My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 8

T/N: Happy holidays everyone! Here"s an early gift o(〃^▽^〃)o


The emperor woke to the smell of food, he breathed inthrough his nose, he couldn’t help think…this time what dish was made? Theevening meal at the palace was exquisite delicacy, not just it’s smell, justit’s appearance was so beautiful that he couldn’t bear to lower the chopsticks,but just like this he however felt no appet.i.te, only quickly eating two piecesof cured meat, that was still because he had eaten it when he changed into astone yesterday night, unexpectedly eating it at the palace it was insipid.

It was still pitch-black all around, the emperor ratherdepressed, he never thought after one day she still had not let him out, jumpedabout in hatred.

“Ai, little thing, you’re awake?”

Little thing…, the emperor almost did not stifle his breath,merely thinking of his plan it was better for him to be prepared to endure it,in fact he also felt somewhat baffled, in the past he wasn’t so bad that hewould be unable to remain calm like this because of someone’s words, but afterturning into a stone if seems like he got hungry more easily, and somewhatunable to control his temper, like a person returning to the sincere mood oftheir former youth.

The emperor’s heart took a moment to settle, then did heopen his mouth to say, “Let me out.”

Zhao Jin Yu said, “I can let you out, but you must earnestlyand sincerely give me an apology.”


“Hey, you’re still so daring…, that manner of yours isreally like a lord emperor.” Zhao Jin Yu unconsciously thought when that stoneopened its mouth just now sounded like an emperor, again very quickly shakingher head saying, “That said could you may be not a stone spirit, rather a soulof a certain emperor? Because the Yang energy is too great during the daytherefore you can’t enter this body, only appearing in this body at night?”This was how it could be understood why it could only be alive during thenight.

Before the stone had called itself using the imperial we,but at that time it was nosy and in disarray, Zhao Jin Yu also did not pay muchnotice, now in the dead of night, as there was no miscellaneous task botheringher, he started to carefully investigate.

As for why her brain thought the stone was a certainemperor’s soul from a previous dynasty, that can only be because before shetime travelled she had read too many mysterious fantasy novels, = =.

As to why she didn’t think it was the current emperor, thisis also very obvious…, if it was the current emperor turned into a stone,wouldn’t the capital already be in an uproar? A few days before she had heardWen Shi say, the emperor’s temper was explosive recently, if the chancellorswere slightly careless with their words they would be ordered out by theemperor to be beaten, since after emperor Wuling ascended the throne, severalmore courageous and strong palace eunuchs were outside the Hall of SupremeHarmonyfor morning court, they were all palace eunuchs for punishment, so long as theyangered the emperor they would be dragged out to be beaten, the emperor wouldalso not kill you, demote your official positions, just beat you on the whitemarble steps outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony in front of hundreds ofofficers and me, sometimes your trousers would also be pulled down…, this wasin fact more painful than being killed, an old imperial secretaries could notbear such humiliation, running into a pillar to commit suicide, following thismany people one after another copied him, using death to make a stand, for atime every day there were traces of blood on those steps, unable to be cleanedby washing, unfortunately the emperor was not moved at all.

“Impudent!” The emperor thought, what lost soul, we are thecurrent emperor, but these words could only be stifled in his thoughts,regardless if this girl believes or not, even if she believed him…, ignoringthe fact that before she had despised him, and locked him up in a blacklacquered jewellery box, would she agree to deliver it back to the palace? Notworried he would look into punishing her?

Thinking up to here, the emperor laughed grimly twice, maybethe idiot would agree, if he really could prove he was the emperor, the firstthing this girl would do is take him onto the grindstone outside to crush him,then everything would be completely over.

Therefore it wasn’t possible for him to reveal anything abouthis ident.i.ty, in short the crucial point is to first coax her, he truly was fedup with waking up every day in this lousy house!

In this moment the emperor simply forgot he had previouslyasked Qin Hong how to coax a woman’s heart, because no matter what he could notlet go of his honourable arrogance.

