, tasty, enticingpeople to move their fingers quickly, with such a thought, the agitation in hisheart become more and more distinct, in a flash it sparked off a raging infernoin his heart, burning him to an unbearable parched fever, he took in a deepbreath, immediately turning his body…, was he possessed?

Zhao Jin Yu habitually wanted to stroke the stone, the stonethis time however violently reacted by jumping away, chiding, “Don’t touch us, didn’twe tell you before we are a man? Do you not understand words or are youactually an idiot? Maybe you are naturally loose in morals and cannot be farfrom men?”

Zhao Jin Yu stared at the emperor with wide eyes, waterydark brown eyes hid a disbelieve, so much so that the undercurrent of hurt camerushing forth, the stone’s words this time were too hurtful, a long time laterdid she then respond, saying, “How can you say such things?”

After the emperor had spoken he was somewhat regretful, butthere was no reason to retract words once they have been spoken, in a ratherlow voice he hmphed, “It’s just as it is.”

It was extremely quiet for a short while, no one saidanything…, a stifling atmosphere filled the room, the emperor did not dare tolook at Zhao Jin Yu, even though he was unyielding, but his heart still feltrather nervous, she couldn’t really be angry right?

Who knew, after a moment a sort of helpless sound came fromZhao Jin Yu, your character is so bad, if you left my side what would happen?”Zhao Jin Yu’s gaze lingered on the stone, thinking why should she be so seriouswith a stone? What did he know?

“Where are you going?” The emperor’s voice unconsciouslybecame gentle.

“Where am I going?” Zhao Jin Yu laid back down, withdrawingher gaze, both hands pressed under her head, releasing a breath she said, “Idon’t know, but I can’t afford to support you. That’s why I should give youaway.”

“We don’t eat that much!” After the emperor finished speakinghe regretted it! What was he saying, as if he was expressing he didn’t eatmuch, very easy to raise, anyhow he did not want to be discarded by Zhao JinYu, this wasn’t the current problem…, it was that this woman had the audacity,to go as far as to give him who reigned supreme away? “Brazen, we ask you, howdare you give us away as you wish?”

“Once I finish the task given to me by adoptive father, Iwon’t return to the capital.” Zhao Jin Yu watched the hazy candle flame outsideof the curtains, a sort of sadness hidden in her eyes, “When the time comes Ihave to support myself, you eat so much for one meal, and is very fussy, Ireally can’t support you, in the future having a steamed bun might not be theworse thing…, however don’t worry, I will definitely find someone suitable, Iwon’t allow you to suffer.” While the home was desolate and empty, it didn’thowever mean Zhao Jin Yu did not have a copper coin on her, a person always hadsome emergency money, only she had spent quite a bit of money on this journey,right now adding it up there wasn’t much, she has to meticulously plan andcarefully account her life from now on.

“Just because of steamed buns? You really are foolish?”

Zhao Jin Yu smiled, only that smile did not reach her eyes,“You don’t understand, when you truly am not able to eat, how precious asteamed bun is, don’t use such contemptuous manner to talk about a steamed bun,how many starving people it has saved?” It was like in a flash she againreturned to the days before she was adopted, every day she waited for someoneto give her a mouthful of leftover food, at that time a steamed bun was evenmore luxurious and was looked forward by people.

“We would deprive you of a mouthful of steamed bun?” Theemperor understood Zhao Jin Yu’s meaning, but it wasn’t good to say such wordsto anyone, saying it to him was the most satirical, he as an emperor coulddeprive her of a mouthful of steamed bun?

Zhao Jin Yu smiled, this time it really was withoutrestraint, she couldn’t help touch the stone, saying, “Little thing, your wordsare really considerate.” Following a pause, she again said, “In truth it isn’tthat bad, I naturally have made plans.” Again how could she not have thought ofa way out on this journey? But she felt somewhat miserable thinking of beinggenuinely alone.

Her only handkerchief was delivered to Gu Fu Ying, who wasjust fortunately in Hangzhou, once the Gu and Zhao family were close, severalyears before Gu Fu Ying’s father Gu Jin was delegated to the Hangzhouprefectural magistrate, so the two people then separated, she actually didn’twant to freeload, she only wanted to find support, it was very difficult to bea woman in this era, even if she wanted to earn a living by herself, if shedidn’t have any support how would she be able to carry on in the long term?Common local ruffians would bully you for being a woman, that’s why tomorrowafter delivering the item she wanted to directly find Gu Fu Ying, also thinkingat that time she would have to lodge under another person’s roof, at the startshe would not have much freedom, raising such a spirit stone, she was afraidpeople would get suspicious, therefore she had said such words.

