My Offers For You

Chapter 53

Xu Zhuya and Wu Yanchen waited for half a day for the call but no calls came. They then decided to go to the police. Just as they were about to leave the house, a call came up.

The sound was coming from somewhere inside the bedroom. When Xu Zhuya searched for Wu Lang, she didn"t take her phone in her hand and so it was kept in the bedside table only.

Xu Zhuya was still crying. Her tears hadn"t stopped and her face was puffed up due to continuous crying.

She quickly ran upstairs towards the bedroom worrying that the call might get cancelled. She pushed open the door and halted in her tracks.

There was a man sitting inside the room. The man was sitting elegantly on the chair holding a baby in his hand. The man was none other than Li Wei and he was holding Wu Muqing in his hands.

Xu Zhuya was shocked to see him here. At first she felt relieved that her baby was fine. But after seeing Li Wei, she started to panic.

Although, Xu Zhuya had moved on, she still started to panic. Not because of her love, but because of the baby boys. One of the baby boy was of Li Wei"s and the other one was of Wu Yanchen. So she was afraid that he knew about the baby and had co me to take him back.

Li Wei got up from the chair holding Wu Muqing in his hands. Holding the baby, he looked like a perfect father but.... was he really going to be a good father??

Li Wei got up from his seat holding the baby in his hands and stood infront of Xu Zhuya. He whispered seductively near her ear "Hey beautiful !!" He then looked straight into her eyes. "Did you like my surprise ??" He then turned back and started laughing. He laughed wildly and then immediately turned back once more and faced both Xu Zhuya and Wu Yanchen.

"I didn"t knew that I had a son too. Thanks to my wife..." He pointed towards Xu Zhuya and then corrected himself "oops, I"m sorry, my ex-wife. No!! My soon "TO-BE-WIFE", finally, I was able to reach her and got to know about my son too." He enunciated the word "TO-BE-WIFE" more clearly.

Xu Zhuya looked at him with darting eyes. She felt anger gush up in her veins when she heard the word "TO-BE-WIFE". She was really having a happy life all this while then why did he come back ?? What does he even mean by that word ?? Why did he just come back ??

Wu Yanchen looked at Xu Zhuya. Her face was confused and it had become pale. He felt her to be lifeless. Soon, he saw her losing her balance and she fell. It was that he was just standing beside her that he was able to get hold of her. He caught her in his arms at the right time and bought her to the bed.

He checked her pulse and her pulse was almost fine. Li Wei kept the baby in the cradle and sat beside Xu Zhuya. By the time he sat down, Wu Yanchen had already given her the medications. Now, Xu Zhuya was in a deep slumber.

Wu Yanchen saw Li Wei sitting beside Xu Zhuya. He walked towards him and caught hold of his collar. "Why did you even come back when she was all happy ?? She was living a happy life, then why did you come back ? You remembered you son now ?? Back then, when you were not there she was crying in pain. At night, she would always turn to the other side and cry inwardly. And in the morning, she used to force a smile afterall, a paediatrician she was, she had to hide all her pain. And then she fell in love with me, I had tried my best to remove all those thoughts of yours and when she succeeded, she gave herself to me and gave birth to my son. Then when everything was good, why did you just come back ?? If you wanted her back, then why did you even divorce her huh ?? Say me ?? Tell me why ?? Why did you do it ??" Wu Yanchen pulled his collar and started yelling at him.

After hearing Wu Yanchen, Li Wei felt bad for Xu Zhuya. He knew what he had done was wrong, but he didn"t knew that she would be hurted this much. He felt like crying after all that what he bad heard. And finally, a tear escaped from his eye.

After all the yelling, Wu Yanchen went out of the room. He went towards the bar counter situated in his room and took a bottle of strong wine. He opened the bottle and drank it all. That strong smell of wine went into his nostrils and its strong taste made him drink more. The tears started flowing from his eyes and he felt something strong in his heart.

When he finished a one full bottle, he took another one. Eventhough, he had a bar counter in his room, it was the first time him drinking it. He had kept all these wines for his guests. And today it felt like, he was being a guest drinking all the wine in one go.

Holding a filled wine bottle in his hand unsteadily he walked towards the main entrance and stepped out of his house.

He took out his car keys and entered into his car. He revved up the engine and left the house. He was driving in a drunken state. No alcohol tolerance, nothing. An empty road surrounded by trees.

While thinking about Xu Zhuya, he didn"t know when he started driving towards the forest. The road was completely empty and he was in a drunken state.

Slowly, slowly, he started to remember about his sweet memories with Xu Zhuya. A sweet smile escaped his lips when he saw her smiling.


It was 5 in the morning, Xu Zhuya got up from her bed. She looked at the sleeping guy beside her, it was Wu Yanchen. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Wu Yanchen moved a little when he felt something soft touch his cheek.

He opened his eyes and saw Xu Zuya staring at him. Perhaps, Xu Zhuya hadn"t noticed him. He sneakily, lifted his hands to catch hold of her waist.

He held her by waist and Xu Zhuya let out a scream. She hit him on his chest and struggled to let go of his grip "Ahhh!! Let go !! I have to go... We will get late... It"s already 5 in the morning. Let me go!!"

Which husband would listen so easily when he got hold of his wife?? Same way, Wu Yanchen also didn"t let go of Xu Zhuya, instead he pulled her towards him and tossed her on the bed. He was now on top of her and she was below him.

"You said me to let you go and I let you go... Are you satisfied by this ??" Wu Yanchen pushed her hands above her head and kissed her neck.

Xu Zhuya tilted her neck upwards and gave him proper access to kiss. After leaving a kiss mark on her neck, Wu Yanchen looked straight into her eyes. For a second, their eyes met and after that Xu Zhuya lowered her eyes.

He kissed her eyes and still she didn"t look up. He thought of an idea and took his hands towards her stomach. He started tickling her and when she felt those tickles, she started pushing him.

She moved and moved and he tickled and tickled. Xu Zhuya then pushed him harder and Wu Yanchen fell off the bed.


Xu Zhuya immediately got out of the bed and went towards him. She looked at Wu Yanchen and she saw his eyes closed. "Hey!! Are you okay ?? I"m sorry..... Get up na ?? Please get up...." She touched him and started to wake him up.

Wu Yanchen opened his eyes and screamed at her "waaaa...." Xu Zhuya got startled and she hit him again. "Ouch!! Sweetheart, I"m sorry... I didn"t mean to scare you... I was just playing with you.."

Xu Zhuya hugged him and spoke sadly "I"m sorry too.. I shouldn"t have done that... Where are you hurt ?? Tell me !!"

Wu Yanchen immediately got up and showed his backside. He pointed towards his hips. Xu Zhuya looked at him confused. After seeing her confused look, Wu Yanchen in an innocent way "You asked where I got hurt and this is where I got hurt..." He again pointed towards his hips and rubbed it.

Xu Zhuya smiled at him....


Wu Yanchen was broken out of his thoughts when he heard a truck honking. To avoid clashing with the truck, he took a turn and his turn led him to clash with.....

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