My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 34

T/N: A treat for you all a long chapter! (At least it seemed like it when I was translating...) I will say one word about this chapter `adorable` haha


Su Qing Chen slept very well that night, in his dream ZhaoJin Yu cute and helpless looking laid in his arms, like a docile cat, he lookedat the stone pendant hanging from her neck, he couldn’t help capriciously thinkhe got the person, and had protected the strange stone, it really could be saidhe had killed two birds with one stone, then thinking about the emperor’scommendation to him when he returned to the capital city, he couldn’t helplaugh loudly several times.

Who would have imagined when he woke up in the morning AnWen Yao stood watching at his bedside, gaze ambiguous and unclear, giving him abad feeling.

“Lord An, you really are early.” Su Qing Chen smiledsomewhat weakly.

An Wen Yao looked Su Qing Chen up and down for some time,finally he opened his clam like mouth, saying, “Lord Su, you don’t have to keepan eye on things here.”


“I’ve already sent a message by pigeon telling Lord Qin tohead south through the night to replace you.” An Wen Yao recalled the emperor’sdeep voice from last night, his body trembled, he could only think that Su QingChen being able to be here right now so steadily was due to luck.

Su Qing Chen sat up in a flash of understanding, asking,“What is the meaning of this?” He had accomplished half of his a.s.signmentbefore being replaced by that castrated dog Qin Hong, and how he would beridiculed by him! He didn’t accept it!

“His Majesty has another a.s.signment for you.”

Hearing this Su Qing Chen released a breath, thinking thesituation wasn’t so bad, at least there was another a.s.signment for him, hecomforted himself in this way…, however after An Wen Yao finished speaking, thesmile couldn’t remain.

An Wen Yao watch Su Qing Chen’s face ashen, he didn’t feel abit of pity, he brought this on himself!

“Immediately set out? I still have some things…” Su QingChen thought of Zhao Jin Yu’s gaze of adoration for him last night, his heartburst into a ripple, he wished he could take her with him on his journey.

An Wen Yao was expressionless, he said, “Lord Su, you wantto defy the imperial decree? His Majesty said you must set out immediately!”

Su Qing Chen calmly kneeled, receiving the order, soon afterhe depressively packed his luggage setting off just like that…, on his way outhe walked past Zhao Jin Yu’s room but was not in the mood to say goodbye, nopoint in making himself more miserable!

Two months later, Su Qing Chen was wearing a thick fur coat,his eyelashes and lips were white with ice shards, he drank a mouthful ofstrong alcohol, that strong drink slid down his throat, making his stomachscorch, his face finally held some colour, his hand stroked the xiuchun sword at his waist, almosttearfully he asked the person beside him, “You say there is no snow lotus herbhere?”

Beside him was a slight-built old man, he had so manywrinkles on his face that they could catch houseflies, but a radiance shone inhis eyes, seeing Su Qing Chen nearly collapsing, his heart was rathersympathetic, this lord supposedly came to Daxing’anling mountain rangeto find snow lotus herb, a millennium old snow lotus herb, simply keeping himhere to wander around for a month, seeing this lord come from thousands ofmiles away in the dead of winter, he felt sorry to say to him, they did notproduce snow lotus herb…

“Then why didn’t you say so earlier!” Su Qing Chen angrilypicked up the slight-built old man, raising him up into the air, bellowing,“Are you messing with me?”

The old man seeing Su Qing Chen bare his teeth like anirritable lion, shrunk his neck in fear, saying, “I wanted to say at first, butyour lordship said you had received a decree, I then thought maybe there reallyis some kind of millennium old snow lotus herb…, I am ignorant andinexperienced that’s why I didn’t know.”

“Then why did you say it now?”

“We’ve already searched for a month, if we were to find itwe would have already…, I think there might be a mistake.”

“My two feet and ten toes have all gotten frostbites! Andthere isn’t a part of my body…, you’re telling me this just now? I’m going tokill you!” Su Qing Chen roar resounded in the vast forest, like a pitifullament.