“Humph.” The emperor sneered, saying, “If we are to leave,it would be out of our own accord, you have no right to decide whether we stayor go…, remember, serve us well, or you’ll suffer.”

Zhao Jin Yu proudly raised her eyebrows, saying, “Just nowyou called me a loose moral woman, why would you now pester me again and againunwilling to leave? Don’t you feel your honour is lowered staying with such acheap woman like myself? Or…” Zhao Jin Yu felt the anger gradually rise fromthe stone’s body, continuing fearlessly she said, “You actually hate to partwith me?”

Zhao Jin Yu had originally thought her words would make thestone unbearably angry, who would have thought having spoken for a while shedid not see the stone react, she couldn’t help push it, asking, “What is it?Are you really angry?”

“No.” The stone’s voice was somewhat calm, at the same timeit held some resentment, like he needed to admit something, to him it wasrather difficult, “You’re right, we truly hate to part with you to an extent.”

Even if Zhao Jin Yu’s skin was even thicker, this momentwould still be quite embarra.s.sing, she said, 

“Truthfully I also don’t want topart from you. However I’m worried I won’t be able to look after you in thefuture…, make you suffer, that’s why I want to send you off.”

A warm air permeated the room, joining the person and thestone together invisibly.

Early next morning, after breakfast Zhao Jin Yu and ChenRong left, Zhao Jin Yu needed to deliver the letter to a friend of her adoptivefather, that person was called Liu Ba Yan, supposedly he was a schoolmate ofher father when they studied.

When Zhao Jin Yu arrived at the Liu residence it looked likea funeral was taking place, plain white clothes hung from the doorway, insideit was actually absolutely empty without a person, thinking about it a funeralwas the best way to see what the master’s usual family circ.u.mstances were like,as long as it wasn’t beyond what was proper, then at a moment like this itwouldn’t be so desolate like this.

The two people had entered the courtyard for a quarter of anhour before a young maid came over to enquire if they were paying theircondolences, Chen Rong said, “My young lady is the daughter of an old friend ofyour master.”

That young maid stared bewildered for a while, finally shereluctantly welcomed them to the hall, but her expression was still rathergrave.

When the young maid went to call for someone, Zhao Jin Yusaid to Chen Rong, “Auntie Chen, why do I feel this is somewhat strange?”

Chen Rong expression was profound, looking all around shesaid, “I’m afraid this isn’t a happy funeral.”

Zhao Jin Yu nodded, and did not speak, only when the teaturned cold did they see a thin and pallid middle aged man come over withhurried footsteps, seeing the two people in the hall he was clearly distracted,immediately he cupped his hands in greetings and said, “I am Xiu Ba Yan, may Iask who this young lady is…”

“My father is Zhao Chang Chun.” Zhao Jin Yu bowed.

“You say your father is Zhao Chang Chun?” Xiu Ba Yan ratherincredulously looked at Zhao Jin Yu for quite a while, “You are the child headopted?”

“Precisely this girl.”

Liu Ba Yan’s eyes dimmed, sighing he said, “I’ve also heardof your father’s case…, sadly I’m only a commoner, I really cannot help.”Speaking to here and seeing that the tea had turned cold, he yelled, 

“Xiao Yu,steep tea for the guests.”

Xiao Yu was the young maid who had just welcomed them in,somewhat clumsily she came over to pour tea, because she did not pay attentionshe nearly overturned a teacup, Xiu Ba Yan however remained impa.s.sive.

The two people spoke for a while, when Zhao Jin Yu wascertain the man in front of her was the Xiu Ba Yan her father spoke of did shethen take out the letter hidden in her bosom, handing it over solemnly, shesaid, “My father told me to deliver this to uncle.”

Liu Ba Yan released a long breath after reading the letter,a kind of pity in his gaze, giving Zhao Jin Yu a kind of feeling far fromrea.s.suring, “Have you read the letter?”

Zhao Jin Yu shook her head.

“Pity on the hearts of parents in the whole world.” AfterLiu Ba Yan finished he said, “Jin Yu, your father asked me to return you toyour birth parents.”

Zhao Jin Yu abruptly stood up, asking, “Uncle, you’retalking about my birth parents?”

Liu Ba Yan softly said, “Take a seat first, I slowly tellyou, actually I can understand why your father has done this, he is alreadybehind bars, he’s afraid of implicating you….”

Zhao Jin Yu stood stumped for a while, tears suddenly rushedout.

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