My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 29

Zhao Jin Yu was still not at ease, she said, “I need tospeak with Auntie Chen.” Even though the stone had made her feel at ease thathe was there for everything, but listening was just cheered her up, she stilldidn’t believe it, again afraid that the stone would not be happy, she said, “Iknow you have the ability, but, currently you’ve used up your spirit power…”

The words were supposed to be comforting, but in the end themore she spoke the more provocative it was, at least that was how the emperorheard it, he stared at Zhao Jin Yu, humph, Zhao Jin Yu jumped in shock, shethought to herself she had spoken wrongly, who would have imagined the stoneimpatiently saying, “Go.”

Zhao Jin Yu’s heart settled down, comfortingly she kissedthe stone, seeing that even though he was whining, yet he did not get angry,then did she put on clothes to go out.

When she left a shadow pushed open the window, blowing inlike a burst of wind.

“Your Majesty, those people have a.s.sembled a group togethernearby, they ought to be thinking of acting tonight.” An Wen Yao bent his kneeskneeling on the ground, he also didn’t lift his head, speaking as he firmlylooked to the ground.

The emperor rolled around once on the silk handkerchief, thelight yellow silk set off his milky white plump body, he looked very cute, butthe words he spoke however held a stern determination, he said, 

“Kill them allfor us, don’t allow a single one to live.”

“At your imperial majesty’s command.”

“Hang those people’s severed heads on the city wall as awarning.” The emperor’s gaze was profound.

An Wen Yao’s expression was cold, respectfully saying, “Atyour imperial majesty’s command.” He has always listened and obeyed the emperor,so long as the emperor orders it he would never ask the reason, he would onlythink of ways to accomplish it, this was also the reason why the emperorfavoured him the most.

“Where is Su Qing Chen?”

“In the temple near here.” An Wen Yao said.

Thinking about it Su Qing Chen was somewhat pitiful, becausethere was only one tavern in this area, in order to avoid Zhao Jin Yu’sattention, he could only find a worn out temple nearby to stay temporarily, withsuch a position as his, it could be considered as simple and crude.

“He is becoming more and more inappropriate doing thisa.s.signment.” The emperor lowered his voice to say.

An Wen Yao’s heart thudded…, all of sudden he started tofeel a little sympathy for Su Qing Chen, the emperor clearly treats this LadyZhao differently, Su Qing Chen however approached her without apprehension, somuch so that he wanted this young lady to like him, wasn’t he courting death?

Sure enough he very quickly heard the emperor say, “Make himkeep night vigil outside the tavern.”

“At your imperial majesty’s command.” When An Wen Yao thoughtof Su Qing Chen keeping night vigil trembling outside in the very cold winter,he was suddenly filled with sympathy, but he also felt a bit in his heart thathe deserved it. 囧

When Zhao Jin Yu had gone Chen Rong had just left, she couldonly go back, at night when she was in bed ready to sleep then did she hear thesound of Chen Rong knocking on her door, “Lady Zhao?”

“Auntie Chen.” Zhao Jin Yu got up throwing on a cloak, toopen the door.

When Chen Rong heard Zhao Jin Yu’s words she jokingly said,“Don’t worry, someone will eventually deal with us.”

Zhao Jin Yu, “…”

Chen Rong saw Zhao Jin Yu’s confused expression, sheexplained, “That tail is still following us, I saw it just now…” Chen Rongcouldn’t help smile, with a sort of joy at someone’s misfortune, she had goneout just now to see if there were anyone lying in wait around, Tiangui sect hasalways been somewhat unforgiving, they certainly wouldn’t let them go thiseasily, who would have imagined she would actually see a familiar figure at thedoor.

“What is it?”

Chen Rong immediately realised she could not say thesethings to Zhao Jin Yu, she was a young lady who had been kept at home, shefirmly said, “All in all, you don’t need to worry, you just need to sleeppeacefully.”

Zhao Jin Yu was baffled, but recalling that Chen Rong alwayshandled matters appropriately, her heavy heart settled in her stomach.