When Su Qing Chen arrived here did he then understand…, hemight have provoked the emperor’s wrath again, this was the emperor’spunishment for him, there was simply no snow lotus herb! But what did heactually do wrong?

That night, he suddenly woke up from his sleep, firmlypatting his thighs, like a madman he muttered, “How could I be so stupid!”


Going back to two months before, after Zhao Jin Yu found outSu Qing Chen had left without a word he didn’t care much, she only thought hehad gone to handle something, even though some time Su Qing Chen’s responsemade her feel this person could like her, but in a blink he again disappearedlike a gust, making people unable to make sense of it, it really was anunfathomable mystery, however since she originally didn’t have much feeling forSu Qing Chen…, that’s why she simply didn’t think much of this.

Early in the morning Chen Rong had sent the news, that ZhaoJin Yu was willing to return to the Zhao family…, by the afternoon someone fromthe Zhao family could be seen arriving in a hurry to meet her.

At that time Zhao Jin Yu was just having zhajiangmianwith Chen Rong, this tavern’s food really wasn’t bad, especially zhajiangmian, it could be considered anamazing tavern, smooth silky noodles, the sauce was made completelyauthentically, even though she tried hard to maintain her manners, she howevercouldn’t help become somewhat carefree, black thick paste also lingered on herlips.

Zhao Xing Kun was a middle aged man in his fifties, pale andthin with clear eyes, wearing a sky blue velvet gown, a black mink fur cloak drapedover his shoulders, he gave off a distinct out of ordinary n.o.bility air, hetook the lead getting out of the carriage, then pushing aside the curtain hehelped a poised woman of a similar age down, although this married woman washandsome, but because of her long shapely eyebrows her features appear somewhatsharp.

The owner of the tavern and it’s waiters were ratherdumbstruck, a good while later did they suddenly realise to step forward ingreeting, saying in reverence, “Lord Zhao, what wind has blown you to ourtavern? Your presence truly brings light to our humble tavern, quickly comein.” Then he personally used a cleaning rag to tidy up chairs and table forZhao Xing Kun. He patted the still stunned waiter, yelling, “Why are you stillstaring blankly? Steep tea for Lord Zhao! The best Longjing tea picked before Qingming!”

“Ai, ai.” That waiter promptly nodded about to enter thekitchen but was stopped by Zhao Xing Kun, he said, “I came here to findsomeone, no need for the trouble.”

“This…” The waiter looked at the owner.

The owner hurriedly squeezed out a pandering smile, politelyasking, “Lord Zhao, who are you looking for? I’ll take you to them.”

Xiu Ba Yan also followed closely, at this moment he finallycaught up with Zhao Xing Kun and his wife Mao Shi, wiping his sweat he cameover, saying, “Owner, I can take them over.” He however thought in his mind…,these two people are really anxious, he had just finished speaking to them attheir residence, when the two people ordered a carriage to be prepared,forgetting him, he almost couldn’t catch up.

However thinking about it again he somewhat understood, ifhis only son died prematurely, a granddaughter was missing, without news fortens of years, he also would be this impatient right?

When Xiu Ba Yan took the two people into Zhao Jin Yu’s room,they just caught Zhao Jin Yu putting the last bite of noodle into her mouth,her lips were covered in sauce, staring at them with wide eyes, like her facewas covered in grease, eyes like paint…, a seventh of her appearance resembledtheir deceased son, even if Zhao Xing Kun and Mao Shi had some doubtspreviously at this moment they disappeared, what remained was the joy ofmeeting her again.

“Child, you’ve suffered.” Mao Shi took the lead rushing overto hold her shoulders, tears unconsciously flowing.

Zhao Jin Yu blinked, she was just about to speak but Mao Shipulled her into her arms even tighter, her sauce tainted lips stained Mao Shi’smulti-coloured red brocade clothes…, her heart felt rather uneasy, she wantedto call out, lifting her head however seeing the pale and thin Zhao Xing Kunfacing her with a complex smile, in that smile was sadness, satisfaction, andsome unease, nevertheless it was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with forgiveness.

