My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 7

T/N: Sorry haven"t updated on this for a while >_<>


The emperor inside the dark black jewellery box, even if hestuck his ears to the floor he couldn’t hear clearly the voices outside,somewhat defeated he jumped for a little while, hitting the jewellery box againthe thudding sounded, Zhao Jin Yu appeared to have some sort of premonitionbefore she left, she placed the jewellery box with him in it into the innerroom, hiding it under the quilt, truly ought to die!

Not knowing the reason, he always faintly felt, the personoutside absolutely had a connection with him, in his mind there was inevitablya voice telling him to go out and see, only sadly right now he was similar to atrapped animal, without a single means.

Chop off her four limbs, dig out her eyes, throw her into asnake pit, allow those snakes to slowly bite her, bite by bite sinking theirteeth into her flesh, slowly all her flesh will bloat, spray her with saltwater…, torturing her every day, making her unable to live and unable to die,that’s right, and her family, the men will be sterilised and enter the palaceas eunuchs, females will be sent to the building to be the palace prost.i.tutes,the emperor’s thoughts grudgingly in the end changed into strong murderousthoughts, vicious violence filled his eyes.

On the other side Zhao Jin Yu was finding it difficult tostand under Su Qing Chen’s sharp gaze, her body somewhat uncontrollablyshuddered, only right now did she understand why the first time she saw him shefelt a kind of dangerous air about him, actually this feeling was an aura ofdeath, when it was curbed it was tolerable, when it was released it would makepeople involuntarily shudder, cower, this person definitely killed quite a lotof people before!

Wen Shi’s heart was anxiously burning, she couldn’t thinkclearly no matter what, she had obviously wanted to help Zhao Jin Yu, how didit then turn out like this? If Su Qing Chen insisted on charging in hardheaded, nowadays only Zhao Jin Yu lived in the house by herself…, if by anychance this was spread out, what’s to be done about Zhao Jin Yu’s future?

“Let’s go!” Su Qing Chen had seen Wen Shi’s worries, but asa commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guards, naturally he had to do his duty,in fact it was just like Wen Shi said, wasn’t it very common for some noiseinside a house? What she said was also right…, only Zhao Jin Yu expression wastoo conspicuous! This made Su Qing Chen who had investigated cases for manyyears to feel an intuition, in any case he felt there was something in here!

The dim light of night darkened, their breathes bringing awhite fog, penetrating cold, Zhao Jin Yu face flushed with the cold, but hergaze was firm and persistent unwilling to step back.

Su Qing Chen’s hand involuntarily held the embroidered swordunder his overcoat, amber eyes reflected a little of Zhao Jin Yu’s difficultsituation, nevertheless it appeared more cold, without any warmth.

A situation unable to turn back as if on the verge.

“What are you doing here?” The voice came from afar, alongwith the voice Zhang Yao’s body appeared at the doorway, in the end when he sawthe three figures, he frowned slightly, unconsciously standing in between ZhaoJin Yu and Su Qing Chen, he faced Su Qing Chen, one hand pressing down on hisshoulder, another hand covered his hand which was holding the sword, speakinglowly, “Brother, this is where older brother lives…, Jin girl is just anordinary girl that’s all.”

Su Qing Chen raised his head, seeing the grave and sternZhang Yao, the Zhang Yao who tries to never offend anybody was rarely thisserious.

“Just now I saw Yingge.”

Yingge was Su Qing Chen’s trained eagle, regardless whereverSu Qing Chen went, it could find him by smell…, coming at this time obviouslysomething urgent was happening with the Embroidered Uniform Guards.

The murderous intent in Su Qing Chen’s eyes gradually faded,silently he watched Zhang Yao, cupping his hands in salutations to Zhang Yao,swinging his overcoat rearranging it, with quick steps he left.

Waiting until Su Qing Chen’s could not be seen, then didZhao Jin Yu with a pale complexion sit on the threshold clutching at thedoorframe, Wen Shi hurried forward to lend an arm, apologetically saying, “Jingirl, are you alright?”

Zhang Yao also moved closer seeing she merely was shocked,nothing serious he released a breath, saying, “Second brother wasn’t like thisbefore…” No matter how Zhang Yao denied it, following what kind of person aperson would involuntarily become like them, although the emperor was a rareruler, but he was extremely ruthless, too much hatred must be revenged, lastyear just because a scholar wrote a verse consoling the emperor needs to bebenevolent, it caused the emperor to fly into a terrible rage, leading to aliterary inquisition, implicating at least one thousand people to death, SuQing Chen had to act as an Embroidered Uniform Guard without recognising hisfamily, and even more pander to the emperor’s angry nature, over time, histemper also became aggressive, cruel, seriously suspicious.

The two people thoroughly comforted Zhao Jin Yu for quite awhile, seeing she was indeed unfettered then did they urge her repeatedly tolock her door then did they walk back with a heavy heart.

