My Offers For You

Chapter 35

Publishedat 5th of May 2019 06:56:30 PMChapter 35

Xu Zhuya changed her clothes and went to rest . She closed her eyes for a while and she was disturbed by a knock on the door . She opened her eyes and got off the bed .

Xu Zhuya considered it as room service and opened the door . She was shocked to see Wu Yanchen"s mom ,Xiao Tan stand infornt of her . Xiao Tan gave a smile and said "How are you Miss . Xu?" She spoke with utter respect .

Xu Zhuya waved her hands in front of her and said "Ahh no, Please call me Xu . You are elder than me . You don"t have to call me that, Mrs . Xiao Tan . " Wu Yanchen chuckled a little and said "Then you should also stop calling me Mrs . You can call me Aunty . " She winked at Xu Zhuya .

Xu Zhuya nodded and gave a small smile . Before she was going to speak Xiao Tan spoke "By the way, I would really like it if you join my hospital . I would be glad to have you in the hospital as a doctor and also as my daugh . . . . . " Xiao Tan immediately covered her mouth and said "Ohh I"m sorry . I was just gonna speak some rubbish . hehe" She gave a creepy smile .

Xu Zhuya looked at her awkwardly and said "Okay Mrs . . . . ohh I"m sorry . Aunty Xiao . I"ll try my best to make into your hospital . Never mind about weird talks . I also do those sometimes . Hehe" Xu Zhuya also gave the same kind of laugh . The creepy laugh .

Xu Zhuya was going to invite her inside just then Wu Fan came puffing his face . His face was so red and Xu Zhuya could feel that smoke was emanating from both his head and ears . She felt him to be angry . Wu Fan greeted Xu Zhuya and whispered something in Xiao Tan"s ear . Suddenly Xu Zhuya noticed that the color of Xiao Tan"s face had turned from pink to pale . There was worry written on her face .

Xiao tan bid Xu Zhuya goodbye and hurriedly went off in Room 1013 . Xu Zhuya shrugged her shoulders and closed the door . She laid on her bed and after a while dozed off .

***2 Days Later***

Xu Zhuya got ready for the interview . She wore a formal dress ---- A white b.u.t.toned top with a black pencil skirt that outlined her curves . She looked flawless with her hair open just hung below her waist and rolled at the edges . She applied very less makeup because she was already fair . Her complexion was envied by everyone . She wore maroon stilettos and was all ready for her interview . She gave one last glance at the mirror and was about to leave the room just then she remembered something .

Her phone . It"s been 2 days since her phone has been lost . All her important details and even her certificates were in there . But thankfully she bought the original copy with her . So she immediately opened her bag and took out the file and went out of the room . She locked the room and pulled the handle once again to make sure that the room had been locked .

After making sure everything was with her she went out of the hotel . She hailed a cab and told the name of the hospital .

After almost half an hour she reached the hospital . The building was huge and the name was written in big bold letters . It looked soo enticing from the outside . The gla.s.s building looked very shiny due to the falling rays of the sun . Xu Zhuya admired the building and went inside . She wondered how would the inside be .

As soon as she entered inside the building, She was dumbfounded by the perfect, and clean and well arranged structure of the building . This hospital was thousand times better than her previous hospital . She loved it . She approached the receptionist and asked for the interview room .

The receptionist intrsucted her and she arrived at the door where the receptionist had said to knock at . She knocked at the door .

"Come In . " She heard a voice from inside the door . She opened the door entered inside the room . The room was huge and s.p.a.cious . It didn"t look like any interview room or something . The furniture were neatly placed and the room was coated with a brown and white color giving it a perfect touch of calmness and serenity .

"Please have a seat . " The voice in front of her spoke . At first Xu Zhuya was startled to hear the voice . But then she realized that she had come for an interview and was busy admiring the infrastructure of the room . She said inwardly "I will be startled only . They have such good hospital and now the rooms are also eye catching . "

Xu Zhuya looked at the person sitting on the chair . It was Wu Yanchen . She thought that either his mom or his brother would take her interview . But she didn"t knew that Wu Yanchen would be taking her interview . She kept her hand on her forehead and once again spoke inwardly "Aggh . . . Why is he taking the interview ?? He is soo weird . "

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