My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 4

Using tremendous strength did the emperor then came out ofthe small crack, seeing a wide courtyard, the snow which had formerly coveredhim had been swept cleanly, it was because at that time the snow was so thick,he jumped once and he would sink back in once, that’s when he discovered he hadno way of getting free, now there was no snow, there was no longer anything totrap him, moreover the kitchen where the alluring smell of food was stillemitting from was not far away.

And this smell simply made people…the emperor hesitatedslightly then bounced towards the kitchen.

Zhao Jin Yu was cooking just at that time, cured meat stewedwith radish was cooking on the kitchen stove, the fragrance of the cured meatseeped into the distinctly sweet radish, the sauce was an art, there was adifferent kind of fragrance wafting all around, enticing people.

Zhao Jin Yu took a deep breath, showing a happy expression,she couldn’t help whisper, “It’ll be ready soon, just add a bit more heat.” Thekitchen stove’s fire was linked to the underground heating in the house,burning it sufficiently would make the house nice and warm, very warm, only afew days before there wasn’t enough firewood, that’s why it had been saved…,this time Zhao Jin Yu heartlessly moved the table from the outer room to here,using an axe she split it for firewood to burn.

She almost froze to death, and did not care about thesefurniture, Zhao Jin Yu optimistically thought.

Zhao Jin Yu washed the big soup bowl, and stewing it forfifteen minutes she then lifted the lid open, using chopsticks to pick up apiece of cured meat to eat, delicious flavour immediately flooded her mouth,she couldn’t help beam muttering, “So delicious!”

Ladling out the food she placed it beside the kitchen stove,originally she had thought about eating it immediately but thought of theneighbouring Wen Shi, today at the bottom of the basket Wen Shi had given her wastreasure, under the radishes there was a bag of rice, and a fist size marinatedlump of beef, four boiled eggs, when she saw it she truly did not know what tofeel.

She should send a dish over, even if it wasn’t anythinggood, but it was still a thought.

Zhao Jin Yu found a clean bowl from the cupboard, packingthe food tightly she left, what she didn’t know was, the moment she took a stepout, the stone came along bouncing, = =.


On the other side Zhang Zhi Shi and Wen Shi was justreceiving a visitor.

Zhang Zhi Shi’s surname was Zhang with a single word name ofYao, Zhi Shi was his position at Tianfu, Zhang Yao’s ancestors were merelylocal farmers who lived off their lands, in Zhang Yao’s generation hesurprising appeared a seed which liked to study, before he turned twenty hepa.s.sed the highest imperial civil service exam, but he was only a third rankcandidate who pa.s.sed the imperial exam, naturally different from Zhao Jin Yu’sfather Zhao Chang Chun, Zhao Chang Chun was a second rank candidate, in thefirst year they were positioned as Zhi Shi in Tianfu, in the end Zhao ChangChun was promoted to prefectural judge in the second year, five years laterZhang Yao was still a Zhi Shi, Zhao Chang Chun however was transferred to theMinistry of Revenue as a fifth ranked ministry councillor.

Who would have imagined he whose future seemed limitless, ina wink because of an implication against high official, a life which broughtnew honours would suddenly become cold and miserable.

Taking advantage while the visitor had gone to wash hishands and face, Wen Shi carried and placed the prepared dishes on the table,she couldn’t help speak of Zhao Yun Ji’s matter, “Perhaps his wife is also hardhearted, even if she’s an adopted child, she still brought her up for nineyears, how can she just up and leave? How does she expect that young girl JinYu to live?” Wen Shi gentle temperament rarely would complain about otherpeople behind their backs like this, at this moment is was evident she feltZhao Jin Yu was truly pitiful, again saying, “I went to see her today, theentire courtyard was completely empty, just like that the young girl stoodalone getting rid of the snow, her face so cold it was very red, holding abroom as tall as her shoulders she worked as if she didn’t know how to betired, seeing me she still cheerfully called out to me, appearing to not feelsad at all, but is she really not sad? She merely has a kind-heartedtemperament who didn’t want to complain that’s all, she truly is very pitiful.”Wen Shi talking up to here her eyes reddened, recalling the image of when ZhaoJin Yu was young beaming and calling her auntie, “Master, why don’t you thinkof a solution? If it wasn’t for those two brats being too young to marry, Ireally would marry her into the family as a daughter-in-law.”