Su Qing Chen simply did not know, because of his actions, ithad led to the emperor being locked up for a further day.

Zhao Jin Yu returning to the house felt very resentful,firmly hitting the jewellery box, shaking the emperor inside making it extremely unbearable, producing an angrycry, Zhao Jin Yu nevertheless felt this treatment compared to what she hadexperienced paled into insignificance by comparison, she for this food stealinglittle thing had considerably make an all-out effort, if it knew what she haddone for it wouldn’t it be so moved to death?

Of course, it’s reckoned if the emperor knew what Zhao JinYu was thinking at the time he would be so angry that he would cough out bloodright?

After all Zhao Jin Yu had originally thought to teach thestone a little lesson, in the end because of this matter however she locked itup for a night, the emperor was so angry he jumped about in the jewellery box,loudly clamouring and yelling something like later on he’ll make her live wantingto die, Zhao Jin Yu however only took it as a bad tempered stone spirit gettingangry, after eating dinner she placed the jewellery box beside her pillow andslept.

In the quiet and silent night, the atmosphere settled.

The emperor gradually recovered his rationality, beingemperor for many years, he who acted as he pleased wantonly and rampantly hadalready forgotten the importance of patience, once he also had an existencelike dust, didn’t he slowly endure it? And right now him arguing with the girlin front of him was not a practical solution to the problem, how can he be sostupid? Even though he didn’t want to admit it, but right now he ought to thinkof a way to gain her trust, then from her mouth find out where he actually was,when the time comes she would fall into his hands, and wouldn’t he be able todo whatever he wanted?

Cruel killing intent swirled in the emperor’s dark eyes, inthe darkness he was like a cheetah waiting for an opportunity.

Next early morning, Zhao Jin Yu opened the jewellery box,sure enough during at daytime, that stone appeared to have lost its vitality, motionless.

The emperor opened his eyes early morning, discovering hehad already returned to the palace, he was not at all angry like the severaltimes before, rather he was undisturbed, as if he had already accepted thisfreaky matter…, this was a fact?

After the emperor finished morning court he saw the left andright commanders of the Embroidered Uniform Guards Su Qing Chen and Qin Hong inthe imperial study alone.

The two of them long ago regard each other as a thorn intheir sides, gnashing their teeth, but on the surface nevertheless they kept onthe right side of everyone. Now standing in the doorway of the imperial study, bothwearing complicated and elegant feiyuclothing, wearing a xiuchun sword,a remarkably imposing manner, Su Qing Chen’s wide smile modestly declined, “MyLord Qin, please go in first, speaking of it, you and I are commanders, but I’mthe left commander, you are the right commander, my imperial court has alwaysseen the left as senior, you are therefore below me, hehe, I as the higherlevel naturally need to have an elegant demeanour, allow Lord Qin to enterfirst.” Su Qing Chen’s somewhat proud fake smile made Qin Hong feel hate thathis teeth itched, tight taut face.

As Qin Hong’s body had been purifiedsince young to become a palace eunuch his body was not as tall or developed asSu Qing Chen, somewhat thinner than average, his skin too white appearingrather weak, appearance also delicate and pretty, tone more soft, but standingstraight backed beside Su Qing Chen nevertheless he didn’t lose to the otherperson one bit, sharp gaze, a penetrating light emitted from his body makingpeople not dare to lightly overlook him, all his hand movements were to thepoint.

“From what I know, Lord Su is third ranked, unfortunately,I’m also third ranked, so there is no way to say who is above who right?” QinHong not to be outdone countered, speaking up to here he again cast a glance atSu Qing Chen’s lower body, moving closer to Su Qing Chen’s ear, whisperinglowly, “I actually heard Lord Su injured his foundation, that’s why you haven’tmarried this year at all, I wonder whether it’s true or not? Last time I alsoheard Hangzhou’s Lianxiang house’sfamous beauty Lady Chu Chu fell in love with the lord, the lord however in themiddle of the night holding his trousers ran out in panic, I wonder if it’strue? If there’s a problem best treat it early, I know a doctor…”

Su Qing Chen narrowed his eyes, his chest rising and fallingin fury, his tone nevertheless still calm as before, saying, “If Lord Qin reallywants to know, we can go together to find Lady Chu Chu, I don’t actually mindletting Lord Qin see a live erotic show, it’s just that it’s fine saying it, ifLord Qin’s mood is stirred up yet without that thing a man needs to do use…”

This was a disguised way to insult Qing Hon as a palaceeunuch. A trace of pain flashed past Qing Hong’s face, it caused him even morepain than being insulted by someone heartlessly.