“No…” The emperor arrogantly humph through his nose.

“Then why do you call yourself the imperial we? Could it beyou and the emperor have some sort of certain connection?” Zhao Jin Yuunconsciously started to imagine in her head, perhaps this stone is an objectthat the emperor plays with? After a long time it became a spirit?

The emperor had a break through, thinking he couldn’t allowthe girl in front of him to continue guessing at random, voluntarily saying,“We...are, the emperor among stones, naturally I would call myself using theimperial we.” This sort of ident.i.ty would go as far as to not allow the girl infront of him to look down upon it, and he can keep his majestic presence, theemperor felt this reason was very good, even if he apologised, the emperorwould still not lose his pride. “Since you know our ident.i.ty, you still won’tlet us out?”

Zhao Jin Yu was rather astonished, but very quickly sheregained her calm, smiling she said, “Even the emperor’s father has to bereasonable right? You sneakily ate my food you need to first apologise!”Without rules, nothing can be done, even though she didn’t hate this littlething, but she also could not indulge it to do whatever it pleased.

The emperor suppressing his anger issued a vicious clamouringhum knocking against the surface, causing the jewellery box to shake violently,thinking in his mind, reasonable? What nonsense! In the Hanzhen dynasty ourwords were reason!

Although the emperor spoke maliciously, he himself thoughthe was very formidable and aggressive, but in fact he tone right now was…, eventhough he was angry it still had some overtone of a spoiled child, Zhao Jin Yu nearlymelted from that soft and sweet voice, but she maintained her view, pushing thefragrant dish of spare ribs stewed with potato towards the jewellery boxslightly, with an enticing voice she said, “Tonight I made spare ribs stewedwith potato, smell if it’s nice or not, if you admit you wronged, I can thinkabout allowing you to try it.”

The emperor thought about it, using this lousy thing to coaxus? If he really couldn’t resist it, wouldn’t it make those chefs of theimperial kitchen who take great pains to cook be so ashamed to commit suicide?Who would have imagined when the smell of that food flooded his nose, salivaflowed unstoppable like running water, he disappointingly swallowed with a `gudong` sound.

Afterwards…, the emperor’s face reddened.

Zhao Jin Yu heard it and could not help laugh, lookingextremely happy.

“Shut up!”

The emperor again darkened, angry, he felt changing into astone he was more and more strange, it was very hard to control himself,unexpectedly some urgency was felt in his heart, wanting to hurriedly breakaway from this situation, muttering to himself irresolutely somewhat stammeringhe said, “So long as we admit we were wrong, you will let us out?”

“Of course.”

The emperor closed his eyes, heartlessly, lowly saying, “I’msorry.”


“What else?” The emperor almost roared out.

Zhao Jin Yu remained unmoved, knocking on the jewellery box,shaking the emperor unsteadily from side to side, displaying her own power,then warningly said, “You need to say, I shouldn’t steal your food, I’m sorry,and I won’t do it again, then is the sentence complete.”

“I shouldn’t steal your…food, I’m…sorry, and I won’t do itagain.” Such a simple sentence but it almost took a quarter of an hour for theemperor to say with the hesitation, finished speaking a murderous intent filledhis eyes, but thinking of his body right now, he was forced to resist it,saying with malicious resentment, “We said it, you still won’t let us out?”

Zhao Jin Yu also knew not to push him too much, smiling sheopened the box, then took the stone out, with a somewhat forgiving mind she putit to her lips and kissed it, saying, “Fine, little thing, don’t be angry, fromnow on if you listen to me I won’t punish you.”

The girl’s soft lips lightly like b.u.t.terfly wings touchedthe stone’s surface, nevertheless that fragrance a.s.sailed his nostrils, the spoiltfeeling wrapped around it. The emperor looked distracted, his heartunconsciously pounded, his mouth however said, “Do you actually have any senseof honour?” His soft and sweet voice rather than criticising, Zhao Jin Yuhowever heard it as more of a display of arrogance.