Zhang Yao silently took in a mouthful of tobacco, breathingout a smoke ring, thinking about the situation Wen Shi spoke of he was alsorather sympathetic, he agreed, “In a moment I’ll ask Qing Chen.”

The Qing Chen Zhang Yao spoke of was the guest they werereceiving this time, he was a child adopted by Zhang Yao’s parents, youngerthan Zhang Yao four or five years, supposedly he had an important positionnowadays, but each time he came he dressed commonly, so Wen Shi never knew whatposition he held.

Wen Shi hearing this finally revealed a smile, eyes full of tenderfeelings, extremely tenderly, said, “Master.”

Zhang Yao could somewhat not stand his wife’s gaze, softlycoughing he moved away from her line of sight, cheeks somewhat red.

After a short while Su Qing Chen returned having washed hisface and hands, he was very young, appearing around twenty-five or six, wearinga common fine cotton gown, but an acute gaze, calm expression, a kind ofimposing manner of someone high positioned all year round, seeing Zhang Yaowith a gentle expression he yelled, “Older brother.”

Zhang Yao expression smoothed out, his smile extended fromthe corner of his eyes to the corner of his lips, saying, “It’s cold outside,quickly come onto the kang.”

Su Qing Chen got onto the kang, seeing Wen Shi’s greeting he yelled, “Sister-in-law.”

Wen Shi beamed saying, “Just a few days ago you said youwould be away for a while, why did you suddenly send a letter saying you hadalready entered the city? You must know your older brother was extremely happyreceiving you letter, are you hungry? I’ve prepared a lot of dishes for you,it’s all things that can’t be presented in public, don’t dislike it.”

Su Qing Chen cold eyes somewhat softened, saying, “How can Idislike it, I like sister-in-law’s dishes the most, thank you sister-in-law.”

Wen Shi hearing Su Qing Chen’s words only felt very joyous,a smile filled her face, saying, “We’re family why are you being polite, I’llgo bring you some warm wine.”

Wen Shi heated up the wine and brought it over, and took theovercoat Su Qing Chen had taken off on the edge of the kang about to hang it on a clothes hook, just as she picked it upshe saw the sword underneath it, the slight bend of the end of a sword, hung abright yellow ta.s.sel, very beautiful, even an amateur like Wen Shi could seethis sword was not ordinary, Wen Shi however paled like when she saw anythingterrifying.

This was clearly a xiuchunsword! Only Embroidered Uniform Guards can carry the sword!

Wen Shi thoughts surged, raising her head she met Su QingChen’s pair of eyes which could see through people’s thoughts, he smiled at WenShi very kindly, Wen Shi originally tense mood immediately relaxed, her heartthought, no matter what this person’s ident.i.ty is outside, at home she was herhusband’s younger brother, and was her younger brother, what was she afraid of?

With such a thought she was once again relieved, she noddedher head slightly at Su Qing Chen then went to the kitchen.

Waiting until Wen Shi left, Zhang Yao bitterly laughed, “Itlooks like my wife knows of your ident.i.ty, younger brother, don’t blame yoursister-in-law.”

Su Qing Chen smiled indifferently, saying, “Back then if itwasn’t uncle who offered me shelter, I might not have survived up to now,speaking like that older brother are you treating me like an outsider?”

Aged nine a very respected young son of an official had suddenlyarrived at Zhang Yao’s home, his parents had treated him with reverent andrespect, at the beginning he had found it awkward, in general thinking hisparents were too biased, anything tasty and fun would be set aside for himfirst, only later he had once seen him sneakily cry wrapped up in his quilt,then did he know even though he was of n.o.ble birth, however because somethingbad happened at home, his parents had died, he had become an orphan at anearlier time, the Zhang family and his family had some sort of relationship,and it was also by coincidence that they took him into their home

Children do not hold grudges, fighting and arguing, veryquickly they also became friends, again later Zhang Yao was only able to studyall because of the wealth left behind by Su Qing Chen’s family, when they grewup, Zhang Yao pa.s.sed the imperial exam, and Su Qing Chen had actually given upthe imperial exam and chose another more arduous path.