The Madam Mao Shi sobbed, “My son, at long last I haven’tlet you down, I’ve found your child…, after this life I at least have the gallto go see you.”

Zhao Xing Kun turned his head trying hard to suppress thetears in the corner of his eyes, only controlling it a good while later, saying,“This isn’t the place to talk, let’s hurry and take the girl back.”

“Ai, when someone gets old they get useless, seeing you andcrying.” The old woman Mao Shi laughed apologetically, lowering her head, thendid she see the sauce on the lapel of her jacket, she couldn’t help smile,saying, “The same as your dad, no manners at all when eating.” From her bosomshe took out a handkerchief carefully cleaning Zhao Jin Yu.

Zhao Jin Yu was very embarra.s.sed, after all this was thefirst time she saw the old lady, seeing her acting so intimately was unseemly…,the madam naturally saw Zhao Jin Yu was unaccustomed to this, she sadly said,“Child, I’m your paternal grandmother, don’t be afraid.”

Zhao Xing Kun urged, “Don’t frighten the child, let usreturn first.”

The madam nodded, but did not want to let go of Zhao JinYu’s hand, a reluctant manner, her gaze constantly lingered on her face,unceasingly saying, “Look so alike, you really look alike to your father.”

Zhao Ying Guan was Zhao Xing Kun’s only son, and had a rareintelligence, he was his greatest pride, he suffered more than anyone when hisson suddenly died tragically, now hearing his old wife mention their son, hecouldn’t help being extremely moved. However with some rationality he said, 

“This place is too simple and crude, how is this a place for the child to stay?Quickly let’s go back and talk.”

When they arrived at the Zhao residence, Zhao Jin Yu was takento sit down on the luohantaby the madam, personally handing her a warm cup of apricot kernel tea,saying, “Are you cold? Drink some to warm you up.” Again turning to the maid atthe side, “Bring over the gold fragrance cloisonné furnacefor the eldest young lady.”

That maid was somewhat astonished, she knew this furnace wasan heirloom from the madam’s mother, she always placed it away as a treasure,who would have imagined now meeting this young lady she was willing to partwith anything.

Zhao Jin Yu was in fact no thirsty, but she couldn’t bear tohurt the old lady’s kindness, she could only drink half the teacup.

Seeing this the madam was very pleased, personally wipingher mouth for her, saying, “At the time of your birth because there was a redbirthmark on you, which looked like a green luan,that’s why you were named Zhao Qing Luan.”

Zhao Jin Yu nodded saying, “Then I’ll let madam look at thebirthmark.” She knew the Zhao family wouldn’t so casually admit she was theirgranddaughter, inevitably there would be something to rely 


The madam and Zhao Xing Kun looked at each other, over theseyears the elderly couple gradually couldn’t take shock more and more, theywanted to look over that birthmark, but were also afraid of being disappointed,their minds were very confused, but they had to do this…, and there was noother way, taking Zhao Jin Yu to an inner room at the side, getting a maid totake off her outer clothes, just revealing the birthmark on her shoulder, the madambegan to be a bit hesitant, hearing the maid cry out in surprise, she hastilylooked, certain it was that green luanbirthmark, for a moment she was so emotional that she couldn’t help cry,saying, “Child you’ve suffered hardship, it’s paternal grandmother’sincompetency which made you wander about on the outside.”

Zhao Jin Yu did not want to refute the madam’s kindness, butstill she firmly said, “My adoptive father is very good to me, if it wasn’t forhim I would have already starved to death.” Even if she had a mind of a girlwho travelled through time, at that time she was still young, and was a streeturchin, if Zhao Chang Chun did not offer shelter back then, she may have beensold to the brothels.

The madam’s expression darkened, her heart rather upset, itwasn’t that she didn’t want to help, rather her granddaughter relied on anoutsider, giving her a kind of rejected feeling, resisting the ill feeling, shenodded saying, “Exactly, we ought to send your adoptive father a huge gift.”

Zhao Jin Yu looked at the madam, earnestly saying, “Adoptivefather is currently in prison, I’m afraid that he won’t be able to receive themadam’s huge gift.”