“You can’t oh.” Zhao Jin Yu held the stone in her palm, earnestlygazing at it, “little thing, you can’t scold people like this as you wish oh.”

“You did it yet you won’t let allow someone to tell youoff?” Even though the emperor manner was unyielding towards Zhao Jin Yu, but awarmth emitted from his eyes, not knowing why his tone was somewhat a bitlower.

Zhao Jin Yu naturally felt it, beaming she stroked thestone, saying, “This is just a way of expressing fondness.”

In truth in Zhao Jin Yu’s eyes the stone’s body was only alittle bit bigger than a quail egg, and the soft and sweet voice, gluttonouspersonality, it really provoked tenderness, speaking frankly she treated thisstone like a pet, so it was hard to hold avoid some indulgence and tolerance inher manner and tone.

However the emperor did not think like this, in his eyes thegirl in front of him had turned into a frivolous and wanton person.

Lighting the underground heating, it was nice and warminside the house, Zhao Jin Yu only wore a light waist length light green thinlittle jacket, black hair tied in a loose braid behind her back, exposing herfair and round earlobe, very much dressed as she wished, so much that it wasnot refined, but the emperor’s gaze was nevertheless involuntarily placed onZhao Jin Yu’s perky roundness.

However it wasn’t because he was indecent, it was mainlybecause as Zhao Jin Yu asked him if he was cold or not, she was using bothhands to push him against her chest, the cleavage of her unimaginably softchest was in this way pushing against his body which had turned into a stone…,he secretly cursed in his mind giddily, his heart however uncontrollably pitterpattered.

“Little thing, even though you are older than me, but havingjust transformed you can speak?” Zhao Jin Yu gently placed the stone on a table,originally the house was filled with tables, dressing tables, long tables,narrow beds, all were chopped down by her to burn as firewood, now only thistable for eating was left, “since you say you’re the emperor of stones, thenyou ought to be very well respected, how can you just be an ordinary Yuhuastone?”

The emperor couldn’t hold his anger, saying, “We are themost respected stone!”

Zhao Jin Yu couldn’t help smile, while she spoke she pickedout food from the dish, the spare ribs had been given by Wen Shi in the earlymorning, even though all along she said she had bought too much for her familyto finish, but seeing that guilty expression she knew, this sadly wasespecially bought to give her to control her fright, Wen Shi was alwaysgood-natured, she imagined when she went home yesterday evening she found itvery difficult to bear.

Thus after a few polite words she accepted the things, a lotof grateful words said paled in comparison, she would remember this kindintention of Wen Shi, and place it in her heart.

Zhao Jin Yu finished dishing out the food, asking, “How doyou want to eat it? Still stand in the bowl?” Truthfully she had already beencurious from an earlier time how the stone ate, that’s why she was in quitehigh spirit when asking.

The emperor hmphed, “Give us a bath.”

Zhao Jin Yu with a good temperament used her chopsticks toplace the emperor into plain boiled water whishing it about, the emperor beingsqueezed by chopsticks yelled in hatred, “Outrageous, what are you actuallydoing?”

“I’m sorry, these are the circ.u.mstances here.”

The emperor’s chest moved up and down, incessantly speakingto himself, enduring it, it would soon pa.s.s, but just like this he still felthis anger shake his body, Zhao Jin Yu chuckled and smiled, only thinking thisstone was indeed amusing, in order to complement, taking a clean handkerchief,gently she help the stone and carefully wiped the waterdrops, saying, “Don’t beangry now, I’ll wipe you dry, I’ve been reluctant to use this handkerchief,it’s made of silk.”

The emperor gloomily thought, the materials used inside thepalace were imperial quality, only under 

Zhao Jin Yu’s tender care did hisanger lower quite a lot.

Zhao Jin Yu softly placed the stone into the bowl, blinkingin expectation, “Eat.”

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