Zhang Yao knew Su Qing Chen’s family background was notsimple, when his parents died it was still a great subject best avoided,fearing he would choose the path of an Embroidered Uniform Guard, a path fearedby people but could not in fact look up to for the sake of revenge soon.

Now he was the emperor’s trusted aide, the EmbroideredUniform Guards left commander, and considered to be an important position tofulfil his desire, only it wasn’t clear whether his families revenge could betaken…

He knew Su Qing Chen did not like him to get involved withhis matters fearing it would implicate him, therefore he didn’t ask, he wasuseless, he was as skilled as his younger brother, but he thought, he wassettled and secure here, when Su Qing Chen wanted to settle down, he wouldallow him to come back, as long as he steps in the house door he would protecthim completely with his life.

Having eaten the food, drank two cups of wine, Su QingChen’s expression however became more and more serious, holding the wine cup,gloomily he said, “This time the emperor’s anger is abnormal, not just me, eventhat Qin Hong guard dog has been summoned into the palace.”

Zhang Yao frowned slightly, saying, “What exactly has madeyou two actually work together? I heard my colleagues say the palace has lostan extraordinary thing, and do not know if it’s true or not.” Zhang Yao feltthis matter was somewhat strange, the things inside the imperial palace wereprecious, but the emperor experienced and acknowledgeable would unlikely go asfar as to be this angry because of a thing, that’s why this matter seemedrather unusual, if it’s something he really wants, apart from the imperial jadeseal, he truly could not think of anything else, but could the imperial jadeseal be so easily lost?

Those unorthodox historical records were written some chivalrousperson broke into the palace at night stealing and switching a picture of thedeceased and what not…to him it seemed like outright nonsense, there wereexperts outside the palace, those inside the palace were useless? Ignoring thefact that no more than ten steps there would be a posted imperial guard, eventhe hidden guards the emperor raised were incomparable to an ordinary person.

Su Qing Chen did not keep Zhang Yao in the dark either,saying, “It’s a stone.”


Zhang Yao didn’t understand even more, because of a stone twoforever sworn enemies were put together? Su Qing Chen was the EmbroideredUniform Guards left commander, and Qin Hong was the Embroidered Uniform Guardsright commander, one was a eunuch from Tanei, the other was an althoughdeclined but born of an influential family’s descendant, the emperor placingthe two of them in the same position was merely for the purpose of check andbalance, afraid one family would have all the power, but the two of them hadalready long ago regarded the other person as a thorn in their side, theemperor seemed to also know the two of them had contradicting views and veryrarely sent them on the same mission.

“Right, just a stone.” Su Qing Chen had a portrait of thestone in his hand, but with just this it was undoubtedly looking for a needlein a haystack, he very rarely felt something was difficult to carry out,whatever he does so long as it leaves behind a scar, even if it wastes quite alot of effort, with the mindset he would in the end find it, but this time he neverthelessfelt it was very th.o.r.n.y, the thing he had to find was a Yuhua stone with nodistinctive trait whatsoever…, he dared to bet, this type of stone asking atrandom a basketful of exactly the same could be found.

But thinking of the imperial decree, he again felt, even ifthistles and thorns were filled in front of him, he still needs to go throughit, Su Qing Chen has never seen such a furious emperor in this way, in the pasteven if the emperor was however angry that it wouldn’t dissipate he would onlystare at you coldly, very controlled, in the end this time he truly worriedlysaw the anger spread to the emperor’s eyes, like a volcano no longer able to besupressed unable to erupt.

Actually what Su Qing Chen did not know was…, the stone heso wants to find was next door to him.

Waiting until Zhao Jin Yu had left, the emperor bounce bybounce reached the side of the kitchen stove, seeing the food emitting anappetising smell in the bowl, he only felt saliva flow.

On one hand he felt he as an emperor, it was so despicablethat he would actually be attracted to this sort of rustic food, however on theother side he again felt the girl in this house had been hateful to him first,she had to be punished, he simply did not think…as a stone in the end he didn’teven have a mouth how was he able to eat, = =.

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