The madam understood this was Zhao Jin Yu’s subtle way ofasking her to help Zhao Chang Chun, muttering to herself irresolutely she said,“Your paternal grandfather will make discreet enquiries.”

Then did Zhao Jin Yu release a breath as if the heavy burdenshe bore was gone, facing the madam Mao Shi she bowed, saying, “Thank youmadam, if adoptive father is safe and sound, even in my next life I will repaythe madam’s kind act.”

The madam was very helpless in her mind, she hastened to helpZhao Jin Yu up not allowing her to bow, saying, “Can’t you call megrandmother?”

“Grandmother.” Zhao Jin Yu responded seeing the madam’sexpecting eyes.

“Ai.” The madam was greatly moved, holding Zhao Jin Yu’shand she walked outside, facing the waiting Zhao Xing Kun she said, “She’s ourQing Luan.”

Zhao Xing Kun released a breath, the gaze he looked at ZhaoJin Yu held some tenderness, he said, 

“Your grandmother has always prepared aroom for you, quickly take a bath and rest, you still need to see a crowd ofrelatives at night.”

Zhao Jin Yu did not think things would be arranged soquickly, she was somewhat astonished, the older maid at the side Cui Yu smiledsaying, “Ever since the eldest young lady has gone missing the madam has alwayskept this room, afraid that when the eldest young lady returns she would havenowhere to stay.”

Zhao Jin Yu was not made of stone, seeing the way the two ofthem treated her she was truly moved, and they had just promised to rescueadoptive father, her heart was very relaxed, she sincerely called out,“Grandfather, grandmother, then I’ll return to my room first.”

Zhao Xing Kun and the madam Mao Shi seeing Zhao Jin  Yu finally soften, was in a great mood,promptly saying, “Go quickly, go quickly.”

After bathing, Zhao Jin Yu laid on the bed, holding thestone she said, “Did you hear? There’s finally hope for adoptive father, butwhen I think that I have to stay at such a large residence I feel unbearablystifled.”

Ever since the emperor became aware of his feelings for ZhaoJin Yu he had thought of ways to bring her into the palace, now seeing herreturning to her family he was very happy, calculating that next year it wasthe triennial imperial concubine selection, he could openly bring her into thepalace like this.

“It won’t be for long, if you believe in me, we will allowyou to live the life you want.”

Zhao Jin Yu felt a slight change in the stone, his wordswere no longer angry, it seemed to be filled with tolerance and indulgence…,making her suspicious whether the two of them were in love.

Zhao Jin Yu smiled, saying, “If I didn’t know you were astone, I would think you want to marry me.”

The emperor muttered in his head, isn’t that why I want totrick you into entering the palace, but he didn’t dare to say it directly,afraid she would be frightened, he previously didn’t tell Zhao Jin Yu hisident.i.ty because he was afraid she would have some evil intention, harmful tohimself, now he was nevertheless rather nervous…, Zhao Jin Yu cared about heradoptive father in such a way, if she knew he was the emperor who locked heradoptive father up in prison what would she think? Would she still speak to himwith no ill-feelings like now?

The emperor had a lot of conflicting views in his mind, onone hand he wanted Zhao Jin Yu to enter the palace as soon as possible,allowing him to be with her morning and night, on the other hand he was worriedshe would harbour hard feelings against him…, now did he understand the reasonNingguo Princess had fell out with him over her husband, as it turns outso-called love makes people weak like this?

However just looking at her like this, his heart was happyand comfortable…, the emperor turned his face, making it so his gaze wasn’talways on Zhao Jin Yu, he couldn’t help think, he really was hopeless!

Zhao Jin Yu did not receive the stone’s response for a longtime, thinking he was angry again, she smiled saying, “I just thought yourtemper had gotten better recently, in the end it was pointless, you’ve startedto like paying no attention to people again.”

Seeing Zhao Jin Yu forgive him in such way, the emperor’sheart fluttered with happiness, but his lips only said, “It’s not easy if youwant us to marry you, ordinary people don’t even dare to think about it.” To beable to use the word marry then she would be the main palace’s empress, indeedit is a thing ordinary people do not dare to imagine.

