My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 14

T/N: Sorry for the late update but hopefully I should be able to update a little more every now and then...perhaps an update in the middle of the week(?) Not sure just yet but look out (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ 

Oh and sorry don"t layout keeps changing trying to find one that should work for me and you, please leave a comment on what you think about it ^_^


If we tell you, we are the current emperor, would youbelieve it?” The emperor arrogantly, indifferently said.

Zhao Jin Yu blanked for a second, mainly because thisstone’s words were too deadpan, but very soon she reacted this was it playing apractical joke, wasn’t the emperor safely in the palace? Who is he deceiving!

“I don’t want to hear your lies!” For the purpose ofpunishing the stone, Zhao Jin Yu picked up the jewellery box ruthlessly shakingit, a clanking sound resounded from inside the box, knocking the emperor faintwith blurred vision, he had thought his brain wasn’t working from hunger, in aflash he thought he was about to faint.

“Outrageous, stop your hands for us!” Of course the emperordid not sincerely have the desire to reveal his ident.i.ty, he only said that totest Zhao Jin Yu’s reaction, see if she had already guessed something.Fortunately, Zhao Jin Yu appearance right now clearly showed, she only thoughtthis matter was related to him, but did not think he could be the emperor.

At the same time the worry in his heart dissipated, afterall, provided that him and her were together, if she knew she had offended theemperor as mighty as the heaven, in order to survive she would only think ofways to remove the stains, best to get rid of all evidence, avoid troublelater, but on the other hand the emperor again had a sort of unspeakableunacceptance, truly blind to the facts!

Wait until she’s captured in the future, he will personallytell her, he is the stone that she often despised, watching her shocked andregretfully painful expression, weeping bitter tears as she sadly beggedforgiveness, inevitably it would be an extremely delightful thing. When thattime comes he wants her eyes scooped out, thus reprimanding her for acting likea sn.o.b, chop off her arms and legs, thus punishing her for using those handswantonly to shake him!

“It seems that you don’t plan on speaking?” Zhao Jin Yu’svoice held some seldom anger, as soon as she thought of so many women who wereimplicated because of her, she felt extremely unsettled! She shook the box witheven more power.

“Stop shaking!” The emperor was seeing stars from Zhao JinYu’s shaking, just now that elation of taking revenge and wiping out a grudgedisappeared completely, he said to himself, he could only bear it for a while…,“First present us with a meal, when we are full we’re naturally tell you!” Hehe,the emperor secretly sneered, we will lead you to a hole in a minute.

After a moment, the dignified emperor came across thedelicious rice-b.a.l.l.s, all his dignity was gone forever! = . =

The emperor laid on a fist sized rice-ball excitedly wailingout, his round body b.u.mped against here, pushed over there, joyfully eating therice, like this simple and crude rice-ball was the greatest delicacy in theworld.

Zhao Jin Yu rested her chin on her hand, she didn’t knowwhy, she unexpectedly had an illusion that the stone in front of her was alittle pig, perhaps it was because he was simply eating so happily, from timeto time producing a whispery hum, fitting with his originally soft and sweetvoice, it was simply so cute, if it wasn’t for her strong willpower, maybe shewould not have had the heart to continue the interrogation.

“You still haven’t finished talking.” Zhao Jin Yu used herhand to knock against the side of the jewellery box, producing a thuddingsound, like a type of warning, “Tell me once they find out they arrested thewrong people, they will release the women.”

“Oh!” The emperor lingered in the ocean of food, so happy bubblesalmost appeared, he replied very half-heartedly.

“Then the things we say, can they hear it?” Zhao Jin Yu wasdeeply worried and sick at heart, who 

would have imagined she provokedsomething belonging to the emperor…, of course, the stone persisted it wasn’t atoy of the emperor, rather it was the most venerated stone emperor, in short,the meaning is, he was forever the most matchlessly respected. = .=

At this point Zhao Jin Yu also believed, this stone’sappearance was a common Yuhua stone, without a bit of magical power, how canthe emperor take a liking to it? But regarding the stone’s explanation, thereason why all girls called Zhang Hong was arrested, she still felt somethingdidn’t add up, 

“You’re meaning is that the Embroidered Uniform Guards commanderaccidentally lost you, then in order to atone for his crimes he turned over thewhole city to find you, then if I took the initiative to hand you over not onlywill I obtain the emperor’s reward but even move the Embroidered Uniform Guardsto tears? Even more it would allow those innocent girls to be released as soonas possible?”

The emperor narrowed his eyes, a profound gaze, a kind ofdarkness that people could not see through, he said, “By no means do we want toreturn to the palace, that place is absolutely boring!” 

Afterwards he glancedat Zhao Jin Yu, again heedlessly continuing, “before they used witchcraft,that’s why they could see our conduct, they just happened to hear your name,they guessed our disappearance is related to you somewhat, however don’t worry,this kind of witchcraft can only be used once!”

