My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 5

T/N: Surpriseeeee I"m really enjoying this story and I hope you are too ^_^


Looking at the heavy aroma of cured meat stewed withradishes on the side of the kitchen stove, a peculiar expression appeared inthe emperor’s eyes, like what was contained inside the bowl was not ordinaryfood, rather a very rare delicacy of fine taste, he couldn’t help go overjumping along, the food’s fragrant got stronger and stronger, flooding hisnose, causing people to be somewhat dizzy, only when he saw his shadow on theground, all of a sudden his face froze, his round little shadow reminded him hewas a stone right now…, but even if he was a stone, he is still the mostrespectable stone, he was the emperor of Hanzhen dynasty, how could he beenticed like this by a two-bit bowl of food?

The emperor fumed by himself at the kitchen stove for quitea while, trying hard to maintain the majestic presence of an emperor, only theresult wasn’t great, even strongly controlling his longing, however in a momenthe again was unconsciously attracted by that bowl of food above, the emperor simplydid not discover, since he had changed into a stone, his self-control wascompletely lacking, temperament was also somewhat childish, the cold, hardcruelty declined, what was left over his pure innate nature, he would pursueinstinctive longing even more.

Eat, eat, regardless if it’s a bowl of common dish or anexquisite dish in keeping with his status, after all nothing compared to hishappiness right?

The emperor couldn’t help aggressively think about it, aslong as he want it, nothing was impossible!

As an emperor when his mouth was flooded with saliva, he finallydecided he would eat that bowl of food, again thinking of that girldisrespecting us, she ought to pay the price, a bowl of food was letting heroff lightly, at most when he caught her, he’ll let her die with an intactcorpse.

Convinced the emperor was extremely happy, jumping along heheaded up, preparing to jump up onto the kitchen stove side, it was a littlehigh, again because of hunger he didn’t have much strength, therefore jumping afew times he couldn’t get up, finally he had to first jump onto a stool on oneside, then did he jump onto the kitchen stove counter.

The delicious food was in front of him, he only needed tolightly touch it, there was simply nothing which brought more joy to peoplethan this, the emperor only felt after he had changed into a stone, this momentwas when he was most content, but when he was just about to take a bite of therefreshing and sweet radish, the stone hit the porcelain bowl producing a crispnoise, then did he discover he was a stone right now how was he supposed to eatthings?

A dark cloud immediately covered the emperor’s face, achilling violence filled his body, he appeared to be very much suffering frompent-up frustrations.

Zhao Jin Yu was seen off to her door by Wen Shi, shesomewhat apologetically said, “I originally wanted you to stay and eat…” WenShi pitifully looked at Zhao Jin Yu, lightly patting her shoulder, “theseclothes are also too thin, why don’t you wear another one?”

“This short journey, I’ll be returning right away, it’s notcold.” Zhao Jin Yu also really liked Wen Shi, from her eyes she could see sincerefeelings of concern, reaching the door she took a step away blocking Wen Shioutside the threshold, saying, “Auntie no need to see me off, I did not knowyou had a visitor before, otherwise I would have bought some more.”

Wen Shi hurried to say, “That bowl is enough, there’s foodat home.” Afterwards she again chatted warning, “you must tell auntie ifthere’s a problem, a single girl living in a completely empty house, auntiethinking about it cannot feel relieved.”

Zhao Jin Yu cutely nodded her head, saying, “Thank youauntie.”

Wen Shi stood at the doorway, insisting on see Zhao Jin Yuenter her courtyard, put the door lock on then did she return at ease, onlythinking of Zhao Jin Yu appearance just now standing outside the door in a flimsyoutfit and alone, she really couldn’t bear it, even more resolute to plan forZhao Jin Yu’s future.

Wen Shi had just reached the veranda when she saw herhusband Zhao Yao with a grey rodent fur overcoat draped over him walking out,because he had drank his face was slightly red, but his eyes were still verysober and calm, seeing her return he asked, “You’ve sent her off?”

“En, master, why have you come out?” Wen Shi very naturallystepped forward pulling on his wrist.

Zhang Yao however evaded her coughing heavily once, Wen Shiwas stunned, she looked behind Zhang Yao, as it turns out Su Qing Chen wasstanding behind Zhang Yao, she only felt her face heat up, uneasy she bowed herhead not speaking.

Su Qing Chen seeing this couldn’t help smile knowingly,changing the subject he said, “That young lady just now is Lord Zhao’s daughterthat older brother just spoke of?”

“Precisely her, so young yet born under an ill star.” ZhangYao speaking up to here showed a bit of hesitancy on his face, hesitatingly heasked, “Qing Chen, I know this sort of thing shouldn’t be asked, but that girland your sister-in-law are truly kindred spirits, I also truly very much likeher, if she really becomes the daughter of a guilty official, her who lifewould genuinely be ruined! Does Lord Zhao still have a hope of being free?”

Su Qing Chen’s face quickly became grim, with a kind ofintensity, he slightly lowered his eyelids, saying, “Older brother, in thefuture don’t ask me these sort of things again.”

Zhang Yao and Wen Shi paled, very quickly understanding SuQing Chen’s meaning, everything clearly pointed to disaster for Zhao Chang Chun,and no wonder next door’s Xu Zhi immediately took her son back to her nativehome of Jinling.

Su Qing Chen saw Zhang Yao and Wen Shi show an alarmedexpression, recalling this was home, when he got angry even the subordinateswho had followed him for many years were also afraid, let alone the always simpleto the ways of the world older brother and sister-in-law, quickly it vanished,squeezing out a thread of a smile, saying, “Older brother do not be nervous,you cannot ask Lord Zhao’s matter, but if it’s his daughter…, you say she’s anadopted daughter?”