Zhao Jin Yu seeing the stone acting so smug, she touched herhead to his saying, “Lying in such a way, you really don’t know how to beashamed.”

The emperor snorted saying, “We never lie!” His heart andmind felt unwell, he only wished tomorrow was the  imperial concubine selection, then bring herinto the palace.

Zhao Jin Yu smiled, she didn’t know why, she always thoughtthe stone’s candid character was very charming, even if it had a malicioustongue and at times she wanted to crush it, but more of the time…, she stillfelt it was mainly adorable.

“What do you want to eat at night?” Zhao Jin Yu had to see agroup of relatives in a while, the Zhao family was huge, flourishing withoffspring, several branches of wives, and the branches from them lived on thesame street, they could be called for in a moment.

That’s why while there was still time she hurriedly atedinner.

Once food was mentioned, the emperor’s eyes shone, saying,“These past few days you ordered zhajiangmienevery day for us, we really are sick of it, can you switch to somethingelse?”

“Fine.” When the stone wasn’t angry, it’s voice was sweetand cute, and sounded a bit like a child, it made people sincerely pamper it hearingit, Zhao Jin Yu hearing the stone speak so politely, it seemed abnormallywell-behaved, he couldn’t help place the stone into the palm of her hand,kissing it, saying, “We want Longjing sh.e.l.led shrimp, steamed pork wrapped inlotus leaf, eight treasures chicken…” Zhao Jin Yu read out some dishes from themenu the maid Cui Yu had given her before.

The emperor only felt there was a kind of burning feelingwhere Zhao Jin Yu had kissed him, making his heart slam, his manner of speakingsoftened even more, he said, “It all sounds very tasty.” His voice was soft, especiallypleasant to hear.

Zhao Jin Yu heard the stone’s expecting overtone, thinkingthe stone was like a child wanting sweets at times like this, especially adorable,she couldn’t help kiss it again, saying, “We’ll eat whatever our Majesty wantsto eat.” Her voice filled with forgiveness and adoration.

The emperor nestled against Zhao Jin Yu’s chest rather unwillingto let go of the current atmosphere, he only felt a happiness was emitted inthe air all around, taking a breath it tasted sort of sweet.

Cui Yu was the main personal maid of the madam, the madamseeing her and Zhao Jin Yu somewhat hitting it off, had a.s.signed her to serveby Zhao Jin Yu’s side, hearing Zhao Jin Yu calling her to enter, she hurriedlybowed coming in, warmly asking, “Eldest young lady, you want to eat somethingfirst to keep you going?” Suggesting Zhao Jin Yu to eat in advance was also themadam’s idea, it wasn’t certain how long the hustle and bustle may last for,afraid her granddaughter would starve.

Zhao Jin Yu told Cui Yu the dishes she wanted, “These disheswill do.”

Cui Yu said smiling, “Eldest young lady, the Xihu beef soupour residence’s chefs makes is really good, does the eldest young lady want totry?”

“Yes.” Zhao Jin Yu said.

Zhao Jin Yu ordered five or six dishes, surprisingly it wasdelivered within a quarter of an hour, opening the food box, steam still cameoff the surface, Cui Yu arranged the table for Zhao Jin Yu, while smiling andsaying, “The chefs in the kitchen heard it was the eldest young lady whoordered the food, they were very excited, they made these without taking abreak, try it, if you’re not satisfied I can make them redo it.”

“It smells and look great, the taste won’t be bad.” Zhao JinYu spoke then brought up Chen Rong, saying, “Where has my aunt been placed?”

“Lady aunt has been placed in the east room, Zhen Zhu isserving her.” Zhen Zhu was another maid the madam had a.s.signed to Zhao Jin Yu,with the elderly lady she was also considered a first cla.s.s maid, very cleverand quick-witted, “Do you need someone to call for Lady aunt to have dinnerwith you?”