Chen Rong returned to her own room, she opened her window asliver, sneakily glancing out, she saw wearing a thick outfit, Su Qing Chenstill standing at the door with an amiable appearance, again her heartimmediately was not at ease, she muttered, “A high official off the imperialcourt, running after a young lady like this…, could it really be devotion?” Onlyno matter how much she thought about it 

she couldn’t think of what Su Qing Chencould be obsessed about with Zhao Jin Yu, in the end she could only conclude itwas pa.s.sionate love, lying on her bed, with her eyes closed she couldn’t help think,who hasn’t been frivolous when young? Even she had given up everything for theperson she loved right?

Zhao Jin Yu returned to bed, kissing the stone, she said, “Ifeel that things recently have been smooth sailing, is it because you areprotecting me?”

The emperor haughtily said, “Of course.”

Zhao Jin Yu smiled, placing the stone on her chest, saying,“I really wish everything will be over soon.” Adoptive mother’s heartlessness,it would be a lie to say it didn’t naturally hurt, only maybe because she hadalready been mentally prepared before, that’s why when it came to actuallyfacing her, she felt it truly is like this, afterwards her heart was especiallyserene. It was like her heart which had always been suspended finally camefalling down.

“Last time I asked you to help me make enquiries about myolder brother.”

“Yes.” The emperor laid on Zhao Jin Yu’s soft cleavage,smelling the familiar fragrance, unexpectedly a somewhat different feelingappeared in his heart…, if he wasn’t a stone right now, but in his normal body?

“There’s no need.” From now on she had no relations withthem.

The emperor rubbed against Zhao Jin Yu’s chest…, at first itwas because he wanted to get her 

attention, it’s just that he accidentallytouched her nub, the ice-cold stone, touching the sensitive skin made Zhao JinYu’s body shiver instinctively, she couldn’t help say, “Don’t move.” That voiceunconsciously held a little skittishness.

The emperor’s heart was set to a steaming blaze, burning hismouth and tongue dry!

Zhao Jin Yu also felt somewhat embarra.s.sed, but very quicklyshe was at ease, it was only a stone spirit, in accordance to human age it wasonly a small baby, and did not matter, she patted it saying, “Little thing,behave for me.”

The emperor thought he might be ill, he slept very late thatnight, when An Wen Yao came to report those people had already been handled, thendid he sleep, but in his dream he dreamed of a pair of male and female fierilyrolling around beneath the curtains, an ambiguous atmosphere, scorching knifelike temperature, slender white calves, then…, seeing their faces clearly, hestopped breathing, wasn’t that Zhoa Jin Yu and him?

The next day, inside the imperial palace in the capitalcity.

Rui Fu thought the emperor was rather strange today, heactually abruptly asked for someone to serve him in bed! Thinking about it theemperor always found women as somewhat unnecessary, a pure heart with fewdesires like a practicing Buddhist monk, ever since the former imperial consorthad died of illness no one had been able to approach the emperor, in this waythe harem became more and more of a decorative thing.

However today, all of a sudden when the emperor woke up, heeven asked for someone to serve him in bed? Would you call that weird?

Imperial concubine Zhao was simply a little wild with joy,the emperor actually summoned her to serve his bed! When she received theimperial decree she was so moved she kneeled on the floor almost unable tostand, afterwards it was the palace maids to the side who lifted her up.

The emperor watched imperial concubine Zhao walk over elegantlyand supplely with his usual expression, taking off the outer white fur cloak,it revealed the flimsy but shape revealing lake green qixiongruquni,fair plumpness half covered, under the sunshine it had a kind of enchantingcharacter.

Rui Fu stood at the door, like a door G.o.d, he thought theemperor’s pure heart with few desires lifestyle had been going on for too long,this time it should go on for a bit longer right? He had already been preparedto stay very late into the night, who would have imagined suddenly the screechof imperial concubine Zhao came from inside followed by the emperor’s cold andresolute chiding, 

“Get lost.”

The door was opened, imperial concubine Zhao was semi nakedfrom the waist up, ashamed and resentfully wishing for death, hugging herclothes she wept endlessly running out.

What was this?

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