Zhao Jin Yu frowned, unconsciously clenching her fisttightly, “Then from what you’re saying, I ought to give you back!” Maybe shecould also talk about her father’s situation in front of the emperor.

“Humph, we won’t go back.”

Zhao Jin Yu, “…”

The emperor perfectly satisfied ate the last piece ofmarinated beef, he couldn’t help smack his lips 

together thinking, thismarinated beef was somewhat salty, quality of meat was also not exquisite,because it had tendons, he expended quite a great deal of effort chewing it,but like this it was still tastier than the dishes meticulously cooked and madein the palace, he finished eating and waited for 

Zhao Jin Yu to wash him, inthe end after a while he didn’t see Zhao Jin Yu move, lifting his head, heglanced at the hesitation on Zhao Jin Yu’s face, now she frowned, now shepursed her lips, as if she was in the middle of a tremendous perplexity.

Hehehe, the emperor laughed grimly, even if his reasons weresomewhat unfathomable, a normal person naturally wouldn’t believe it, sincethis girl could accept a talking stone…, the later weird explanations could beunderstood, right now he only had to wait, human were greedy by nature, whowouldn’t want the emperor’s praise and reward? He wasn’t in a rush, because hebelieved sooner or later she would be swallowed up by such greed.

Zhao Jin Yu said, “Then why was a royal decree not madebefore?”

The emperor’s eyebrows twitched, thinking about it, thisgirl wasn’t that stupid, he told her the excuse he had thought of before, “Athing like the imperial family losing something, how can it be wantonly madepublic? It’s already not use, it would also make people anxious.” In fact thereal reason was because the emperor did not want even more people knowing hechanged into a stone, 

giving those people who want to harm him the opportunity.

The emperor never believed in eternal loyalty, only eternalbenefit, that’s why even his most 

competent left and right commander of theEmbroidered Uniform Guards did not know, that what they were looking for wasactually his body.

The more Zhao Jin Yu thought about it the more she feltthere was something amiss, actually the stone had explained it very well,regardless whether it’s a reason or the entire story, she however instinctivelyfelt, it wasn’t as simply as it seems!

A stone which can talk, Embroidered Uniform Guards, theemperor, these things were linked together, into a terrifying net, seeming likeit was dragging her in!

Zhao Jin Yu somewhat absent-mindedly gave the stone a bath,under its fussiness, she also ma.s.saged it, then gently wiped the water from itsbody, really busy.

At night, as usual the emperor laid on Zhao Jin Yu’s pillow,but his gaze nevertheless involuntarily looked towards Zhao Jin Yu’s chest,today the underground heating was too hot, just sitting it was so hot shesweated, Zhao Jin Yu changed her inner clothes to a while light muslin, thethin and light muslin was almost half transparent, contrasting the redundergarment covering her chest and abdomen hazily.

Sharp curves, fair skin, as well as a faint fragrance, theemperor unconsciously recalled, how a few days before he had slept in that unimaginablysoft cleavage, but very soon, the emperor turned his head, secretly cursing inhis mind, truly a woman who has no sense of honour! Wearing a light muslin asinner clothing, like those women in the palace who has gone crazy wanting gloryand pampering, nothing more than openly showing their means of striving forfavour, she a young girl, again how did she learn that? Hehe, as expected sheis cheap.

How could Zhao Jin Yu know what the emperor was thinking atthat moment, to her who had travelled through time, let alone wearing a muslin,even just wearing undergarments to sleep was very normal, it’s just that rightnow a lot of things filled her mind, her attention simply was not on the stone,she thought according to the stone’s explanation, if she wasn’t an idiot shewould offer up the stone, then receive a reward, this was such a good thing…no,there was definitely something amiss, Zhao Jin Yu had a very bad premonition!

Early morning, Zhao Jin Yu got dressed, and hid the letterentrusted by Zhao Chang Chun in a sewn pocket, wearing her hat she left.

Outside there was already a middle aged married woman aroundthirty years old waiting for her, she was called Chen Rong, the armed escortsent by Xingtian bodyguards establishment to accompany her to the south, ZhaoChang Chun was someone who planned ahead, and how could she rashly allow hisdaughter to travel by herself, before he was sent to prison he had ordered thistrip under the protection of an armed escort, the cost had already been paid infull before, making Zhao Jin Yu apart from being flabbergasted but feeling thismatter was somewhat mysterious.

What exactly was inside this letter?

Also how did daddy schedule an armed escort in advance?

The more Zhao Jin Yu thought about it the more she didn’tunderstand, but even though there was a lot she didn’t understand, there wasone thing she was certain about, daddy wouldn’t harm her, rather than lettingher imagination run wild here, she might as well hurry on her way, when shearrived at her destination, everything would be clear right?

“Lady Zhao, it’s no longer early, we should hurry on ourway.” Chen Rong neither overbearing nor servile said, “These past few days thesearches have been very strict, without a road pa.s.s it’s simply impossible toleave the city, luckily we are somewhat prepared.”