Zhao Jin Yu shook her head, if Chen Rong was here…, the stonewouldn’t be able to eat as he wished, she said, “Just serve another portion ofthese to aunt, oh right, aunt doesn’t like scallion”

Even though Cui Yu thought it was rather strange, but shestill suppressed the questions in her mind, saying, “This servant understands.”

“You can withdraw, I don’t like people waiting upon me whenI eat.” Zhao Jin Yu said to Cui Yu who was just about to serve her food, “Fromnow on it’ll be like this, when I eat allow me to be alone.”

“Yes.” Cui Yu knew that even though Zhao Jin Yu had beenmissing, her family background wasn’t above average, her mother was only of alow rank, but her adoptive father was formally a successful candidate of thehighest imperial civil service examination, reportedly before he was throwninto jail he was a fifth ranked official, growing up in such a family, it couldbe a.s.sumed she wasn’t an unsophisticated country person who didn’t knowanything, perhaps she really doesn’t like people waiting upon her? She didn’tdare to scorn her, saying, “Eldest young lady, enjoy your meal.” After speakingshe bowed out of the room.

After Cui Yu had left, the emperor narrowed his eyes,saying, “That maid cannot stay.”

“Why?” Zhao Jin Yu thought Cui Yu was very good…, she tookcare of everything for her, besides she good-naturedly put forward appropriatesuggestions.

The emperor was not willing to say, just now when Zhao JinYu said she wanted to eat by herself, even though Cui Yu used all her effort toendure it silently her eyes however could not hide her scorn…, his mindsuddenly burst into rage, thinking about it, a mere maid, what was she? Sheactually looked down at his Jin Yu!

Just wait, he will definitely make these pay. Theemperor’s temper had never been good…, now he itched to immediately ordersomeone to sort out that girl Cui Yu, but currently he was a stone, he reallycouldn’t do anything, this sort of setback made him feel uneasy.

Zhao Jin Yu waited a while for the stone to respond,thinking again he was inwardly angry with her, she said, “I feel like there’snothing to be angry about, isn’t she very good? It’s fine, the food is going togo cold, let’s eat quickly.”

That’s because you’re stupid! The emperor secretly sulked, butonce Zhao Jin Yu had washed him and placed him in a bowl piled with food, healready couldn’t think of anything else, wuwuwu, so tasty.

Zhao Jin Yu also poured the Xihu beef soup into the bowl offood the stone was lying in, saying, “Don’t just eat, drink some soup.”

“You should also eat more.” The emperor spoke with rarepoliteness.

Zhao Jin Yu smiled, saying, “En, I’ll also eat more.”

After eating, Zhao Jin Yu changed her clothes then went tofind Chen Rong, at that moment Chen Rong had also just finished eating, and wasjust drinking tea used to aid digestion, seeing Zhao Jin Yu approach her shewaved saying, “Jin girl, come quickly.” Soon after she pulled Zhao Jin Yu toher side looking her over carefully, her mouth repeatedly said, “You look likea different person changing into other clothes.”

The clothes the Zhao residence had prepared for Zhao Jin Yuwas naturally extremely exquisite, cloth worth ten gold per bolt of brocade,satin, there were even some pieces of clothing made of silk offered as atribute to the palace, just now while Zhao Jin Yu was eating Cui Yu had gottenpeople to hastily alter the clothes in accordance to Zhao Jin Yu’s body shape,this was how the wide sleeve, beige inlayed collar, yellow rose shrub patternwith a dark green base lined with satin gown came about.

As they say people relied on clothes like a horse relied ona saddle, Zhao Jin Yu always stood out in appearance, but now speciallydressing up she was ever more elegant and beyond compare, and since she hadbeen following around Xu Shi who came from an influential family, with herinfluence, her body possessed an aura of n.o.bility.

Chen Rong clicked her tongue in praise, pride filling herheart, she said, “It seems that our Jin girl, ought to naturally live such alife of luxury.”

Zhao Jin Yu stuck out her tongue, recalling the stone’sdumbstruck appearance when he saw her just now, she couldn’t helpnarcissistically think…, a person who is beautiful is capable of causing thedownfall of a state by dressing up a little, 囧.