In this moment, the fake mask on his face was taken off, thetwo looked at each other face to face, only itching to bite the other person todeath…, it was at time, the palace eunuch on duty as doorkeeper walked outhastily saying, “My two lords, His Majesty is waiting for the two of you rightnow.”

The two people immediately acted like nothing happened,smiles piled onto their faces, simultaneously saying to the eunuch, “Manythanks eunuch.”

The emperor sat in the middle of the imperial study on athrone of red lacquer with gold leaf dragon pattern, soft winter sun shone onthe emperor’s bright yellow gorgeous dragon robe, increasingly exhibiting hisunusual elegance and dignity, his head hung low slightly, palm lightly pressedagainst his forehead, hiding his handsome appearance as a mountain range in theshadow, making people unable to see his expression clearly.

The two people had just knelt down when they heard theemperor gloomily say, “Do you know your crime?”

Qin Hong’s and Su Qing Chen’s hearts sunk, all togetherkowtowing, “This humble servant is terrified, unable to find that unusual stonewithout delay, this humble servant knows his crime.”

The emperor snorted once, impatiently waving his hand,mercilessly said, “Then go receive punishment.”

Qin Hong and Su Qing Chen did not have any complaints,compared with the emperor’s other punishments this was considered light. Itwasn’t the first time the two people had been punished by the emperor, howeverthis was actually the first time together…, in the past only one person waspunished out of the two of them, afterwards the other person would stand andwatch, adding taunts.

The palace eunuchs tied the two people onto benches, butafter all they were third rank officials, in order to preserve their honourtheir trousers were not pulled down, the hits however were not lenient in theslightest, hit by hit, extremely ruthless.

Qin Hong seeing Su Qing Chen gritting his teeth in pain, hisheart was extremely happy, however very soon he could not smile…, malabazi,this eunuch is also too ruthless, hitting so painfully.

In fact it wasn’t that the eunuchs punishing them didn’twant to be lenient, only the emperor was too harsh, no one dared to make thisdecision, because if they were discovered, it wouldn’t be as simple as dying,the place in the emperor’s back garden where snakes are raised still lack a lotof fodder.

The two people were given twenty beatings, this time it wasactually Su Qing Chen who laughed, his body was st.u.r.dy, after the beating hewas still able to hobble away, Qin Hong was actually immediately carried by theeunuchs to go give thanks to the emperor, all the way he ridiculed Qin Hong fora long time, even thinking his b.u.t.t didn’t hurt much, in the end Qin Hong veryquickly turned the tables, the emperor unexpectedly made him stay back tospeak.

At noon it started snowing again, very soon the entirepalace was shrouded in a silver white sheet, outside the Xihua gate,Su Qing Chen injured sprawled on his carriage insistent on waiting for QinHong, those accompanying him were helpless, continuously cold they rubbed theirhands, waiting and watching the door.

The moment Qin Hong stepped out of the Xihua gate he saw SuQing Chen’s carriage, the corners of his mouth raised rather lazily in a smile,saying, “Lord Su is still in the mood to appreciate the snow with suchinjuries? Truly very refined and elegant.”

Su Qing Chen waited outside for quite a while, just now hewas suffering from the pain, and did not pay attention to Qin Hong’s mocking,bluntly getting to the point asking, “Why did the emperor tell you to staybehind?”

Qin Hong took in Su Qing Chen’s elegant appearance, seeinghis pale complexion due to the pain, his heart became even more delighted,saying, “The emperor asked me what makes women happy.”

“What?” Because he was too astonished, Su Qing Chen’s pitchhad unconsciously risen quite a bit, “Who are you deceiving? The emperor stillneeds to win over women? There are an unknown amount of imperial concubines whowant to serve the emperor, besides, even if he had to ask he should ask me, whywould he ask you a eunuch?”

Qin Hong’s face also expressed a bit of doubt, but hearingSu Qing Chen’s words he immediately became infuriated saying, “Although I’m aneunuch, but I’m still a man with one wife and four concubines, what more mywife is the former world famous talented girl Li Qiong Mei, the fact is you’rea bachelor, could it be he should still ask you!” Finished speaking he flunghis sleeves getting onto his sedan chair to leave.

Su Qing Chen also got into his carriage, secretly cursing inhis mind, a eunuch marrying so many women weren’t that making them into gra.s.swidows?He hated him so much in his heart, however waiting until he slowly calmed downhe again thought of those words from a moment ago, Qin Hong that sly andtreacherous person never said useless things, him asking him that bluntly wasmerely a test, and did not think he would get a proper answer, but his wordswere very strange, so strange it made him feel it wasn’t made up to deceivehim.

If it was true, who did the emperor want to coax?

Also which woman is so lucky?

How did Su Qing Chen know, the emperor’s method of coaxingpeople was merely a sweet poison, like a beautiful mushroom, attracting peopleto be poisoned then make a ruthless move, it simply could not be consideredlucky…?

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