“Yes, she just turned fifteen this year, a child Lord Zhaoadopted nine years ago.” Wen Shi seeing Su Qing Chen asking this, a bit of hopeagain appeared in her heart, carefully observing Su Qing Chen’s expressionwithout missing a beat she replied.

Su Qing Chen saw Wen Shi’s eyes held a polite longing,unconsciously thinking of the shoes Wen Shi would make for him every year,every time they fitted his feet comfortably…unexpectedly he was speechless.


Zhao Jin Yu returning to the courtyard she hurriedly walkedtowards the kitchen, thinking in a moment she must eat two bowls of rice inorder to satisfy her stomach rumbling with hunger, only when she had just sether foot into the house she halted her footstep…, somewhat unconvinced sherubbed her eyes, the obscure moonlight through the window cast a light in thehouse, inside the scarce large blue bowl, completely packed with food beforemore than half was already gone, in the soup laid a spotless white Yuhua stone.

After all where did her food go? And why would this stone bein the bowl? Was it a practical joke by someone or did she meet a supernaturalmatter?

Waiting until Zhao Jin Yu neared, when she clearly saw thatstone’s appearance, the pit of her stomach jolted, very quickly she discardedher previous thoughts, because she saw this stone was the one she haddistinctly thrown into the water jar in pa.s.sing, so a scenario involuntarilyappeared in her mind, a stone that can jump, this stone’s ability to jump maybe because it’s a stone spirit, or was like her a time traveller, possessing astone? Then it’s stomach got extremely hungry, smelling food at night it rushedin, eating some food afterwards?

But why does a stone need to eat?

Zhao Jin Yu stood still for a while, then hesitantly she openedher mouth asking, “What exactly are you?”

“Who are you?”

“Can you not speak?”

“So you’re a weak stone spirit?” Reportedly low ranked stonespirits do not have much power, it can’t even speak, of course these thoughtswere from all kinds of mystery and fantasy novels in Zhao Jin Yu’s previouslife, she also didn’t know if it was right, but she did not have anything elsefor reference, therefore in this way she kept trying everything in herdesperate situation.

For a very long time she couldn’t get a response, as well asher stomach rumbling, Zhao Jin Yu unconsciously frowned somewhat, she saw thealready destroyed unable to be eaten dish, with a bit of anger, “Just leavingthis much food, what can I eat?”

The emperor had eaten fully before, although it wasn’t cleanfloating in the greasy soup, but compared to previously lying in the both coldand dark pile of snow more than a little eager to get out, like this the fulland satisfied emperor was in the warm soup, with a lot of dissatisfaction,unware he fell asleep. Because a few days before he did not sleep well, itwould be precise to say since he had been turned into a stone he had not sleptproperly at all, that’s why he slept somewhat deeply.

Eventually, under Zhao Jin Yu’s incessant clamour theemperor finally woke up, he saw that girl who had thrown him out with her handon her waist, her lips pursed unhappily, clear eyes with a kind of nasty maliciousintention.


Zhao Jin Yu did not know how to pick up that stone, againthinking the dish she had not eaten yet was being wasted, with bad intentionsshe thought of simply throwing it into the back street, tomorrow it would bebusy with carriages, make it frequently experience being crushed down bycarriage wheels?

In the end before she carried out her bad intentions, sheheard the main culprit shouting impudent once with such aggressiveness, she suddenlyfroze a little, “…”

The moonlight was clear, the mud brick kitchen stove becauseit had just been lit was still warm, the stone and the girl stared at eachother for a short time.

Zhao Jin Yu only returned to her senses a good while later,unable to bear it she asked, “You can speak?”

The emperor did not speak, rather using a very disdainfullook he stared at Zhao Jin Yu…, of course a stone simply did not have anyexpressions, but Zhao Jin Yu unexpectedly still felt the emperor’s arrogance,and maybe because the stone emitted an excessively intense imposing manner?Anyhow Zhao Jin Yu understood what she was seeing, moreover she also felt thatthe stone lying in her soup not only could speak, but was also extremelyarrogant.

With a steady heart Zhao Jin Yu cleared her throat, calmlysaying, “Little thing, I don’t know what you are, perhaps you’re a stonespirit, or maybe you are some sort of evil spirit? Anyhow you ate my food andstill look down upon me with such righteousness and self-confident, how do youthink I ought to punish you this sort of thief?”


Zhao Jin Yu gaze was calm, saying, “Turning up uninvited, ifnot a thief what else?”

The emperor narrowed his eyes dangerously, his eyes filledwith murder intent now, sinisterly saying, “Who actually gave you such courageto dare to be so impudent?”

In fact in accordance to the past, if the emperor said suchwords, other people would burst out in cold sweat, scared that they immediatelykneel on the ground, not only just because of the emperor’s status and the wayhe handles people who disobey him, even more important was the brutal evilnessemitting from his body, it makes people feel frightened from the bottom oftheir heart.

However this time it was in fact somewhat different, theemperor changed into a stone’s voice contained a bit of tenderness, softness,sticky, like a child’s voice, with a voice like this speaking out violentwords, as a result it was naturally greatly reduced.

The first time Zhao Jin Yu heard it because she was soshocked she did not react, in the end she heard it this time and actually feltthis stone seemed like a spoiled child…, such a cute voice!

Zhao Jin Yu pulled a long face, saying, “Even if you actlike a spoiled child, I still won’t lightly forgive you.”

Spoiled? The emperor’s nose was almost out of joint.

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