The two people spoke for a little while, Chen Rong said, “Thosemaids you have are indeed clever, but they have just been just a.s.signed to youby the madam today, I’m afraid they won’t do many things with their utmosteffort, in a while I’ll go back with you…, you don’t know, inside such bigfamilies, how many small-minded people are hidden, perhaps they might not evenallow you into the family.”

“They are inclined to not accept it, so long as nothinghappens to adoptive father, I would even go back to take care of adoptivefather.” Zhao Jin Yu said.

“As expected nurture over nature…” Chen Rong saw Zhao Jin Yuwas not in the least fond of this family, she was very moved, saying, “To beable to become the Zhao family’s eldest young lady, it’s a thing that who knowshow many people would long for, you however don’t care for it.”

“Aunt, if you had to give up as an armed escort, to comehere to be a young lady, would you be willing?”

“No…” Chen Rong spoke and came to herself, she couldn’t helplaugh heartily, very gratefully she said, “You’re reluctance to restrictyourself is like the members of our Chen family.”

“Aunt…, what was my mother like?” The closer Zhao Jin Yu gotto Chen Rong, the more she liked her, her heart unconsciously began to think ofthat mother she had never met before.

“Your maternal grandfather only had one daughter, he broughther up like a boy since she was a child, she had a fiery temperament,rebellious.” Chen Rong unknowingly recalled Chen Cui Jing who she had grown upwith, “When she was pregnant, I was already at Xingtian bodyguardsestablishment, at that time she had actually come to see me, I still can’tforget how she looked.” Chen Cui Jing was filled with tender feelings as shestroked her slightly swelled out belly, her former fire had resided, only thehappiness and tenderness of becoming a mother was left behind.

The atmosphere inside the room was somewhat depressing, thetwo people did not speak, a good while later Chen Rong appeared to return fromher memories, patting her head she said, “I almost forgot to tell you somethingimportant.”


“Do you still remember a few days ago I had said to you inthe tavern I had once escorted a little girl to the Zhao family?” Chen Rongsaid looking at Zhao Jin Yu’s expression of sudden revelation, she continued tohurriedly say, “That girl and you look a seventh or eighth alike, the Zhaofamily had originally thought she was the missing you…, later having arrived atthe family they discovered she wasn’t, but the madam took pity, taking her inas an adopted daughter.”

“Then haven’t I got another sibling?”

“Just so, but…” Chen Rong considered her words, “Thatchild…, has complicated thoughts, I’m afraid she might not be easy to get alongwith.” Chen Rong could still remember when the Zhao family had looked at thatchild…, how old was that child back then? She knew how to discern what theythought by their body language, and cried to gain sympathy, at that time shehad held onto the madam crying pathetically, talking about how much she hadsuffered, how much guilt, how happy she was to finally see her grandmothertoday, that self-composed excellent performance left her a deep impression,that’s why when she was later treated as an adopted daughter by Mao Shi itobviously came as no surprise.

Zhao Jin Yu remained unmoved, she said, “If she doesn’ttreat me well, I will go, if worst comes to worst, I will travel the world withaunt, I’m just afraid aunt won’t want such an inconvenience to follow.” ZhaoJin Yu truly held no feelings for the Zhao family, to her rather than living insuch a grand residence she might as well make her way in the world with ChenRong seeing aspects of the world.

Chen Rong helplessly smiled, but was also filled with joy,she really liked how Zhao Jin Yu treated her closely…, thinking now, she reallyneeded to thank Zhao Chang Chun for giving her such an opportunity, she didn’twant to get married, and had given birth out of wedlock, and had lost herchild, not knowing where, now looking at Zhao Jin Yu she saw her like adaughter, her heart was completely satisfied. “Good, it’s settled then.” ChenRong said brightly.

Innorthwest of Heilongjiang province in northeast China.

Ground pork simmered with salty fermented soybean paste (or other sauce) overthick wheat noodle.

Mythical bird related to phoenix.

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