Zhao Jin Yu nodded, turning her head she once again lookedat her home, the originally not too big nor lavishly beautiful house, becauseof the lack of people it seemed even more vacant in winter. Her heart ached, alight mist rising in her eyes, but she resisted the tears, without turning herhead again she got onto the mule cart.

In the end the mule cart had only taken two steps, themarried woman from next door came out with two children, “Jin girl, Jin girl!”

Zhao Jin Yu hurriedly asked Chen Rong to stop the cart,pushing aside the curtain she saw Wen Shi and the twin boys saying, “Auntie,Shu Bao, Shu Zhen, why did you come?”

The corners of Wen Shi’s eyes were tearful, saying, “You areleaving, auntie will see you off.” 

Having spoken she handed the bundle in herhand to Zhao Jin Yu, “There isn’t anything good in the house, only somethingsto eat, don’t reject it.”

“I can’t take it!”

Zhang Shu Bao and Zhang Shu Zhen were round and chubby, veryrobust, because Wen Shi’s first child several years ago did not survive, manyyears after marriage did she then have these twins, this year they were nineyears old, two mischievous children who gave the neighbourhood a headache.

At this moment seeing the two of them at a deadlock, theolder brother Zhang Shu Bao blinked his pair of eyes who saw clearly saw thingsas right and wrong, earnestly saying, “Older sister, my mother woke early tosteam buns, she even scalded her hands, we didn’t steal any either, if youdon’t take it, won’t you deeply hurt my mother?”

Hearing this Zhao Jin Yu’s was touched, stroking the twochildren’s heads, but she nevertheless could not say anything grateful, becausegrateful words were too weak simply unable to convey a tenth of the emotions inher heart

Wen Shi actually had a list of questions she wanted to askher, where are you going? Will you come back? Is your father’s matter makingprogress? But she didn’t say anything, after all this was Zhao Jin Yu’s familymatters, only…she found it extremely difficult to bear.

Younger brother Zhang Shu Zhen was comparatively clever,seeing Wen Shi look like she want to say something but hesitating, he seriouslysaid, “Older sister, if you don’t feel comfortable staying over there then comeback, I will marry you in the future, then we can live together as a family.”

“What nonsense are you saying child!”

Zhao Jin Yu however laughed at him, with such a laugh, themelancholy of the long journey again lessened a lot, Wen Shi also helplesslylaughed, saying, “If there are problems come back, every day your Uncle Shu nagthat I haven’t given him a daughter…”

“En.” Tears at the corners of her eyes Zhao Jin Yu noddedfirmly.

Chen Rong saw Zhao Jin Yu had gotten onto the mule cart,lowering the curtain, she sat at the front holding a lash to hurry the mule,appearing very proficient, only this journey was somewhat not peaceful, theywere interrogated quite a few times, if it wasn’t for the census register ZhaoJin Yu brought with her to show her ident.i.ty, and Xintian bodyguardsestablishment’s road pa.s.s, they really would have found it difficult to getaway.

After they exited the city gate, not just Zhao Jin Yu buteven Chen Rong was more relaxed.

There was a temple outside the capital city, when Zhao JinYu was young she would come here to play, only later for an unknown reason itwas abandoned, this was a road that must be taken to go south.

“Auntie Chen, stop a minute.”

Even though Chen Rong did not understand, she still howeverstopped the cart, “Lady Zhao, just call my name.”

Zhao Jin Yu did not fight with Chen Rong over calling herthat, she estimated the weight of the bundle with her hands, saying, “AuntieChen, wait for me her for a moment.” Then because she thought what she wasdoing was slightly weird, she bashfully explained, “I’m going to pee.”

Chen Rong naturally did not follow, urging her to becareful, “Lady Zhao, my eyes and ears are very good, if you have a problem justshout my name and I’ll hear it.”

Zhao Jin Yu nodded her head in thanks before going inside.

Through the temple gate, her shoes stepping on the snowproduced a crunching sound, in this quiet 

place it seemed unexpectedly clear,Zhao Jin Yu arrived at the rear courtyard, seeing a dried up well on the side,abandoned for so long, dust covered it, Zhao Jin Yu with a somewhat hesitantexpression stood there for a while, in the end she nevertheless made up hermind and casually took out a jewellery box from her bundle, without theslightest hesitation she threw it in, she only heard a clang, the box fell intothe jet-black depth of the well.

Zhao Jin Yu got into the mule cart, watching the abandonedtemple getting further and further away, with a sad expression, in her mind shecouldn’t help say, stone, I’m sorry, I simply do not believe your words, lookinginto since you and I met, you haven’t said a word of truth…, as for those womenwrongly arrested, she kept her hand on her chest feeling unwell due to guilt,right now she could not use the stone to save them.

If she had guessed correctly, if she offered up the stonepractically everything would be a disaster, she wasn’t worried something wouldhappen to her, but right now there was something more urgent she needed to do,wait until she comes back from the south…

Stone, wait for me.

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